1 | # ngx-electron
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3 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ThorstenHans/ngx-electron.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ThorstenHans/ngx-electron)
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6 | `ngx-electron` is a small Module for [Angular](http://angular.io) which makes calling [Electron]() APIs from the [Renderer Process]() easier. By adding it to your Angular projet, you'll get intelli sense and a simple Angular service which acts as facade for Electron API's.
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8 | `ngx-electron` is licensed under [MIT](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
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10 | ## Introduction
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12 | Checkout the introduction post on my [blog](https://medium.com/@ThorstenHans/integrating-angular-and-electron-using-ngx-electron-9c36affca25e#.4scol1nli) for more details.
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14 | ## Support me
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16 | [![Become a Patron!](https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/become_a_patron_button.png)](https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=16380186)
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18 | ## Installation
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20 | `ngx-electron` can be installed easily using either `yarn` or `npm` commands in the scope of an angular project.
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22 | ```bash
23 | yarn add ngx-electron --save
24 | # or
25 | npm install ngx-electron --save
26 | ```
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28 | The `NgxElectronModule` needs to be import in your `root` Angular module (eg `AppModule`).
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30 | ``` typescript
31 | import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
32 | import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
33 | import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
34 |
35 | import { NgxElectronModule } from 'ngx-electron';
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37 |
38 | @NgModule({
39 | declarations: [],
40 | imports: [
41 | BrowserModule,
42 | NgxElectronModule
43 | ],
44 | bootstrap: [AppComponent]
45 | })
46 | export class AppModule {
47 |
48 | }
49 | ```
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51 | Once the module has been imported, you can easily use dependency injection to get an instance of `ElectronService`.
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53 | ``` typescript
54 | import { Component } from '@angular/core';
55 | import { ElectronService } from 'ngx-electron';
56 |
57 | @Component({
58 | selector: 'my-app',
59 | templateUrl: 'app.html'
60 | })
61 | export class AppComponent {
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63 | constructor(private _electronService: ElectronService) { }
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65 | public playPingPong() {
66 | if(this._electronService.isElectronApp) {
67 | let pong: string = this._electronService.ipcRenderer.sendSync('ping');
68 | console.log(pong);
69 | }
70 | }
71 | }
72 | ```
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74 | ## ElectronService
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76 | The `ElectronService` is exposing all API's accessible from within Electron's renderer process. **If your app is not running inside electron, all getters will return NULL instead**.
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78 | ### Properties
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80 | * `desktopCapturer: Electron.DesktopCapturer` - Electron's desktop capturing API
81 | * `ipcRenderer: Electron.IpcRenderer` - Electron IpcRenderer
82 | * `remote: Electron.Remote` - Electron Remote capabilities
83 | * `webFrame: Electron.WebFrame` - Electron WebFrame
84 | * `clipboard: Electron.Clipboard` - Clipboard API
85 | * `crashReporter: Electron.CrashReporter` - Electron's CrashReporter
86 | * `process: NodeJS.Process` - Electron's Process Object
87 | * `screen: Electron.Screen` - Electron's Screen API
88 | * `shell: Electron.Shell` - Electron's Shell API
89 | * `nativeImage: Electron.NativeImage` - Electron's NativeImage API
90 | * `isElectronApp: boolean` - Indicates if app is being executed inside of electron or not
91 | * `isMacOS: boolean` - Indicates if app is running in electron and on `macOS`
92 | * `isWindows: boolean` - Indicates if app is running in electron and on `Windows`
93 | * `isLinux: boolean` - Indicates if app is running in electron and on `Linux`
94 | * `isX86: boolean` - Indicates if app is running in electron and on a `x86` architecture
95 | * `isX64: boolean` - Indicates if app is running in electron and on a `x64` architecture