1 | <a href="http://jsdaddy.io/img/logo.png">
2 | <h1 align="center">NGX MASK</h1>
3 | </a>
4 |
5 | <p align="center">
6 | NGX MASK is the best directive to solve masking input with needed pattern
7 | </p>
8 |
9 | [![CI](https://github.com/JsDaddy/ngx-mask/actions/workflows/quality-check.yml/badge.svg?branch=develop)](https://github.com/JsDaddy/ngx-mask/actions/workflows/main.yml)
10 | [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/ngx-mask.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-mask)
11 | [![npm downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/ngx-mask.svg)](https://npmjs.org/ngx-mask)
12 |
13 | [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/ngx-mask.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-mask)
14 |
15 | [![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/JSDaddy/ngx-mask.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/JSDaddy/ngx-mask)
16 |
17 | [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/JSDaddy/ngx-mask.svg?label=GitHub%20Stars&style=flat)](https://github.com/JSDaddy/ngx-mask)
18 |
19 | You can also try our NGX LOADER INDICATOR [check](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-loader-indicator).
20 | You can also try our NGX COPYPASTE [check](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-copypaste).
21 |
22 | ### You can try live [documentation](https://jsdaddy.github.io/ngx-mask/) with examples
23 |
24 |
25 | ## Installing
26 | Angular version 17.x.x
27 | ```bash
28 | $ npm install --save ngx-mask
29 | ```
30 | Angular version 16.x.x
31 | ```bash
32 | $ npm install --save ngx-mask@16.4.2
33 | ```
34 | Angular version 15.x.x
35 | ```bash
36 | $ npm install --save ngx-mask@15.2.3
37 | ```
38 | Angular version 14.x.x
39 | ```bash
40 | $ npm install --save ngx-mask@14.3.3
41 | ```
42 | Angular version 13.x.x or 12.x.x
43 | ```bash
44 | $ npm install --save ngx-mask@13.2.2
45 | ```
46 |
47 | ## Quickstart if ngx-mask version >= 15.0.0
48 |
49 | Import **ngx-mask** directive, pipe and provide NgxMask providers with `provideNgxMask` function.
50 |
51 | ### With default config options application level
52 |
53 | ```typescript
54 | bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
55 | providers: [
56 | (...)
57 | provideEnvironmentNgxMask(),
58 | (...)
59 | ],
60 | }).catch((err) => console.error(err));
61 | ```
62 |
63 | ### Passing your own mask config options
64 |
65 | ```typescript
66 | import { IConfig } from 'ngx-mask'
67 |
68 | const maskConfig: Partial<IConfig> = {
69 | validation: false,
70 | };
71 |
72 | bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
73 | providers: [
74 | (...)
75 | provideEnvironmentNgxMask(maskConfig),
76 | (...)
77 | ],
78 | }).catch((err) => console.error(err));
79 | ```
80 |
81 | ### Using a function to configure:
82 |
83 | ```typescript
84 | const maskConfigFunction: () => Partial<IConfig> = () => {
85 | return {
86 | validation: false,
87 | };
88 | };
89 |
90 | bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
91 | providers: [
92 | (...)
93 | provideEnvironmentNgxMask(maskConfigFunction),
94 | (...)
95 | ],
96 | }).catch((err) => console.error(err));
97 | ```
98 |
99 | ### With config options feature level
100 |
101 | ```typescript
102 | @Component({
103 | selector: 'my-feature',
104 | templateUrl: './my-feature.component.html',
105 | styleUrls: ['./my-feature.component.css'],
106 | standalone: true,
107 | imports: [NgxMaskDirective, (...)],
108 | providers: [
109 | (...)
110 | provideNgxMask(),
111 | (...)
112 | ],
113 | })
114 | export class MyFeatureComponent {}
115 | ```
116 |
117 | Then, import directive, pipe to needed standalone component and just define masks in inputs.
118 |
119 | ### With Angular modules
120 |
121 | ```typescript
122 | @NgModule({
123 | imports: [
124 | NgxMaskDirective, NgxMaskPipe
125 | ],
126 | providers: [provideNgxMask()]
127 | })
128 | ```
129 |
130 | ## Quickstart if ngx-mask version < 15.0.0
131 |
132 | For version ngx-mask < 15.0.0
133 | Import **ngx-mask** module in Angular app.
134 |
135 | ### With default mask config options
136 |
137 | ```typescript
138 | import { NgxMaskModule, IConfig } from 'ngx-mask'
139 |
140 | export const options: Partial<null|IConfig> | (() => Partial<IConfig>) = null;
141 |
142 | @NgModule({
143 | imports: [
144 | NgxMaskModule.forRoot(),
145 | ],
146 | })
147 | ```
148 |
149 | ### Passing in your own mask config options
150 |
151 | ```typescript
152 | import { NgxMaskModule, IConfig } from 'ngx-mask'
153 |
154 | const maskConfig: Partial<IConfig> = {
155 | validation: false,
156 | };
157 |
158 | @NgModule({
159 | imports: [
160 | NgxMaskModule.forRoot(maskConfig),
161 | ],
162 | })
163 | ```
164 |
165 | Or using a function to get the config:
166 |
167 | ```typescript
168 | const maskConfigFunction: () => Partial<IConfig> = () => {
169 | return {
170 | validation: false,
171 | };
172 | };
173 |
174 | @NgModule({
175 | imports: [
176 | NgxMaskModule.forRoot(maskConfigFunction),
177 | ],
178 | })
179 | ```
180 |
181 | Then, just define masks in inputs.
182 |
183 | ## Usage
184 |
185 | Text [documentation](https://github.com/JsDaddy/ngx-mask/blob/develop/USAGE.md)
186 |
187 | ## Setup hooks
188 | ```bash
189 | $ npm run init:hooks
190 | ```
191 |
192 | ## Contributing
193 | We would love some contributions! Check out this [document](https://github.com/JsDaddy/ngx-mask/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started.