1 | # ngx-quill [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/KillerCodeMonkey/ngx-quill.svg?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/KillerCodeMonkey/ngx-quill)
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3 | <img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2264672/20601381/a51753d4-b258-11e6-92c2-1d79efa5bede.png" width="200px">
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5 | ngx-quill is an angular (>=2) component for the [Quill Rich Text Editor](https://quilljs.com/).
6 |
7 | ## Donate/Support
8 |
9 | If you like my work, feel free to support it. Donations to the project are always welcomed :)
10 |
11 | PayPal: [PayPal.Me/bengtler](http://paypal.me/bengtler)
12 |
13 | BTC Wallet Address:
14 | `3QVyr2tpRLBCw1kBQ59sTDraV6DTswq8Li`
15 |
16 | ETH Wallet Address:
17 | `0x394d44f3b6e3a4f7b4d44991e7654b0cab4af68f`
18 |
19 | LTC Wallet Address:
20 | `MFif769WSZ1g7ReAzzDE7TJVqtkFpmoTyT`
21 |
22 | XRP Wallet Address:
23 | `rXieaAC3nevTKgVu2SYoShjTCS2Tfczqx?dt=159046833`
24 |
25 | ## Examples
26 |
27 | - [Advanced Demo](https://github.com/killerCodeMonkey/ngx-quill-example)
28 | - integration of [quill-emoji](https://github.com/contentco/quill-emoji)
29 | - integration of [quill-mention](https://github.com/afconsult/quill-mention)
30 | - integration of [quill-image-resize](https://github.com/kensnyder/quill-image-resize-module)
31 | - custom word count module
32 | - custom toolbar with custom fonts and formats, toolbar position
33 | - show the differences between sanitizing and not sanitizing your content if your content format is html
34 | - usage of different content formats
35 | - template-driven and reactive forms
36 | - code + syntax highlighting
37 | - formulas
38 | - custom key-bindings, e.g. shift + b for bold
39 | - dynamic styles and placeholder
40 | - toggle readonly
41 | - bubble toolbar
42 | - activate formats after editor initialisation, e.g. rtl direction
43 | - [Ionic v3 Demo](https://github.com/KillerCodeMonkey/ngx-quill-ionic-v3)
44 |
45 | ## Compatibility to Angular Versions
46 |
47 | <table>
48 | <thead>
49 | <tr>
50 | <th>Angular</th>
51 | <th>ngx-quill</th>
52 | </tr>
53 | </thead>
54 | <tbody>
55 | <tr>
56 | <td>
57 | v4
58 | </td>
59 | <td>
60 | < 1.6.0
61 | </td>
62 | </tr>
63 | <tr>
64 | <td>
65 | v5
66 | </td>
67 | <td>
68 | > 1.6.0
69 | </td>
70 | </tr>
71 | <tr>
72 | <td>
73 | v6
74 | </td>
75 | <td>
76 | >= 3.0.0
77 | </td>
78 | </tr>
79 | <tr>
80 | <td>
81 | v7
82 | </td>
83 | <td>
84 | >= 4.0.0
85 | </td>
86 | </tr>
87 | </tbody>
88 | </table>
89 |
90 | ## Installation
91 |
92 | - `npm install ngx-quill`
93 | - for projects using Angular < v5.0.0 install `npm install ngx-quill@1.6.0`
94 | - install `@angular/core`, `@angular/common`, `@angular/forms`, `quill` and `rxjs` - peer dependencies of ngx-quill
95 | - include theme stylings: bubble.css, snow.css of quilljs in your index.html, or add them in your css/scss files with `@import` statements, or add them external stylings in your build process.
96 |
97 | ### For standard webpack, angular-cli and tsc builds
98 |
99 | - import `QuillModule` from `ngx-quill`:
100 | ```
101 | import { QuillModule } from 'ngx-quill'
102 | ```
103 | - add `QuillModule` to the imports of your NgModule:
104 | ```
105 | @NgModule({
106 | imports: [
107 | ...,
108 |
109 | QuillModule
110 | ],
111 | ...
112 | })
113 | class YourModule { ... }
114 | ```
115 | - use `<quill-editor></quill-editor>` in your templates to add a default quill editor
116 | - do not forget to include quill + theme css in your buildprocess, module or index.html!
117 | - for builds with angular-cli >=6 only add quilljs to your scripts or scripts section of angular.json, if you need it as a global :)!
118 |
119 | **HINT:** *If you are using lazy loading modules, you have to add `QuillModule` to your imports in your root module to make sure the `Config` services is registered.*
120 |
121 | ### For SystemJS builds (Config)
122 |
123 | - add quill and ngx-quill to your `paths`:
124 | ```
125 | paths: {
126 | ...
127 | 'ngx-quill': 'node_modules/ngx-quill/bundles/ngx-quill.umd.js',
128 | 'quill': 'node_modules/quill/dist/quill.js'
129 | }
130 | ```
131 | - set format and dependencies in `packages`:
132 | ```
133 | packages: {
134 | 'ngx-quill': {
135 | format: 'cjs',
136 | meta: {
137 | deps: ['quill']
138 | }
139 | },
140 | 'quill': {
141 | format: 'cjs'
142 | }
143 | }
144 | ```
145 | - follow the steps of **For standard webpack and tsc builds**
146 |
147 | ## Hint
148 |
149 | Ngx-quill updates the ngModel or formControl for every `user` change in the editor.
150 | Checkout the [QuillJS Source](https://quilljs.com/docs/api/#events) parameter of the `text-change` event.
151 |
152 | If you are using the editor reference to directly manipulate the editor content and want to update the model, pass `'user'` as the source parameter to the QuillJS api methods.
153 |
154 | ## Config
155 |
156 | - ngModel - set initial value or allow two-way databinding
157 | - readOnly (true | false) if user can edit content
158 | - formats - array of allowed formats/groupings
159 | - format - model format - default: `html`, values: `html | object | text | json`, sets the model value type - html = html string, object = quill operation object, json = quill operation json, text = plain text
160 | - modules - configure/disable quill modules, e.g toolbar or add custom toolbar via html element default is
161 | ```
162 | {
163 | toolbar: [
164 | ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'], // toggled buttons
165 | ['blockquote', 'code-block'],
166 |
167 | [{ 'header': 1 }, { 'header': 2 }], // custom button values
168 | [{ 'list': 'ordered'}, { 'list': 'bullet' }],
169 | [{ 'script': 'sub'}, { 'script': 'super' }], // superscript/subscript
170 | [{ 'indent': '-1'}, { 'indent': '+1' }], // outdent/indent
171 | [{ 'direction': 'rtl' }], // text direction
172 |
173 | [{ 'size': ['small', false, 'large', 'huge'] }], // custom dropdown
174 | [{ 'header': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }],
175 |
176 | [{ 'color': [] }, { 'background': [] }], // dropdown with defaults from theme
177 | [{ 'font': [] }],
178 | [{ 'align': [] }],
179 |
180 | ['clean'], // remove formatting button
181 |
182 | ['link', 'image', 'video'] // link and image, video
183 | ]
184 | };
185 | ```
186 | - theme - bubble/snow, default is `snow`
187 | - sanitize - uses angulars DomSanitizer to santize html values - default: `true`, boolean (only for format="html")
188 | - style - set a style object, e.g. `[style]="{height: '250px'}"`
189 | - placeholder - placeholder text, default is `Insert text here ...`
190 | - bounds - boundary of the editor, default `document.body`, pass 'self' to attach the editor element
191 | - maxLength - add validation for maxlength - set model state to `invalid` and add `ng-invalid` class
192 | - minLength - add validation for minlength - set model state to `invalid` and add `ng-invalid` class, only set invalid if editor text not empty --> if you want to check if text is required --> use the required attribute
193 | - required - add validation as a required field - `[required]="true"` - default: false, boolean expected (no strings!)
194 | - strict - default: true, sets editor in strict mode
195 | - scrollingContainer - default '.ql-editor', allows to set scrolling container
196 | - use custom-options for adding for example custom font sizes --> this overwrites this options **globally** !!!
197 | - possbility to create a custom toolbar via projection slot `[quill-editor-toolbar]`:
198 | ```
199 | <quill-editor>
200 | <div quill-editor-toolbar>
201 | <span class="ql-formats">
202 | <button class="ql-bold" [title]="'Bold'"></button>
203 | </span>
204 | <span class="ql-formats">
205 | <select class="ql-align" [title]="'Aligment'">
206 | <option selected></option>
207 | <option value="center"></option>
208 | <option value="right"></option>
209 | <option value="justify"></option>
210 | </select>
211 | <select class="ql-align" [title]="'Aligment2'">
212 | <option selected></option>
213 | <option value="center"></option>
214 | <option value="right"></option>
215 | <option value="justify"></option>
216 | </select>
217 | </span>
218 | </div>
219 | </quill-editor>
220 | ```
221 | - customToolbarPosition - if you are working with a custom toolbar you can switch the position :). - default: `top`, possible values `top`, `bottom`
222 | - debug - set log level `warn`, `error`, `log` or `false` to deactivate logging, default: `warn`
223 | - trackChanges - check if only `user` (quill source user) or `all` change should be trigger model update, default `user`. Using `all` is not recommended, it cause some unexpected sideeffects.
224 |
225 | [Full Quill Toolbar HTML](https://github.com/quilljs/quill/blob/f75ff2973f068c3db44f949915eb8a74faf162a8/docs/_includes/full-toolbar.html)
226 |
227 | ## Global Config
228 |
229 | It is possible to set custom default modules and Quill config options with the import of the `QuillModule`.
230 |
231 | ```
232 | @NgModule({
233 | imports: [
234 | ...,
235 |
236 | QuillModule.forRoot({
237 | modules: {
238 | syntax: true,
239 | toolbar: [...]
240 | }
241 | })
242 | ],
243 | ...
244 | })
245 | class YourModule { ... }
246 |
247 | ```
248 |
249 | If you want to use the `syntax` module follow the [Syntax Highlight Module Guide](https://quilljs.com/docs/modules/syntax/#syntax-highlighter-module).
250 |
251 | See [Quill Configuration](https://quilljs.com/docs/configuration/) for a full list of config options.
252 |
253 | The `QuillModule` exports the `defaultModules` if you want to extend them :).
254 |
255 | ## Outputs
256 |
257 | - onEditorCreated - editor instance
258 | ```
259 | editor // Quill
260 | ```
261 | - onContentChanged - text is updated
262 | ```
263 | {
264 | editor: editorInstance, // Quill
265 | html: html, // html string
266 | text: text, // plain text string
267 | content: content, // Content - operatins representation
268 | delta: delta, // Delta
269 | oldDelta: oldDelta, // Delta
270 | source: source // ('user', 'api', 'silent' , undefined)
271 | }
272 | ```
273 | - onSelectionChanged - selection is updated
274 | ```
275 | {
276 | editor: editorInstance, // Quill
277 | range: range, // Range
278 | oldRange: oldRange, // Range
279 | source: source // ('user', 'api', 'silent' , undefined)
280 | }
281 | ```
282 |
283 | ## Security Hint
284 |
285 | Angular templates provide some assurance against XSS in the form of client side sanitizing of all inputs https://angular.io/guide/security#xss.
286 |
287 | Ngx-quill provides the config paramter `sanitize` to sanitize html-strings passed as `ngModel` or `formControl` to the component.
288 |
289 | It is **deactivated per default** to avoid stripping content or styling, which is not expected.
290 |
291 | But it is **recommended** to activate this option, if you are working with html strings as model values.
292 |