18.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (global, factory) {
2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@angular/core'), require('@angular/common'), require('@angular/forms')) :
3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '@angular/core', '@angular/common', '@angular/forms'], factory) :
4 (factory((global['ngx-wig'] = {}),global.core,global.common,global.forms));
5}(this, (function (exports,core,common,forms) { 'use strict';
8 * @fileoverview added by tsickle
9 * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc
10 */
11var NgxWigToolbarService = (function () {
12 function NgxWigToolbarService() {
13 this._buttonLibrary = {
14 list1: { title: 'Unordered List', command: 'insertunorderedlist', styleClass: 'list-ul' },
15 list2: { title: 'Ordered List', command: 'insertorderedlist', styleClass: 'list-ol' },
16 bold: { title: 'Bold', command: 'bold', styleClass: 'bold' },
17 italic: { title: 'Italic', command: 'italic', styleClass: 'italic' },
18 link: { title: 'Link', command: 'createlink', styleClass: 'link' }
19 };
20 this._defaultButtonsList = ['list1', 'list2', 'bold', 'italic', 'link'];
21 }
22 /**
23 * @param {?} buttons
24 * @return {?}
25 */
26 NgxWigToolbarService.prototype.setButtons = /**
27 * @param {?} buttons
28 * @return {?}
29 */
30 function (buttons) {
31 // if(!angular.isArray(buttons)) {
32 // throw 'Argument "buttons" should be an array';
33 // }
34 this._defaultButtonsList = buttons;
35 };
37 /**
38 * @param {?} name
39 * @param {?} title
40 * @param {?} command
41 * @param {?} styleClass
42 * @return {?}
43 */
44 NgxWigToolbarService.prototype.addStandardButton = /**
45 * @param {?} name
46 * @param {?} title
47 * @param {?} command
48 * @param {?} styleClass
49 * @return {?}
50 */
51 function (name, title, command, styleClass) {
52 if (!name || !title || !command) {
53 throw 'Arguments "name", "title" and "command" are required';
54 }
55 styleClass = styleClass || '';
56 this._buttonLibrary[name] = { title: title, command: command, styleClass: styleClass };
57 this._defaultButtonsList.push(name);
58 };
59 /**
60 * @param {?} name
61 * @param {?} pluginName
62 * @return {?}
63 */
64 NgxWigToolbarService.prototype.addCustomButton = /**
65 * @param {?} name
66 * @param {?} pluginName
67 * @return {?}
68 */
69 function (name, pluginName) {
70 if (!name || !pluginName) {
71 throw 'Arguments "name" and "pluginName" are required';
72 }
73 this._buttonLibrary[name] = { pluginName: pluginName, isComplex: true };
74 this._defaultButtonsList.push(name);
75 };
76 /**
77 * @param {?=} buttonsList
78 * @return {?}
79 */
80 NgxWigToolbarService.prototype.getToolbarButtons = /**
81 * @param {?=} buttonsList
82 * @return {?}
83 */
84 function (buttonsList) {
85 var _this = this;
86 var /** @type {?} */ buttons = this._defaultButtonsList;
87 var /** @type {?} */ toolbarButtons = [];
88 if (typeof buttonsList !== 'undefined') {
89 buttons = string2array(buttonsList);
90 }
91 buttons.forEach(function (buttonKey) {
92 if (!buttonKey) {
93 return;
94 }
95 if (!_this._buttonLibrary[buttonKey]) {
96 throw 'There is no "' + buttonKey + '" in your library. Possible variants: ' + Object.keys(_this._buttonLibrary);
97 }
98 var /** @type {?} */ button = Object.assign({}, _this._buttonLibrary[buttonKey]);
99 // button.isActive = () => {return !!this.command && document.queryCommandState(this.command);}
100 toolbarButtons.push(button);
101 });
102 return toolbarButtons;
103 };
104 return NgxWigToolbarService;
107 * @param {?} keysString
108 * @return {?}
109 */
110function string2array(keysString) {
111 return keysString.split(',').map(Function.prototype.call, String.prototype.trim);
115 * @fileoverview added by tsickle
116 * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc
117 */
118var NgxWigComponent = (function () {
119 function NgxWigComponent(_ngWigToolbarService) {
120 this._ngWigToolbarService = _ngWigToolbarService;
121 this.isSourceModeAllowed = false;
122 this.contentChange = new core.EventEmitter();
123 this.editMode = false;
124 this.toolbarButtons = [];
125 this.hasFocus = false;
126 this.propagateChange = function (_) { };
127 // hardcoded icons theme for now
128 this.iconsTheme = "nw-button-mdi";
129 }
130 /**
131 * @return {?}
132 */
133 NgxWigComponent.prototype.toggleEditMode = /**
134 * @return {?}
135 */
136 function () {
137 this.editMode = !this.editMode;
138 };
139 /**
140 * @param {?} command
141 * @param {?} options
142 * @return {?}
143 */
144 NgxWigComponent.prototype.execCommand = /**
145 * @param {?} command
146 * @param {?} options
147 * @return {?}
148 */
149 function (command, options) {
150 if (this.editMode) {
151 return false;
152 }
153 if (document.queryCommandSupported && !document.queryCommandSupported(command)) {
154 throw 'The command "' + command + '" is not supported';
155 }
156 if (command === 'createlink' || command === 'insertImage') {
157 options = window.prompt('Please enter the URL', 'http://');
158 if (!options) {
159 return;
160 }
161 }
162 // use insertHtml for `createlink` command to account for IE/Edge purposes, in case there is no selection
163 var /** @type {?} */ selection = document.getSelection().toString();
164 if (command === 'createlink' && selection === '') {
165 document.execCommand('insertHtml', false, '<a href="' + options + '">' + options + '</a>');
166 }
167 else {
168 document.execCommand(command, false, options);
169 }
170 this.container.focus();
171 };
172 /**
173 * @return {?}
174 */
175 NgxWigComponent.prototype.ngOnInit = /**
176 * @return {?}
177 */
178 function () {
179 var _this = this;
180 this.toolbarButtons = this._ngWigToolbarService.getToolbarButtons(this.buttons);
181 this.container = this.ngxWigEditable.nativeElement;
182 if (this.content) {
183 this.container.innerHTML = this.content;
184 }
185 // view --> model
186 ('keyup change focus click'.split(' ')).forEach(function (event) {
187 return _this.container.addEventListener(event, function () {
188 _this.content = _this.container.innerHTML;
189 _this.contentChange.emit(_this.content);
190 _this.propagateChange(_this.content);
191 }, false);
192 });
193 };
194 /**
195 * @param {?} changes
196 * @return {?}
197 */
198 NgxWigComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges = /**
199 * @param {?} changes
200 * @return {?}
201 */
202 function (changes) {
203 if (this.container && changes['content']) {
204 // clear the previous content
205 this.container.innerHTML = '';
206 // add the new content
207 this.pasteHtmlAtCaret(changes['content'].currentValue);
208 }
209 };
210 /**
211 * @param {?} event
212 * @return {?}
213 */
214 NgxWigComponent.prototype.onChange = /**
215 * @param {?} event
216 * @return {?}
217 */
218 function (event) {
219 // model -> view
220 this.container.innerHTML = this.content;
221 this.contentChange.emit(this.content);
222 this.propagateChange(this.content);
223 };
224 /**
225 * @param {?} value
226 * @return {?}
227 */
228 NgxWigComponent.prototype.writeValue = /**
229 * @param {?} value
230 * @return {?}
231 */
232 function (value) {
233 if (value) {
234 this.content = value;
235 this.container.innerHTML = this.content;
236 }
237 };
238 /**
239 * @param {?} fn
240 * @return {?}
241 */
242 NgxWigComponent.prototype.registerOnChange = /**
243 * @param {?} fn
244 * @return {?}
245 */
246 function (fn) {
247 this.propagateChange = fn;
248 };
249 /**
250 * @return {?}
251 */
252 NgxWigComponent.prototype.registerOnTouched = /**
253 * @return {?}
254 */
255 function () { };
256 /**
257 * @return {?}
258 */
259 NgxWigComponent.prototype.shouldShowPlaceholder = /**
260 * @return {?}
261 */
262 function () {
263 return this.placeholder
264 && !this.hasFocus
265 && !this.container.innerText;
266 };
267 /**
268 * @param {?} html
269 * @return {?}
270 */
271 NgxWigComponent.prototype.pasteHtmlAtCaret = /**
272 * @param {?} html
273 * @return {?}
274 */
275 function (html) {
276 var /** @type {?} */ sel, /** @type {?} */ range;
277 if (window.getSelection) {
278 sel = window.getSelection();
279 if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) {
280 range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
281 range.deleteContents();
282 // append the content in a temporary div
283 var /** @type {?} */ el = document.createElement('div');
284 el.innerHTML = html;
285 var /** @type {?} */ frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), /** @type {?} */ node = void 0, /** @type {?} */ lastNode = void 0;
286 while ((node = el.firstChild)) {
287 lastNode = frag.appendChild(node);
288 }
289 range.insertNode(frag);
290 // Preserve the selection
291 if (lastNode) {
292 range = range.cloneRange();
293 range.setStartAfter(lastNode);
294 range.collapse(true);
295 sel.removeAllRanges();
296 sel.addRange(range);
297 }
298 }
299 }
300 };
301 /**
302 * @param {?} isDisabled
303 * @return {?}
304 */
305 NgxWigComponent.prototype.setDisabledState = /**
306 * @param {?} isDisabled
307 * @return {?}
308 */
309 function (isDisabled) {
310 this.disabled = isDisabled;
311 };
312 NgxWigComponent.decorators = [
313 { type: core.Component, args: [{
314 selector: 'ngx-wig',
315 template: "<div class=\"ng-wig\"> <ul class=\"nw-toolbar\" *ngIf=\"toolbarButtons.length\"> <li class=\"nw-toolbar__item\" *ngFor=\"let button of toolbarButtons\"> <div *ngIf=\"!button.isComplex\"> <button type=\"button\" class=\"nw-button\" [ngClass]=\"[button.styleClass, iconsTheme]\" [title]=\"button.title\" (click)=\"execCommand(button.command)\" [disabled]=\"disabled\"> {{ button.title }} </button> </div> </li><!-- --><li class=\"nw-toolbar__item\"> <button type=\"button\" class=\"nw-button nw-button--source\" title=\"Edit HTML\" [class.nw-button--active] = \"editMode\" [ngClass]=\"iconsTheme\" *ngIf=\"isSourceModeAllowed\" (click)=\"toggleEditMode()\" [disabled]=\"disabled\"> Edit HTML </button> </li> </ul> <div class=\"nw-editor-container\" (click)=\"container.focus()\" [ngClass]=\"{ 'nw-editor-container--with-toolbar': toolbarButtons.length }\"> <div class=\"nw-editor__src-container\" *ngIf=\"editMode\"> <textarea [(ngModel)]=\"content\" (ngModelChange)=\"onChange($event)\" class=\"nw-editor__src\"> </textarea> </div> <div class=\"nw-editor\" [ngClass]=\"{ 'nw-disabled': disabled,'nw-invisible': editMode}\"> <div class=\"nw-editor__placeholder\" [innerText]=\"placeholder\" *ngIf=\"shouldShowPlaceholder()\"> </div> <div #ngWigEditable class=\"nw-editor__res\" [attr.contenteditable]=\"!disabled\" [ngClass]=\"{ disabled: disabled}\" (focus)=\"hasFocus = true\" (blur)=\"hasFocus = false\"> </div> </div> </div> </div>",
316 styles: ["/* -------- NG-WIG -------- */ /** * * RESET BOX MODEL * */ .ng-wig, [class^=\"nw-\"] { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -o-box-sizing: border-box; -ms-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } /** * main wrapper for the editor * * .ngx-wig * */ .ng-wig { display: block; padding: 0; margin: 0; } /** * styling for toolbar and its items * * .nw-toolbar * &__item * */ .nw-toolbar { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; font-size: 12px; color: #6B7277; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #ffffff 0%, #f9f9f9 100%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(90deg, #ffffff 0%, #f9f9f9 100%); background: linear-gradient(180deg, #ffffff 0%, #f9f9f9 100%); border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0; } .nw-toolbar__item { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin: 0; border-right: 1px solid #DEDEDE; } .nw-toolbar label { line-height: 30px; display: inline-block; padding: 0 6px 0 3px; } .nw-toolbar input[type=checkbox] { vertical-align: -3px; margin-right: -1px; } /** * styling for the editor part: source code (original textarea) and resulting div * * .nw-editor * &__src * &__res * */ .nw-editor { display: table; /* Default when height is not set */ height: 300px; background: #fff; cursor: text; width: 100%; } .nw-editor-container { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; position: relative; } .nw-editor-container--with-toolbar { border-top: none; } .nw-editor__res { min-height: 100%; padding: 0 8px; display: table-cell; } .nw-editor__placeholder { padding: 1px 8px; color: lightgray; display: table-cell; width: 100%; } .nw-editor__src, .nw-editor__res { width: 100%; outline: none; box-sizing: border-box; border: none; margin: 0; } .nw-editor__res.disabled { opacity: 0.5; } .nw-editor__src-container { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; } .nw-editor__src { height: 100%; resize: none; padding: 0 8px; } .nw-editor--fixed .nw-editor { display: block; overflow-y: auto; } .nw-editor--fixed .nw-editor__res { padding: 1px 8px; display: block; } .nw-invisible { visibility: hidden; } .nw-editor--fixed .nw-invisible { display: none; } .nw-editor.nw-disabled { cursor: default; } /** * styling for toolbar button, has two modifiers: active and type of icon for background * * .nw-button * &--active * &--{button type} * */ .nw-button { -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; display: block; width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; opacity: 0.5; line-height: 30px; background-color: transparent; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; border: none; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 0; cursor: pointer; } .nw-button-fa:before { font-size: 12px; font-family: FontAwesome; } .nw-button-fa.bold:before { content: '\\f032'; } .nw-button-fa.italic:before { content: '\\f033'; } .nw-button-fa.list-ul:before { content: '\\f0ca'; } .nw-button-fa.list-ol:before { content: '\\f0cb'; } .nw-button-fa.link:before { content: '\\f0c1'; } .nw-button-fa.font-color:before { content: '\\f031'; } .nw-button-fa.nw-button--source:before { content: '\\f040'; } .nw-button-fa.clear-styles:before { content: '\\f12d'; } .nw-button-mdi:before { vertical-align: middle; font-size: 14px; font-family: \"Material Design Icons\"; } .nw-button-mdi.bold:before { content: '\\f264'; } .nw-button-mdi.italic:before { content: '\\f277'; } .nw-button-mdi.list-ul:before { content: '\\f279'; } .nw-button-mdi.list-ol:before { content: '\\f27B'; } .nw-button-mdi.link:before { content: '\\f339'; } .nw-button-mdi.font-color:before { content: '\\f6D5'; } .nw-button-mdi.nw-button--source:before { content: '\\f3EB'; } .nw-button-mdi.clear-styles:before { content: '\\f1fE'; } .nw-button:focus { outline: none; } .nw-button:hover, .nw-button.nw-button--active { opacity: 1 } .nw-button--active { background-color: #EEEEEE; } .nw-button:disabled { cursor: default; } .nw-button:disabled:hover { opacity: 0.5; } /** * styling & formatting of content inside contenteditable div * * .nw-content * */ .nw-content { padding: 12px; margin: 0; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; } .nw-select { height: 30px; padding: 6px; color: #555; background-color: inherit; border: 0; } .nw-select:disabled { opacity: 0.5; } .nw-select:focus { outline: none; } .nw-button:focus { border-color: lightgray; border-style: solid; } [contenteditable]:empty:before { content: attr(placeholder); color: grey; display: inline-block; }"],
317 providers: [
318 NgxWigToolbarService,
319 {
320 provide: forms.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
321 useExisting: core.forwardRef(function () { return NgxWigComponent; }),
322 multi: true
323 }
324 ],
325 encapsulation: core.ViewEncapsulation.None
326 },] },
327 ];
328 /** @nocollapse */
329 NgxWigComponent.ctorParameters = function () { return [
330 { type: NgxWigToolbarService, },
331 ]; };
332 NgxWigComponent.propDecorators = {
333 "content": [{ type: core.Input },],
334 "placeholder": [{ type: core.Input },],
335 "buttons": [{ type: core.Input },],
336 "disabled": [{ type: core.Input },],
337 "isSourceModeAllowed": [{ type: core.Input },],
338 "contentChange": [{ type: core.Output },],
339 "ngxWigEditable": [{ type: core.ViewChild, args: ['ngWigEditable',] },],
340 };
341 return NgxWigComponent;
345 * @fileoverview added by tsickle
346 * @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc
347 */
348var NgxWigModule = (function () {
349 function NgxWigModule() {
350 }
351 NgxWigModule.decorators = [
352 { type: core.NgModule, args: [{
353 imports: [
354 common.CommonModule,
355 forms.FormsModule,
356 forms.ReactiveFormsModule
357 ],
358 declarations: [
359 NgxWigComponent,
360 ],
361 exports: [
362 NgxWigComponent,
363 ],
364 providers: [NgxWigToolbarService]
365 },] },
366 ];
367 /** @nocollapse */
368 NgxWigModule.ctorParameters = function () { return []; };
369 return NgxWigModule;
372exports.NgxWigModule = NgxWigModule;
373exports.NgxWigComponent = NgxWigComponent;
374exports.NgxWigToolbarService = NgxWigToolbarService;
376Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });