2.95 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "node-atlas",
3 "preferGlobal": true,
4 "version": "2.0.8",
5 "author": {
6 "name": "Bruno J. S. Lesieur",
7 "email": "bruno.lesieur@gmail.com"
8 },
9 "scripts": {
10 "test": "node ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha"
11 },
12 "description": "Progressive realtime web framework config-driven or API-driven for building easily serverless files, websites and webapps component-based and service-oriented.",
13 "private": false,
14 "contributors": [
15 {
16 "name": "Alban Allée",
17 "email": "alban.kahl@gmail.com"
18 },
19 {
20 "name": "Jérôme Macé",
21 "email": "jerome.mace@hybris.fr"
22 },
23 {
24 "name": "Pierre Ammeloot",
25 "email": "pierre@ammeloot.fr"
26 },
27 {
28 "name": "Tommy Pater",
29 "email": "syals@eringan.fr"
30 }
31 ],
32 "bin": {
33 "atlas": "./bin/node-atlas.js",
34 "node-atlas": "./bin/node-atlas.js",
35 "nodeatlas": "./bin/node-atlas.js"
36 },
37 "repository": {
38 "type": "git",
39 "url": "https://github.com/NodeAtlas/node-atlas.git"
40 },
41 "homepage": "https://node-atlas.js.org/",
42 "keywords": [
43 "node",
44 "atlas",
45 "nodeatlas",
46 "progressive",
47 "realtime",
48 "web framework",
49 "web application",
50 "mvc2",
51 "isomorphism",
52 "website",
53 "webapp",
54 "api",
55 "rest",
56 "view",
57 "controller",
58 "model",
59 "mvc",
60 "i18n",
61 "internationalization",
62 "l10n",
63 "localization",
64 "templating",
65 "serverless",
66 "less",
67 "stylus",
68 "pug",
69 "bundle",
70 "template",
71 "server dom",
72 "url rewriting",
73 "route",
74 "cms",
75 "blog",
76 "express",
77 "socket.io",
78 "service-oriented",
79 "component-based",
80 "config-driven",
81 "api-driven",
82 "french"
83 ],
84 "license": "GPL-2.0",
85 "bugs": {
86 "url": "https://github.com/NodeAtlas/node-atlas/issues"
87 },
88 "devDependencies": {
89 "chai": "4.2.x",
90 "mocha": "9.0.x",
91 "request": "2.88.x"
92 },
93 "dependencies": {
94 "async": "2.6.x",
95 "autoprefixer-stylus": "0.14.x",
96 "body-parser": "1.18.x",
97 "clean-css": "4.2.x",
98 "commander": "2.19.x",
99 "compression": "1.7.x",
100 "cookie-parser": "1.4.x",
101 "copy-dir": "0.4.x",
102 "css-parse": "2.0.x",
103 "ejs": "2.6.x",
104 "express": "4.16.x",
105 "express-session": "1.15.x",
106 "extend": "3.0.x",
107 "jsdom": "12.2.x",
108 "less": "3.8.x",
109 "less-middleware": "3.0.x",
110 "less-plugin-autoprefix": "2.0.x",
111 "mkpath": "1.0.x",
112 "opn": "5.4.x",
113 "pug": "3.0.x",
114 "socket.io": "2.4.x",
115 "stylus": "0.54.x",
116 "uglify-es": "3.3.x"
117 },
118 "files": [
119 "languages/*",
120 "lib/*",
121 "src/*",
122 "templates/*",
123 "test/test.js",
124 "bin/node-atlas.js",
125 "LICENSE",
126 "README.md",
127 "CHANGELOG.md",
128 "index.js"
129 ],
130 "engines": {
131 "node": ">=4.0.0"
132 },
133 "readmeFilename": "README.md"