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1const Queue = require('./PriorityQueue');
2const removeDeepFromMap = require('./removeDeepFromMap');
3const toDeepMap = require('./toDeepMap');
5/** Creates and manages a graph */
6class Graph {
8 /**
9 * Creates a new Graph, optionally initializing it a nodes graph representation.
10 *
11 * A graph representation is an object that has as keys the name of the point and as values
12 * the points reacheable from that node, with the cost to get there:
13 *
14 * {
15 * node (Number|String): {
16 * neighbor (Number|String): cost (Number),
17 * ...,
18 * },
19 * }
20 *
21 * @param {Object} [graph] - Initial graph definition
22 * @example
23 *
24 * const route = new Graph();
25 *
26 * // Pre-populated graph
27 * const route = new Graph({
28 * A: { B: 1 },
29 * B: { A: 1, C: 2, D: 4 },
30 * });
31 */
32 constructor(graph) {
33 this.graph = graph ? toDeepMap(graph) : new Map();
34 }
36 /**
37 * Adds a node to the graph
38 *
39 * @param {string} name - Name of the node
40 * @param {Object} neighbors - Neighbouring nodes and cost to reach them
41 * @return {this}
42 * @example
43 *
44 * const route = new Graph();
45 *
46 * route.addNode('A', { B: 1 });
47 *
48 * // It's possible to chain the calls
49 * route
50 * .addNode('B', { A: 1 })
51 * .addNode('C', { A: 3 });
52 */
53 addNode(name, neighbors) {
54 this.graph.set(name, toDeepMap(neighbors));
56 return this;
57 }
59 /**
60 * @deprecated since version 2.0, use `Graph#addNode` isntead
61 */
62 addVertex(name, neighbors) {
63 return this.addNode(name, neighbors);
64 }
66 /**
67 * Removes a node and all it's referencies from the graph
68 *
69 * @param {string|number} key - Key of the node to remove from the graph
70 * @return {this}
71 * @example
72 *
73 * const route = new Graph({
74 * A: { B: 1, C: 5 },
75 * B: { A: 3 },
76 * C: { B: 2, A: 2 },
77 * });
78 *
79 * route.removeNode('C');
80 * // The graph now is:
81 * // { A: { B: 1 }, B: { A: 3 } }
82 */
83 removeNode(key) {
84 this.graph = removeDeepFromMap(this.graph, key);
86 return this;
87 }
89 /**
90 * Compute the shortest path between the specified nodes
91 *
92 * @param {string} start - Starting node
93 * @param {string} goal - Node we want to reach
94 * @param {object} [options] - Options
95 *
96 * @param {boolean} [options.trim] - Exclude the origin and destination nodes from the result
97 * @param {boolean} [options.reverse] - Return the path in reversed order
98 * @param {boolean} [options.cost] - Also return the cost of the path when set to true
99 *
100 * @return {array|object} Computed path between the nodes.
101 *
102 * When `option.cost` is set to true, the returned value will be an object with shape:
103 * - `path` *(Array)*: Computed path between the nodes
104 * - `cost` *(Number)*: Cost of the path
105 *
106 * @example
107 *
108 * const route = new Graph()
109 *
110 * route.addNode('A', { B: 1 })
111 * route.addNode('B', { A: 1, C: 2, D: 4 })
112 * route.addNode('C', { B: 2, D: 1 })
113 * route.addNode('D', { C: 1, B: 4 })
114 *
115 * route.path('A', 'D') // => ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
116 *
117 * // trimmed
118 * route.path('A', 'D', { trim: true }) // => [B', 'C']
119 *
120 * // reversed
121 * route.path('A', 'D', { reverse: true }) // => ['D', 'C', 'B', 'A']
122 *
123 * // include the cost
124 * route.path('A', 'D', { cost: true })
125 * // => {
126 * // path: [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ],
127 * // cost: 4
128 * // }
129 */
130 path(start, goal, options = {}) {
131 // Don't run when we don't have nodes set
132 if (!this.graph.size) {
133 if (options.cost) return { path: null, cost: 0 };
135 return null;
136 }
138 const explored = new Set();
139 const frontier = new Queue();
140 const previous = new Map();
142 let path = [];
143 let totalCost = 0;
145 // Add the starting point to the frontier, it will be the first node visited
146 frontier.set(start, 0);
148 // Run until we have visited every node in the frontier
149 while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
150 // Get the node in the frontier with the lowest cost (`priority`)
151 const node = frontier.next();
153 // When the node with the lowest cost in the frontier in our goal node,
154 // we can compute the path and exit the loop
155 if (node.key === goal) {
156 // Set the total cost to the current value
157 totalCost = node.priority;
159 let nodeKey = node.key;
160 while (previous.has(nodeKey)) {
161 path.push(nodeKey);
162 nodeKey = previous.get(nodeKey);
163 }
165 break;
166 }
168 // Add the current node to the explored set
169 explored.add(node.key);
171 // Loop all the neighboring nodes
172 const neighbors = this.graph.get(node.key) || new Map();
173 neighbors.forEach((nCost, nNode) => {
174 // If we already explored the node, skip it
175 if (explored.has(nNode)) return null;
177 // If the neighboring node is not yet in the frontier, we add it with
178 // the correct cost
179 if (!frontier.has(nNode)) {
180 previous.set(nNode, node.key);
181 return frontier.set(nNode, node.priority + nCost);
182 }
184 const frontierPriority = frontier.get(nNode).priority;
185 const nodeCost = node.priority + nCost;
187 // Othewhise we only update the cost of this node in the frontier when
188 // it's below what's currently set
189 if (nodeCost < frontierPriority) {
190 previous.set(nNode, node.key);
191 return frontier.set(nNode, nodeCost);
192 }
194 return null;
195 });
196 }
198 // Return null when no path can be found
199 if (!path.length) {
200 if (options.cost) return { path: null, cost: 0 };
202 return null;
203 }
205 // From now on, keep in mind that `path` is populated in reverse order,
206 // from destination to origin
208 // Remove the first value (the goal node) if we want a trimmed result
209 if (options.trim) {
210 path.shift();
211 } else {
212 // Add the origin waypoint at the end of the array
213 path = path.concat([start]);
214 }
216 // Reverse the path if we don't want it reversed, so the result will be
217 // from `start` to `goal`
218 if (!options.reverse) {
219 path = path.reverse();
220 }
222 // Return an object if we also want the cost
223 if (options.cost) {
224 return {
225 path,
226 cost: totalCost,
227 };
228 }
230 return path;
231 }
233 /**
234 * @deprecated since version 2.0, use `Graph#path` isntead
235 */
236 shortestPath(...args) {
237 return this.path(...args);
238 }
242module.exports = Graph;