10.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Generated by ToffeeScript 1.6.3-4
2(function() {
3 var Getopt, __matches;
5 Getopt = (function() {
6 Getopt.HAS_ARGUMENT = true;
8 Getopt.NO_ARGUMENT = false;
10 Getopt.MULTI_SUPPORTED = true;
12 Getopt.SINGLE_ONLY = false;
14 Getopt.VERSION = '0.3.1';
16 function Getopt(optionsPattern) {
17 var comment, def, definition, fixed_long_name, has_argument, long_name, multi_supported, name, names, option, optional, short_name, _i, _len, _ref;
18 this.optionsPattern = optionsPattern;
19 this.short_options = {};
20 this.long_options = {};
21 this.long_names = [];
22 this.events = {};
23 this.argv = [];
24 this.options = {};
25 this.errorFunc = function(e) {
26 console.info(e.message);
27 return process.exit(1);
28 };
29 if (process.argv[1]) {
30 this.help = "Usage: node " + (process.argv[1].match(/(?:.*[\/\\])?(.*)$/)[1]) + "\n\n[[OPTIONS]]\n";
31 } else {
32 this.help = "[[OPTIONS]]";
33 }
34 names = {};
35 _ref = this.optionsPattern;
36 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
37 option = _ref[_i];
38 short_name = option[0], definition = option[1], comment = option[2], def = option[3];
39 if (comment == null) {
40 comment = '';
41 }
42 if (definition == null) {
43 definition = '';
44 }
45 if (short_name == null) {
46 short_name = '';
47 }
48 __matches = definition.match(/^([\w\-]*)/);
49 long_name = __matches[1];
50 has_argument = definition.indexOf('=') !== -1;
51 multi_supported = definition.indexOf('+') !== -1;
52 optional = /\[=.*?\]/.test(definition);
53 long_name = long_name.trim();
54 short_name = short_name.trim();
55 if (optional && short_name) {
56 throw new Error('optional argument can only work with long option');
57 }
58 long_name || (long_name = short_name);
59 fixed_long_name = 'opt_' + long_name;
60 name = long_name;
61 if (long_name === '') {
62 throw new Error("empty option found. the last option name is " + (this.long_names.slice(-1)));
63 }
64 if (names[fixed_long_name] == null) {
65 this.long_names.push(long_name);
66 this.long_options[long_name] = {
67 name: name,
68 short_name: short_name,
69 long_name: long_name,
70 has_argument: has_argument,
71 multi_supported: multi_supported,
72 comment: comment,
73 optional: optional,
74 definition: definition,
75 def: def
76 };
77 names[fixed_long_name] = true;
78 } else {
79 throw new Error("option " + long_name + " is redefined.");
80 }
81 if (short_name !== '') {
82 if (short_name.length !== 1) {
83 throw new Error('short option must be single characters');
84 }
85 this.short_options[short_name] = this.long_options[long_name];
86 }
87 }
88 this;
89 }
91 Getopt.prototype.getOptionByName = function(name) {
92 var _ref;
93 return (_ref = this.long_options[name]) != null ? _ref : this.short_options[name];
94 };
96 Getopt.prototype.getOptionName = function(name) {
97 var _ref;
98 return (_ref = this.getOptionByName(name)) != null ? _ref.name : void 0;
99 };
101 Getopt.prototype.on = function(name, cb) {
102 var iname;
103 if (name) {
104 iname = this.getOptionName(name);
105 if (!iname) {
106 throw new Error("unknown option " + name);
107 }
108 } else {
109 iname = name;
110 }
111 this.events[iname] = cb;
112 return this;
113 };
115 Getopt.prototype.emit = function(name, value) {
116 var event;
117 event = this.events[this.getOptionName(name)];
118 if (event) {
119 return event.call(this, value);
120 } else {
121 throw new Error("Getopt event on '" + name + "' is not found");
122 }
123 };
125 Getopt.prototype.save_option_ = function(options, option, argv) {
126 var name, value, _ref;
127 if (option.has_argument) {
128 if (argv.length === 0) {
129 throw new Error("option " + option.long_name + " need argument");
130 }
131 value = argv.shift();
132 } else {
133 value = true;
134 }
135 name = option.name;
136 if (option.multi_supported) {
137 if (options[name] == null) {
138 options[name] = [];
139 }
140 options[name].push(value);
141 } else {
142 options[name] = value;
143 }
144 if ((_ref = this.events[name]) != null) {
145 _ref.call(this, value);
146 }
147 return this;
148 };
150 Getopt.prototype.parse = function(argv) {
151 var arg, e, i, long_name, name, option, rt_argv, rt_options, short_name, short_names, sname, value, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;
152 try {
153 argv = argv.slice(0);
154 rt_options = {};
155 rt_argv = [];
156 _ref = this.long_names;
157 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
158 long_name = _ref[_i];
159 option = this.long_options[long_name];
160 if ((option.def != null) || (rt_options[option.long_name] != null)) {
161 rt_options[option.long_name] = option.def;
162 }
163 }
164 while ((arg = argv.shift()) != null) {
165 if (__matches = arg.match(/^-(\w[\w\-]*)/)) {
166 short_names = __matches[1];
167 for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = short_names.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
168 short_name = short_names[i];
169 option = this.short_options[short_name];
170 if (!option) {
171 throw new Error("invalid option " + short_name);
172 }
173 if (option.has_argument) {
174 if (i < arg.length - 2) {
175 argv.unshift(arg.slice(i + 2));
176 }
177 this.save_option_(rt_options, option, argv);
178 break;
179 } else {
180 this.save_option_(rt_options, option, argv);
181 }
182 }
183 } else if (__matches = arg.match(/^--(\w[\w\-]*)((?:=[^]*)?)$/)) {
184 long_name = __matches[1];
185 value = __matches[2];
186 option = this.long_options[long_name];
187 if (!option) {
188 throw new Error("invalid option " + long_name);
189 }
190 if (value !== '') {
191 value = value.slice(1);
192 argv.unshift(value);
193 } else if (option.optional) {
194 argv.unshift('');
195 }
196 this.save_option_(rt_options, option, argv);
197 } else if (arg === '--') {
198 rt_argv = rt_argv.concat(argv);
199 for (_k = 0, _len2 = argv.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
200 arg = argv[_k];
201 if ((_ref1 = this.events['']) != null) {
202 _ref1.call(this, arg);
203 }
204 }
205 break;
206 } else {
207 rt_argv.push(arg);
208 if ((_ref2 = this.events['']) != null) {
209 _ref2.call(this, arg);
210 }
211 }
212 }
213 _ref3 = Object.keys(rt_options);
214 for (_l = 0, _len3 = _ref3.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
215 name = _ref3[_l];
216 sname = this.long_options[name].short_name;
217 if (sname !== '') {
218 rt_options[sname] = rt_options[name];
219 }
220 }
221 } catch (_error) {
222 e = _error;
223 this.errorFunc(e);
224 }
225 this.argv = rt_argv;
226 this.options = rt_options;
227 return this;
228 };
230 Getopt.prototype.parse_system = function() {
231 return this.parseSystem();
232 };
234 Getopt.prototype.parseSystem = function() {
235 return this.parse(process.argv.slice(2));
236 };
238 Getopt.prototype.setHelp = function(help) {
239 this.help = help;
240 return this;
241 };
243 Getopt.prototype.sort = function() {
244 return this.long_names.sort(function(a, b) {
245 return a > b && 1 || a < b && -1 || 0;
246 });
247 };
249 Getopt.prototype.getHelp = function() {
250 var comment, def, definition, i, line, lines, long_name, n, option, options, short_name, table, td, tr, ws, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len1, _len2, _ref;
251 ws = [];
252 options = [];
253 table = [];
254 _ref = this.long_names;
255 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
256 long_name = _ref[_i];
257 tr = [];
258 option = this.long_options[long_name];
259 short_name = option.short_name, long_name = option.long_name, comment = option.comment, definition = option.definition, def = option.def;
260 tr.push(short_name ? short_name === long_name ? " -" + short_name : " -" + short_name + ", --" + definition : " --" + definition);
261 tr.push(" " + comment);
262 if (def) {
263 tr.push(" (default: " + def + ")");
264 }
265 table.push(tr);
266 }
267 for (_j = 0, _len1 = table.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
268 tr = table[_j];
269 for (i = _k = 0, _len2 = tr.length; _k < _len2; i = ++_k) {
270 td = tr[i];
271 if (ws[i] == null) {
272 ws[i] = 0;
273 }
274 ws[i] = Math.max(ws[i], td.length);
275 }
276 }
277 lines = (function() {
278 var _l, _len3, _len4, _m, _results;
279 _results = [];
280 for (_l = 0, _len3 = table.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
281 tr = table[_l];
282 line = '';
283 for (i = _m = 0, _len4 = tr.length; _m < _len4; i = ++_m) {
284 td = tr[i];
285 if (i) {
286 n = ws[i - 1] - tr[i - 1].length;
287 while (n--) {
288 line += ' ';
289 }
290 }
291 line += td;
292 }
293 _results.push(line.trimRight());
294 }
295 return _results;
296 })();
297 return this.help.replace('[[OPTIONS]]', lines.join("\n"));
298 };
300 Getopt.prototype.showHelp = function() {
301 console.info(this.getHelp());
302 return this;
303 };
305 Getopt.prototype.bindHelp = function(help) {
306 if (help) {
307 this.setHelp(help);
308 }
309 this.on('help', function() {
310 this.showHelp();
311 return process.exit(0);
312 });
313 return this;
314 };
316 Getopt.prototype.getVersion = function() {
317 return Getopt.VERSION;
318 };
320 Getopt.prototype.error = function(errorFunc) {
321 this.errorFunc = errorFunc;
322 return this;
323 };
325 Getopt.getVersion = function() {
326 return this.VERSION;
327 };
329 Getopt.create = function(options) {
330 return new Getopt(options);
331 };
333 return Getopt;
335 })();
337 module.exports = Getopt;