36.7 kBPlain TextView Raw
1 a.i. artificial+intelligence
2 Apr April
3 Apr. April
4 ariz. Arizona
5 Aug August
6 Aug. August
7 colo. Colorado
8 Corp Corporation
9 Corp. Corporation
10 Dec December
11 Dec. December
12 e.g. for+example
13 ex. for+example
14 FB Facebook
15 Feb February
16 Feb. February
17 fla. Florida
18 ft feet
19 ft. feet
20 i.e. for+example
21 ie: for+example+:
22 Inc Incorporated
23 Inc. Incorporated
24 Jan January
25 Jan. January
26 Jul. July
27 Jun June
28 Jun. June
29 kg kilogram
30 kg. kilogram
31 kgs. kilograms
32 lb pound
33 lb. pound
34 lbs pounds
35 lbs. pounds
36 Ltd Limited
37 Ltd. Limited
38 Mar. March
39 mich. Michigan
40 minn. Minnesota
41 Mr Mr.
42 Mrs Mrs.
43 Mt. Mount
44 nev. Nevada
45 Nov November
46 Nov. November
47 Oct October
48 Oct. October
49 okla. Oklahoma
50 oz ounce
51 oz. ounce
53 Sep September
54 sep. September
55 Sept September
56 Sept. September
57 u_s_a U.S.A.
58 USA U.S.A.
59 v. versus
60 vs. versus
61 w/ with
62 yr year
63 yr. year
65 Loebners Loebner
66 Loebner_'s Loebner
67 <got_it> OK
68Dr Doctor
69Dr. Doctor
70<explain> why
71prof. professor
73 <I_see> OK
75 gon_na going+to
76 qt quart
78 ,_no_problem>
79 ,_fear_not>
80 ,_never_fear>
81 _for_sure>
82 _for_certain>
84 ,_alright_? %QUESTIONMARK
85 ,_also
87 ,_okay_? %QUESTIONMARK
88 ,_yes_? %QUESTIONMARK
89 <am_I_not am+i
90 <and
91 <and_what_should_I_say
92 <and_what_should_I_tell_you
93 <because? why?
94 <becos? why?
95 <but_how how
96 <but_what what
97 <but_when when
98 <but_where where
99 <but_who who
100 <but_why why
101 <cool,
102 <do_you_know_about_the what+is+the
103 <do_you_not do+you
104 <doubtless
105 <goodness_,
106 <herself_,_she she
107 <herself_she she
108 <himself_,_he he
109 <himself_he he
110 <hm
111 <hmm
112 <hmmm
113 <hmmmm
114 <how_are_you_doing how+are+you
115 <how_are_you_feeling how+are+you
116 <how_come why
117 <how_interesting> interesting
118 <I_am_afraid_I I
119 <I_believe
120 <I_can_see_that
121 <I_could_not_say> I+do+not+know
122 <I_guess_I I
123 <I_mean_,
124 <I_mean_do do
125 <I_mean_have have
126 <I_mean_how how
127 <I_mean_I I
128 <I_mean_I_am I+am
129 <I_mean_it_is it+is
130 <I_mean_that
131 <I_mean_what
132 <I_mean_you_are you+are
133 <I_meant_,
134 <I_meant_what
135 <I_presume %QUESTIONMARK
136 <I_presume_that %QUESTIONMARK
137 <I_suppose
138 <I_would_like_to_ask_if_it_is is+it
139 <I_would_like_to_ask_you_if_it_is is+it
140 <I_would_like_to_ask_you_is_it is+it
141 <is_it_possible_that_you_could could+you
142 <is_it_possible_that_you_might would+you
143 <is_it_possible_that_you_should should+you
144 <is_it_possible_that_you_would would+you
145 <it_did> why
146 <it_is_like_,
147 <itself_,_it it
148 <itself_it it
149 <just
150 <like_,
151 <lots many
152 <man_,
153 <myself_,_I I
154 <myself_I I
155 <now_that_I_come_to_think_about_it
156 <now_that_I_come_to_think_of_it
157 <now_that_I_think_about_it
158 <now_that_I_think_of_it
159 <oh
160 <oh? why?
161 <ohh
162 <oo oh
163 <ourself_,_we we
164 <ourself_we we
165 <ourselves_,_we we
166 <please
167 <see_?
168 <of_what what
169 <should_you_not should+you
170 <shucks
171 <so
172 <so_what_do_you_think_,
173 <tell_me_more> continue
174 <themself_,_they they
175 <themselves_,_they they
176 <themselves_they they
177 <then
178 <well_,
179 <well_ok
180 <were_not were
181 <what_a that+is+a
182 <what_the_fuck_are what+are
183 <what_the_fuck_is what+is
184 <what_the_fuck_were what+were
185 <what_you what+be+you
186 <whatever_,
187 <when_all_of_a_sudden
188 <when_suddenly
189 <which_means> for+example
190 <why_hello hello
191 <will_not_you will+you
192 <will_you_not will+you
193 <would_you_please
194 <yourself_,_you you
195 <yourselves_,_you you
196 12_midnight midnight
197 12_noon noon
198 12_o'clock_midnight midnight
199 12_o'clock_noon noon
200 1200s 1200
201 1210s 1210
202 1220s 1220
203 1230s 1230
204 1240s 1240
205 1250s 1250
206 1260s 1260
207 1270s 1270
208 1280s 1280
209 1290s 1290
210 1300s 1300
211 1310s 1310
212 1320s 1320
213 1330s 1330
214 1340s 1340
215 1350s 1350
216 1360s 1360
217 1370s 1370
218 1380s 1380
219 1390s 1390
220 1400s 1400
221 1410s 1410
222 1420s 1420
223 1430s 1430
224 1440s 1440
225 1450s 1450
226 1460s 1460
227 1470s 1470
228 1480s 1480
229 1490s 1490
230 1500s 1500
231 1510s 1510
232 1520s 1520
233 1530s 1530
234 1540s 1540
235 1550s 1550
236 1560s 1560
237 1570s 1570
238 1580s 1580
239 1590s 1590
240 1600s 1600
241 1610s 1610
242 1620s 1620
243 1630s 1630
244 1640s 1640
245 1650s 1650
246 1660s 1660
247 1670s 1670
248 1680s 1680
249 1690s 1690
250 1700s 1700
251 1710s 1710
252 1720s 1720
253 1730s 1730
254 1740s 1740
255 1750s 1750
256 1760s 1760
257 1770s 1770
258 1780s 1780
259 1790s 1790
260 1800s 1800
261 1810s 1810
262 1820s 1820
263 1830s 1830
264 1840s 1840
265 1850s 1850
266 1860s 1860
267 1870s 1870
268 1880s 1880
269 1890s 1890
270 1900s 1900
271 1910s 1910
272 1920_'s 1920s
273 1920s 1920
274 1930_'s 1930s
275 1930s 1930
276 1940_'s 1940s
277 1940s 1940
278 1950_'s 1950s
279 1950s 1950
280 1960_'s 1960s
281 1960s 1960
282 1970_'s 1970s
283 1970s 1970
284 1980_'s 1980s
285 1980s 1980
286 1990_'s 1990s
287 1990s 1990
288 20s 1920s
289 30s 1930s
290 40s 1940s
291 50s 1950s
292 60s 1960s
293 70s 1970s
294 80s 1980s
295 90s 1990s
296 a.m a.m. # lowercase am is a word. can only be changed if following a number reference
297 A.M._in_the_morning a.m.
298 a_bacteria a+bacterium
299 a_bf a+boyfriend
300 a_bit_of some
301 a_bolt_from_the_blue unexpected ue
302 a_consortia a+consortium
303 a_criteria a+criterion
304 a_dab_of some
305 a_dash_of some
306 a_fungi a+fungus
307 a_hint_of some
308 a_kind_of a
309 a_larvae a+larva
310 a_lose a+loss
311 a_paparazzi a+paparazzo
312 a_parentheses a+parenthesis
313 a_phenomena a+phenomenon
314 a_protozoa a+protozoon
315 a_set_back a+setback
316 a_small_amount_of some
317 a_sort_of a
318 a_touch_of some
319 a_type_of a
320 a_vertebrae a+vertebra
321 a_women a+woman
322 abit a+bit
323 ABM_missile ABM
324 abou about
325 abouta about+a
326 aboutit about+it
327 aboutthe about+the
328 ABS_system ABS
329 absolutely
330 accidently accidentally
331 accordingto according+to
332 acid_test important+test
333 active_weather weather
334 actually
335 add_together combine
336 additionally
337 advance_forward forward
338 advance_scouting scouting
339 advance_warning warning
340 affirmative_yes yes
341 affluent_rich rich
342 after_all
343 after_full_consideration
344 after_life afterlife
345 afterthe after+the
346 afterwhich after+which
347 againstt_he against+the
348 ah
349 ahead_of_schedule early
350 ahh
351 ahhh
352 ahold_of a+hold+of
353 aid_and_abet abet
354 aint is+not
355 album_comprised_of album+composed+of
356 all_for_not all+for+naught
357 all_things_considered
358 allready
359 alma_matter alma+mater
360 almost_all most
361 almost_all_the_time all+the+time
362 along_the_lines_of resembling
363 along_time a+long+time
364 alot a+lot
365 alot_of a+lot+of
366 also
367 altho although
368 am_in_the_morning am
369 am_worried_about worry+about
370 american American
372 an_adequate_number_of enough
373 an_affect an+effect
374 an_alumni an+alumnus
375 anachronism_in_his_own_time anachronism
376 and_etc. etc.
377 and_so_fourth and+so+forth
378 andone and+one
379 andthe and+the
380 anonymous_stranger stranger
381 anually annually
382 any_more anymore
383 anyway
384 anyways
385 appeared_to_be was
386 apple_iphone iPhone
387 Apple_iPhone iPhone
388 are_lead_by are+led+by
389 archeological archaeological
390 archeologically archaeologically
391 archeologist archaeologist
392 archeologists archaeologists
393 archeology archaeology
394 arent are+not
395 armed_assault_and_holdup holdup holdup
396 as_a_matter_of_fact
397 as_a_result
398 as_black_as_pitch black
399 as_blind_as_a_bat blind
400 as_busy_as_a_beaver busy
401 as_busy_as_a_bee busy
402 as_cool_as_a_cucumber calm
403 as_dead_as_a_doornail dead
404 as_easy_as_pie easy
405 as_far_as_I_am_concerned
406 as_far_as_I_can_remember
407 as_gentle_as_a_lamb gentle
408 as_happy_as_a_lark happy
409 as_heavy_as_lead lead
410 as_I_understand_it
411 as_pretty_as_a_picture pretty
412 as_quick_as_a_flash quick
413 as_quick_as_a_wink quickly
414 as_sick_as_a_dog sick
415 as_slow_as_molasses slow
416 as_smart_as_a_whip smart
417 as_straight_as_an_arrow straight
418 as_strong_as_an_ox strong
419 as_thin_as_a_rail thin
420 as_well>
421 as_white_as_a_sheet white
422 as_wise_as_an_owl smart
423 asap as+soon+as+possible
424 ascend_up ascend
425 askt_he ask+the
426 aslo
427 assuming_that if
428 assuredly
429 asthe as+the
430 aswell as+well
431 at_all_times always
432 at_least
433 at_the_current_instant now
434 at_the_current_moment now
435 at_the_end_of after
436 at_the_present_time
437 at_this_instant now
438 at_this_moment now
439 at_this_point_in_time at+this+time
440 atleast at+least
441 ATM_machine ATM
442 atm> at+the+moment
443 atthe at+the
444 autobiography_of_her_life autobiography
445 autobiography_of_his_life autobiography
446 autobiography_of_my_life autobiography
447 autobiography_of_your_life autobiography
448 automatic_ATM_machine ATM
449 aw
450 aww
451 back_and_fourth back+and+forth
452 back_in_forth back+and+forth
453 bad_evil evil
454 baited_breath bated+breath
455 band_comprised_of band+composed+of
456 bare_essentials essentials
457 basic_essentials essentials
458 basic_fundamentals fundamentals
459 basically
460 basicaly
461 basiclly
462 basicly
463 be_ware beware
464 beautiful_vista_to_look_out_upon vista
465 because_of_the_fact_that because
466 becausea because+a
467 becauseof because+of
468 becausethe because+the
469 becauseyou because+you
470 began_to_be was
471 begin_to_be are
472 begins_to_be is
473 ben Ben
474 betcha bet+you
475 better_then better+than
476 biography_of_her_life biography
477 biography_of_his_life biography
478 biography_of_my_life biography
479 biography_of_your_life biography
480 blablabla
481 blablablabla
482 blood_hemorrhage hemorrhage
483 boat_marina marina
484 bonified bona+fide
485 bout about
486 boyfriends_' boyfriend+'s
487 bro brother
488 brother_in_law brother-in-law
489 brothers_in_law brothers-in-law
490 brr it+is+cold
491 brrr it+is+cold
492 butthe but+the
493 by_means_of through
494 by_virtue_of_the_fact_that because
495 byt_he by+the
496 C_+_+ CPlusPlus
497 came_to_an_agreement agreed
498 can_you_tell_me tell+me
499 canna can+not
500 cant can+not
501 Capetown Cape+Town
502 carbs carbohydrates
503 carry_no not+carry
504 carry_out_an_evaluation_of evaluate
505 CD_'s CDs
506 cease_and_desist cease
507 cellphone cell+phone
508 cemataries cemetaries
509 cematary cemetary
510 Century century
511 certainly
512 childrens children+'s
513 chomping_at_the_bit champing+at+the+bit
514 circle_around circle
515 circulated_around circulated
516 claerly
517 classify_into_groups classify
518 clearly
519 climb_up climb
520 close_proximity proximity
521 close_scrutiny scrutiny
522 CNN_news_network CNN
523 cold_frost frost
524 cold_ice ice
525 collaborate_together collaborate
526 colourful colorful
527 colourize colorize
528 commuting_back_and_forth commuting
529 compleatly
530 completely
531 completely_unanimous unanimous
532 completly
533 comply_with obey
534 conduct_a_review_of review
535 confectionary confectionery
536 connect_up_together connect
537 conniption_fit conniption
538 consensus_of_opinion consensus
539 constant_nagging nagging
540 construction_sight construction+site
541 continue_to_be are
542 continued_to_be was
543 continues_to_be is
544 cooperate_together cooperate
545 cosher kosher
546 could_care_less could+not+care+less
547 could_of could+have
548 could_of_been could+have+been
549 could_of_had could+have+had
550 could_you_tell_me tell+me
551 coulda could+have
552 couldnt could+not
553 couldthe could+the
554 couldve could+have
555 couture_fashion couture
556 crewcut crew+cut
557 criminey
558 cripes
559 current_flowing current
560 current_incumbent incumbent
561 current_passing current
562 cyberattack cyber+attack
563 dammit damn+it
564 damnit damn+it
565 darn_tootin correct
566 dats that+is
567 daughter_in_law daughters-in-law
568 daughters_in_law daughters-in-law
569 definateley
570 definately
571 definatly
572 defineteley
573 definetely
574 definetly
575 definitely_to_be_sure
576 definitly
577 defintley
578 deg degree
579 despite_everything
580 despite_it_all
581 diametrically_opposed opposed
582 dicussing discussing
583 did_I_tell_you_that
584 did_there_appear_to_be was+there # raising verb
585 did_there_begin_to_be was+there # raising verb
586 did_there_continue_to_be was+there # raising verb
587 did_there_seem_to_be was+there # raising verb
588 diden't didn't
589 didnot did+not
590 didnt did+not
591 different_tact different+tack
592 diningroom dining+room
593 dinning_room dining+room
594 disc_breaks disc+brakes
595 DMZ_zone DMZ
596 do'nt don't
597 do_not_you_feel_you are+not+you
598 do_not_you_feel_you_did did+not+you+do
599 do_not_you_feel_you_had did+not+you+have
600 do_not_you_feel_you_might will+not+you
601 do_not_you_feel_you_must should+not+you
602 do_not_you_feel_you_ought_to should+not+you
603 do_not_you_feel_you_should should+not+you
604 do_not_you_think_you do+not+you
605 do_not_you_think_you_did did+not+you+do
606 do_not_you_think_you_had did+not+you+have
607 do_not_you_think_you_might will+not+you
608 do_not_you_think_you_must should+not+you
609 do_not_you_think_you_ought_to should+not+you
610 do_not_you_think_you_should should+not+you
611 do_there_appear_to_be are+there # raising verb
612 do_there_begin_to_be are+there # raising verb
613 do_there_continue_to_be are+there # raising verb
614 do_there_seem_to_be are+there # raising verb
615 do_you_feel_you are+you
616 do_you_feel_you_are are+you
617 do_you_feel_you_can can+you
618 do_you_feel_you_could could+you
619 do_you_feel_you_did did+you+do
620 do_you_feel_you_had did+you+have
621 do_you_feel_you_might will+you
622 do_you_feel_you_must should+you
623 do_you_feel_you_ought_to should+you
624 do_you_feel_you_shall will+you
625 do_you_feel_you_should should+you
626 do_you_feel_you_will will+you
627 do_you_happen_to do+you
628 do_you_know_anything_about what+do+you+know+about
629 do_you_know_anything_on what+do+you+know+about
630 do_you_tend_to_be are+you
631 do_you_think_you do+you
632 do_you_think_you_are are+you
633 do_you_think_you_can can+you
634 do_you_think_you_could could+you
635 do_you_think_you_did did+you+do
636 do_you_think_you_had did+you+have
637 do_you_think_you_might will+you
638 do_you_think_you_must should+you
639 do_you_think_you_ought_to should+you
640 do_you_think_you_shall will+you
641 do_you_think_you_should should+you
642 do_you_think_you_will will+you
643 doctorate_degree doctorate
644 doe_snot does+not
645 does_there_appear_to_be is+there # raising verb
646 does_there_begin_to_be is+there # raising verb
647 does_there_continue_to_be is+there # raising verb
648 does_there_seem_to_be is+there # raising verb
649 does_they do+they
650 doesnt does+not
651 dog-eat-dog_world vicious+world
652 dogbreeder dog+breeder
653 dominate_player dominant+player
654 dominate_role dominant+role
655 dont do+not
656 dontcha do+not+you
657 door_jam door+jamb
658 due_to_the_fact because
659 duh
660 duhh
661 dunno do+not+know
662 e-book ebook
663 e-books ebooks
664 each_has_their each+has+its
665 eachother each+other
666 easier_then easier+than
667 egg_yoke egg+yolk
668 eh
669 eighties 80
670 electrical_current electric+current
671 eliminate_altogether eliminate
672 elucidate_for tell
673 eluded_to alluded+to
674 e-mail email
675 employment_opportunities jobs
676 empty_hole hole
677 en_mass en+masse
678 enclosed_herewith enclosed
679 end_result
680 english English
681 enroute en+route
682 entirely_eliminating eliminating
683 er
684 errmm
685 esp_for especially+for
686 esp_in especially+in
687 et_al and+others
688 every1 everyone
689 everyone_dose everyone+does
690 exact_replica replica
691 exact_same same
692 exactly_the_same the+same
693 explain_to tell
694 extend_an_invitation invite
695 extreamly
696 extreme_hazard hazard
697 extremely
698 extremly
699 faired_badly fared+badly
700 faired_better fared+better
701 faired_poorly fared+poorly
702 faired_well fared+well
703 faired_worse fared+worse
704 farther_then farther+than
705 faster_then faster+than
706 father_in_law father-in-law
707 fathers_in_law fathers-in-law
708 fav favorite
709 fave favorite
710 favourite favorite
711 feathered_friends birds
712 ffavours favours
713 fifties 50
714 final_completion completion
715 final_end end
716 final_showdown showdown
717 first_conceived conceived
718 flat_as_a_pancake flat
719 flavour flavor
720 flavours flavors
721 flow_of_current current
722 following_below below
723 for_a_moment
724 for_all_intents_and_purposes
725 for_all_that
726 for_along_time for+a+long+time
727 for_awhile for+a+while
728 for_christ_'s_sake
729 for_god_'s_sake
730 for_quite_awhile for+a+while
731 for_the_most_part
732 for_the_purpose_of for
733 forced_compulsion compulsion
734 foreign_imports imports
735 former_graduate graduate
736 former_veteran veteran
737 forth_place fourth+place
738 forties 40
739 frank_and_honest_exchange frank+exchange
740 frank_candor candor
741 free_gift gift
742 free_gratis gratis
743 free_reign free+rein
744 french French
745 fricken
746 frickin
747 fricking
748 from_now_on
749 fromt_he from+the
750 fromthe from+the
751 frozen_ice ice
752 frozen_tundra tundra
753 full_compliment_of full+complement+of
754 full_satisfaction satisfaction
755 fwiw for+what+it+is+worth
756 G-d God
757 Gameboy Game+Boy
758 geddit get+it
759 gentlemens gentlemen+'s
760 german German
761 getcha get+you
762 gina Gina
763 ginger Ginger
764 give_advice_to counsel
765 give_and_bequeath bequeath
766 glamourous glamorous
767 going_forward
768 gonna going+to
769 good_benefit benefit
770 good_riddens good+riddance
771 good_success success
772 Google_Android Android
773 google_android Android
774 got_ran got+run
775 got_setup got+set+up
776 got_shutdown got+shut+down
777 got_shutout got+shut+out
778 gotcha I+understand
779 gotta have+to
780 grand_total total
781 grateful_thanks thanks
782 growing_greater growing
783 habeus_corpus habeas+corpus
784 habitual_custom custom
785 had_arose had+arisen
786 had_became had+become
787 had_began had+begun
788 had_bore had+borne
789 had_broke had+broken
790 had_came had+come
791 had_chose had+chosen
792 had_comeback had+come+back
793 had_did had+done
794 had_drove had+driven
795 had_fell had+fallen
796 had_forbad had+forbidden
797 had_forbade had+forbidden
798 had_gave had+given
799 had_plead had+pled
800 had_ran had+run
801 had_rang had+rung
802 had_rode had+ridden
803 had_rose had+risen
804 had_saw had+seen
805 had_setup had+set+up
806 had_shook had+shaken
807 had_threw had+thrown
808 had_took had+taken
809 had_underwent had+undergone
810 had_went had+gone
811 had_wrote had+written
812 hadbeen had+been
813 hadnt had+not
814 hafta have+to
815 hai yes
816 hand_the_reigns hand+the+reins
817 handwritten_manuscript manuscript
818 harbour harbor
819 harbours harbors
820 harry Harry
821 has_ran has+run
822 hasbeen has
823 hasnt has+not
824 have'nt haven't
825 have_ran have+run
826 havebeen have+been
827 havent have+not
828 Hawai'i Hawaii
829 hayfever hay+fever
830 he_,_himself_, he
831 he_himself he
832 he_is_a_person_who he
833 held_the_reigns held+the+reins
834 helluva hell+of+a
835 hence_forth
836 hermione Hermione
837 hesaid he+said
838 hewas he+was
839 hold_the_reigns hold+the+reins
840 holds_the_reigns holds+the+reins
841 homerun home+run
842 hone_in_on home+in+on
843 hot_water_heater water+heater
844 how_'s_tricks how+are+you+doing
845 how_are_you_liking do+you+like
846 how_come why+do
847 how_do_you_believe_it_is how+is+it
848 how_do_you_believe_it_will how+will+it
849 how_do_you_feel_about do+you+like
850 how_do_you_think_it_is how+is+it
851 how_do_you_think_it_will how+will+it
852 how_ever however
853 how_in_heck how
854 how_in_hell how
855 how_in_the_heck how
856 how_in_the_world how
857 how_is_u how+is+your
858 how_long_till how+long+until
859 how_so why
860 how_the_heck how
861 how_ya_doing how+are+you+doing
862 however>
863 hows how+is
864 huh
865 hygenic hygienic
866 i'ts it's
867 i-Pad iPad
868 i-Phone iPhone
869 I_,_myself_, I
870 I_am_convinced_that
871 I_am_not_being_funny_but
872 I_am_sorry_that
873 I_am_sorry_to_hear_that
874 I_believe_that
875 I_do_not_suppose
876 I_do_not_suppose_that
877 I_dun I+do+not
878 I_figure_that
879 I_figure_you you
880 I_have_no_doubt_that
881 i_have_the_impression_that
882 I_have_to I+must
883 I_heard_that_you you
884 I_heard_you you
885 I_imagine_that
886 I_imagine_you you
887 I_myself I
888 I_noticed_that
889 I_presume> %QUESTIONMARK
890 I_reckon I+think
891 I_regret_that
892 I_snot is+not
893 I_suppose
894 I_suppose_that
895 I_suppose>
896 I_take_it_that
897 I_thought_you_might_like_to_know_that
898 I_wonder_why_he why+does+he
899 I_wonder_why_it why+does+it
900 I_wonder_why_she why+does+she
901 I_wonder_why_that why+does+that
902 i_wonder_why_they why+do+they
903 iam I+am
904 ic I+see
905 idc I+do+not+care
906 idk I+do+not+know
907 if_you_ask_me
908 if_you_do_not_mind
909 if_you_do_not_mind_me_asking
910 if_you_know_what_I_mean
911 iie no
912 im I+
913 imminent_at_any_moment imminent
914 importantly
915 in_a_manner_of_speaking
916 in_a_very_real_sense
917 in_addition
918 in_affect in+effect
919 in_an_effort_to to
920 in_any_event
921 in_awhile in+a+while
922 in_back_of behind
923 in_brief
924 in_fact
925 in_god_'s_name
926 in_my_opinion
927 in_parenthesis in+parentheses
928 in_point_of_fact
929 in_principal in+principle
930 in_quite_awhile in+a+while
931 in_re in+reference+to
932 in_short
933 in_spite_of_everything
934 in_spite_of_the_fact_that although
935 in_stead_of instead+of
936 in_the_absence_of without
937 in_the_current_moment now
938 in_the_event_that if
939 in_the_field_of in
940 in_the_final_analysis
941 in_the_heck
942 in_the_hell
943 in_the_name_of_god
944 in_the_name_of_jesus
945 in_the_nature_of
946 in_the_process_of
947 in_the_whole_universe
948 in_the_whole_wide_universe
949 in_the_whole_wide_world
950 in_the_whole_world
951 in_this_instant now
952 in_truth
953 in_vein in+vain
954 inasmuch in+as+much
955 incase_of in+case+of
956 indeed
957 individual_person individual
958 indulgent_patience patience
959 infact
960 infront in+front
961 inquisitive_busybody busybody
962 int_he in+the
963 inteh in+the
964 intentional_planning planning
965 inthe in+the
966 into_affect into+effect
967 invited_guests guests
968 inwhich in+which
969 irregardless
970 is'nt isn't
971 is_able_to can
972 is_certain_to will
973 is_comprised_of comprises
974 is_lead is+led
975 is_ran is+run
976 is_renown is+renowned
977 is_setup is+set+up
978 is_ya is+your
979 isnt is+not
980 isthe is+the
981 it_'s_my_opinion_that I+think
982 it_,_itself_, it
983 it_has_come_to_my_attention_that
984 it_id it+is
985 it_is_important_to_know_that
986 it_is_important_to_note_that
987 it_is_true_that
988 it_itself it
989 it_occurs_to_me_that
990 it_seems
991 it_seems_like
992 it_seems_that
993 it_should_be_noted_that
994 it_strikes_me_that
995 it_was_a_lark it+was+fun
996 it_was_Greek_to_me I+could+not+understand+it
997 italian Italian
998 itis it+is
999 itsself itself
1000 itwas it+was
1001 itym I+think+you+mean
1002 itz it+is
1003 ive I+have
1004 ja yes
1005 jeez
1006 jive_with jibe+with
1007 job_functions job
1008 join_together join
1009 joint_collaboration collaboration
1010 joint_cooperation cooperation
1011 kan can
1012 karisma charisma
1013 ketsup catsup
1014 kewl cool
1015 kinda kind+of
1016 kindly
1017 Klu_Klux_Klan Ku+Klux+Klan
1018 knowledgeable_experts experts
1019 large_in_size large
1020 larry Larry
1021 last_but_not_least last
1022 last_will_and_testament testament
1023 lastname last+name
1024 lastyear last+year
1025 lay_low lie+low
1026 layed_low lie+low
1027 laying_around lying+around
1028 laying_low lying+low
1029 lays_low lies+low
1030 LCD_display LCD
1031 lead_by led+by
1032 leading_roll leading+role
1033 leapyear leap+year
1034 LED_diode LED
1035 leggo let+go
1036 lemme let+me
1037 lesbian_woman lesbian
1038 lesbian_women lesbians
1039 less_that less+than
1040 less_then less+than
1041 let_me_see>
1042 let_me_think_a_minute_here
1043 let_us_be_honest
1044 let_us_face_it
1045 let_us_see
1046 lets let+us
1047 lighter_then lighter+than
1048 like_greased_lightning rapidly
1049 like_what> for+example
1050 lite light
1051 literate_readers readers
1052 little_baby baby
1053 livingroom living+room
1054 longer_in_length longer
1055 loose_to lose+to
1056 loosing_streak losing+streak
1057 loosing_the losing+the
1058 loosing_to losing+to
1059 Los_Angles Los+Angeles
1060 lotsa lots+of
1061 lower_that lower+than
1062 lower_then lower+than
1063 made_a_statement said
1064 made_reference_to referred+to
1065 mais_non no
1066 mais_oui yes
1067 major_breakthrough breakthrough
1068 make_a_statement say
1069 mam mom
1070 manually_by_hand manually
1071 many_frequent frequent
1072 marital_spouse spouse
1073 massmedia mass+media
1074 may_of_been may+have+been
1075 may_of_had may+have+had
1076 may_possibly may
1077 mayn many
1078 meaningful_dialogue dialogue
1079 meds medicines
1080 mental_thought thought
1081 merci thanks
1082 merge_together merge
1083 might_of_been might+have+been
1084 might_of_had might+have+had
1085 mightnt might+not
1086 milage mileage
1087 mind_me_asking
1088 minuscule miniscule
1089 missing_gaps gaps
1090 mix_together blend
1091 more_easier easier
1092 more_optimal better
1093 more_that more+than
1094 more_then more+than
1095 moreso more+so
1096 mother_in_law mother-in-law
1097 mothers_in_law mothers-in-law
1098 must_of must+have
1099 must_of_been must+have+been
1100 must_of_had must+have+had
1101 mustnt must+not
1102 mutual_confidence confidence
1103 mutual_cooperation cooperation
1104 my_opinion_is_that
1105 my_question_is_are are
1106 my_question_is_can can
1107 my_question_is_could could
1108 my_question_is_do do
1109 my_question_is_have have
1110 my_question_is_how how
1111 my_question_is_should should
1112 my_question_is_what what
1113 my_question_is_when when
1114 my_question_is_where where
1115 my_question_is_who who
1116 my_question_is_why why
1117 my_question_is_would would
1118 nada nothing
1119 NATO_organization NATO
1120 natuarlly
1121 naturally
1122 naturaly
1123 naturely
1124 naturually
1125 near_proximity proximity
1126 nearly_everything everything
1127 neath beneath
1128 neednt need+not
1129 negative_misfortune misfortune
1130 negative_no no
1131 never_ever never
1132 neverever never+ever
1133 new_discovery discovery
1134 new_innovations innovations
1135 new_neophyte neophyte
1136 new_recruit recruit
1137 Newyorker New+Yorker
1138 nineties 90
1139 nite night
1140 no_where_to nowhere+to
1141 nomenclature_terms nomenclature
1142 none_at_all none
1143 nonreading_illiterates illiterates
1144 noone no+one
1145 nostalgia_for_the_past nostalgia
1146 not_a_bit no
1147 not_atm not+at+the+moment
1148 not_many few
1149 not_old_enough too+young
1150 not_possible impossible
1151 not_sufficient_enough insufficient
1152 not_sur not+sure
1153 not_the_same different
1154 noyb none+of+your+business
1155 np no+problem
1156 nuff enough
1157 null_and_void void
1158 nvm nevermind
1159 ny New+York
1160 nyc New+York+City
1161 obviosly
1162 obviously>
1163 of_course
1164 of_course>
1165 of_the_clock o'clock
1166 ofits of+its
1167 oft_he of+the
1168 ofthe of+the
1169 ohh oh
1170 old_adage adage
1171 old_customs customs
1172 old_senior_citizens senior+citizens
1173 omelet omelette
1174 on_most_occasions usually
1175 on_the_whole
1176 one_and_the_same the+same
1177 one_in_done one+and+done
1178 one_in_the_same one+and+the+same
1179 one_possible_idea_might_be
1180 oneof one+of
1181 onepoint one+point
1182 ont_he on+the
1183 onthe on+the
1184 ooh
1185 opt_for choose
1186 opted_for chose
1187 or_something_like_that
1188 oral_conversation conversation
1189 orderves hors+d'oeuvre
1190 organise organize
1191 original_founder founder
1192 original_source source
1193 other_then other+than
1194 oughta ought+to
1195 oughtnt ought+not
1196 oui yes
1197 outloud out+loud
1198 outof out+of
1199 outta out+of
1200 over_the_duration_of during
1201 overthe over+the
1202 overused_cliche cliche
1203 oy
1204 PM p.m.
1205 p.m p.m.
1206 p.m._in_the_evening p.m.
1207 particular_interest interest
1208 partof part+of
1209 past_experience experience
1210 past_history history
1211 past_tradition tradition
1212 per_say per+se
1213 percentof percent+of
1214 percentto percent+to
1215 perfectly_legitimate legitimate
1216 perform_an_assessment_of assess
1217 period_of
1218 persay per+se
1219 persistent_obsession obsession
1220 personal_friend friend
1221 personal_friendship friendship
1222 personal_individual individual
1223 personal_opinion opinion
1224 personally_,_I I
1225 perv pervert
1226 peut-etre perhaps
1227 phew
1228 PIN_number PIN
1229 pizza_pie pizza
1230 place_under_water submerge
1231 play_actor actor
1232 playoff_birth playoff+berth
1233 pm p.m.
1234 poisonous_venoms venoms
1235 polar_opposites opposites
1236 pop_star popstar
1237 positive_yes yes
1238 postponed_until_later postponed
1239 potentially_capable capable
1240 pourquoi why
1241 ppl people
1242 ppls people
1243 pray_tell
1244 pray_tell_me
1245 pre_planning planning
1246 present_incumbent incumbent
1247 previously_listed_above previously+listed
1248 principle_activity principal+activity
1249 principle_source principal+source
1250 principle_use principal+use
1251 promise_land promised+land
1252 pruned_out pruned
1253 Puertorrican Puerto+Rican
1254 put_fourth put+forth
1255 put_it_in_a_nutshell condense+it
1256 puzzling_in_nature puzzling
1257 que queue
1258 quite
1259 raelly
1260 rather_then rather+than
1261 real_actual actual
1262 really
1263 receded_back receded
1264 recently_new new
1265 rectangular_in_shape rectangular
1266 refer_back refer
1267 regrettably
1268 regular_routine routine
1269 reign_in rein+in
1270 reigned_in reined+in
1271 reigns_of_power reins+of+power
1272 relaly
1273 remarkably_in_fact
1274 repeat_again repeat
1275 resulting_effects effects
1276 retreating_back retreating
1277 return_again return
1278 return_back return
1279 revert_back revert
1280 right_now currently
1281 rite right
1282 roll_player role+player
1283 root_cause cause
1284 round_circle circle
1285 round_in_shape round
1286 round_wheels wheels
1287 rox rocks
1288 ruling_junta junta
1289 russian Russian
1290 safe_haven haven
1291 safe_sanctuary sanctuary
1292 said_to_be
1293 saidhe said+he
1294 saidit said+it
1295 saidt_he said+the
1296 saidthat said+that
1297 saidthe said+the
1298 sayeth say
1299 scifi science+fiction
1300 seedling_plant seedling
1301 serious_danger danger
1302 seventies 70
1303 severely
1304 severley
1305 severly
1306 shaddup shut+up
1307 shalt shall
1308 shant shall+not
1309 shape_and_form shape
1310 sharp_point point
1311 she_,_herself_, she
1312 she_herself she
1313 she_is_a_person_who she
1314 shesaid she+said
1315 shorter_in_length shorter
1316 shorter_then shorter+than
1317 should_of_been should+have+been
1318 should_of_had should+have+had
1319 shoulda should+have
1320 shouldnt should+not
1321 shout_at tell
1322 shuddup shut+up
1323 side_affect side+effect
1324 sink_down sink
1325 sister_in_law sister-in-law
1326 sisters_in_law sisters-in-law
1327 sixties 60
1328 small_in_size small
1329 small_speck speck
1330 smaller_then smaller+than
1331 smarter_then smarter+than
1332 sneak_peak sneak+peek
1333 sneaking_suspicion suspicion
1334 so_do_I I+do+also
1335 some_of_the some
1336 somekinda some+kind+of
1337 son_in_law son-in-law
1338 sons_in_law sons-in-law
1339 sorta sort+of
1340 sos same+old+shit
1341 sox socks
1342 specific_examples examples
1343 spell_out explain
1344 sportscar sports+car
1345 spose suppose
1346 spread_like_wildfire spread+rapidly
1347 spunoff spun+off
1348 sq square
1349 sq. square
1350 square_in_shape square
1351 srsly seriously
1352 staged_scenario scenario
1353 straight_of Strait+of
1354 stronger_then stronger+than
1355 successful_achievement achievement
1356 sudden_impulse impulse
1357 suffered_poorly suffered
1358 sum_total total
1359 summarize_briefly summarize
1360 suppose_to supposed+to
1361 surrounded_on_all_sides surrounded
1362 surrounding_circumstances circumstances
1363 sux sucks
1364 swiss Swiss
1365 take_a_nap snooze
1366 take_affect take+effect
1367 take_the_reigns take+the+reins
1368 taking_the_reigns taking+the+reins
1369 talk_to_me_about describe
1370 team_comprised_of team+composed+of
1371 technical_jargon jargon
1372 tell_me_what_you what+do+you
1373 tell_me_what_your what+is+your
1374 tellt_he tell+the
1375 temporary_reprieve reprieve
1376 tennisplayer tennis+player
1377 that_exists
1378 that_is_how_I_see_it
1379 that_maybe that+may+be
1380 thats that+is
1381 the_african_continent Africa
1382 the_are they+are
1383 the_asian_continent Asia
1384 the_central_american_continent Central+America
1385 the_crack_of_dawn dawn
1386 the_eighties 1980s
1387 the_european_continent Europe
1388 the_fact_is
1389 the_fact_of_the_matter_is
1390 the_fifties 1950s
1391 the_forties 1940s
1392 the_fuck
1393 the_future_to_come the+future
1394 the_had they+had
1395 the_heck
1396 the_hell
1397 the_nineties 1980s
1398 the_north_american_continent north+america
1399 the_point_I_am_trying_to_make_is_that
1400 the_question_is_are are
1401 the_question_is_can can
1402 the_question_is_could could
1403 the_question_is_do do
1404 the_question_is_have have
1405 the_question_is_how how
1406 the_question_is_should should
1407 the_question_is_what what
1408 the_question_is_when when
1409 the_question_is_where where
1410 the_question_is_who who
1411 the_question_is_why why
1412 the_question_is_would would
1413 the_seventies 1970s
1414 the_sixties 1960s
1415 the_south_american_continent south+america
1416 the_thirties 1930s
1417 the_twenties 1920s
1418 the_US the+United+States
1419 the_were they+were
1420 thecompany the+company
1421 thee you
1422 thefirst the+first
1423 thegovernment the+government
1424 their_are there+are
1425 their_is there+is
1426 themself themselves
1427 themselfs themselves
1428 thenew the+new
1429 there_is_no_doubt_but_that no+doubt
1430 therefore
1431 theres there+is
1432 thesame the+same
1433 thetwo the+two
1434 they_,_themself_, they
1435 they_,_themselves_, they
1436 they_themself they
1437 they_themselves they
1438 they_where they+were
1439 theyd they+would
1440 thier their
1441 thirties 30
1442 thisyear this+year
1443 thnx thanks
1444 thou you
1445 thru through
1446 thx thanks
1447 thy your
1448 til until
1449 times_up your+time+is+up
1450 to_be_fair
1451 to_be_honest
1452 to_be_honest_with_you
1453 to_g to+go
1454 to_make_a_long_story_short to+summarize
1455 to_my_way_of_thinking
1456 to_setup to+set+up
1457 to_the_best_of_my_knowledge
1458 todays today+'s
1459 toldt_he told+the
1460 too>
1461 took_affect took+effect
1462 took_the_reigns took+the+reins
1463 tookover took+over
1464 tot_he to+the
1465 total_destruction destruction
1466 totally
1467 totaly
1468 totalyl
1469 tothe to+the
1470 tptb the+powers+that+be
1471 tried_and_true proven
1472 true_facts facts
1473 trust_me_when_I_tell_you
1474 try_and_find try+to+find
1475 try_and_get try+to+get
1476 try_and_see try+to+see
1477 try_hard endeavor
1478 twas it+was
1479 twenties 20
1480 two-man_tandem tandem
1481 two-person_tandem tandem
1482 ugh
1483 uh
1484 uhh
1485 uhm
1486 uhmm
1487 uhmn
1488 ultimate_goal goal
1489 um
1490 umm
1491 ummm
1492 ummmm
1493 under_the_weather sick
1494 undergraduate_student student
1495 undert_he under+the
1496 unexpected_emergency emergency
1497 unexpected_surprise surprise
1498 unforetunately
1499 unfortunately
1500 unhealthy_sickness sickness
1501 UnitedStates United+States
1502 Unites_States United+States
1503 university_college_students university+students
1504 unmarried_bachelor bachelor
1505 unmarried_old_maid old+maid
1506 unnecessary_redundancies redundancies
1507 unsolved_mystery mystery
1508 usual_custom custom
1509 vacillating_back_and_forth vacillating
1510 very
1511 VIN_number VIN
1512 visible_with_your_own_eyes visible
1513 wa_snot was+not
1514 wahtevah whatever
1515 walk_clumsily stagger
1516 wall_mural mural
1517 wander_back_and_forth meander
1518 wanna want+to
1519 was'nt wasn't
1520 was_aloud was+allowed
1521 wasnt was+not
1522 watching_and_observing watching
1523 water_hydrant hydrant
1524 we_,_ourself_, we
1525 we_are_in_receipt_of we+have+received
1526 we_ourself we
1527 we_ourselves we
1528 well_I I
1529 well_you you
1530 were_are where+are
1531 werent were+not
1532 whaddya what+do+you
1533 what_'s_up what+is+new
1534 what_brings_you_here why+are+you+here
1535 what_brings_you_in why+are+you+in
1536 what_brings_you_into why+are+you+into
1537 what_brings_you_out why+are+you+out
1538 what_brings_you_to why+are+you+at
1539 what_I_am_trying_to_say_is
1540 what_I_am_trying_to_say_is_that
1541 what_I_mean_is
1542 what_I_mean_to_say_is_that
1543 what_in_hell what
1544 what_in_the_heck what
1545 what_in_the_hell what
1546 what_in_the_world what
1547 what_is_going_on_in what+is+happening+in
1548 what_is_u what+is+your
1549 what_the_heck what
1550 what_we_call
1551 whateva whatever
1552 whatevah whatever
1553 whats what+is
1554 whats_your what+is+your
1555 whazzup what+is+new
1556 when_do_you_believe_it_is when+is+it
1557 when_do_you_believe_it_will when+will+it
1558 when_do_you_think_it_is when+is+it
1559 when_do_you_think_it_will when+will+it
1560 when_in_the_world when
1561 when_on_to went+on+to
1562 whent_he when+the
1563 where_do_you_believe_it_is where+is+it
1564 where_do_you_believe_it_will where+will+it
1565 where_do_you_think_it_is where+is+it
1566 where_do_you_think_it_will where+will+it
1567 where_in_heck where
1568 where_in_the_heck where
1569 where_in_the_hell where
1570 where_in_the_world where
1571 where_is_u where+is+your
1572 where_the_heck where
1573 where_the_hell where
1574 which_comprised_of which+consisted+of
1575 whichones which+ones
1576 whicht_he which+the
1577 who_do_you_believe who
1578 who_do_you_think who
1579 who_id who+is
1580 who_in_heck who
1581 who_in_hell who
1582 who_in_the_heck who
1583 who_in_the_world who
1584 who_is_u who+is+your
1585 who_the_heck who
1586 who_where who+were
1587 whoa stop
1588 whom_do_you_believe whom
1589 whom_do_you_think whom
1590 whos_your who+is+your
1591 why_do_you_believe_it_is why+is+it
1592 why_do_you_believe_it_will why+will+it
1593 why_do_you_think_he_is why+is+he
1594 why_do_you_think_I_am why+am+i
1595 why_do_you_think_it_is why+is+it
1596 why_do_you_think_it_will why+will+it
1597 why_in_heck why
1598 why_in_hell why
1599 why_in_the_heck why
1600 why_in_the_world why
1601 why_is_it_that why+do
1602 why_the_heck why
1603 widow_woman widow
1604 widower_man widower
1605 wilbe will+be
1606 will_comprise_of will+consist+of
1607 will_of_been will+have+been
1608 will_of_had will+have+had
1609 willbe will+be
1610 willya will+you
1611 witcha with+you
1612 with_all_due_respect
1613 with_au_jus au+jus
1614 witha with+a
1615 without_doubt
1616 withregards with+regards
1617 witht_he with+the
1618 withthe with+the
1619 wo who
1620 womens women+'s
1621 wont will+not
1622 wordy_and_verbose verbose
1623 works_like_a_dog works+hard
1624 worse-case_scenario worst-case+scenario
1625 worse_then worse+than
1626 worth_its_weight_in_gold valuable
1627 wotcha what+have+you
1628 would_comprise_of would+consist+of
1629 would_of would+have
1630 would_of_been would+have+been
1631 would_of_had would+have+had
1632 wouldbe would+be
1633 wouldnt would+not
1634 wreck_havoc wreak+havoc
1635 xmas Christmas
1636 Xmas Christmas
1637 yadayada
1638 yadayadayada
1639 yessum yes+Madam
1640 yo you
1641 yo_mamm your+mother
1642 yo_momma your+mother
1643 you_,_yourself_, you
1644 you_,_yourselves_, you
1645 you_are_saying_that_you you
1646 you_are_saying_you you
1647 you_can_trust_me_when_I_tell_you
1648 you_have_probably_already_thought_of_this_,_but
1649 you_have_to you+must
1650 you_know_how_it_is
1651 you_re you+are
1652 you_reckon you+think
1653 you_this_afternoon you
1654 you_this_evening you
1655 you_this_morning you
1656 you_today you
1657 you_tonight you
1658 you_tube YouTube
1659 you_yourself you
1660 youare you+are
1661 younger_then younger+than
1662 your_a you+are+a
1663 your_such you+are+such
1664 youre you+are
1665 yourselve yourself
1666 yourslef yourself
1667 youself yourself
1668 youthful_teenagers teenagers
1669 ypu you
1670 yu you
1671 yuor your
1672 government_comprised_of government+composed+of
1673 it_is_probable_that probably
\No newline at end of file