6.63 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Imms (MIT License).
3 * Copyright (c) 2018, Microsoft Corporation (MIT License).
4 */
6declare module 'node-pty' {
7 /**
8 * Forks a process as a pseudoterminal.
9 * @param file The file to launch.
10 * @param args The file's arguments as argv (string[]) or in a pre-escaped CommandLine format
11 * (string). Note that the CommandLine option is only available on Windows and is expected to be
12 * escaped properly.
13 * @param options The options of the terminal.
14 * @see CommandLineToArgvW https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb776391(v=vs.85).aspx
15 * @see Parsing C++ Comamnd-Line Arguments https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/17w5ykft.aspx
16 * @see GetCommandLine https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683156.aspx
17 */
18 export function spawn(file: string, args: string[] | string, options: IPtyForkOptions | IWindowsPtyForkOptions): IPty;
20 export interface IBasePtyForkOptions {
22 /**
23 * Name of the terminal to be set in environment ($TERM variable).
24 */
25 name?: string;
27 /**
28 * Number of intial cols of the pty.
29 */
30 cols?: number;
32 /**
33 * Number of initial rows of the pty.
34 */
35 rows?: number;
37 /**
38 * Working directory to be set for the child program.
39 */
40 cwd?: string;
42 /**
43 * Environment to be set for the child program.
44 */
45 env?: { [key: string]: string };
47 /**
48 * String encoding of the underlying pty.
49 * If set, incoming data will be decoded to strings and outgoing strings to bytes applying this encoding.
50 * If unset, incoming data will be delivered as raw bytes (Buffer type).
51 * By default 'utf8' is assumed, to unset it explicitly set it to `null`.
52 */
53 encoding?: string | null;
55 /**
57 * Whether to enable flow control handling (false by default). If enabled a message of `flowControlPause`
58 * will pause the socket and thus blocking the child program execution due to buffer back pressure.
59 * A message of `flowControlResume` will resume the socket into flow mode.
60 * For performance reasons only a single message as a whole will match (no message part matching).
61 * If flow control is enabled the `flowControlPause` and `flowControlResume` messages are not forwarded to
62 * the underlying pseudoterminal.
63 */
64 handleFlowControl?: boolean;
66 /**
68 * The string that should pause the pty when `handleFlowControl` is true. Default is XOFF ('\x13').
69 */
70 flowControlPause?: string;
72 /**
74 * The string that should resume the pty when `handleFlowControl` is true. Default is XON ('\x11').
75 */
76 flowControlResume?: string;
77 }
79 export interface IPtyForkOptions extends IBasePtyForkOptions {
80 /**
81 * Security warning: use this option with great caution, as opened file descriptors
82 * with higher privileges might leak to the child program.
83 */
84 uid?: number;
85 gid?: number;
86 }
88 export interface IWindowsPtyForkOptions extends IBasePtyForkOptions {
89 /**
90 * Whether to use the ConPTY system on Windows. When this is not set, ConPTY will be used when
91 * the Windows build number is >= 18309 (instead of winpty). Note that ConPTY is available from
92 * build 17134 but is too unstable to enable by default.
93 *
94 * This setting does nothing on non-Windows.
95 */
96 useConpty?: boolean;
98 /**
99 * Whether to use PSEUDOCONSOLE_INHERIT_CURSOR in conpty.
100 * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/createpseudoconsole
101 */
102 conptyInheritCursor?: boolean;
103 }
105 /**
106 * An interface representing a pseudoterminal, on Windows this is emulated via the winpty library.
107 */
108 export interface IPty {
109 /**
110 * The process ID of the outer process.
111 */
112 readonly pid: number;
114 /**
115 * The column size in characters.
116 */
117 readonly cols: number;
119 /**
120 * The row size in characters.
121 */
122 readonly rows: number;
124 /**
125 * The title of the active process.
126 */
127 readonly process: string;
129 /**
131 * Whether to handle flow control. Useful to disable/re-enable flow control during runtime.
132 * Use this for binary data that is likely to contain the `flowControlPause` string by accident.
133 */
134 handleFlowControl: boolean;
136 /**
137 * Adds an event listener for when a data event fires. This happens when data is returned from
138 * the pty.
139 * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening.
140 */
141 readonly onData: IEvent<string>;
143 /**
144 * Adds an event listener for when an exit event fires. This happens when the pty exits.
145 * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening.
146 */
147 readonly onExit: IEvent<{ exitCode: number, signal?: number }>;
149 /**
150 * Adds a listener to the data event, fired when data is returned from the pty.
151 * @param event The name of the event.
152 * @param listener The callback function.
153 * @deprecated Use IPty.onData
154 */
155 on(event: 'data', listener: (data: string) => void): void;
157 /**
158 * Adds a listener to the exit event, fired when the pty exits.
159 * @param event The name of the event.
160 * @param listener The callback function, exitCode is the exit code of the process and signal is
161 * the signal that triggered the exit. signal is not supported on Windows.
162 * @deprecated Use IPty.onExit
163 */
164 on(event: 'exit', listener: (exitCode: number, signal?: number) => void): void;
166 /**
167 * Resizes the dimensions of the pty.
168 * @param columns THe number of columns to use.
169 * @param rows The number of rows to use.
170 */
171 resize(columns: number, rows: number): void;
173 /**
174 * Writes data to the pty.
175 * @param data The data to write.
176 */
177 write(data: string): void;
179 /**
180 * Kills the pty.
181 * @param signal The signal to use, defaults to SIGHUP. This parameter is not supported on
182 * Windows.
183 * @throws Will throw when signal is used on Windows.
184 */
185 kill(signal?: string): void;
187 /**
188 * Pauses the pty for customizable flow control.
189 */
190 pause(): void;
192 /**
193 * Resumes the pty for customizable flow control.
194 */
195 resume(): void;
196 }
198 /**
199 * An object that can be disposed via a dispose function.
200 */
201 export interface IDisposable {
202 dispose(): void;
203 }
205 /**
206 * An event that can be listened to.
207 * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening.
208 */
209 export interface IEvent<T> {
210 (listener: (e: T) => any): IDisposable;
211 }