1.19 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
4 * node-res
5 *
6 * (c) Harminder Virk <virk@adonisjs.com>
7 *
8 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
9 * file that was distributed with this source code.
12module.exports = {
13 continue: 100,
14 switchingProtocols: 101,
15 ok: 200,
16 created: 201,
17 accepted: 202,
18 nonAuthoritativeInformation: 203,
19 noContent: 204,
20 resetContent: 205,
21 partialContent: 206,
22 multipleChoices: 300,
23 movedPermanently: 301,
24 found: 302,
25 seeOther: 303,
26 notModified: 304,
27 useProxy: 305,
28 temporaryRedirect: 307,
29 badRequest: 400,
30 unauthorized: 401,
31 paymentRequired: 402,
32 forbidden: 403,
33 notFound: 404,
34 methodNotAllowed: 405,
35 notAcceptable: 406,
36 proxyAuthenticationRequired: 407,
37 requestTimeout: 408,
38 conflict: 409,
39 gone: 410,
40 lengthRequired: 411,
41 preconditionFailed: 412,
42 requestEntityTooLarge: 413,
43 requestUriTooLong: 414,
44 unsupportedMediaType: 415,
45 requestedRangeNotSatisfiable: 416,
46 expectationFailed: 417,
47 unprocessableEntity: 422,
48 tooManyRequests: 429,
49 internalServerError: 500,
50 notImplemented: 501,
51 badGateway: 502,
52 serviceUnavailable: 503,
53 gatewayTimeout: 504,
54 httpVersionNotSupported: 505