1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var util = require('util');
4 | var lodash = require('lodash');
5 |
6 | var Query = require('./node/query');
7 | var Column = require('./column');
8 | var TableNode = require('./node/table');
9 | var JoinNode = require('./node/join');
10 | var LiteralNode = require('./node/literal');
11 | var Joiner = require('./joiner');
12 | var ForeignKeyNode = require('./node/foreignKey');
13 |
14 | var Table = function(config) {
15 | this._schema = config.schema;
16 | this._name = config.name;
17 | this._initialConfig = config;
18 | this.columnWhiteList = !!config.columnWhiteList;
19 | this.isTemporary=!!config.isTemporary;
20 | this.snakeToCamel = !!config.snakeToCamel;
21 | this.columns = [];
22 | this.foreignKeys = [];
23 | this.table = this;
24 | if (!config.sql) {
25 | config.sql = require('./index');
26 | }
27 | this.sql = config.sql;
28 | };
29 |
30 | Table.define = function(config) {
31 | var table = new Table(config);
32 |
33 | if (config.columns && !util.isArray(config.columns)) {
34 | var cols = [];
35 |
36 | for (var key in config.columns) {
37 | if (config.columns.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
38 | var col = config.columns[key];
39 | col.name = key;
40 | cols.push(col);
41 | }
42 | }
43 |
44 | config.columns = cols;
45 | }
46 |
47 | for (var i = 0; i < config.columns.length; i++) {
48 | table.addColumn(config.columns[i]);
49 | }
50 |
51 | if(config.foreignKeys !== undefined) {
52 | if(util.isArray(config.foreignKeys)) {
53 | for(i = 0; i < config.foreignKeys.length; i++) {
54 | table.foreignKeys.push(new ForeignKeyNode(config.foreignKeys[i]));
55 | }
56 | } else {
57 | table.foreignKeys.push(new ForeignKeyNode(config.foreignKeys));
58 | }
59 | }
60 | return table;
61 | };
62 |
63 | Table.prototype.clone = function(config) {
64 | return Table.define(lodash.extend({
65 | schema: this._schema,
66 | name: this._name,
67 | sql: this.sql,
68 | columnWhiteList: !!this.columnWhiteList,
69 | snakeToCamel: !!this.snakeToCamel,
70 | columns: this.columns,
71 | foreignKeys: this.foreignKeys
72 | }, config || {}));
73 | };
74 |
75 | Table.prototype.createColumn = function(col) {
76 | if(!(col instanceof Column)) {
77 | if(typeof col === 'string') {
78 | col = { name: col };
79 | }
80 |
81 | col.table = this;
82 | col = new Column(col);
83 |
84 |
85 | if(util.isArray(col.subfields)) {
86 | col.subfields = lodash.chain(col.subfields)
87 | .map(lodash.bind(function (subfield) {
88 | return [subfield, new Column({
89 | table: this,
90 | subfieldContainer: col,
91 | name: subfield
92 | })];
93 | }, this))
94 | .fromPairs()
95 | .value();
96 | }
97 | }
98 |
99 | return col;
100 | };
101 |
102 | Table.prototype.addColumn = function(col, options) {
103 | col = this.createColumn(col);
104 | options = lodash.extend({
105 | noisy: true
106 | }, options || {});
107 |
108 | if(this.hasColumn(col)) {
109 | if (options.noisy) {
110 | throw new Error('Table ' + this._name + ' already has column or property by the name of ' + col.name);
111 | } else {
112 | return this;
113 | }
114 | } else if(!!this[col.name] && (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'debug')) {
115 | console.log('Please notice that you have just defined the column "' + col.name + '". In order to access it, you need to use "table.getColumn(\'' + col.name + '\');"!');
116 | }
117 | this.columns.push(col);
118 |
119 | function snakeToCamel(snakeName) {
120 | return snakeName.replace(/[\-_]([a-z])/g, function(m, $1){ return $1.toUpperCase(); });
121 | }
122 |
123 | var property = col.property = col.property || (this.snakeToCamel ? snakeToCamel(col.name) : col.name);
124 | this[property] = this[property] || col;
125 | return this;
126 | };
127 |
128 | Table.prototype.hasColumn = function(col) {
129 | var columnName = col instanceof Column ? col.name : col;
130 | return this.columns.some(function(column) {
131 | return column.property === columnName || column.name === columnName;
132 | });
133 | };
134 |
135 | Table.prototype.getColumn =
136 | Table.prototype.get =
137 | function(colName) {
138 | for(var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
139 | var col = this.columns[i];
140 | if (colName === col.property || colName === col.name) {
141 | return col;
142 | }
143 | }
144 | if(this.columnWhiteList)
145 | return null;
146 | throw new Error('Table ' + this._name + ' does not have a column or property named ' + colName);
147 | };
148 |
149 | Table.prototype.getSchema = function() {
150 | return this._schema;
151 | };
152 |
153 | Table.prototype.setSchema = function(schema) {
154 | this._schema = schema;
155 | };
156 |
157 | Table.prototype.getName = function() {
158 | if (this.sql && this.sql.dialectName=="mssql" && this.isTemporary) return "#"+this._name;
159 | return this._name;
160 | };
161 |
162 | Table.prototype.star = function(options) {
163 | options = options || {};
164 | if (options.prefix) {
165 | return this.columns.map(function(column) {
166 | return this[column.name].as(options.prefix + column.name);
167 | }.bind(this));
168 | }
169 |
170 | return new Column({table: this, star: true});
171 | };
172 |
173 | Table.prototype.literal = function(literal) {
174 | return new LiteralNode(literal);
175 | };
176 |
177 | Table.prototype.count = function(alias) {
178 | var name = this.alias || this._name,
179 | col = new Column({table: this, star: true});
180 |
181 | return col.count(alias || name + '_count');
182 | };
183 |
184 | Table.prototype.select = function() {
185 |
186 | var query = new Query(this);
187 | if (arguments.length === 0) {
188 | query.select.call(query, this.star());
189 | } else {
190 | query.select.apply(query, arguments);
191 | }
192 | return query;
193 | };
194 |
195 | Table.prototype.subQuery = function(alias) {
196 |
197 | var query = new Query(this);
198 | query.type = 'SUBQUERY';
199 | query.alias = alias;
200 | query.join = function(other) {
201 | return new JoinNode('INNER', this.toNode(), other.toNode(), other);
202 | };
203 | return query;
204 | };
205 |
206 | Table.prototype.insert = function() {
207 | var query = new Query(this);
208 | if(!arguments[0] || (util.isArray(arguments[0]) && arguments[0].length === 0)){
209 | query.select.call(query, this.star());
210 | query.where.apply(query,["1=2"]);
211 | } else {
212 | query.insert.apply(query, arguments);
213 | }
214 | return query;
215 | };
216 |
217 | Table.prototype.replace = function() {
218 | var query = new Query(this);
219 | if(!arguments[0] || (util.isArray(arguments[0]) && arguments[0].length === 0)){
220 | query.select.call(query, this.star());
221 | query.where.apply(query,["1=2"]);
222 | } else {
223 | query.replace.apply(query, arguments);
224 | }
225 | return query;
226 | };
227 |
228 | Table.prototype.toNode = function() {
229 | return new TableNode(this);
230 | };
231 |
232 | Table.prototype.join = function(other) {
233 | return new JoinNode('INNER', this.toNode(), other.toNode(), other);
234 | };
235 |
236 | Table.prototype.leftJoin = function(other) {
237 | return new JoinNode('LEFT', this.toNode(), other.toNode());
238 | };
239 |
240 |
241 | Table.prototype.joinTo = function(other) {
242 | return Joiner.leftJoin(this, other);
243 | };
244 |
245 | Table.prototype.as = function(alias) {
246 |
247 | var t = Table.define(this._initialConfig);
248 | t.alias = alias;
249 | return t;
250 | };
251 |
252 |
253 | Table.prototype.__defineGetter__("nodes", function() {
254 | return this.select(this.star()).nodes;
255 | });
256 |
257 | Table.prototype.and = function() {
258 | var query = new Query(this);
259 | query.where.apply(query, arguments);
260 | return query;
261 | };
262 |
263 | Table.prototype.indexes = function() {
264 | return new Query(this).indexes();
265 | };
266 |
267 | var queryMethods = [
268 | 'alter',
269 | 'create',
270 | 'delete',
271 | 'drop',
272 | 'from',
273 | 'limit',
274 | 'offset',
275 | 'or',
276 | 'order',
277 | 'truncate',
278 | 'update',
279 | 'where'
280 | ];
281 |
282 | queryMethods.forEach(function (method) {
283 | Table.prototype[method] = function () {
284 | var query = new Query(this);
285 | query[method].apply(query, arguments);
286 | return query;
287 | };
288 | });
289 |
290 | module.exports = Table;