36.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license node-stream-zip | (c) 2015 Antelle | https://github.com/antelle/node-stream-zip/blob/master/LICENSE
3 * Portions copyright https://github.com/cthackers/adm-zip | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cthackers/adm-zip/master/LICENSE
4 */
6// region Deps
9 util = require('util'),
10 fs = require('fs'),
11 path = require('path'),
12 events = require('events'),
13 zlib = require('zlib'),
14 stream = require('stream');
16// endregion
18// region Constants
20var consts = {
21 /* The local file header */
22 LOCHDR : 30, // LOC header size
23 LOCSIG : 0x04034b50, // "PK\003\004"
24 LOCVER : 4, // version needed to extract
25 LOCFLG : 6, // general purpose bit flag
26 LOCHOW : 8, // compression method
27 LOCTIM : 10, // modification time (2 bytes time, 2 bytes date)
28 LOCCRC : 14, // uncompressed file crc-32 value
29 LOCSIZ : 18, // compressed size
30 LOCLEN : 22, // uncompressed size
31 LOCNAM : 26, // filename length
32 LOCEXT : 28, // extra field length
34 /* The Data descriptor */
35 EXTSIG : 0x08074b50, // "PK\007\008"
36 EXTHDR : 16, // EXT header size
37 EXTCRC : 4, // uncompressed file crc-32 value
38 EXTSIZ : 8, // compressed size
39 EXTLEN : 12, // uncompressed size
41 /* The central directory file header */
42 CENHDR : 46, // CEN header size
43 CENSIG : 0x02014b50, // "PK\001\002"
44 CENVEM : 4, // version made by
45 CENVER : 6, // version needed to extract
46 CENFLG : 8, // encrypt, decrypt flags
47 CENHOW : 10, // compression method
48 CENTIM : 12, // modification time (2 bytes time, 2 bytes date)
49 CENCRC : 16, // uncompressed file crc-32 value
50 CENSIZ : 20, // compressed size
51 CENLEN : 24, // uncompressed size
52 CENNAM : 28, // filename length
53 CENEXT : 30, // extra field length
54 CENCOM : 32, // file comment length
55 CENDSK : 34, // volume number start
56 CENATT : 36, // internal file attributes
57 CENATX : 38, // external file attributes (host system dependent)
58 CENOFF : 42, // LOC header offset
60 /* The entries in the end of central directory */
61 ENDHDR : 22, // END header size
62 ENDSIG : 0x06054b50, // "PK\005\006"
63 ENDSIGFIRST : 0x50,
64 ENDSUB : 8, // number of entries on this disk
65 ENDTOT : 10, // total number of entries
66 ENDSIZ : 12, // central directory size in bytes
67 ENDOFF : 16, // offset of first CEN header
68 ENDCOM : 20, // zip file comment length
71 /* The entries in the end of ZIP64 central directory locator */
72 ENDL64HDR : 20, // ZIP64 end of central directory locator header size
73 ENDL64SIG : 0x07064b50, // ZIP64 end of central directory locator signature
74 ENDL64SIGFIRST : 0x50,
75 ENDL64OFS : 8, // ZIP64 end of central directory offset
77 /* The entries in the end of ZIP64 central directory */
78 END64HDR : 56, // ZIP64 end of central directory header size
79 END64SIG : 0x06064b50, // ZIP64 end of central directory signature
80 END64SIGFIRST : 0x50,
81 END64SUB : 24, // number of entries on this disk
82 END64TOT : 32, // total number of entries
83 END64SIZ : 40,
84 END64OFF : 48,
86 /* Compression methods */
87 STORED : 0, // no compression
88 SHRUNK : 1, // shrunk
89 REDUCED1 : 2, // reduced with compression factor 1
90 REDUCED2 : 3, // reduced with compression factor 2
91 REDUCED3 : 4, // reduced with compression factor 3
92 REDUCED4 : 5, // reduced with compression factor 4
93 IMPLODED : 6, // imploded
94 // 7 reserved
95 DEFLATED : 8, // deflated
96 ENHANCED_DEFLATED: 9, // enhanced deflated
97 PKWARE : 10,// PKWare DCL imploded
98 // 11 reserved
99 BZIP2 : 12, // compressed using BZIP2
100 // 13 reserved
101 LZMA : 14, // LZMA
102 // 15-17 reserved
103 IBM_TERSE : 18, // compressed using IBM TERSE
104 IBM_LZ77 : 19, //IBM LZ77 z
106 /* General purpose bit flag */
107 FLG_ENC : 0, // encrypted file
108 FLG_COMP1 : 1, // compression option
109 FLG_COMP2 : 2, // compression option
110 FLG_DESC : 4, // data descriptor
111 FLG_ENH : 8, // enhanced deflation
112 FLG_STR : 16, // strong encryption
113 FLG_LNG : 1024, // language encoding
114 FLG_MSK : 4096, // mask header values
115 FLG_ENTRY_ENC : 1,
117 /* 4.5 Extensible data fields */
118 EF_ID : 0,
119 EF_SIZE : 2,
121 /* Header IDs */
122 ID_ZIP64 : 0x0001,
123 ID_AVINFO : 0x0007,
124 ID_PFS : 0x0008,
125 ID_OS2 : 0x0009,
126 ID_NTFS : 0x000a,
127 ID_OPENVMS : 0x000c,
128 ID_UNIX : 0x000d,
129 ID_FORK : 0x000e,
130 ID_PATCH : 0x000f,
131 ID_X509_PKCS7 : 0x0014,
132 ID_X509_CERTID_F : 0x0015,
133 ID_X509_CERTID_C : 0x0016,
134 ID_STRONGENC : 0x0017,
135 ID_RECORD_MGT : 0x0018,
136 ID_X509_PKCS7_RL : 0x0019,
137 ID_IBM1 : 0x0065,
138 ID_IBM2 : 0x0066,
139 ID_POSZIP : 0x4690,
141 EF_ZIP64_OR_32 : 0xffffffff,
142 EF_ZIP64_OR_16 : 0xffff
145// endregion
147// region StreamZip
149var StreamZip = function(config) {
150 var
151 fd,
152 fileSize,
153 chunkSize,
154 ready = false,
155 that = this,
156 op,
157 centralDirectory,
158 closed,
160 entries = config.storeEntries !== false ? {} : null,
161 fileName = config.file;
163 open();
165 function open() {
166 fs.open(fileName, 'r', function(err, f) {
167 if (err)
168 return that.emit('error', err);
169 fd = f;
170 fs.fstat(fd, function(err, stat) {
171 if (err)
172 return that.emit('error', err);
173 fileSize = stat.size;
174 chunkSize = config.chunkSize || Math.round(fileSize / 1000);
175 chunkSize = Math.max(Math.min(chunkSize, Math.min(128*1024, fileSize)), Math.min(1024, fileSize));
176 readCentralDirectory();
177 });
178 });
179 }
181 function readUntilFoundCallback(err, bytesRead) {
182 if (err || !bytesRead)
183 return that.emit('error', err || 'Archive read error');
184 var
185 buffer = op.win.buffer,
186 pos = op.lastPos,
187 bufferPosition = pos - op.win.position,
188 minPos = op.minPos;
189 while (--pos >= minPos && --bufferPosition >= 0) {
190 if (buffer.length - bufferPosition >= 4 &&
191 buffer[bufferPosition] === op.firstByte) { // quick check first signature byte
192 if (buffer.readUInt32LE(bufferPosition) === op.sig) {
193 op.lastBufferPosition = bufferPosition;
194 op.lastBytesRead = bytesRead;
195 op.complete();
196 return;
197 }
198 }
199 }
200 if (pos === minPos) {
201 return that.emit('error', 'Bad archive');
202 }
203 op.lastPos = pos + 1;
204 op.chunkSize *= 2;
205 if (pos <= minPos)
206 return that.emit('error', 'Bad archive');
207 var expandLength = Math.min(op.chunkSize, pos - minPos);
208 op.win.expandLeft(expandLength, readUntilFoundCallback);
210 }
212 function readCentralDirectory() {
213 var totalReadLength = Math.min(consts.ENDHDR + consts.MAXFILECOMMENT, fileSize);
214 op = {
215 win: new FileWindowBuffer(fd),
216 totalReadLength: totalReadLength,
217 minPos: fileSize - totalReadLength,
218 lastPos: fileSize,
219 chunkSize: Math.min(1024, chunkSize),
220 firstByte: consts.ENDSIGFIRST,
221 sig: consts.ENDSIG,
222 complete: readCentralDirectoryComplete
223 };
224 op.win.read(fileSize - op.chunkSize, op.chunkSize, readUntilFoundCallback);
225 }
227 function readCentralDirectoryComplete() {
228 var buffer = op.win.buffer;
229 var pos = op.lastBufferPosition;
230 try {
231 centralDirectory = new CentralDirectoryHeader();
232 centralDirectory.read(buffer.slice(pos, pos + consts.ENDHDR));
233 centralDirectory.headerOffset = op.win.position + pos;
234 if (centralDirectory.commentLength)
235 that.comment = buffer.slice(pos + consts.ENDHDR,
236 pos + consts.ENDHDR + centralDirectory.commentLength).toString();
237 else
238 that.comment = null;
239 that.entriesCount = centralDirectory.volumeEntries;
240 that.centralDirectory = centralDirectory;
241 if (centralDirectory.volumeEntries === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_16 && centralDirectory.totalEntries === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_16
242 || centralDirectory.size === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32 || centralDirectory.offset === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) {
243 readZip64CentralDirectoryLocator();
244 } else {
245 op = {};
246 readEntries();
247 }
248 } catch (err) {
249 that.emit('error', err);
250 }
251 }
253 function readZip64CentralDirectoryLocator() {
254 var length = consts.ENDL64HDR;
255 if (op.lastBufferPosition > length) {
256 op.lastBufferPosition -= length;
257 readZip64CentralDirectoryLocatorComplete();
258 } else {
259 op = {
260 win: op.win,
261 totalReadLength: length,
262 minPos: op.win.position - length,
263 lastPos: op.win.position,
264 chunkSize: op.chunkSize,
265 firstByte: consts.ENDL64SIGFIRST,
266 sig: consts.ENDL64SIG,
267 complete: readZip64CentralDirectoryLocatorComplete
268 };
269 op.win.read(op.lastPos - op.chunkSize, op.chunkSize, readUntilFoundCallback);
270 }
271 }
273 function readZip64CentralDirectoryLocatorComplete() {
274 var buffer = op.win.buffer;
275 var locHeader = new CentralDirectoryLoc64Header();
276 locHeader.read(buffer.slice(op.lastBufferPosition, op.lastBufferPosition + consts.ENDL64HDR));
277 var readLength = fileSize - locHeader.headerOffset;
278 op = {
279 win: op.win,
280 totalReadLength: readLength,
281 minPos: locHeader.headerOffset,
282 lastPos: op.lastPos,
283 chunkSize: op.chunkSize,
284 firstByte: consts.END64SIGFIRST,
285 sig: consts.END64SIG,
286 complete: readZip64CentralDirectoryComplete
287 };
288 op.win.read(fileSize - op.chunkSize, op.chunkSize, readUntilFoundCallback);
289 }
291 function readZip64CentralDirectoryComplete() {
292 var buffer = op.win.buffer;
293 var zip64cd = new CentralDirectoryZip64Header();
294 zip64cd.read(buffer.slice(op.lastBufferPosition, op.lastBufferPosition + consts.END64HDR));
295 that.centralDirectory.volumeEntries = zip64cd.volumeEntries;
296 that.centralDirectory.totalEntries = zip64cd.totalEntries;
297 that.centralDirectory.size = zip64cd.size;
298 that.centralDirectory.offset = zip64cd.offset;
299 that.entriesCount = zip64cd.volumeEntries;
300 op = {};
301 readEntries();
302 }
304 function readEntries() {
305 op = {
306 win: new FileWindowBuffer(fd),
307 pos: centralDirectory.offset,
308 chunkSize: chunkSize,
309 entriesLeft: centralDirectory.volumeEntries
310 };
311 op.win.read(op.pos, Math.min(chunkSize, fileSize - op.pos), readEntriesCallback);
312 }
314 function readEntriesCallback(err, bytesRead) {
315 if (err || !bytesRead)
316 return that.emit('error', err || 'Entries read error');
317 var
318 buffer = op.win.buffer,
319 bufferPos = op.pos - op.win.position,
320 bufferLength = buffer.length,
321 entry = op.entry;
322 try {
323 while (op.entriesLeft > 0) {
324 if (!entry) {
325 entry = new ZipEntry();
326 entry.readHeader(buffer, bufferPos);
327 entry.headerOffset = op.win.position + bufferPos;
328 op.entry = entry;
329 op.pos += consts.CENHDR;
330 bufferPos += consts.CENHDR;
331 }
332 var entryHeaderSize = entry.fnameLen + entry.extraLen + entry.comLen;
333 var advanceBytes = entryHeaderSize + (op.entriesLeft > 1 ? consts.CENHDR : 0);
334 if (bufferLength - bufferPos < advanceBytes) {
335 op.win.moveRight(chunkSize, readEntriesCallback, bufferPos);
336 op.move = true;
337 return;
338 }
339 entry.read(buffer, bufferPos);
340 if (!config.skipEntryNameValidation) {
341 entry.validateName();
342 }
343 if (entries)
344 entries[entry.name] = entry;
345 that.emit('entry', entry);
346 op.entry = entry = null;
347 op.entriesLeft--;
348 op.pos += entryHeaderSize;
349 bufferPos += entryHeaderSize;
350 }
351 that.emit('ready');
352 } catch (err) {
353 that.emit('error', err);
354 }
355 }
357 function checkEntriesExist() {
358 if (!entries)
359 throw new Error('storeEntries disabled');
360 }
362 Object.defineProperty(this, 'ready', { get: function() { return ready; } });
364 this.entry = function(name) {
365 checkEntriesExist();
366 return entries[name];
367 };
369 this.entries = function() {
370 checkEntriesExist();
371 return entries;
372 };
374 this.stream = function(entry, callback) {
375 return this.openEntry(entry, function(err, entry) {
376 if (err)
377 return callback(err);
378 var offset = dataOffset(entry);
379 var entryStream = new EntryDataReaderStream(fd, offset, entry.compressedSize);
380 if (entry.method === consts.STORED) {
381 } else if (entry.method === consts.DEFLATED || entry.method === consts.ENHANCED_DEFLATED) {
382 entryStream = entryStream.pipe(zlib.createInflateRaw());
383 } else {
384 return callback('Unknown compression method: ' + entry.method);
385 }
386 if (canVerifyCrc(entry))
387 entryStream = entryStream.pipe(new EntryVerifyStream(entryStream, entry.crc, entry.size));
388 callback(null, entryStream);
389 }, false);
390 };
392 this.entryDataSync = function(entry) {
393 var err = null;
394 this.openEntry(entry, function(e, en) {
395 err = e;
396 entry = en;
397 }, true);
398 if (err)
399 throw err;
400 var
401 data = Buffer.alloc(entry.compressedSize),
402 bytesRead;
403 new FsRead(fd, data, 0, entry.compressedSize, dataOffset(entry), function(e, br) {
404 err = e;
405 bytesRead = br;
406 }).read(true);
407 if (err)
408 throw err;
409 if (entry.method === consts.STORED) {
410 } else if (entry.method === consts.DEFLATED || entry.method === consts.ENHANCED_DEFLATED) {
411 data = zlib.inflateRawSync(data);
412 } else {
413 throw new Error('Unknown compression method: ' + entry.method);
414 }
415 if (data.length !== entry.size)
416 throw new Error('Invalid size');
417 if (canVerifyCrc(entry)) {
418 var verify = new CrcVerify(entry.crc, entry.size);
419 verify.data(data);
420 }
421 return data;
422 };
424 this.openEntry = function(entry, callback, sync) {
425 if (typeof entry === 'string') {
426 checkEntriesExist();
427 entry = entries[entry];
428 if (!entry)
429 return callback('Entry not found');
430 }
431 if (!entry.isFile)
432 return callback('Entry is not file');
433 if (!fd)
434 return callback('Archive closed');
435 var buffer = Buffer.alloc(consts.LOCHDR);
436 new FsRead(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, entry.offset, function(err) {
437 if (err)
438 return callback(err);
439 var readEx;
440 try {
441 entry.readDataHeader(buffer);
442 if (entry.encrypted) {
443 readEx = 'Entry encrypted';
444 }
445 } catch (ex) {
446 readEx = ex
447 }
448 callback(readEx, entry);
449 }).read(sync);
450 };
452 function dataOffset(entry) {
453 return entry.offset + consts.LOCHDR + entry.fnameLen + entry.extraLen;
454 }
456 function canVerifyCrc(entry) {
457 // if bit 3 (0x08) of the general-purpose flags field is set, then the CRC-32 and file sizes are not known when the header is written
458 return (entry.flags & 0x8) != 0x8;
459 }
461 function extract(entry, outPath, callback) {
462 that.stream(entry, function (err, stm) {
463 if (err) {
464 callback(err);
465 } else {
466 var fsStm, errThrown;
467 stm.on('error', function(err) {
468 errThrown = err;
469 if (fsStm) {
470 stm.unpipe(fsStm);
471 fsStm.close(function () {
472 callback(err);
473 });
474 }
475 });
476 fs.open(outPath, 'w', function(err, fdFile) {
477 if (err)
478 return callback(err || errThrown);
479 if (errThrown) {
480 fs.close(fd, function() {
481 callback(errThrown);
482 });
483 return;
484 }
485 fsStm = fs.createWriteStream(outPath, { fd: fdFile });
486 fsStm.on('finish', function() {
487 that.emit('extract', entry, outPath);
488 if (!errThrown)
489 callback();
490 });
491 stm.pipe(fsStm);
492 });
493 }
494 });
495 }
497 function createDirectories(baseDir, dirs, callback) {
498 if (!dirs.length)
499 return callback();
500 var dir = dirs.shift();
501 dir = path.join(baseDir, path.join.apply(path, dir));
502 fs.mkdir(dir, function(err) {
503 if (err && err.code !== 'EEXIST')
504 return callback(err);
505 createDirectories(baseDir, dirs, callback);
506 });
507 }
509 function extractFiles(baseDir, baseRelPath, files, callback, extractedCount) {
510 if (!files.length)
511 return callback(null, extractedCount);
512 var file = files.shift();
513 var targetPath = path.join(baseDir, file.name.replace(baseRelPath, ''));
514 extract(file, targetPath, function (err) {
515 if (err)
516 return callback(err, extractedCount);
517 extractFiles(baseDir, baseRelPath, files, callback, extractedCount + 1);
518 });
519 }
521 this.extract = function(entry, outPath, callback) {
522 var entryName = entry || '';
523 if (typeof entry === 'string') {
524 entry = this.entry(entry);
525 if (entry) {
526 entryName = entry.name;
527 } else {
528 if (entryName.length && entryName[entryName.length - 1] !== '/')
529 entryName += '/';
530 }
531 }
532 if (!entry || entry.isDirectory) {
533 var files = [], dirs = [], allDirs = {};
534 for (var e in entries) {
535 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(entries, e) && e.lastIndexOf(entryName, 0) === 0) {
536 var relPath = e.replace(entryName, '');
537 var childEntry = entries[e];
538 if (childEntry.isFile) {
539 files.push(childEntry);
540 relPath = path.dirname(relPath);
541 }
542 if (relPath && !allDirs[relPath] && relPath !== '.') {
543 allDirs[relPath] = true;
544 var parts = relPath.split('/').filter(function (f) { return f; });
545 if (parts.length)
546 dirs.push(parts);
547 while (parts.length > 1) {
548 parts = parts.slice(0, parts.length - 1);
549 var partsPath = parts.join('/');
550 if (allDirs[partsPath] || partsPath === '.') {
551 break;
552 }
553 allDirs[partsPath] = true;
554 dirs.push(parts);
555 }
556 }
557 }
558 }
559 dirs.sort(function(x, y) { return x.length - y.length; });
560 if (dirs.length) {
561 createDirectories(outPath, dirs, function (err) {
562 if (err)
563 callback(err);
564 else
565 extractFiles(outPath, entryName, files, callback, 0);
566 });
567 } else {
568 extractFiles(outPath, entryName, files, callback, 0);
569 }
570 } else {
571 fs.stat(outPath, function(err, stat) {
572 if (stat && stat.isDirectory())
573 extract(entry, path.join(outPath, path.basename(entry.name)), callback);
574 else
575 extract(entry, outPath, callback);
576 });
577 }
578 };
580 this.close = function(callback) {
581 if (closed) {
582 if (callback)
583 callback();
584 } else {
585 closed = true;
586 fs.close(fd, function(err) {
587 fd = null;
588 if (callback)
589 callback(err);
590 });
591 }
592 };
594 var originalEmit = events.EventEmitter.prototype.emit;
595 this.emit = function() {
596 if (!closed) {
597 return originalEmit.apply(this, arguments);
598 }
599 };
602StreamZip.setFs = function(customFs) {
603 fs = customFs;
606util.inherits(StreamZip, events.EventEmitter);
608// endregion
610// region CentralDirectoryHeader
612var CentralDirectoryHeader = function() {
615CentralDirectoryHeader.prototype.read = function(data) {
616 if (data.length != consts.ENDHDR || data.readUInt32LE(0) != consts.ENDSIG)
617 throw new Error('Invalid central directory');
618 // number of entries on this volume
619 this.volumeEntries = data.readUInt16LE(consts.ENDSUB);
620 // total number of entries
621 this.totalEntries = data.readUInt16LE(consts.ENDTOT);
622 // central directory size in bytes
623 this.size = data.readUInt32LE(consts.ENDSIZ);
624 // offset of first CEN header
625 this.offset = data.readUInt32LE(consts.ENDOFF);
626 // zip file comment length
627 this.commentLength = data.readUInt16LE(consts.ENDCOM);
630// endregion
632// region CentralDirectoryLoc64Header
634var CentralDirectoryLoc64Header = function() {
637CentralDirectoryLoc64Header.prototype.read = function(data) {
638 if (data.length != consts.ENDL64HDR || data.readUInt32LE(0) != consts.ENDL64SIG)
639 throw new Error('Invalid zip64 central directory locator');
640 // ZIP64 EOCD header offset
641 this.headerOffset = Util.readUInt64LE(data, consts.ENDSUB);
644// endregion
646// region CentralDirectoryZip64Header
648var CentralDirectoryZip64Header = function() {
651CentralDirectoryZip64Header.prototype.read = function(data) {
652 if (data.length != consts.END64HDR || data.readUInt32LE(0) != consts.END64SIG)
653 throw new Error('Invalid central directory');
654 // number of entries on this volume
655 this.volumeEntries = Util.readUInt64LE(data, consts.END64SUB);
656 // total number of entries
657 this.totalEntries = Util.readUInt64LE(data, consts.END64TOT);
658 // central directory size in bytes
659 this.size = Util.readUInt64LE(data, consts.END64SIZ);
660 // offset of first CEN header
661 this.offset = Util.readUInt64LE(data, consts.END64OFF);
664// endregion
666// region ZipEntry
668var ZipEntry = function() {
671function toBits(dec, size) {
672 var b = (dec >>> 0).toString(2);
673 while (b.length < size)
674 b = '0' + b;
675 return b.split('');
678function parseZipTime(timebytes, datebytes) {
679 var timebits = toBits(timebytes, 16);
680 var datebits = toBits(datebytes, 16);
682 var mt = {
683 h: parseInt(timebits.slice(0,5).join(''), 2),
684 m: parseInt(timebits.slice(5,11).join(''), 2),
685 s: parseInt(timebits.slice(11,16).join(''), 2) * 2,
686 Y: parseInt(datebits.slice(0,7).join(''), 2) + 1980,
687 M: parseInt(datebits.slice(7,11).join(''), 2),
688 D: parseInt(datebits.slice(11,16).join(''), 2),
689 };
690 var dt_str = [mt.Y, mt.M, mt.D].join('-') + ' ' + [mt.h, mt.m, mt.s].join(':') + ' GMT+0';
691 return new Date(dt_str).getTime();
694ZipEntry.prototype.readHeader = function(data, offset) {
695 // data should be 46 bytes and start with "PK 01 02"
696 if (data.length < offset + consts.CENHDR || data.readUInt32LE(offset) != consts.CENSIG) {
697 throw new Error('Invalid entry header');
698 }
699 // version made by
700 this.verMade = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENVEM);
701 // version needed to extract
702 this.version = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENVER);
703 // encrypt, decrypt flags
704 this.flags = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENFLG);
705 // compression method
706 this.method = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENHOW);
707 // modification time (2 bytes time, 2 bytes date)
708 var timebytes = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENTIM);
709 var datebytes = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENTIM + 2);
710 this.time = parseZipTime(timebytes, datebytes);
712 // uncompressed file crc-32 value
713 this.crc = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENCRC);
714 // compressed size
715 this.compressedSize = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENSIZ);
716 // uncompressed size
717 this.size = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENLEN);
718 // filename length
719 this.fnameLen = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENNAM);
720 // extra field length
721 this.extraLen = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENEXT);
722 // file comment length
723 this.comLen = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENCOM);
724 // volume number start
725 this.diskStart = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENDSK);
726 // internal file attributes
727 this.inattr = data.readUInt16LE(offset + consts.CENATT);
728 // external file attributes
729 this.attr = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENATX);
730 // LOC header offset
731 this.offset = data.readUInt32LE(offset + consts.CENOFF);
734ZipEntry.prototype.readDataHeader = function(data) {
735 // 30 bytes and should start with "PK\003\004"
736 if (data.readUInt32LE(0) != consts.LOCSIG) {
737 throw new Error('Invalid local header');
738 }
739 // version needed to extract
740 this.version = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCVER);
741 // general purpose bit flag
742 this.flags = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCFLG);
743 // compression method
744 this.method = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCHOW);
745 // modification time (2 bytes time ; 2 bytes date)
746 var timebytes = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCTIM);
747 var datebytes = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCTIM + 2);
748 this.time = parseZipTime(timebytes, datebytes);
750 // uncompressed file crc-32 value
751 this.crc = data.readUInt32LE(consts.LOCCRC) || this.crc;
752 // compressed size
753 var compressedSize = data.readUInt32LE(consts.LOCSIZ);
754 if (compressedSize && compressedSize !== consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) {
755 this.compressedSize = compressedSize;
756 }
757 // uncompressed size
758 var size = data.readUInt32LE(consts.LOCLEN);
759 if (size && size !== consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) {
760 this.size = size;
761 }
762 // filename length
763 this.fnameLen = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCNAM);
764 // extra field length
765 this.extraLen = data.readUInt16LE(consts.LOCEXT);
768ZipEntry.prototype.read = function(data, offset) {
769 this.name = data.slice(offset, offset += this.fnameLen).toString();
770 var lastChar = data[offset - 1];
771 this.isDirectory = (lastChar == 47) || (lastChar == 92);
773 if (this.extraLen) {
774 this.readExtra(data, offset);
775 offset += this.extraLen;
776 }
777 this.comment = this.comLen ? data.slice(offset, offset + this.comLen).toString() : null;
780ZipEntry.prototype.validateName = function() {
781 if (/\\|^\w+:|^\/|(^|\/)\.\.(\/|$)/.test(this.name)) {
782 throw new Error('Malicious entry: ' + this.name);
783 }
786ZipEntry.prototype.readExtra = function(data, offset) {
787 var signature, size, maxPos = offset + this.extraLen;
788 while (offset < maxPos) {
789 signature = data.readUInt16LE(offset);
790 offset += 2;
791 size = data.readUInt16LE(offset);
792 offset += 2;
793 if (consts.ID_ZIP64 === signature) {
794 this.parseZip64Extra(data, offset, size);
795 }
796 offset += size;
797 }
800ZipEntry.prototype.parseZip64Extra = function(data, offset, length) {
801 if (length >= 8 && this.size === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) {
802 this.size = Util.readUInt64LE(data, offset);
803 offset += 8; length -= 8;
804 }
805 if (length >= 8 && this.compressedSize === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) {
806 this.compressedSize = Util.readUInt64LE(data, offset);
807 offset += 8; length -= 8;
808 }
809 if (length >= 8 && this.offset === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_32) {
810 this.offset = Util.readUInt64LE(data, offset);
811 offset += 8; length -= 8;
812 }
813 if (length >= 4 && this.diskStart === consts.EF_ZIP64_OR_16) {
814 this.diskStart = data.readUInt32LE(offset);
815 // offset += 4; length -= 4;
816 }
819Object.defineProperty(ZipEntry.prototype, 'encrypted', {
820 get: function() { return (this.flags & consts.FLG_ENTRY_ENC) == consts.FLG_ENTRY_ENC; }
823Object.defineProperty(ZipEntry.prototype, 'isFile', {
824 get: function() { return !this.isDirectory; }
827// endregion
829// region FsRead
831var FsRead = function(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
832 this.fd = fd;
833 this.buffer = buffer;
834 this.offset = offset;
835 this.length = length;
836 this.position = position;
837 this.callback = callback;
838 this.bytesRead = 0;
839 this.waiting = false;
842FsRead.prototype.read = function(sync) {
843 if (StreamZip.debug) {
844 console.log('read', this.position, this.bytesRead, this.length, this.offset);
845 }
846 this.waiting = true;
847 var err;
848 if (sync) {
849 try {
850 var bytesRead = fs.readSync(this.fd, this.buffer, this.offset + this.bytesRead,
851 this.length - this.bytesRead, this.position + this.bytesRead);
852 } catch (e) {
853 err = e;
854 }
855 this.readCallback(sync, err, err ? bytesRead : null);
856 } else {
857 fs.read(this.fd, this.buffer, this.offset + this.bytesRead,
858 this.length - this.bytesRead, this.position + this.bytesRead,
859 this.readCallback.bind(this, sync));
860 }
863FsRead.prototype.readCallback = function(sync, err, bytesRead) {
864 if (typeof bytesRead === 'number')
865 this.bytesRead += bytesRead;
866 if (err || !bytesRead || this.bytesRead === this.length) {
867 this.waiting = false;
868 return this.callback(err, this.bytesRead);
869 } else {
870 this.read(sync);
871 }
874// endregion
876// region FileWindowBuffer
878var FileWindowBuffer = function(fd) {
879 this.position = 0;
880 this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
882 var fsOp = null;
884 this.checkOp = function() {
885 if (fsOp && fsOp.waiting)
886 throw new Error('Operation in progress');
887 };
889 this.read = function(pos, length, callback) {
890 this.checkOp();
891 if (this.buffer.length < length)
892 this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(length);
893 this.position = pos;
894 fsOp = new FsRead(fd, this.buffer, 0, length, this.position, callback).read();
895 };
897 this.expandLeft = function(length, callback) {
898 this.checkOp();
899 this.buffer = Buffer.concat([Buffer.alloc(length), this.buffer]);
900 this.position -= length;
901 if (this.position < 0)
902 this.position = 0;
903 fsOp = new FsRead(fd, this.buffer, 0, length, this.position, callback).read();
904 };
906 this.expandRight = function(length, callback) {
907 this.checkOp();
908 var offset = this.buffer.length;
909 this.buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, Buffer.alloc(length)]);
910 fsOp = new FsRead(fd, this.buffer, offset, length, this.position + offset, callback).read();
911 };
913 this.moveRight = function(length, callback, shift) {
914 this.checkOp();
915 if (shift) {
916 this.buffer.copy(this.buffer, 0, shift);
917 } else {
918 shift = 0;
919 }
920 this.position += shift;
921 fsOp = new FsRead(fd, this.buffer, this.buffer.length - shift, shift, this.position + this.buffer.length - shift, callback).read();
922 };
925// endregion
927// region EntryDataReaderStream
929var EntryDataReaderStream = function(fd, offset, length) {
930 stream.Readable.prototype.constructor.call(this);
931 this.fd = fd;
932 this.offset = offset;
933 this.length = length;
934 this.pos = 0;
935 this.readCallback = this.readCallback.bind(this);
938util.inherits(EntryDataReaderStream, stream.Readable);
940EntryDataReaderStream.prototype._read = function(n) {
941 var buffer = Buffer.alloc(Math.min(n, this.length - this.pos));
942 if (buffer.length) {
943 fs.read(this.fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, this.offset + this.pos, this.readCallback);
944 } else {
945 this.push(null);
946 }
949EntryDataReaderStream.prototype.readCallback = function(err, bytesRead, buffer) {
950 this.pos += bytesRead;
951 if (err) {
952 this.emit('error', err);
953 this.push(null);
954 } else if (!bytesRead) {
955 this.push(null);
956 } else {
957 if (bytesRead !== buffer.length)
958 buffer = buffer.slice(0, bytesRead);
959 this.push(buffer);
960 }
963// endregion
965// region EntryVerifyStream
967var EntryVerifyStream = function(baseStm, crc, size) {
968 stream.Transform.prototype.constructor.call(this);
969 this.verify = new CrcVerify(crc, size);
970 var that = this;
971 baseStm.on('error', function(e) {
972 that.emit('error', e);
973 });
976util.inherits(EntryVerifyStream, stream.Transform);
978EntryVerifyStream.prototype._transform = function(data, encoding, callback) {
979 var err;
980 try {
981 this.verify.data(data);
982 } catch (e) {
983 err = e;
984 }
985 callback(err, data);
988// endregion
990// region CrcVerify
992var CrcVerify = function(crc, size) {
993 this.crc = crc;
994 this.size = size;
995 this.state = {
996 crc: ~0,
997 size: 0
998 };
1001CrcVerify.prototype.data = function(data) {
1002 var crcTable = CrcVerify.getCrcTable();
1003 var crc = this.state.crc, off = 0, len = data.length;
1004 while (--len >= 0)
1005 crc = crcTable[(crc ^ data[off++]) & 0xff] ^ (crc >>> 8);
1006 this.state.crc = crc;
1007 this.state.size += data.length;
1008 if (this.state.size >= this.size) {
1009 var buf = Buffer.alloc(4);
1010 buf.writeInt32LE(~this.state.crc & 0xffffffff, 0);
1011 crc = buf.readUInt32LE(0);
1012 if (crc !== this.crc)
1013 throw new Error('Invalid CRC');
1014 if (this.state.size !== this.size)
1015 throw new Error('Invalid size');
1016 }
1019CrcVerify.getCrcTable = function() {
1020 var crcTable = CrcVerify.crcTable;
1021 if (!crcTable) {
1022 CrcVerify.crcTable = crcTable = [];
1023 var b = Buffer.alloc(4);
1024 for (var n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
1025 var c = n;
1026 for (var k = 8; --k >= 0; )
1027 if ((c & 1) != 0) { c = 0xedb88320 ^ (c >>> 1); } else { c = c >>> 1; }
1028 if (c < 0) {
1029 b.writeInt32LE(c, 0);
1030 c = b.readUInt32LE(0);
1031 }
1032 crcTable[n] = c;
1033 }
1034 }
1035 return crcTable;
1038// endregion
1040// region Util
1042var Util = {
1043 readUInt64LE: function(buffer, offset) {
1044 return (buffer.readUInt32LE(offset + 4) * 0x0000000100000000) + buffer.readUInt32LE(offset);
1045 }
1048// endregion
1050// region exports
1052module.exports = StreamZip;
1054// endregion