1.78 kBJSONView Raw
2 "id": "nodebb-plugin-question-and-answer",
3 "name": "Question and Answer Plugin for NodeBB",
4 "description": "A plugin for NodeBB which allows users to post topics as questions and select a post as the answer",
5 "url": "https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-plugin-question-and-answer",
6 "library": "./library.js",
7 "hooks": [
8 { "hook": "static:app.load", "method": "init" },
9 { "hook": "filter:config.get", "method": "appendConfig" },
10 { "hook": "filter:admin.header.build", "method": "addAdminNavigation" },
11 { "hook": "filter:topics.get", "method": "getTopics" },
12 { "hook": "filter:post.getPostSummaryByPids", "method": "filterPostGetPostSummaryByPids" },
13 { "hook": "filter:topic.build", "method": "addAnswerDataToTopic" },
14 { "hook": "filter:topic.getPosts", "method": "filterTopicGetPosts" },
15 { "hook": "filter:topic.thread_tools", "method": "addThreadTool" },
16 { "hook": "filter:navigation.available", "method": "addNavigation" },
17 { "hook": "filter:post.tools", "method": "addPostTool" },
18 { "hook": "filter:rewards.conditions", "method": "getConditions" },
19 { "hook": "filter:topic.create", "method": "onTopicCreate" },
20 { "hook": "action:topic.save", "method": "actionTopicSave" },
21 { "hook": "filter:topic.edit", "method": "filterTopicEdit" },
22 { "hook": "action:topic.purge", "method": "actionTopicPurge" },
23 { "hook": "filter:composer.push", "method": "filterComposerPush" },
24 { "hook": "static:api.routes", "method": "staticApiRoutes" },
25 { "hook": "filter:topicEvents.init", "method": "registerTopicEvents" }
26 ],
27 "less": [
28 "static/style.less"
29 ],
30 "scripts": [
31 "static/lib/main.js"
32 ],
33 "modules": {
34 "../admin/plugins/question-and-answer.js": "static/lib/admin.js"
35 },
36 "templates": "static/templates",
37 "languages": "static/languages"