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1import { createCipheriv, createDecipheriv, randomBytes } from 'crypto';
2const IV_LENGTH = 16;
3function validateInputs(text, secret) {
4 if ('string' !== typeof (text)) {
5 throw new TypeError(`Expected 'text' to be a string, but received '${text}'`);
6 }
7 else if ('string' !== typeof (secret)) {
8 throw new TypeError(`Expected 'secret' to be a string, but received '${secret}'`);
9 }
10 else if (text.length < 1) {
11 throw new Error(`'text' must not be an empty string`);
12 }
13 else if (secret.length !== 32) {
14 throw new RangeError(`Invalid length of 'secret'. Must be 256 bytes or 32 characters long`);
15 }
17export function encryptSync(text, secret) {
18 validateInputs(text, secret);
19 const iv = randomBytes(IV_LENGTH);
20 const cipher = createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', Buffer.from(secret), iv);
21 const cipherInitial = cipher.update(Buffer.from(text));
22 const encrypted = Buffer.concat([cipherInitial, cipher.final()]);
23 return `${iv.toString('hex')}:${encrypted.toString('hex')}`;
25export function decryptSync(text, secret) {
26 validateInputs(text, secret);
27 const [iv, encrypted] = text.split(':');
28 const decipher = createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', Buffer.from(secret), Buffer.from(iv, 'hex'));
29 const decipherInitial = decipher.update(Buffer.from(encrypted, 'hex'));
30 const decrypted = Buffer.concat([decipherInitial, decipher.final()]);
31 return decrypted.toString();
33export async function encrypt(text, secret) {
34 return encryptSync(text, secret);
36export async function decrypt(text, secret) {
37 return decryptSync(text, secret);
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