796 BJavaScriptView Raw
1var ignoreRoot = require('ignore-by-default').directories();
3// default options for config.options
4module.exports = {
5 restartable: 'rs',
6 colours: true,
7 execMap: {
8 py: 'python',
9 rb: 'ruby',
10 // more can be added here such as ls: lsc - but please ensure it's cross
11 // compatible with linux, mac and windows, or make the default.js
12 // dynamically append the `.cmd` for node based utilities
13 },
14 ignoreRoot: ignoreRoot.map(_ => `**/${_}/**`),
15 watch: ['*.*'],
16 stdin: true,
17 runOnChangeOnly: false,
18 verbose: false,
19 signal: 'SIGUSR2',
20 // 'stdout' refers to the default behaviour of a required nodemon's child,
21 // but also includes stderr. If this is false, data is still dispatched via
22 // nodemon.on('stdout/stderr')
23 stdout: true,
24 watchOptions: {
26 },