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23 | exports.info = "Browser-based test reporter";
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33 | exports.run = function (modules, options, callback) {
34 | var start = new Date().getTime(), div, textareas, displayErrorsByDefault;
35 | options = options || {};
36 | div = options.div || document.body;
37 | textareas = options.textareas;
38 | displayErrorsByDefault = options.displayErrorsByDefault;
39 |
40 | function setText(el, txt) {
41 | if ('innerText' in el) {
42 | el.innerText = txt;
43 | }
44 | else if ('textContent' in el){
45 | el.textContent = txt;
46 | }
47 | }
48 |
49 | function getOrCreate(tag, id) {
50 | var el = document.getElementById(id);
51 | if (!el) {
52 | el = document.createElement(tag);
53 | el.id = id;
54 | div.appendChild(el);
55 | }
56 | return el;
57 | };
58 |
59 | var header = getOrCreate('h1', 'nodeunit-header');
60 | var banner = getOrCreate('h2', 'nodeunit-banner');
61 | var userAgent = getOrCreate('h2', 'nodeunit-userAgent');
62 | var tests = getOrCreate('ol', 'nodeunit-tests');
63 | var result = getOrCreate('p', 'nodeunit-testresult');
64 |
65 | setText(userAgent, navigator.userAgent);
66 |
67 | nodeunit.runModules(modules, {
68 | moduleStart: function (name) {
69 | |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 | },
75 | testDone: function (name, assertions) {
76 | var test = document.createElement('li');
77 | var strong = document.createElement('strong');
78 | strong.innerHTML = name + ' <b style="color: black;">(' +
79 | '<b class="fail">' + assertions.failures() + '</b>, ' +
80 | '<b class="pass">' + assertions.passes() + '</b>, ' +
81 | assertions.length +
82 | ')</b>';
83 | test.className = assertions.failures() ? 'fail': 'pass';
84 | test.appendChild(strong);
85 |
86 | var aList = document.createElement('ol');
87 | aList.style.display = displayErrorsByDefault ? 'block' : 'none';
88 | (displayErrorsByDefault ? strong : test).onclick = function () {
89 | var d = aList.style.display;
90 | aList.style.display = (d == 'none') ? 'block': 'none';
91 | };
92 | for (var i=0; i<assertions.length; i++) {
93 | var li = document.createElement('li');
94 | var a = assertions[i];
95 | if (a.failed()) {
96 | li.innerHTML = (a.message || a.method || 'no message') +
97 | (textareas ?
98 | '<textarea rows="20" cols="100">' + (a.error.stack || a.error) + '</textarea>' :
99 | '<pre>' + (a.error.stack || a.error) + '</pre>');
100 | li.className = 'fail';
101 | }
102 | else {
103 | li.innerHTML = a.message || a.method || 'no message';
104 | li.className = 'pass';
105 | }
106 | aList.appendChild(li);
107 | }
108 | test.appendChild(aList);
109 | tests.appendChild(test);
110 | },
111 | done: function (assertions) {
112 | var end = new Date().getTime();
113 | var duration = end - start;
114 |
115 | var failures = assertions.failures();
116 | banner.className = failures ? 'fail': 'pass';
117 |
118 | result.innerHTML = 'Tests completed in ' + duration +
119 | ' milliseconds.<br/><span class="passed">' +
120 | assertions.passes() + '</span> assertions of ' +
121 | '<span class="all">' + assertions.length + '<span> passed, ' +
122 | assertions.failures() + ' failed.';
123 |
124 | if (callback) callback(assertions.failures() ? new Error('We have got test failures.') : undefined);
125 | }
126 | });
127 | };