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1noflo = require 'noflo'
3exports.getComponent = ->
4 c = new noflo.Component
5 c.description = 'Evaluates a function each time data hits the "in" port
6 and sends the return value to "out". Within the function "x" will
7 be the variable from the in port. For example, to make a ^2 function
8 input "return x*x;" to the function port.'
9 c.icon = 'code'
11 c.inPorts.add 'in',
12 datatype: 'all'
13 description: 'Packet to be processed'
14 c.inPorts.add 'function',
15 datatype: 'string'
16 description: 'Function to evaluate'
17 control: true
18 c.outPorts.add 'out',
19 datatype: 'all'
20 c.outPorts.add 'function',
21 datatype: 'function'
22 c.outPorts.add 'error',
23 datatype: 'object'
25 prepareFunction = (func, callback) ->
26 if typeof func is 'function'
27 callback null, func
28 return
29 try
30 newFunc = Function 'x', func
31 catch e
32 callback e
33 return
34 callback null, newFunc
36 c.process (input, output) ->
37 return if input.attached('in').length and not input.hasData 'in'
38 if input.hasData 'function', 'in'
39 # Both function and input data
40 prepareFunction input.getData('function'), (err, func) ->
41 if err
42 output.done e
43 return
44 data = input.getData 'in'
45 try
46 result = func data
47 catch e
48 output.done e
49 return
50 output.sendDone
51 function: func
52 out: result
53 return
54 return
55 return unless input.hasData 'function'
56 prepareFunction input.getData('function'), (err, func) ->
57 if err
58 output.done e
59 return
60 output.sendDone
61 function: func
62 return
63 return