3.25 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1fs = require 'fs'
2path = require 'path'
3os = require 'os'
5exports.getLibraryConfig = ->
6 packagePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'package.json')
7 JSON.parse fs.readFileSync(packagePath, 'utf-8')
9# user settings
11exports.getDefaultsPath = ->
12 dirs = [process.env.HOME, process.env.HOMEPATH, process.env.USERPROFILE]
13 for d in dirs when typeof d != 'undefined' and fs.existsSync d
14 return path.resolve d, '.flowhub.json'
15 return
17exports.getDefaults = ->
18 defaults = {}
19 defaultsPath = exports.getDefaultsPath()
20 if fs.existsSync defaultsPath
21 storedDefaults = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync(defaultsPath)
22 for name of storedDefaults
23 defaults[name] = storedDefaults[name]
24 # Defaults from env vars
25 if !defaults.user and process.env.FLOWHUB_USER_ID
26 defaults.user = process.env.FLOWHUB_USER_ID
27 if !defaults.port and process.env.PORT
28 stored.port = process.env.PORT
29 # Built-in defaults
30 if !defaults.port
31 defaults.port = 3569
32 if !defaults.host
33 defaults.host = 'autodetect'
34 if !defaults.ide
35 defaults.ide = 'http://app.flowhub.io'
36 defaults
38exports.saveDefaults = (values) ->
39 defaultsPath = exports.getDefaultsPath()
40 if defaultsPath
41 fs.writeFileSync defaultsPath, JSON.stringify(values, null, 2), 'utf-8'
42 return
44# flowhub registration
46exports.getStoredPath = ->
47 root = process.env.PROJECT_HOME or process.cwd()
48 path.resolve root, 'flowhub.json'
50exports.getStored = (program) ->
51 stored = {}
52 storedPath = exports.getStoredPath()
53 if fs.existsSync storedPath
54 stored = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync(storedPath)
55 # Let commandline args override
56 if program
57 options = ['host', 'port', 'secret', 'ide']
58 for name in options when program[name]
59 stored[name] = program[name]
60 # Permissions are added and not replaced
61 if program.secret
62 stored.permissions ?= {}
63 if program.permissions
64 stored.permissions[program.secret] = program.permissions
65 else
66 stored.permissions[program.secret] = [
67 'protocol:graph'
68 'protocol:component'
69 'protocol:network'
70 'protocol:runtime'
71 'component:setsource'
72 'component:getsource'
73 ]
74 # Set defaults for missing values
75 defaults = exports.getDefaults()
76 for name of defaults when !stored[name]
77 stored[name] = defaults[name]
78 # Run host autodetection
79 if stored.host == 'autodetect'
80 stored.host = exports.discoverHost()
81 else if match = /autodetect\(([a-z0-9]+)\)/.exec(stored.host)
82 stored.host = exports.discoverHost(match[1])
83 stored
85exports.saveStored = (values) ->
86 storedPath = exports.getStoredPath()
87 fs.writeFileSync storedPath, JSON.stringify(values, null, 2), 'utf-8'
88 return
90exports.discoverHost = (preferred_iface) ->
91 ifaces = os.networkInterfaces()
92 address = undefined
93 int_address = undefined
95 filter = (connection) ->
96 if connection.family != 'IPv4'
97 return
98 if connection.internal
99 int_address = connection.address
100 else
101 address = connection.address
102 return
104 if typeof preferred_iface == 'string' and preferred_iface in ifaces
105 ifaces[preferred_iface].forEach filter
106 else
107 for device of ifaces
108 ifaces[device].forEach filter
109 address or int_address