18.7 kBXMLView Raw
1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="manpage.xsl"?>
4<refentry xml:id="mosquitto_sub" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
5 <refmeta>
6 <refentrytitle>mosquitto_sub</refentrytitle>
7 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
8 <refmiscinfo class="source">Mosquitto Project</refmiscinfo>
9 <refmiscinfo class="manual">Commands</refmiscinfo>
10 </refmeta>
12 <refnamediv>
13 <refname>mosquitto_sub</refname>
14 <refpurpose>an MQTT version 3.1 client for subscribing to topics</refpurpose>
15 </refnamediv>
17 <refsynopsisdiv>
18 <cmdsynopsis>
19 <command>mosquitto_sub</command>
20 <arg><option>-A</option> <replaceable>bind_address</replaceable></arg>
21 <arg><option>-c</option></arg>
22 <arg><option>-d</option></arg>
23 <arg><option>-h</option> <replaceable>hostname</replaceable></arg>
24 <arg><option>-i</option> <replaceable>client_id</replaceable></arg>
25 <arg><option>-I</option> <replaceable>client id prefix</replaceable></arg>
26 <arg><option>-k</option> <replaceable>keepalive time</replaceable></arg>
27 <arg><option>-p</option> <replaceable>port number</replaceable></arg>
28 <arg><option>-q</option> <replaceable>message QoS</replaceable></arg>
29 <arg><option>-R</option></arg>
30 <arg><option>-S</option></arg>
31 <arg><option>-N</option></arg>
32 <arg><option>--quiet</option></arg>
33 <arg><option>-v</option></arg>
34 <arg>
35 <arg><option>-u</option> <replaceable>username</replaceable></arg>
36 <arg><option>-P</option> <replaceable>password</replaceable></arg>
37 </arg>
38 <arg>
39 <option>--will-topic</option> <replaceable>topic</replaceable>
40 <arg><option>--will-payload</option> <replaceable>payload</replaceable></arg>
41 <arg><option>--will-qos</option> <replaceable>qos</replaceable></arg>
42 <arg><option>--will-retain</option></arg>
43 </arg>
44 <group>
45 <arg>
46 <group choice='req'>
47 <arg choice='plain'><option>--cafile</option> <replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>
48 <arg choice='plain'><option>--capath</option> <replaceable>dir</replaceable></arg>
49 </group>
50 <arg><option>--cert</option> <replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>
51 <arg><option>--key</option> <replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>
52 <arg><option>--tls-version</option> <replaceable>version</replaceable></arg>
53 <arg><option>--insecure</option></arg>
54 </arg>
55 <arg>
56 <arg choice='plain'><option>--psk</option> <replaceable>hex-key</replaceable></arg>
57 <arg choice='plain'><option>--psk-identity</option> <replaceable>identity</replaceable></arg>
58 <arg><option>--tls-version</option> <replaceable>version</replaceable></arg>
59 </arg>
60 </group>
61 <arg choice='opt' rep='repeat'><option>-T</option> <replaceable>filter-out</replaceable></arg>
62 <arg choice='plain' rep='repeat'><option>-t</option> <replaceable>message-topic</replaceable></arg>
63 </cmdsynopsis>
64 <cmdsynopsis>
65 <command>mosquitto_sub</command>
66 <group choice='plain'>
67 <arg><option>--help</option></arg>
68 </group>
69 </cmdsynopsis>
70 </refsynopsisdiv>
72 <refsect1>
73 <title>Description</title>
74 <para><command>mosquitto_sub</command> is a simple MQTT version 3.1
75 client that will subscribe to a topic and print the messages that it
76 receives.</para>
77 </refsect1>
79 <refsect1>
80 <title>Options</title>
81 <variablelist>
82 <varlistentry>
83 <term><option>-A</option></term>
84 <listitem>
85 <para>Bind the outgoing connection to a local ip
86 address/hostname. Use this argument if you need to
87 restrict network communication to a particular
88 interface.</para>
89 </listitem>
90 </varlistentry>
91 <varlistentry>
92 <term><option>-c</option></term>
93 <term><option>--disable-clean-session</option></term>
94 <listitem>
95 <para>Disable the 'clean session' flag. This means that all
96 of the subscriptions for the client will be maintained
97 after it disconnects, along with subsequent QoS 1 and QoS 2
98 messages that arrive. When the client reconnects, it will
99 receive all of the queued messages.</para>
100 <para>If using this option, it is recommended that the
101 client id is set manually with <option>--id</option></para>
102 </listitem>
103 </varlistentry>
104 <varlistentry>
105 <term><option>--cafile</option></term>
106 <listitem>
107 <para>Define the path to a file containing PEM encoded CA
108 certificates that are trusted. Used to enable SSL
109 communication.</para>
110 <para>See also <option>--capath</option></para>
111 </listitem>
112 </varlistentry>
113 <varlistentry>
114 <term><option>--capath</option></term>
115 <listitem>
116 <para>Define the path to a directory containing PEM encoded CA
117 certificates that are trusted. Used to enable SSL
118 communication.</para>
119 <para>For <option>--capath</option> to work correctly, the
120 certificate files must have ".crt" as the file ending
121 and you must run "c_rehash &lt;path to capath&gt;" each
122 time you add/remove a certificate.</para>
123 <para>See also <option>--cafile</option></para>
124 </listitem>
125 </varlistentry>
126 <varlistentry>
127 <term><option>--cert</option></term>
128 <listitem>
129 <para>Define the path to a file containing a PEM encoded
130 certificate for this client, if required by the
131 server.</para>
132 <para>See also <option>--key</option>.</para>
133 </listitem>
134 </varlistentry>
135 <varlistentry>
136 <term><option>--ciphers</option></term>
137 <listitem>
138 <para>An openssl compatible list of TLS ciphers to support
139 in the client. See
140 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ciphers</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>
141 for more information.</para>
142 </listitem>
143 </varlistentry>
144 <varlistentry>
145 <term><option>-d</option></term>
146 <term><option>--debug</option></term>
147 <listitem>
148 <para>Enable debug messages.</para>
149 </listitem>
150 </varlistentry>
151 <varlistentry>
152 <term><option>--help</option></term>
153 <listitem>
154 <para>Display usage information.</para>
155 </listitem>
156 </varlistentry>
157 <varlistentry>
158 <term><option>-h</option></term>
159 <term><option>--host</option></term>
160 <listitem>
161 <para>Specify the host to connect to. Defaults to localhost.</para>
162 </listitem>
163 </varlistentry>
164 <varlistentry>
165 <term><option>-i</option></term>
166 <term><option>--id</option></term>
167 <listitem>
168 <para>The id to use for this client. If not given, defaults
169 to mosquitto_sub_ appended with the process id of the
170 client. Cannot be used at the same time as the
171 <option>--id-prefix</option> argument.</para>
172 </listitem>
173 </varlistentry>
174 <varlistentry>
175 <term><option>-I</option></term>
176 <term><option>--id-prefix</option></term>
177 <listitem>
178 <para>Provide a prefix that the client id will be built
179 from by appending the process id of the client. This is
180 useful where the broker is using the clientid_prefixes
181 option. Cannot be used at the same time as the
182 <option>--id</option> argument.</para>
183 </listitem>
184 </varlistentry>
185 <varlistentry>
186 <term><option>--insecure</option></term>
187 <listitem>
188 <para>When using certificate based encryption, this option
189 disables verification of the server hostname in the
190 server certificate. This can be useful when testing
191 initial server configurations but makes it possible for
192 a malicious third party to impersonate your server
193 through DNS spoofing, for example. Use this option in
194 testing <emphasis>only</emphasis>. If you need to
195 resort to using this option in a production
196 environment, your setup is at fault and there is no
197 point using encryption.</para>
198 </listitem>
199 </varlistentry>
200 <varlistentry>
201 <term><option>-k</option></term>
202 <term><option>--keepalive</option></term>
203 <listitem>
204 <para>The number of seconds between sending PING commands
205 to the broker for the purposes of informing it we are still
206 connected and functioning. Defaults to 60 seconds.</para>
207 </listitem>
208 </varlistentry>
209 <varlistentry>
210 <term><option>--key</option></term>
211 <listitem>
212 <para>Define the path to a file containing a PEM encoded
213 private key for this client, if required by the
214 server.</para>
215 <para>See also <option>--cert</option>.</para>
216 </listitem>
217 </varlistentry>
218 <varlistentry>
219 <term><option>-N</option></term>
220 <listitem>
221 <para>Do not append an end of line character to the payload
222 when printing. This allows streaming of payload data
223 from multiple messages directly to another application
224 unmodified. Only really makes sense when not using
225 <option>-v</option>.</para>
226 </listitem>
227 </varlistentry>
228 <varlistentry>
229 <term><option>-p</option></term>
230 <term><option>--port</option></term>
231 <listitem>
232 <para>Connect to the port specified instead of the default 1883.</para>
233 </listitem>
234 </varlistentry>
235 <varlistentry>
236 <term><option>-P</option></term>
237 <term><option>--pw</option></term>
238 <listitem>
239 <para>Provide a password to be used for authenticating with
240 the broker. Using this argument without also specifying a
241 username is invalid. This requires a broker that supports
242 MQTT v3.1. See also the <option>--username</option> option.</para>
243 </listitem>
244 </varlistentry>
245 <varlistentry>
246 <term><option>--psk</option></term>
247 <listitem>
248 <para>Provide the hexadecimal (no leading 0x)
249 pre-shared-key matching the one used on the broker to
250 use TLS-PSK encryption support.
251 <option>--psk-identity</option> must also be provided
252 to enable TLS-PSK.</para>
253 </listitem>
254 </varlistentry>
255 <varlistentry>
256 <term><option>--psk-identity</option></term>
257 <listitem>
258 <para>The client identity to use with TLS-PSK support. This
259 may be used instead of a username if the broker is
260 configured to do so.</para>
261 </listitem>
262 </varlistentry>
263 <varlistentry>
264 <term><option>-q</option></term>
265 <term><option>--qos</option></term>
266 <listitem>
267 <para>Specify the quality of service desired for the
268 incoming messages, from 0, 1 and 2. Defaults to 0. See
269 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>mqtt</refentrytitle><manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>
270 for more information on QoS.</para>
271 <para>The QoS is identical for all topics subscribed to in
272 a single instance of mosquitto_sub.</para>
273 </listitem>
274 </varlistentry>
275 <varlistentry>
276 <term><option>--quiet</option></term>
277 <listitem>
278 <para>If this argument is given, no runtime errors will be
279 printed. This excludes any error messages given in case of
280 invalid user input (e.g. using <option>--port</option> without a
281 port).</para>
282 </listitem>
283 </varlistentry>
284 <varlistentry>
285 <term><option>-R</option></term>
286 <listitem>
287 <para>If this argument is given, messages that are received
288 that have the retain bit set will not be printed.
289 Messages with retain set are "stale", in that it is not
290 known when they were originally published. When
291 subscribing to a wildcard topic there may be a large
292 number of retained messages. This argument suppresses
293 their display.</para>
294 </listitem>
295 </varlistentry>
296 <varlistentry>
297 <term><option>-S</option></term>
298 <listitem>
299 <para>Use SRV lookups to determine which host to connect
300 to. Performs lookups to
301 <option>_mqtt._tcp.&lt;host&gt;</option> when used in
302 conjunction with <option>-h</option>, otherwise uses
303 <option>_mqtt._tcp.&lt;local dns
304 domain&gt;</option>.</para>
305 </listitem>
306 </varlistentry>
307 <varlistentry>
308 <term><option>-t</option></term>
309 <term><option>--topic</option></term>
310 <listitem>
311 <para>The MQTT topic to subscribe to. See
312 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>mqtt</refentrytitle><manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>
313 for more information on MQTT topics.</para>
314 <para>This option may be repeated to subscribe to multiple topics.</para>
315 </listitem>
316 </varlistentry>
317 <varlistentry>
318 <term><option>-T</option></term>
319 <term><option>--filter-out</option></term>
320 <listitem>
321 <para>Suppress printing of topics that match the filter.
322 This allows subscribing to a wildcard topic and only
323 printing a partial set of the wildcard
324 hierarchy.</para>
325 <para>For example, subscribe to the BBC tree, but suppress output from Radio 3:</para>
326 <itemizedlist mark="circle">
327 <listitem><para>mosquitto_sub <literal>-t</literal>
328 bbc/# <literal>-T</literal>
329 bbc/radio3</para></listitem>
330 </itemizedlist>
331 <para>This option may be repeated to filter out multiple
332 topics or topic trees.</para>
333 </listitem>
334 </varlistentry>
335 <varlistentry>
336 <term><option>--tls-version</option></term>
337 <listitem>
338 <para>Choose which TLS protocol version to use when
339 communicating with the broker. Valid options are
340 <option>tlsv1.2</option>, <option>tlsv1.1</option> and
341 <option>tlsv1</option>. The default value is
342 <option>tlsv1.2</option>. If the installed version of
343 openssl is too old, only <option>tlsv1</option> will be
344 available. Must match the protocol version used by the
345 broker.</para>
346 </listitem>
347 </varlistentry>
348 <varlistentry>
349 <term><option>-u</option></term>
350 <term><option>--username</option></term>
351 <listitem>
352 <para>Provide a username to be used for authenticating with
353 the broker. This requires a broker that supports MQTT v3.1.
354 See also the <option>--pw</option> argument.</para>
355 </listitem>
356 </varlistentry>
357 <varlistentry>
358 <term><option>-v</option></term>
359 <term><option>--verbose</option></term>
360 <listitem>
361 <para>Print received messages verbosely. With this
362 argument, messages will be printed as "topic payload". When
363 this argument is not given, the messages are printed as
364 "payload".</para>
365 </listitem>
366 </varlistentry>
367 <varlistentry>
368 <term><option>--will-payload</option></term>
369 <listitem>
370 <para>Specify a message that will be stored by the broker
371 and sent out if this client disconnects unexpectedly. This
372 must be used in conjunction with <option>--will-topic</option>.</para>
373 </listitem>
374 </varlistentry>
375 <varlistentry>
376 <term><option>--will-qos</option></term>
377 <listitem>
378 <para>The QoS to use for the Will. Defaults to 0. This must
379 be used in conjunction with <option>--will-topic</option>.</para>
380 </listitem>
381 </varlistentry>
382 <varlistentry>
383 <term><option>--will-retain</option></term>
384 <listitem>
385 <para>If given, if the client disconnects unexpectedly the
386 message sent out will be treated as a retained message.
387 This must be used in conjunction with <option>--will-topic</option>.</para>
388 </listitem>
389 </varlistentry>
390 <varlistentry>
391 <term><option>--will-topic</option></term>
392 <listitem>
393 <para>The topic on which to send a Will, in the event that
394 the client disconnects unexpectedly.</para>
395 </listitem>
396 </varlistentry>
397 </variablelist>
398 </refsect1>
400 <refsect1>
401 <title>Wills</title>
402 <para>mosquitto_sub can register a message with the broker that will be
403 sent out if it disconnects unexpectedly. See
404 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>mqtt</refentrytitle><manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>
405 for more information.</para>
406 <para>The minimum requirement for this is to use <option>--will-topic</option> to
407 specify which topic the will should be sent out on. This will result in
408 a non-retained, zero length message with QoS 0.</para>
409 <para>Use the <option>--will-retain</option>, <option>--will-payload</option> and <option>--will-qos</option> arguments to
410 modify the other will parameters.</para>
411 </refsect1>
413 <refsect1>
414 <title>Examples</title>
415 <para>Note that these really are examples - the subscriptions will work
416 if you run them as shown, but there must be something publishing
417 messages on those topics for you to receive anything.</para>
418 <para>Subscribe to temperature information on localhost with QoS 1:</para>
419 <itemizedlist mark="circle">
420 <listitem><para>mosquitto_sub <literal>-t</literal> sensors/temperature <literal>-q</literal> 1</para></listitem>
421 </itemizedlist>
422 <para>Subscribe to hard drive temperature updates on multiple
423 machines/hard drives. This expects each machine to be publishing its
424 hard drive temperature to
425 sensors/machines/HOSTNAME/temperature/HD_NAME.</para>
426 <itemizedlist mark="circle">
427 <listitem><para>mosquitto_sub <literal>-t</literal> sensors/machines/+/temperature/+</para></listitem>
428 </itemizedlist>
429 <para>Subscribe to all broker status messages:</para>
430 <itemizedlist mark="circle">
431 <listitem><para>mosquitto_sub <literal>-v</literal> <literal>-t</literal> \$SYS/#</para></listitem>
432 </itemizedlist>
433 </refsect1>
435 <refsect1>
436 <title>Bugs</title>
437 <para><command>mosquitto_sub</command> bug information can be found at
438 <uri type="webpage">http://launchpad.net/mosquitto</uri></para>
439 </refsect1>
441 <refsect1>
442 <title>See Also</title>
443 <simplelist type="inline">
444 <member>
445 <citerefentry>
446 <refentrytitle><link xlink:href="mqtt-7.html">mqtt</link></refentrytitle>
447 <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
448 </citerefentry>
449 </member>
450 <member>
451 <citerefentry>
452 <refentrytitle><link xlink:href="mosquitto_pub-1.html">mosquitto_pub</link></refentrytitle>
453 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
454 </citerefentry>
455 </member>
456 <member>
457 <citerefentry>
458 <refentrytitle><link xlink:href="mosquitto-8.html">mosquitto</link></refentrytitle>
459 <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
460 </citerefentry>
461 </member>
462 <member>
463 <citerefentry>
464 <refentrytitle><link xlink:href="libmosquitto-3.html">libmosquitto</link></refentrytitle>
465 <manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
466 </citerefentry>
467 </member>
468 <member>
469 <citerefentry>
470 <refentrytitle><link xlink:href="mosquitto-tls-7.html">mosquitto-tls</link></refentrytitle>
471 <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
472 </citerefentry>
473 </member>
474 </simplelist>
475 </refsect1>
477 <refsect1>
478 <title>Acknowledgements</title>
479 <para>This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
480 for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)</para>
481 <para>This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric
482 Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)</para>
483 <para>This product includes software written by Tim Hudson
484 (tjh@cryptsoft.com)</para>
485 </refsect1>
487 <refsect1>
488 <title>Author</title>
489 <para>Roger Light <email>roger@atchoo.org</email></para>
490 </refsect1>