1 | # noUiSlider
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3 | noUiSlider is a lightweight JavaScript range slider.
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5 | - **Accessible** with `aria` and keyboard support
6 | - GPU animated: no reflows, so fast; even on older devices
7 | - All modern browsers and IE > 9 are supported
8 | - **No dependencies**
9 | - Fully **responsive**
10 | - **Multi-touch support** on Android, iOS and Windows devices
11 | - Tons of [examples](https://refreshless.com/nouislider/examples) and answered [Stack Overflow questions](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/nouislider)
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13 | License
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15 | noUiSlider is licensed [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/).
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17 | It can be used **for free** and **without any attribution**, in any personal or commercial project.
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19 | [Documentation](https://refreshless.com/nouislider/)
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21 | An extensive documentation, including **examples**, **options** and **configuration details**, is available here:
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23 | [noUiSlider documentation](https://refreshless.com/nouislider/).
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25 | Contributing
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28 | See [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md).
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30 | Sponsorship
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33 | noUiSlider is a stable project that still receives a lot of feature requests. A lot of these are interesting, but require a good amount of effort to implement, test and document. Sponsorship of this project will allow me to spend some more of my time on these feature requests.
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35 | Please consider sponsoring the project by clicking the "❤ Sponsor" button above. Thanks!
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37 | Tooling
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40 | Cross-browser testing kindly provided by BrowserStack.
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42 | [](http://browserstack.com/)