1 | require 'webrick'
2 | require 'net/http'
3 | require 'base64'
4 | require 'json'
5 |
6 | require 'httparty'
7 |
8 | require_relative '__NOW_HANDLER_FILENAME'
9 |
10 | SupportedHTTPMethods = {
11 | 'GET' => Net::HTTP::Get,
12 | 'POST' => Net::HTTP::Post,
13 | 'PATCH' => Net::HTTP::Patch,
14 | 'PUT' => Net::HTTP::Put,
15 | 'DELETE' => Net::HTTP::Delete,
16 | 'HEAD' => Net::HTTP::Head,
17 | 'OPTIONS' => Net::HTTP::Options,
18 | 'MOVE' => Net::HTTP::Move,
19 | 'COPY' => Net::HTTP::Copy,
20 | 'MKCOL' => Net::HTTP::Mkcol,
21 | 'LOCK' => Net::HTTP::Lock,
22 | 'UNLOCK' => Net::HTTP::Unlock,
23 | }
24 |
25 | def now__handler(event:, context:)
26 | if not Object.const_defined?('Handler')
27 | return { :statusCode => 500, :body => 'Handler not defined in lambda' }
28 | end
29 |
30 | payload = JSON.parse(event['body'])
31 | path = payload['path']
32 | headers = payload['headers']
33 | httpMethod = payload['method']
34 | encoding = payload['encoding']
35 | body = payload['body']
36 |
37 | if not SupportedHTTPMethods.key?(httpMethod)
38 | return { :statusCode => 405, :body => 'Method Not Allowed' }
39 | end
40 |
41 | if (not body.nil? and not body.empty?) and (not encoding.nil? and encoding == 'base64')
42 | body = Base64.decode64(body)
43 | end
44 |
45 | server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new :Port => 3000
46 |
47 | if Handler.is_a?(Proc)
48 | server.mount_proc '/', Handler
49 | else
50 | server.mount '/', Handler
51 | end
52 |
53 | Thread.new(server) do |server|
54 | server.start
55 | end
56 |
57 | req = HTTParty::Request.new(
58 | SupportedHTTPMethods[httpMethod],
59 | 'http://localhost:3000' + path,
60 | {
61 | headers: headers,
62 | body: body,
63 | }
64 | )
65 |
66 | res = req.perform
67 |
68 | return_hashmap = {
69 | :statusCode => res.code,
70 | :headers => res.headers
71 | }
72 |
73 | if not res.nil?
74 | return_hashmap['body'] = res.body
75 | end
76 |
77 | return_hashmap
78 | end