1 | npm-check
2 | =========
3 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dylang/npm-check.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dylang/npm-check)
4 | [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/npm-check.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/npm-check)
5 | [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/npm-check.svg?maxAge=2592000)]()
6 |
7 | > Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
8 |
9 | <img width="796" alt="npm-check -u" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/51505/9569917/96947fea-4f48-11e5-9783-2d78077256f2.png">
10 |
11 | ### Features
12 |
13 | * Tells you what's out of date.
14 | * Provides a link to the package's documentation so you can decide if you want the update.
15 | * Kindly informs you if a dependency is not being used in your code.
16 | * Works on your globally installed packages too, via `-g`.
17 | * **Interactive Update** for less typing and fewer typos, via `-u`.
18 | * Supports public and private [@scoped/packages](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/scoped-packages).
19 | * Supports ES6-style [`import from`](http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_modules.html) syntax.
20 | * Upgrades your modules using your installed version of npm, including the new `npm@3`, so dependencies go where you expect them.
21 | * Works with any public npm registry, [private registries](https://www.npmjs.com/enterprise), and alternate registries like [Sinopia](https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia).
22 | * Does not query registries for packages with `private: true` in their package.json.
23 | * Emoji in a command-line app, because command-line apps can be fun too.
24 | * Works with `npm@2` and `npm@3`, as well as newer alternative installers like `ied` and `pnpm`.
25 |
26 | ### Requirements
27 | * Node >= 10.9.0
28 |
29 | ### On the command line
30 |
31 | This is the easiest way to use `npm-check`.
32 |
33 | ### Install
34 | ```bash
35 | $ npm install -g npm-check
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ### Use
39 | ```bash
40 | $ npm-check
41 | ```
42 |
43 | <img width="882" alt="npm-check" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/51505/9569919/99c2412a-4f48-11e5-8c65-e9b6530ee991.png">
44 |
45 | The result should look like the screenshot, or something nice when your packages are all up-to-date and in use.
46 |
47 | When updates are required it will return a non-zero response code that you can use in your CI tools.
48 |
49 | ### Options
50 |
51 | ```
52 | Usage
53 | $ npm-check <path> <options>
54 |
55 | Path
56 | Where to check. Defaults to current directory. Use -g for checking global modules.
57 |
58 | Options
59 | -u, --update Interactive update.
60 | -y, --update-all Uninteractive update. Apply all updates without prompting.
61 | -g, --global Look at global modules.
62 | -s, --skip-unused Skip check for unused packages.
63 | -p, --production Skip devDependencies.
64 | -d, --dev-only Look at devDependencies only (skip dependencies).
65 | -i, --ignore Ignore dependencies based on succeeding glob.
66 | -E, --save-exact Save exact version (x.y.z) instead of caret (^x.y.z) in package.json.
67 | --specials List of depcheck specials to include in check for unused dependencies.
68 | --no-color Force or disable color output.
69 | --no-emoji Remove emoji support. No emoji in default in CI environments.
70 | --debug Show debug output. Throw in a gist when creating issues on github.
71 |
72 | Examples
73 | $ npm-check # See what can be updated, what isn't being used.
74 | $ npm-check ../foo # Check another path.
75 | $ npm-check -gu # Update globally installed modules by picking which ones to upgrade.
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ![npm-check-u](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/51505/9569912/8c600cd8-4f48-11e5-8757-9387a7a21316.gif)
79 |
80 | #### `-u, --update`
81 |
82 | Show an interactive UI for choosing which modules to update.
83 |
84 | Automatically updates versions referenced in the `package.json`.
85 |
86 | _Based on recommendations from the `npm` team, `npm-check` only updates using `npm install`, not `npm update`.
87 | To avoid using more than one version of `npm` in one directory, `npm-check` will automatically install updated modules
88 | using the version of `npm` installed globally._
89 |
90 | <img width="669" alt="npm-check -g -u" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/51505/9569921/9ca3aeb0-4f48-11e5-95ab-6fdb88124007.png">
91 |
92 | ##### Update using [ied](https://github.com/alexanderGugel/ied) or [pnpm](https://github.com/rstacruz/pnpm)
93 |
94 | Set environment variable `NPM_CHECK_INSTALLER` to the name of the installer you wish to use.
95 |
96 | ```bash
97 | NPM_CHECK_INSTALLER=pnpm npm-check -u
98 | ## pnpm install --save-dev foo@version --color=always
99 | ```
100 |
101 | You can also use this for dry-run testing:
102 |
103 | ```bash
104 | NPM_CHECK_INSTALLER=echo npm-check -u
105 | ```
106 |
107 | #### `-y, --update-all`
108 |
109 | Updates your dependencies like `--update`, just without any prompt. This is especially useful if you want to automate your dependency updates with `npm-check`.
110 |
111 | #### `-g, --global`
112 |
113 | Check the versions of your globally installed packages.
114 |
115 | If the value of `process.env.NODE_PATH` is set, it will override the default path of global node_modules returned by package [`global-modules`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/global-modules).
116 |
117 | _Tip: Use `npm-check -u -g` to do a safe interactive update of global modules, including npm itself._
118 |
119 | #### `-s, --skip-unused`
120 |
121 | By default `npm-check` will let you know if any of your modules are not being used by looking at `require` statements
122 | in your code.
123 |
124 | This option will skip that check.
125 |
126 | This is enabled by default when using `global` or `update`.
127 |
128 | #### `-p, --production`
129 |
130 | By default `npm-check` will look at packages listed as `dependencies` and `devDependencies`.
131 |
132 | This option will let it ignore outdated and unused checks for packages listed as `devDependencies`.
133 |
134 | #### `-d, --dev-only`
135 |
136 | Ignore `dependencies` and only check `devDependencies`.
137 |
138 | This option will let it ignore outdated and unused checks for packages listed as `dependencies`.
139 |
140 | #### `-i, --ignore`
141 |
142 | Ignore dependencies that match specified glob.
143 |
144 | `$ npm-check -i babel-*` will ignore all dependencies starting with 'babel-'.
145 |
146 | #### `-E, --save-exact`
147 |
148 | Install packages using `--save-exact`, meaning exact versions will be saved in package.json.
149 |
150 | Applies to both `dependencies` and `devDependencies`.
151 |
152 | #### `--specials`
153 |
154 | Check special (e.g. config) files when looking for unused dependencies.
155 |
156 | `$ npm-check --specials=bin,webpack` will look in the `scripts` section of package.json and in webpack config.
157 |
158 | See [https://github.com/depcheck/depcheck#special](https://github.com/depcheck/depcheck#special) for more information.
159 |
160 | #### `--color, --no-color`
161 |
162 | Enable or disable color support.
163 |
164 | By default `npm-check` uses colors if they are available.
165 |
166 | #### `--emoji, --no-emoji`
167 |
168 | Enable or disable emoji support. Useful for terminals that don't support them. Automatically disabled in CI servers.
169 |
170 | #### `--spinner, --no-spinner`
171 |
172 | Enable or disable the spinner. Useful for terminals that don't support them. Automatically disabled in CI servers.
173 |
174 | ### API
175 |
176 | The API is here in case you want to wrap this with your CI toolset.
177 |
178 | ```js
179 | const npmCheck = require('npm-check');
180 |
181 | npmCheck(options)
182 | .then(currentState => console.log(currentState.get('packages')));
183 | ```
184 |
185 | #### `update`
186 |
187 | * Interactive update.
188 | * default is `false`
189 |
190 | #### `global`
191 |
192 | * Check global modules.
193 | * default is `false`
194 | * `cwd` is automatically set with this option.
195 |
196 | #### `skipUnused`
197 |
198 | * Skip checking for unused packages.
199 | * default is `false`
200 |
201 | #### `ignoreDev`
202 |
203 | * Ignore `devDependencies`.
204 | * This is called `--production` on the command line to match `npm`.
205 | * default is `false`
206 |
207 | #### `devOnly`
208 |
209 | * Ignore `dependencies` and only check `devDependencies`.
210 | * default is `false`
211 |
212 | #### `ignore`
213 |
214 | * Ignore dependencies that match specified glob.
215 | * default is `[]`
216 |
217 | #### `saveExact`
218 |
219 | * Update package.json with exact version `x.y.z` instead of semver range `^x.y.z`.
220 | * default is `false`
221 |
222 | #### `debug`
223 |
224 | * Show debug output. Throw in a gist when creating issues on github.
225 | * default is `false`
226 |
227 | #### `cwd`
228 |
229 | * Override where `npm-check` checks.
230 | * default is `process.cwd()`
231 |
232 | #### `specials`
233 |
234 | * List of [`depcheck`](https://github.com/depcheck/depcheck) special parsers to include.
235 | * default is `''`
236 |
237 | #### `currentState`
238 |
239 | The result of the promise is a `currentState` object, look in [state.js](lib/state/state.js) to see how it works.
240 |
241 | You will probably want `currentState.get('packages')` to get an array of packages and the state of each of them.
242 |
243 | Each item in the array will look like the following:
244 |
245 | ```js
246 | {
247 | moduleName: 'lodash', // name of the module.
248 | homepage: 'https://lodash.com/', // url to the home page.
249 | regError: undefined, // error communicating with the registry
250 | pkgError: undefined, // error reading the package.json
251 | latest: '4.7.0', // latest according to the registry.
252 | installed: '4.6.1', // version installed
253 | isInstalled: true, // Is it installed?
254 | notInstalled: false, // Is it installed?
255 | packageWanted: '4.7.0', // Requested version from the package.json.
256 | packageJson: '^4.6.1', // Version or range requested in the parent package.json.
257 | devDependency: false, // Is this a devDependency?
258 | usedInScripts: undefined, // Array of `scripts` in package.json that use this module.
259 | mismatch: false, // Does the version installed not match the range in package.json?
260 | semverValid: '4.6.1', // Is the installed version valid semver?
261 | easyUpgrade: true, // Will running just `npm install` upgrade the module?
262 | bump: 'minor', // What kind of bump is required to get the latest, such as patch, minor, major.
263 | unused: false // Is this module used in the code?
264 | },
265 | ```
266 |
267 | You will also see this if you use `--debug` on the command line.
268 |
269 | ### RC File Support
270 | Additional options can be sent to the depcheck process. See [depcheck API](https://github.com/depcheck/depcheck#api). Create a .npmcheckrc{.json,.yml,.js} file and set the depcheck options under depcheck property.
271 |
272 | For example, to skip packages for unused check, but still want them in the outdated check (so can't use the --ignore option):
273 | ```
274 | # .npmcheckrc
275 |
276 | depcheck:
277 | ignoreMatches: ["replace-in-file","snyk","sonarqube-scanner"]
278 |
279 | ```
280 |
281 | ### Inspiration
282 |
283 | * [npm outdated](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npm-outdated) - awkward output, requires --depth=0 to be grokable.
284 | * [david](https://github.com/alanshaw/david) - does not work with private registries.
285 | * [update-notifier](https://github.com/yeoman/update-notifier) - for single modules, not everything in package.json.
286 | * [depcheck](https://github.com/depcheck/depcheck) - only part of the puzzle. npm-check uses depcheck.
287 |
288 | ### About the Author
289 |
290 | Hi! Thanks for checking out this project! My name is **Dylan Greene**. When not overwhelmed with my two young kids I enjoy contributing
291 | to the open source community. I'm also a tech lead at [Opower](https://opower.com/). [![@dylang](https://img.shields.io/badge/github-dylang-green.svg)](https://github.com/dylang) [![@dylang](https://img.shields.io/badge/twitter-dylang-blue.svg)](https://twitter.com/dylang)
292 |
293 | Here's some of my other Node projects:
294 |
295 | | Name | Description | npm Downloads |
296 | |---|---|---|
297 | | [`grunt‑notify`](https://github.com/dylang/grunt-notify) | Automatic desktop notifications for Grunt errors and warnings. Supports OS X, Windows, Linux. | [![grunt-notify](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/grunt-notify.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/grunt-notify) |
298 | | [`shortid`](https://github.com/dylang/shortid) | Amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique id generator. | [![shortid](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/shortid.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/shortid) |
299 | | [`space‑hogs`](https://github.com/dylang/space-hogs) | Discover surprisingly large directories from the command line. | [![space-hogs](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/space-hogs.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/space-hogs) |
300 | | [`rss`](https://github.com/dylang/node-rss) | RSS feed generator. Add RSS feeds to any project. Supports enclosures and GeoRSS. | [![rss](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/rss.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/rss) |
301 | | [`grunt‑prompt`](https://github.com/dylang/grunt-prompt) | Interactive prompt for your Grunt config using console checkboxes, text input with filtering, password fields. | [![grunt-prompt](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/grunt-prompt.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/grunt-prompt) |
302 | | [`xml`](https://github.com/dylang/node-xml) | Fast and simple xml generator. Supports attributes, CDATA, etc. Includes tests and examples. | [![xml](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/xml.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/xml) |
303 | | [`changelog`](https://github.com/dylang/changelog) | Command line tool (and Node module) that generates a changelog in color output, markdown, or json for modules in npmjs.org's registry as well as any public github.com repo. | [![changelog](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/changelog.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/changelog) |
304 | | [`grunt‑attention`](https://github.com/dylang/grunt-attention) | Display attention-grabbing messages in the terminal | [![grunt-attention](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/grunt-attention.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/grunt-attention) |
305 | | [`observatory`](https://github.com/dylang/observatory) | Beautiful UI for showing tasks running on the command line. | [![observatory](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/observatory.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/observatory) |
306 | | [`anthology`](https://github.com/dylang/anthology) | Module information and stats for any @npmjs user | [![anthology](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/anthology.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/anthology) |
307 | | [`grunt‑cat`](https://github.com/dylang/grunt-cat) | Echo a file to the terminal. Works with text, figlets, ascii art, and full-color ansi. | [![grunt-cat](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/grunt-cat.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/grunt-cat) |
308 |
309 | _This list was generated using [anthology](https://github.com/dylang/anthology)._
310 |
311 | ### License
312 | Copyright (c) 2016 Dylan Greene, contributors.
313 |
314 | Released under the [MIT license](https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license).
315 |
316 | Screenshots are [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) (Attribution-ShareAlike).