1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var _ = require('lodash');
4 | var inquirer = require('inquirer');
5 | var chalk = require('chalk');
6 | var table = require('text-table');
7 | var installPackages = require('./install-packages');
8 | var emoji = require('./emoji');
9 | var stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi');
10 |
11 | var UI_GROUPS = [{
12 | title: chalk.bold.underline.green('Update package.json to match version installed.'),
13 | filter: { mismatch: true, bump: null }
14 | }, {
15 | title: chalk.bold.underline.green('Missing.') + ' ' + chalk.green('You probably want these.'),
16 | filter: { notInstalled: true, bump: null }
17 | }, {
18 | title: chalk.bold.underline.green('Patch Update') + ' ' + chalk.green('Backwards-compatible bug fixes.'),
19 | filter: { bump: 'patch' }
20 | }, {
21 | title: chalk.yellow.underline.bold('Minor Update') + ' ' + chalk.yellow('New backwards-compatible features.'),
22 | bgColor: 'yellow',
23 | filter: { bump: 'minor' }
24 | }, {
25 | title: chalk.red.underline.bold('Major Update') + ' ' + chalk.red('Potentially breaking API changes. Use caution.'),
26 | filter: { bump: 'major' }
27 | }, {
28 | title: chalk.magenta.underline.bold('Non-Semver') + ' ' + chalk.magenta('Versions less than 1.0.0, caution.'),
29 | filter: { bump: 'nonSemver' }
30 | }];
31 |
32 | function label(pkg) {
33 | var bumpInstalled = pkg.bump ? pkg.installed : '';
34 | var installed = pkg.mismatch ? pkg.packageJson : bumpInstalled;
35 | var name = chalk.yellow(pkg.moduleName);
36 | var type = pkg.devDependency ? chalk.green(' devDep') : '';
37 | var missing = pkg.notInstalled ? chalk.red(' missing') : '';
38 | var homepage = pkg.homepage ? chalk.blue.underline(pkg.homepage) : '';
39 | return [name + type + missing, installed, installed && '❯', chalk.bold(pkg.latest || ''), pkg.latest ? homepage : pkg.regError || pkg.pkgError];
40 | }
41 |
42 | function short(pkg) {
43 | return pkg.moduleName + '@' + pkg.latest;
44 | }
45 |
46 | function choice(pkg) {
47 | if (!pkg.mismatch && !pkg.bump && !pkg.notInstalled) {
48 | return false;
49 | }
50 |
51 | return {
52 | value: pkg,
53 | name: label(pkg),
54 | short: short(pkg)
55 | };
56 | }
57 |
58 | function unselectable(options) {
59 | return new inquirer.Separator(chalk.reset(options ? options.title : ' '));
60 | }
61 |
62 | function createChoices(packages, options) {
63 | var filteredChoices = _.filter(packages, options.filter);
64 |
65 | var choices = filteredChoices.map(choice).filter(Boolean);
66 |
67 | var choicesAsATable = table(_.map(choices, 'name'), {
68 | align: ['l', 'l', 'l'],
69 | stringLength: function stringLength(str) {
70 | return stripAnsi(str).length;
71 | }
72 | }).split('\n');
73 |
74 | var choicesWithTableFormating = _.map(choices, function (choice, i) {
75 | choice.name = choicesAsATable[i];
76 | return choice;
77 | });
78 |
79 | if (choicesWithTableFormating.length) {
80 | choices.unshift(unselectable(options));
81 | choices.unshift(unselectable());
82 | return choices;
83 | }
84 | }
85 |
86 | function buildPackageToUpdate(moduleName, version, isYarn, saveExact) {
87 |
88 | return isYarn && !saveExact ? moduleName + '@^' + version : moduleName + '@' + version;
89 | }
90 |
91 | function interactive(currentState) {
92 | var packages = currentState.get('packages');
93 |
94 | if (currentState.get('debug')) {
95 | console.log('packages', packages);
96 | }
97 |
98 | var choicesGrouped = UI_GROUPS.map(function (group) {
99 | return createChoices(packages, group);
100 | }).filter(Boolean);
101 |
102 | var choices = _.flatten(choicesGrouped);
103 |
104 | if (!choices.length) {
105 | console.log(emoji(':heart: ') + 'Your modules look ' + chalk.bold('amazing') + '. Keep up the great work.' + emoji(' :heart:'));
106 | return;
107 | }
108 |
109 | choices.push(unselectable());
110 | choices.push(unselectable({ title: 'Space to select. Enter to start upgrading. Control-C to cancel.' }));
111 |
112 | var questions = [{
113 | name: 'packages',
114 | message: 'Choose which packages to update.',
115 | type: 'checkbox',
116 | choices: choices.concat(unselectable()),
117 | pageSize: process.stdout.rows - 2
118 | }];
119 |
120 | return inquirer.prompt(questions).then(function (answers) {
121 | var packagesToUpdate = answers.packages;
122 | var isYarn = currentState.get('installer') === 'yarn';
123 | var saveExact = currentState.get('saveExact');
124 |
125 | if (!packagesToUpdate || !packagesToUpdate.length) {
126 | console.log('No packages selected for update.');
127 | return false;
128 | }
129 |
130 | var saveDependencies = packagesToUpdate.filter(function (pkg) {
131 | return !pkg.devDependency;
132 | }).map(function (pkg) {
133 | return buildPackageToUpdate(pkg.moduleName, pkg.latest, isYarn, saveExact);
134 | });
135 |
136 | var saveDevDependencies = packagesToUpdate.filter(function (pkg) {
137 | return pkg.devDependency;
138 | }).map(function (pkg) {
139 | return buildPackageToUpdate(pkg.moduleName, pkg.latest, isYarn, saveExact);
140 | });
141 |
142 | var updatedPackages = packagesToUpdate.map(function (pkg) {
143 | return buildPackageToUpdate(pkg.moduleName, pkg.latest, isYarn, saveExact);
144 | }).join(', ');
145 |
146 | if (!currentState.get('global')) {
147 | if (saveDependencies.length) {
148 | !isYarn && saveDependencies.push('--save');
149 | }
150 |
151 | if (saveDevDependencies.length) {
152 | isYarn ? saveDevDependencies.push('--dev') : saveDevDependencies.push('--save-dev');
153 | }
154 | }
155 |
156 | return installPackages(saveDependencies, currentState).then(function (currentState) {
157 | return installPackages(saveDevDependencies, currentState);
158 | }).then(function (currentState) {
159 | console.log('');
160 | console.log(chalk.green('[npm-check] Update complete!'));
161 | console.log(chalk.green('[npm-check] ' + updatedPackages));
162 | console.log(chalk.green('[npm-check] You should re-run your tests to make sure everything works with the updates.'));
163 | return currentState;
164 | });
165 | });
166 | }
167 |
168 | module.exports = interactive; |
\ | No newline at end of file |