1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | const chalk = require('chalk');
4 | const _ = require('lodash');
5 | const table = require('text-table');
6 | const emoji = require('./emoji');
7 | const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi');
8 |
9 | function uppercaseFirstLetter(str) {
10 | return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
11 | }
12 |
13 | function render(pkg, currentState) {
14 | const packageName = pkg.moduleName;
15 | const rows = [];
16 |
17 | const indent = ' ' + emoji(' ');
18 |
19 | const installer = currentState.get('installer');
20 | const isYarn = installer === 'yarn';
21 |
22 | const args = [isYarn ? 'add' : 'install'];
23 | if (currentState.get('global')) {
24 | isYarn ? args.unshift('global') : args.push('--global');
25 | }
26 |
27 | const flags = [];
28 | if (isYarn) {
29 | pkg.devDependency && flags.push('--dev');
30 | } else {
31 | pkg.devDependency ? flags.push('--save-dev') : flags.push('--save');
32 | }
33 |
34 | const upgradeCommand = `${installer} ${args.join(' ')} ${packageName}@${pkg.latest} ${flags.join(' ')}`;
35 | const upgradeMessage = `${chalk.green(upgradeCommand)} to go from ${pkg.installed} to ${pkg.latest}`;
36 |
37 | const status = _([
38 | pkg.notInstalled ? chalk.bgRed.white.bold(emoji(' :worried: ') + ' MISSING! ') + ' Not installed.' : '',
39 | pkg.notInPackageJson ? chalk.bgRed.white.bold(emoji(' :worried: ') + ' PKG ERR! ') + ' Not in the package.json. ' + pkg.notInPackageJson : '',
40 | pkg.pkgError && !pkg.notInstalled ? chalk.bgGreen.white.bold(emoji(' :worried: ') + ' PKG ERR! ') + ' ' + chalk.red(pkg.pkgError.message) : '',
41 | pkg.bump && pkg.easyUpgrade ? [
42 | chalk.bgGreen.white.bold(emoji(' :heart_eyes: ') + ' UPDATE! ') + ' Your local install is out of date. ' + chalk.blue.underline(pkg.homepage || ''),
43 | indent + upgradeMessage
44 | ] : '',
45 | pkg.bump && !pkg.easyUpgrade ? [
46 | chalk.white.bold.bgGreen((pkg.bump === 'nonSemver' ? emoji(' :sunglasses: ') + ' new ver! '.toUpperCase() : emoji(' :sunglasses: ') + ' ' + pkg.bump.toUpperCase() + ' UP ')) + ' ' + uppercaseFirstLetter(pkg.bump) + ' update available. ' + chalk.blue.underline(pkg.homepage || ''),
47 | indent + upgradeMessage
48 | ] : '',
49 | pkg.unused ? [
50 | chalk.black.bold.bgWhite(emoji(' :confused: ') + ' NOTUSED? ') + ` ${chalk.yellow(`Still using ${packageName}?`)}`,
51 | indent + `Depcheck did not find code similar to ${chalk.green(`require('${packageName}')`)} or ${chalk.green(`import from '${packageName}'`)}.`,
52 | indent + `Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.`,
53 | indent + `Use rc file options to remove unused check, but still monitor for outdated version:`,
54 | indent + ` .npmcheckrc {"depcheck": {"ignoreMatches": ["${packageName}"]}}`,
55 | indent + `Use ${chalk.green('--skip-unused')} to skip this check.`,
56 | indent + `To remove this package: ${chalk.green(
57 | isYarn
58 | ? `yarn remove ${packageName} ${pkg.devDependency ? '--dev' : ''}`
59 | : `npm uninstall ${packageName} --save${pkg.devDependency ? '-dev' : ''}`
60 | )}`
61 | ] : '',
62 | pkg.mismatch && !pkg.bump ? chalk.bgRed.yellow.bold(emoji(' :interrobang: ') + ' MISMATCH ') + ' Installed version does not match package.json. ' + pkg.installed + ' ≠ ' + pkg.packageJson : '',
63 | pkg.regError ? chalk.bgRed.white.bold(emoji(' :no_entry: ') + ' NPM ERR! ') + ' ' + chalk.red(pkg.regError) : ''
64 | ])
65 | .flatten()
66 | .compact()
67 | .valueOf();
68 |
69 | if (!status.length) {
70 | return false;
71 | }
72 |
73 | rows.push(
74 | [
75 | chalk.yellow(packageName),
76 | status.shift()
77 | ]);
78 |
79 | while (status.length) {
80 | rows.push([
81 | ' ',
82 | status.shift()
83 | ]);
84 | }
85 |
86 | rows.push(
87 | [
88 | ' '
89 | ]);
90 |
91 | return rows;
92 | }
93 |
94 | function outputConsole(currentState) {
95 | const packages = currentState.get('packages');
96 |
97 | const rows = packages.reduce((acc, pkg) => {
98 | return acc.concat(render(pkg, currentState));
99 | }, [])
100 | .filter(Boolean);
101 |
102 | if (rows.length) {
103 | const renderedTable = table(rows, {
104 | stringLength: s => stripAnsi(s).length
105 | });
106 |
107 | console.log('');
108 | console.log(renderedTable);
109 | console.log(`Use ${chalk.green(`npm-check -${currentState.get('global') ? 'g' : ''}u`)} for interactive update.`);
110 | process.exitCode = 1;
111 | } else {
112 | console.log(`${emoji(':heart: ')}Your modules look ${chalk.bold('amazing')}. Keep up the great work.${emoji(' :heart:')}`);
113 | process.exitCode = 0;
114 | }
115 | }
116 |
117 | module.exports = outputConsole;