1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 |
3 | # This is used by the Node.js installer, which expects the cygwin/mingw
4 | # shell script to already be present in the npm dependency folder.
5 |
6 | (set -o igncr) 2>/dev/null && set -o igncr; # cygwin encoding fix
7 |
8 | basedir=`dirname "$0"`
9 |
10 | case `uname` in
11 | *CYGWIN*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
12 | esac
13 |
14 | if [ `uname` = 'Linux' ] && type wslpath &>/dev/null ; then
15 | IS_WSL="true"
16 | fi
17 |
18 | function no_node_dir {
19 | # if this didn't work, then everything else below will fail
20 | echo "Could not determine Node.js install directory" >&2
21 | exit 1
22 | }
23 |
24 | NODE_EXE="$basedir/node.exe"
25 | if ! [ -x "$NODE_EXE" ]; then
26 | NODE_EXE="$basedir/node"
27 | fi
28 | if ! [ -x "$NODE_EXE" ]; then
29 | NODE_EXE=node
30 | fi
31 |
32 | # this path is passed to node.exe, so it needs to match whatever
33 | # kind of paths Node.js thinks it's using, typically win32 paths.
34 | CLI_BASEDIR="$("$NODE_EXE" -p 'require("path").dirname(process.execPath)' 2> /dev/null)"
35 | if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
36 | # this fails under WSL 1 so add an additional message. we also suppress stderr above
37 | # because the actual error raised is not helpful. in WSL 1 node.exe cannot handle
38 | # output redirection properly. See https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/2370
39 | if [ "$IS_WSL" == "true" ]; then
40 | echo "WSL 1 is not supported. Please upgrade to WSL 2 or above." >&2
41 | fi
42 | no_node_dir
43 | fi
44 | NPM_PREFIX_JS="$CLI_BASEDIR/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-prefix.js"
45 | NPM_CLI_JS="$CLI_BASEDIR/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js"
47 | if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
48 | no_node_dir
49 | fi
50 | NPM_PREFIX_NPM_CLI_JS="$NPM_PREFIX/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js"
51 |
52 | # a path that will fail -f test on any posix bash
53 | NPM_WSL_PATH="/.."
54 |
55 | # WSL can run Windows binaries, so we have to give it the win32 path
56 | # however, WSL bash tests against posix paths, so we need to construct that
57 | # to know if npm is installed globally.
58 | if [ "$IS_WSL" == "true" ]; then
60 | fi
61 | if [ -f "$NPM_PREFIX_NPM_CLI_JS" ] || [ -f "$NPM_WSL_PATH" ]; then
63 | fi
64 |
65 | "$NODE_EXE" "$NPM_CLI_JS" "$@"