14.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const BB = require('bluebird')
5const binLink = require('bin-links')
6const buildLogicalTree = require('npm-logical-tree')
7const extract = require('./lib/extract.js')
8const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding')
9const fs = require('graceful-fs')
10const getPrefix = require('find-npm-prefix')
11const lifecycle = require('npm-lifecycle')
12const lockVerify = require('lock-verify')
13const mkdirp = BB.promisify(require('mkdirp'))
14const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
15const path = require('path')
16const readPkgJson = BB.promisify(require('read-package-json'))
17const rimraf = BB.promisify(require('rimraf'))
19const readFileAsync = BB.promisify(fs.readFile)
20const statAsync = BB.promisify(fs.stat)
21const symlinkAsync = BB.promisify(fs.symlink)
22const writeFileAsync = BB.promisify(fs.writeFile)
24const LifecycleOpts = figgyPudding({
25 config: {},
26 'script-shell': {},
27 scriptShell: 'script-shell',
28 'ignore-scripts': {},
29 ignoreScripts: 'ignore-scripts',
30 'ignore-prepublish': {},
31 ignorePrepublish: 'ignore-prepublish',
32 'scripts-prepend-node-path': {},
33 scriptsPrependNodePath: 'scripts-prepend-node-path',
34 'unsafe-perm': {},
35 unsafePerm: 'unsafe-perm',
36 prefix: {},
37 dir: 'prefix',
38 failOk: { default: false }
39}, { other () { return true } })
41class Installer {
42 constructor (opts) {
43 this.opts = opts
45 // Stats
46 this.startTime = Date.now()
47 this.runTime = 0
48 this.timings = { scripts: 0 }
49 this.pkgCount = 0
51 // Misc
52 this.log = this.opts.log || require('./lib/silentlog.js')
53 this.pkg = null
54 this.tree = null
55 this.failedDeps = new Set()
56 }
58 timedStage (name) {
59 const start = Date.now()
60 return BB.resolve(this[name].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)))
61 .tap(() => {
62 this.timings[name] = Date.now() - start
63 this.log.info(name, `Done in ${this.timings[name] / 1000}s`)
64 })
65 }
67 run () {
68 return this.timedStage('prepare')
69 .then(() => this.timedStage('extractTree', this.tree))
70 .then(() => this.timedStage('updateJson', this.tree))
71 .then(pkgJsons => this.timedStage('buildTree', this.tree, pkgJsons))
72 .then(() => this.timedStage('garbageCollect', this.tree))
73 .then(() => this.timedStage('runScript', 'prepublish', this.pkg, this.prefix))
74 .then(() => this.timedStage('runScript', 'prepare', this.pkg, this.prefix))
75 .then(() => this.timedStage('teardown'))
76 .then(() => {
77 this.runTime = Date.now() - this.startTime
78 this.log.info(
79 'run-scripts',
80 `total script time: ${this.timings.scripts / 1000}s`
81 )
82 this.log.info(
83 'run-time',
84 `total run time: ${this.runTime / 1000}s`
85 )
86 })
87 .catch(err => {
88 this.timedStage('teardown')
89 if (err.message.match(/aggregate error/)) {
90 throw err[0]
91 } else {
92 throw err
93 }
94 })
95 .then(() => this)
96 }
98 prepare () {
99 this.log.info('prepare', 'initializing installer')
100 this.log.level = this.opts.loglevel
101 this.log.verbose('prepare', 'starting workers')
102 extract.startWorkers()
104 return (
105 this.opts.prefix && this.opts.global
106 ? BB.resolve(this.opts.prefix)
107 // There's some Specialâ„¢ logic around the `--prefix` config when it
108 // comes from a config file or env vs when it comes from the CLI
109 : process.argv.some(arg => arg.match(/^\s*--prefix\s*/i))
110 ? BB.resolve(this.opts.prefix)
111 : getPrefix(process.cwd())
112 )
113 .then(prefix => {
114 this.prefix = prefix
115 this.log.verbose('prepare', 'installation prefix: ' + prefix)
116 return BB.join(
117 readJson(prefix, 'package.json'),
118 readJson(prefix, 'package-lock.json', true),
119 readJson(prefix, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json', true),
120 (pkg, lock, shrink) => {
121 if (shrink) {
122 this.log.verbose('prepare', 'using npm-shrinkwrap.json')
123 } else if (lock) {
124 this.log.verbose('prepare', 'using package-lock.json')
125 }
126 pkg._shrinkwrap = shrink || lock
127 this.pkg = pkg
128 }
129 )
130 })
131 .then(() => statAsync(
132 path.join(this.prefix, 'node_modules')
133 ).catch(err => { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err } }))
134 .then(stat => {
135 stat && this.log.warn(
136 'prepare', 'removing existing node_modules/ before installation'
137 )
138 return BB.join(
139 this.checkLock(),
140 stat && rimraf(path.join(this.prefix, 'node_modules/*'))
141 )
142 }).then(() => {
143 // This needs to happen -after- we've done checkLock()
144 this.tree = buildLogicalTree(this.pkg, this.pkg._shrinkwrap)
145 this.log.silly('tree', this.tree)
146 this.expectedTotal = 0
147 this.tree.forEach((dep, next) => {
148 this.expectedTotal++
149 next()
150 })
151 })
152 }
154 teardown () {
155 this.log.verbose('teardown', 'shutting down workers.')
156 return extract.stopWorkers()
157 }
159 checkLock () {
160 this.log.verbose('checkLock', 'verifying package-lock data')
161 const pkg = this.pkg
162 const prefix = this.prefix
163 if (!pkg._shrinkwrap || !pkg._shrinkwrap.lockfileVersion) {
164 return BB.reject(
165 new Error(`cipm can only install packages with an existing package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json with lockfileVersion >= 1. Run an install with npm@5 or later to generate it, then try again.`)
166 )
167 }
168 return lockVerify(prefix).then(result => {
169 if (result.status) {
170 result.warnings.forEach(w => this.log.warn('lockfile', w))
171 } else {
172 throw new Error(
173 'cipm can only install packages when your package.json and package-lock.json or ' +
174 'npm-shrinkwrap.json are in sync. Please update your lock file with `npm install` ' +
175 'before continuing.\n\n' +
176 result.warnings.map(w => 'Warning: ' + w).join('\n') + '\n' +
177 result.errors.join('\n') + '\n'
178 )
179 }
180 }).catch(err => {
181 throw err
182 })
183 }
185 extractTree (tree) {
186 this.log.verbose('extractTree', 'extracting dependencies to node_modules/')
187 const cg = this.log.newItem('extractTree', this.expectedTotal)
188 return tree.forEachAsync((dep, next) => {
189 if (!this.checkDepEnv(dep)) { return }
190 const depPath = dep.path(this.prefix)
191 const spec = npa.resolve(dep.name, dep.version, this.prefix)
192 if (dep.isRoot) {
193 return next()
194 } else if (spec.type === 'directory') {
195 const relative = path.relative(path.dirname(depPath), spec.fetchSpec)
196 this.log.silly('extractTree', `${dep.name}@${spec.fetchSpec} -> ${depPath} (symlink)`)
197 return mkdirp(path.dirname(depPath))
198 .then(() => symlinkAsync(relative, depPath, 'junction'))
199 .catch(
200 () => rimraf(depPath)
201 .then(() => symlinkAsync(relative, depPath, 'junction'))
202 ).then(() => next())
203 .then(() => {
204 this.pkgCount++
205 cg.completeWork(1)
206 })
207 } else {
208 this.log.silly('extractTree', `${dep.name}@${dep.version} -> ${depPath}`)
209 return (
210 dep.bundled
211 ? statAsync(path.join(depPath, 'package.json')).catch(err => {
212 if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err }
213 })
214 : BB.resolve(false)
215 )
216 .then(wasBundled => {
217 // Don't extract if a bundled dep is actually present
218 if (wasBundled) {
219 cg.completeWork(1)
220 return next()
221 } else {
222 return BB.resolve(extract.child(
223 dep.name, dep, depPath, this.opts
224 ))
225 .then(() => cg.completeWork(1))
226 .then(() => { this.pkgCount++ })
227 .then(next)
228 }
229 })
230 }
231 }, {concurrency: 50, Promise: BB})
232 .then(() => cg.finish())
233 }
235 checkDepEnv (dep) {
236 const includeDev = (
237 // Covers --dev and --development (from npm config itself)
238 this.opts.dev ||
239 (
240 !/^prod(uction)?$/.test(this.opts.only) &&
241 !this.opts.production
242 ) ||
243 /^dev(elopment)?$/.test(this.opts.only) ||
244 /^dev(elopment)?$/.test(this.opts.also)
245 )
246 const includeProd = !/^dev(elopment)?$/.test(this.opts.only)
247 const includeOptional = includeProd && this.opts.optional
248 return (dep.dev && includeDev) ||
249 (dep.optional && includeOptional) ||
250 (!dep.dev && !dep.optional && includeProd)
251 }
253 updateJson (tree) {
254 this.log.verbose('updateJson', 'updating json deps to include _from')
255 const pkgJsons = new Map()
256 return tree.forEachAsync((dep, next) => {
257 if (!this.checkDepEnv(dep)) { return }
258 const spec = npa.resolve(dep.name, dep.version)
259 const depPath = dep.path(this.prefix)
260 return next()
261 .then(() => readJson(depPath, 'package.json'))
262 .then(pkg => (spec.registry || spec.type === 'directory')
263 ? pkg
264 : this.updateFromField(dep, pkg).then(() => pkg)
265 )
266 .then(pkg => (pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts.install)
267 ? pkg
268 : this.updateInstallScript(dep, pkg).then(() => pkg)
269 )
270 .tap(pkg => { pkgJsons.set(dep, pkg) })
271 }, {concurrency: 100, Promise: BB})
272 .then(() => pkgJsons)
273 }
275 buildTree (tree, pkgJsons) {
276 this.log.verbose('buildTree', 'finalizing tree and running scripts')
277 return tree.forEachAsync((dep, next) => {
278 if (!this.checkDepEnv(dep)) { return }
279 const spec = npa.resolve(dep.name, dep.version)
280 const depPath = dep.path(this.prefix)
281 const pkg = pkgJsons.get(dep)
282 this.log.silly('buildTree', `linking ${spec}`)
283 return this.runScript('preinstall', pkg, depPath)
284 .then(next) // build children between preinstall and binLink
285 // Don't link root bins
286 .then(() => {
287 if (
288 dep.isRoot ||
289 !(pkg.bin || pkg.man || (pkg.directories && pkg.directories.bin))
290 ) {
291 // We skip the relatively expensive readPkgJson if there's no way
292 // we'll actually be linking any bins or mans
293 return
294 }
295 return readPkgJson(path.join(depPath, 'package.json'))
296 .then(pkg => binLink(pkg, depPath, false, {
297 force: this.opts.force,
298 ignoreScripts: this.opts['ignore-scripts'],
299 log: Object.assign({}, this.log, { info: () => {} }),
300 name: pkg.name,
301 pkgId: pkg.name + '@' + pkg.version,
302 prefix: this.prefix,
303 prefixes: [this.prefix],
304 umask: this.opts.umask
305 }), e => {
306 this.log.verbose('buildTree', `error linking ${spec}: ${e.message} ${e.stack}`)
307 })
308 })
309 .then(() => this.runScript('install', pkg, depPath))
310 .then(() => this.runScript('postinstall', pkg, depPath))
311 .then(() => this)
312 .catch(e => {
313 if (dep.optional) {
314 this.failedDeps.add(dep)
315 } else {
316 throw e
317 }
318 })
319 }, {concurrency: 1, Promise: BB})
320 }
322 updateFromField (dep, pkg) {
323 const depPath = dep.path(this.prefix)
324 const depPkgPath = path.join(depPath, 'package.json')
325 const parent = dep.requiredBy.values().next().value
326 return readJson(parent.path(this.prefix), 'package.json')
327 .then(ppkg =>
328 (ppkg.dependencies && ppkg.dependencies[dep.name]) ||
329 (ppkg.devDependencies && ppkg.devDependencies[dep.name]) ||
330 (ppkg.optionalDependencies && ppkg.optionalDependencies[dep.name])
331 )
332 .then(from => npa.resolve(dep.name, from))
333 .then(from => { pkg._from = from.toString() })
334 .then(() => writeFileAsync(depPkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)))
335 .then(() => pkg)
336 }
338 updateInstallScript (dep, pkg) {
339 const depPath = dep.path(this.prefix)
340 return statAsync(path.join(depPath, 'binding.gyp'))
341 .catch(err => { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err } })
342 .then(stat => {
343 if (stat) {
344 if (!pkg.scripts) {
345 pkg.scripts = {}
346 }
347 pkg.scripts.install = 'node-gyp rebuild'
348 }
349 })
350 .then(() => pkg)
351 }
353 // A cute little mark-and-sweep collector!
354 garbageCollect (tree) {
355 if (!this.failedDeps.size) { return }
356 return sweep(
357 tree,
358 this.prefix,
359 mark(tree, this.failedDeps)
360 )
361 .then(purged => {
362 this.purgedDeps = purged
363 this.pkgCount -= purged.size
364 })
365 }
367 runScript (stage, pkg, pkgPath) {
368 const start = Date.now()
369 if (!this.opts['ignore-scripts']) {
370 // TODO(mikesherov): remove pkg._id when npm-lifecycle no longer relies on it
371 pkg._id = pkg.name + '@' + pkg.version
372 return BB.resolve(lifecycle(
373 pkg, stage, pkgPath, LifecycleOpts(this.opts).concat({
374 // TODO: can be removed once npm-lifecycle is updated to modern
375 // config practices.
376 config: Object.assign({}, this.opts, {
377 log: null,
378 dirPacker: null
379 }),
380 dir: this.prefix
381 }))
382 ).tap(() => { this.timings.scripts += Date.now() - start })
383 }
384 return BB.resolve()
385 }
387module.exports = Installer
389function mark (tree, failed) {
390 const liveDeps = new Set()
391 tree.forEach((dep, next) => {
392 if (!failed.has(dep)) {
393 liveDeps.add(dep)
394 next()
395 }
396 })
397 return liveDeps
400function sweep (tree, prefix, liveDeps) {
401 const purged = new Set()
402 return tree.forEachAsync((dep, next) => {
403 return next().then(() => {
404 if (
405 !dep.isRoot && // never purge root! 🙈
406 !liveDeps.has(dep) &&
407 !purged.has(dep)
408 ) {
409 purged.add(dep)
410 return rimraf(dep.path(prefix))
411 }
412 })
413 }, {concurrency: 50, Promise: BB}).then(() => purged)
416function stripBOM (str) {
417 return str.replace(/^\uFEFF/, '')
420module.exports._readJson = readJson
421function readJson (jsonPath, name, ignoreMissing) {
422 return readFileAsync(path.join(jsonPath, name), 'utf8')
423 .then(str => JSON.parse(stripBOM(str)))
424 .catch({code: 'ENOENT'}, err => {
425 if (!ignoreMissing) {
426 throw err
427 }
428 })