1.35 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "observable-process",
3 "version": "4.1.2",
4 "author": "Kevin Goslar",
5 "dependencies": {
6 "debug": "3.1.0",
7 "extend": "3.0.1",
8 "merge-stream": "1.0.1",
9 "string-argv": "0.0.2",
10 "text-stream-search": "2.1.1"
11 },
12 "description": "High-level support for running, observing, and interacting with child processes in Node.js",
13 "devDependencies": {
14 "babel-eslint": "7.2.1",
15 "chai": "4.1.2",
16 "cucumber": "4.2.1",
17 "delay": "2.0.0",
18 "dependency-lint": "5.0.1",
19 "eslint-plugin-flowtype": "2.46.3",
20 "flow-bin": "0.71.0",
21 "flow-remove-types": "1.2.3",
22 "flow-type": "1.0.1",
23 "o-tools": "0.10.3",
24 "portfinder": "1.0.13",
25 "prettier-standard": "8.0.1",
26 "request-promise-native": "1.0.5",
27 "standard": "10.0.3",
28 "standard-markdown": "4.0.2",
29 "wait-until-promise": "1.0.0"
30 },
31 "engines": {
32 "yarn": ">= 1.5.0"
33 },
34 "files": [
35 "dist",
36 "yarn.lock"
37 ],
38 "homepage": "https://github.com/Originate/observable-process",
39 "license": "ISC",
40 "main": "dist/observable-process.js",
41 "repository": {
42 "type": "git",
43 "url": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Originate/observable-process.git"
44 },
45 "scripts": {
46 "prepublish": "make build",
47 "test": "make spec"
48 },
49 "standard": {
50 "parser": "babel-eslint",
51 "plugins": [
52 "flowtype"
53 ]
54 }