1 | <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/449385/38243295-e0a47d58-372e-11e8-9bc0-8c02a6f4d2ac.png" width="260" height="73">
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3 | # `oclif` CLI
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5 | [![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/oclif.svg)](https://npmjs.org/package/oclif)
6 | [![Downloads/week](https://img.shields.io/npm/dw/oclif.svg)](https://npmjs.org/package/oclif/oclif)
7 | [![License](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/oclif.svg)](https://github.com/oclif/oclif/blob/main/package.json)
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10 |
11 | - [`oclif` CLI](#oclif-cli)
12 | - [🗒 Description](#-description)
13 | - [🚀 Getting Started Tutorial](#-getting-started-tutorial)
14 | - [📌 Requirements](#-requirements)
15 | - [📌 Migrating from V1](#-migrating-from-v1)
16 | - [🏗 Usage](#-usage)
17 | - [📚 Examples](#-examples)
18 | - [🔨 Commands](#-commands)
19 | - [Command Topics](#command-topics)
20 | - [🚀 Contributing](#-contributing)
21 | - [🏭 Related Repositories](#-related-repositories)
22 | - [🦔 Learn More](#-learn-more)
23 |
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25 | # 🗒 Description
26 |
27 | This is the `oclif` CLI for the [Open CLI Framework](https://github.com/oclif/core), that supports the development of oclif plugins and CLIs.
28 |
29 | [See the docs for more information](http://oclif.io).
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31 | # 🚀 Getting Started Tutorial
32 |
33 | The [Getting Started tutorial](http://oclif.io/docs/introduction) is a step-by-step guide to introduce you to oclif. If you have not developed anything in a command line before, this tutorial is a great place to get started.
34 |
35 | See [Usage](#-usage) below for an overview of the `oclif` CLI.
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37 | # 📌 Requirements
38 |
39 | Currently, Node 18+ is supported. We support the [LTS versions](https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases) of Node. You can add the [node](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node) package to your CLI to ensure users are running a specific version of Node.
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41 | # 📌 Migrating from V1
42 |
43 | If you have been using version 1 of the [`oclif` CLI](https://github.com/oclif/oclif/tree/v1.18.4) there are some important differences to note when using the latest version.
44 |
45 | ## Breaking Changes
46 |
47 | - `oclif multi`, `oclif plugin`, and `oclif single` have all been removed in favor of `oclif generate`, which generates an oclif based CLI using the [hello-world example repo](https://github.com/oclif/hello-world).
48 | - The reason is that there's not enough of a meaningful difference between a "multi command cli", a "single command cli", and a "plugin" to justify the maintenance cost. The generated CLI can be easily used for any of those use cases.
49 | - `oclif hook` is now `oclif generate:hook`
50 | - `oclif command` is now `oclif generate:command`
51 |
52 | ## New Commands
53 |
54 | Version 2 now includes all the commands from the [`oclif-dev` CLI](https://github.com/oclif/dev-cli). This means that you can now use a single CLI for all your oclif needs. These commands include:
55 |
56 | - `oclif manifest`
57 | - `oclif pack`
58 | - `oclif pack:deb`
59 | - `oclif pack:macos`
60 | - `oclif pack:win`
61 | - `oclif upload` (formerly known as `oclif-dev publish`)
62 | - `oclif upload:deb` (formerly known as `oclif-dev publish:deb`)
63 | - `oclif upload:macos` (formerly known as `oclif-dev publish:macos`)
64 | - `oclif upload:win` (formerly known as `oclif-dev publish:win`)
65 | - `oclif readme`
66 |
67 | # 🏗 Usage
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69 | Creating a CLI:
70 |
71 | ```sh-session
72 | $ npx oclif generate mynewcli
73 | ? npm package name (mynewcli): mynewcli
74 | $ cd mynewcli
75 | $ ./bin/run.js --version
76 | mynewcli/0.0.0 darwin-x64 node-v9.5.0
77 | $ ./bin/run.js --help
78 | USAGE
79 | $ mynewcli [COMMAND]
80 |
82 | hello
83 | help display help for mynewcli
84 |
85 | $ ./bin/run.js hello world
86 | hello world! (./src/commands/hello/world.ts)
87 | ```
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89 | # 📚 Examples
90 |
91 | - [Hello-World](https://github.com/oclif/hello-world)
92 | - [Salesforce CLI](https://github.com/salesforcecli/cli)
93 | - [Heroku CLI](https://github.com/heroku/cli)
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95 | # 🔨 Commands
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99 | # Command Topics
100 |
101 | - [`oclif generate`](docs/generate.md) - Generate a new CLI
102 | - [`oclif help`](docs/help.md) - Display help for oclif.
103 | - [`oclif init`](docs/init.md) - Initialize a new oclif CLI
104 | - [`oclif manifest`](docs/manifest.md) - Generates plugin manifest json (oclif.manifest.json).
105 | - [`oclif pack`](docs/pack.md) - Package an oclif CLI into installable artifacts.
106 | - [`oclif promote`](docs/promote.md) - Promote CLI builds to a S3 release channel.
107 | - [`oclif readme`](docs/readme.md) - Adds commands to README.md in current directory.
108 | - [`oclif upload`](docs/upload.md) - Upload installable CLI artifacts to AWS S3.
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112 | # 🚀 Contributing
113 |
114 | See the [contributing guide](./CONRTIBUTING.md).
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116 | # 🏭 Related Repositories
117 |
118 | - [@oclif/core](https://github.com/oclif/core) - Base library for oclif. This can be used directly without the generator.
119 | - [@oclif/test](https://github.com/oclif/test) - Test helper for oclif.
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121 | # 🦔 Learn More
122 |
123 | - [Salesforce Release Announcement](https://engineering.salesforce.com/open-sourcing-oclif-the-cli-framework-that-powers-our-clis-21fbda99d33a)
124 | - [Heroku Release Announcement](https://blog.heroku.com/open-cli-framework)