10.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __assign, __extends } from "tslib";
2import * as React from 'react';
3import { buttonProperties, classNamesFunction, getId, getNativeProps, initializeComponentRef } from '../../Utilities';
4import { OverflowButtonType, } from './Facepile.types';
5import { FacepileButton } from './FacepileButton';
6import { Icon } from '../../Icon';
7import { Persona } from '../../Persona';
8import { PersonaCoin, PersonaSize, PersonaInitialsColor } from '../../PersonaCoin';
9var getClassNames = classNamesFunction();
11 * FacePile with no default styles.
12 * [Use the `styles` API to add your own styles.](https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui/wiki/Component-Styling)
13 */
14var FacepileBase = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
15 __extends(FacepileBase, _super);
16 function FacepileBase(props) {
17 var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
18 _this._classNames = getClassNames(_this.props.styles, {
19 theme: _this.props.theme,
20 className: _this.props.className,
21 });
22 _this._getPersonaControl = function (persona) {
23 var _a = _this.props, getPersonaProps = _a.getPersonaProps, personaSize = _a.personaSize;
24 var personaStyles = {
25 details: {
26 flex: '1 0 auto',
27 },
28 };
29 return (React.createElement(Persona, __assign({ imageInitials: persona.imageInitials, imageUrl: persona.imageUrl, initialsColor: persona.initialsColor, allowPhoneInitials: persona.allowPhoneInitials, text: persona.personaName, size: personaSize }, (getPersonaProps ? getPersonaProps(persona) : null), { styles: personaStyles })));
30 };
31 _this._getPersonaCoinControl = function (persona) {
32 var _a = _this.props, getPersonaProps = _a.getPersonaProps, personaSize = _a.personaSize;
33 return (React.createElement(PersonaCoin, __assign({ imageInitials: persona.imageInitials, imageUrl: persona.imageUrl, initialsColor: persona.initialsColor, allowPhoneInitials: persona.allowPhoneInitials, text: persona.personaName, size: personaSize }, (getPersonaProps ? getPersonaProps(persona) : null))));
34 };
35 initializeComponentRef(_this);
36 _this._ariaDescriptionId = getId();
37 return _this;
38 }
39 FacepileBase.prototype.render = function () {
40 var overflowButtonProps = this.props.overflowButtonProps;
41 var _a = this.props, chevronButtonProps = _a.chevronButtonProps, // eslint-disable-line deprecation/deprecation
42 maxDisplayablePersonas = _a.maxDisplayablePersonas, personas = _a.personas, overflowPersonas = _a.overflowPersonas, showAddButton = _a.showAddButton, ariaLabel = _a.ariaLabel, _b = _a.showTooltip, showTooltip = _b === void 0 ? true : _b;
43 var _classNames = this._classNames;
44 // Add a check to make sure maxDisplayalePersonas is defined to cover the edge case of it being 0.
45 var numPersonasToShow = typeof maxDisplayablePersonas === 'number' ? Math.min(personas.length, maxDisplayablePersonas) : personas.length;
46 // Added for deprecating chevronButtonProps. Can remove after v1.0
47 if (chevronButtonProps && !overflowButtonProps) {
48 overflowButtonProps = chevronButtonProps;
49 }
50 var hasOverflowPersonas = overflowPersonas && overflowPersonas.length > 0;
51 var personasPrimary = hasOverflowPersonas ? personas : personas.slice(0, numPersonasToShow);
52 var personasOverflow = (hasOverflowPersonas ? overflowPersonas : personas.slice(numPersonasToShow)) || [];
53 return (React.createElement("div", { className: _classNames.root },
54 this.onRenderAriaDescription(),
55 React.createElement("div", { className: _classNames.itemContainer },
56 showAddButton ? this._getAddNewElement() : null,
57 React.createElement("ul", { className: _classNames.members, "aria-label": ariaLabel }, this._onRenderVisiblePersonas(personasPrimary, personasOverflow.length === 0 && personas.length === 1, showTooltip)),
58 overflowButtonProps ? this._getOverflowElement(personasOverflow) : null)));
59 };
60 FacepileBase.prototype.onRenderAriaDescription = function () {
61 var ariaDescription = this.props.ariaDescription;
62 var _classNames = this._classNames;
63 // If ariaDescription is given, descriptionId will be assigned to ariaDescriptionSpan,
64 // otherwise it will be assigned to descriptionSpan.
65 return (ariaDescription && (React.createElement("span", { className: _classNames.screenReaderOnly, id: this._ariaDescriptionId }, ariaDescription)));
66 };
67 FacepileBase.prototype._onRenderVisiblePersonas = function (personas, singlePersona, showTooltip) {
68 var _this = this;
69 var _a = this.props, _b = _a.onRenderPersona, onRenderPersona = _b === void 0 ? this._getPersonaControl : _b, _c = _a.onRenderPersonaCoin, onRenderPersonaCoin = _c === void 0 ? this._getPersonaCoinControl : _c;
70 return personas.map(function (persona, index) {
71 var personaControl = singlePersona
72 ? onRenderPersona(persona, _this._getPersonaControl)
73 : onRenderPersonaCoin(persona, _this._getPersonaCoinControl);
74 return (React.createElement("li", { key: (singlePersona ? 'persona' : 'personaCoin') + "-" + index, className: _this._classNames.member }, persona.onClick
75 ? _this._getElementWithOnClickEvent(personaControl, persona, showTooltip, index)
76 : _this._getElementWithoutOnClickEvent(personaControl, persona, showTooltip, index)));
77 });
78 };
79 FacepileBase.prototype._getElementWithOnClickEvent = function (personaControl, persona, showTooltip, index) {
80 var keytipProps = persona.keytipProps;
81 return (React.createElement(FacepileButton, __assign({}, getNativeProps(persona, buttonProperties), this._getElementProps(persona, showTooltip, index), { keytipProps: keytipProps,
82 // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind
83 onClick: this._onPersonaClick.bind(this, persona) }), personaControl));
84 };
85 FacepileBase.prototype._getElementWithoutOnClickEvent = function (personaControl, persona, showTooltip, index) {
86 return (React.createElement("div", __assign({}, getNativeProps(persona, buttonProperties), this._getElementProps(persona, showTooltip, index)), personaControl));
87 };
88 FacepileBase.prototype._getElementProps = function (persona, showTooltip, index) {
89 var _classNames = this._classNames;
90 return {
91 key: (persona.imageUrl ? 'i' : '') + index,
92 'data-is-focusable': true,
93 className: _classNames.itemButton,
94 title: showTooltip ? persona.personaName : undefined,
95 onMouseMove: this._onPersonaMouseMove.bind(this, persona),
96 onMouseOut: this._onPersonaMouseOut.bind(this, persona),
97 };
98 };
99 FacepileBase.prototype._getOverflowElement = function (personasOverflow) {
100 switch (this.props.overflowButtonType) {
101 case OverflowButtonType.descriptive:
102 return this._getDescriptiveOverflowElement(personasOverflow);
103 case OverflowButtonType.downArrow:
104 return this._getIconElement('ChevronDown');
105 case OverflowButtonType.more:
106 return this._getIconElement('More');
107 default:
108 return null;
109 }
110 };
111 FacepileBase.prototype._getDescriptiveOverflowElement = function (personasOverflow) {
112 var personaSize = this.props.personaSize;
113 if (!personasOverflow || personasOverflow.length < 1) {
114 return null;
115 }
116 var personaNames = personasOverflow.map(function (p) { return p.personaName; }).join(', ');
117 var overflowButtonProps = __assign({ title: personaNames }, this.props.overflowButtonProps);
118 var numPersonasNotPictured = Math.max(personasOverflow.length, 0);
119 var _classNames = this._classNames;
120 return (React.createElement(FacepileButton, __assign({}, overflowButtonProps, { ariaDescription: overflowButtonProps.title, className: _classNames.descriptiveOverflowButton }),
121 React.createElement(PersonaCoin, { size: personaSize, onRenderInitials: this._renderInitialsNotPictured(numPersonasNotPictured), initialsColor: PersonaInitialsColor.transparent })));
122 };
123 FacepileBase.prototype._getIconElement = function (icon) {
124 var _a = this.props, overflowButtonProps = _a.overflowButtonProps, personaSize = _a.personaSize;
125 var overflowInitialsIcon = true;
126 var _classNames = this._classNames;
127 return (React.createElement(FacepileButton, __assign({}, overflowButtonProps, { className: _classNames.overflowButton }),
128 React.createElement(PersonaCoin, { size: personaSize, onRenderInitials: this._renderInitials(icon, overflowInitialsIcon), initialsColor: PersonaInitialsColor.transparent })));
129 };
130 FacepileBase.prototype._getAddNewElement = function () {
131 var _a = this.props, addButtonProps = _a.addButtonProps, personaSize = _a.personaSize;
132 var _classNames = this._classNames;
133 return (React.createElement(FacepileButton, __assign({}, addButtonProps, { className: _classNames.addButton }),
134 React.createElement(PersonaCoin, { size: personaSize, onRenderInitials: this._renderInitials('AddFriend') })));
135 };
136 FacepileBase.prototype._onPersonaClick = function (persona, ev) {
137 persona.onClick(ev, persona);
138 ev.preventDefault();
139 ev.stopPropagation();
140 };
141 FacepileBase.prototype._onPersonaMouseMove = function (persona, ev) {
142 if (persona.onMouseMove) {
143 persona.onMouseMove(ev, persona);
144 }
145 };
146 FacepileBase.prototype._onPersonaMouseOut = function (persona, ev) {
147 if (persona.onMouseOut) {
148 persona.onMouseOut(ev, persona);
149 }
150 };
151 FacepileBase.prototype._renderInitials = function (iconName, overflowButton) {
152 var _classNames = this._classNames;
153 return function () {
154 return React.createElement(Icon, { iconName: iconName, className: overflowButton ? _classNames.overflowInitialsIcon : '' });
155 };
156 };
157 FacepileBase.prototype._renderInitialsNotPictured = function (numPersonasNotPictured) {
158 var _classNames = this._classNames;
159 return function () {
160 return (React.createElement("span", { className: _classNames.overflowInitialsIcon }, numPersonasNotPictured < 100 ? '+' + numPersonasNotPictured : '99+'));
161 };
162 };
163 FacepileBase.defaultProps = {
164 maxDisplayablePersonas: 5,
165 personas: [],
166 overflowPersonas: [],
167 personaSize: PersonaSize.size32,
168 };
169 return FacepileBase;
171export { FacepileBase };
172//# sourceMappingURL=Facepile.base.js.map
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