1 | # onetime
2 |
3 | > Ensure a function is only called once
4 |
5 | When called multiple times it will return the return value from the first call.
6 |
7 | *Unlike the module [once](https://github.com/isaacs/once), this one isn't naughty and extending `Function.prototype`.*
8 |
9 | ## Install
10 |
11 | ```sh
12 | npm install onetime
13 | ```
14 |
15 | ## Usage
16 |
17 | ```js
18 | import onetime from 'onetime';
19 |
20 | let index = 0;
21 |
22 | const foo = onetime(() => ++index);
23 |
24 | foo(); //=> 1
25 | foo(); //=> 1
26 | foo(); //=> 1
27 |
28 | onetime.callCount(foo); //=> 3
29 | ```
30 |
31 | ```js
32 | import onetime from 'onetime';
33 |
34 | const foo = onetime(() => {}, {throw: true});
35 |
36 | foo();
37 |
38 | foo();
39 | //=> Error: Function `foo` can only be called once
40 | ```
41 |
42 | ## API
43 |
44 | ### onetime(fn, options?)
45 |
46 | Returns a function that only calls `fn` once.
47 |
48 | #### fn
49 |
50 | Type: `Function`
51 |
52 | The function that should only be called once.
53 |
54 | #### options
55 |
56 | Type: `object`
57 |
58 | ##### throw
59 |
60 | Type: `boolean`\
61 | Default: `false`
62 |
63 | Throw an error when called more than once.
64 |
65 | ### onetime.callCount(fn)
66 |
67 | Returns a number representing how many times `fn` has been called.
68 |
69 | Note: It throws an error if you pass in a function that is not wrapped by `onetime`.
70 |
71 | ```js
72 | import onetime from 'onetime';
73 |
74 | const foo = onetime(() => {});
75 |
76 | foo();
77 | foo();
78 | foo();
79 |
80 | console.log(onetime.callCount(foo));
81 | //=> 3
82 | ```
83 |
84 | #### fn
85 |
86 | Type: `Function`
87 |
88 | The function to get call count from.