34 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for Onsen UI 2
2// Project: https://onsen.io/
3// Definitions by: Fran Dios <https://github.com/frankdiox/>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
6// module declaration
7declare module 'onsenui' {
8 export = ons;
11interface onsOptions {
12 parentScope?: Object;
15interface alertOptions {
16 message?: string;
17 messageHTML?: string;
18 buttonLabel?: string;
19 buttonLabels?: [string];
20 primaryButtonIndex?: number;
21 cancelable?: boolean;
22 animation?: string;
23 title?: string;
24 modifier?: string;
25 callback?: any;
26 id?: string;
29interface onsPlatform {
30 /**
31 * @param {string} platform Name of the platform. Possible values are: "opera", "firefox", "safari", "chrome", "ie", "android", "blackberry", "ios" or "wp".
32 * @description Sets the platform used to render the elements. Useful for testing.
33 */
34 select(platform: string): void;
35 /**
36 * @description Returns whether app is running in Cordova
37 * @return {Boolean}
38 */
39 isWebView(): boolean;
41 /**
42 * @description Returns whether the OS is iOS
43 * @return {Boolean}
44 */
45 isIOS(): boolean;
47 /**
48 * @description Returns whether the OS is Android
49 * @return {Boolean}
50 */
51 isAndroid(): boolean;
53 /**
54 * @description Returns whether the device is iPhone
55 * @return {Boolean}
56 */
57 isIPhone(): boolean;
59 /**
60 * @description Returns whether the device is iPad
61 * @return {Boolean}
62 */
63 isIPad(): boolean;
65 /**
66 * @description Returns whether the device is BlackBerry
67 * @return {Boolean}
68 */
69 isBlackBerry(): boolean;
71 /**
72 * @description Returns whether the browser is Opera
73 * @return {Boolean}
74 */
75 isOpera(): boolean;
77 /**
78 * @description Returns whether the browser is Firefox
79 * @return {Boolean}
80 */
81 isFirefox(): boolean;
83 /**
84 * @description Returns whether the browser is Safari
85 * @return {Boolean}
86 */
87 isSafari(): boolean;
89 /**
90 * @description Returns whether the browser is Chrome
91 * @return {Boolean}
92 */
93 isChrome(): boolean;
95 /**
96 * @description Returns whether the browser is Internet Explorer
97 * @return {Boolean}
98 */
99 isIE(): boolean;
101 /**
102 * @description Returns whether the iOS version is 7 or above
103 * @return {Boolean}
104 */
105 isIOS7above(): boolean;
106 /**
107 *
108 */
109 isEdge(): boolean;
112interface onsOrientation {
113 /**
114 * @description Add an event listener.
115 */
116 on(eventName: string, listener: Function): void;
117 /**
118 * @description Add an event listener that's only triggered once.
119 */
120 once(eventName: string, listener: Function): void;
121 /**
122 * @description Remove an event listener. If the listener is not specified all listeners for the event type will be removed.
123 */
124 off(eventName: string, listener?: Function): void;
125 /**
126 * @return {Boolean} Will be true if the current orientation is portrait mode
127 * @description Returns whether the current screen orientation is portrait or not
128 */
129 isPortrait(): boolean;
130 /**
131 * @return {Boolean} Will be true if the current orientation is landscape mode
132 * @description Returns whether the current screen orientation is landscape or not
133 */
134 isLandscape(): boolean;
137interface onsNotification {
138 /**
139 * @param {Object} options Parameter object
140 * @param {String} [options.message] Alert message
141 * @param {String} [options.messageHTML] Alert message in HTML
142 * @param {String} [options.buttonLabel] Label for confirmation button. Default is "OK"
143 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
144 * @param {String} [options.title] Dialog title. Default is "Alert"
145 * @param {String} [options.modifier] Modifier for the dialog
146 * @param {String} [options.id] The `<ons-alert-dialog>` element's ID.
147 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function that executes after dialog has been closed
148 * @description
149 * Display an alert dialog to show the user a message
150 * The content of the message can be either simple text or HTML
151 * Must specify either message or messageHTML
152 */
153 alert(message: string | alertOptions, options?: alertOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
154 /**
155 * @param {Object} options Parameter object
156 * @param {String} [options.message] Confirmation question
157 * @param {String} [options.messageHTML] Dialog content in HTML
158 * @param {Array} [options.buttonLabels] Labels for the buttons. Default is ["Cancel", "OK"]
159 * @param {Number} [options.primaryButtonIndex] Index of primary button. Default is 1
160 * @param {Boolean} [options.cancelable] Whether the dialog is cancelable or not. Default is false
161 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
162 * @param {String} [options.title] Dialog title. Default is "Confirm"
163 * @param {String} [options.modifier] Modifier for the dialog
164 * @param {String} [options.id] The `<ons-alert-dialog>` element's ID.
165 * @param {Function} [options.callback]
166 * Function that executes after the dialog has been closed
167 * Argument for the function is the index of the button that was pressed or -1 if the dialog was canceled
168 * @description
169 * Display a dialog to ask the user for confirmation
170 * The default button labels are "Cancel" and "OK" but they can be customized
171 * Must specify either message or messageHTML
172 */
173 confirm(message: string | alertOptions, options?: alertOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
174 /**
175 * @param {Object} options Parameter object
176 * @param {String} [options.message] Prompt question
177 * @param {String} [options.messageHTML] Dialog content in HTML
178 * @param {String} [options.buttonLabel] Label for confirmation button. Default is "OK"
179 * @param {Number} [options.primaryButtonIndex] Index of primary button. Default is 1
180 * @param {Boolean} [options.cancelable] Whether the dialog is cancelable or not. Default is false
181 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
182 * @param {String} [options.title] Dialog title. Default is "Alert"
183 * @param {String} [options.modifier] Modifier for the dialog
184 * @param {String} [options.id] The `<ons-alert-dialog>` element's ID.
185 * @param {Function} [options.callback]
186 * Function that executes after the dialog has been closed
187 * Argument for the function is the value of the input field or null if the dialog was canceled
188 * @description
189 * Display a dialog with a prompt to ask the user a question
190 * Must specify either message or messageHTML
191 */
192 prompt(message: string | alertOptions, options?: alertOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
197 * @description A global object that's used in Onsen UI. This object can be reached from the AngularJS scope
198 */
199declare namespace ons {
201 /**
202 * @return {Boolean} Will be true if Onsen UI is initialized
203 * @description Returns true if Onsen UI is initialized
204 */
205 function isReady(): boolean;
206 /**
207 * @return {Boolean} Will be true if the app is running in Cordova
208 * @description Returns true if running inside Cordova
209 */
210 function isWebView(): boolean;
211 /**
212 * @description Method used to wait for app initialization. The callback will not be executed until Onsen UI has been completely initialized
213 * @param {Function} callback Function that executes after Onsen UI has been initialized
214 */
215 function ready(callback: any): void;
216 /**
217 * @param {Function} listener Function that executes when device back button is pressed
218 * @description Set default handler for device back button
219 */
220 function setDefaultDeviceBackButtonListener(listener: (eventObject: any) => any): void;
221 /**
222 * @description Disable device back button event handler
223 */
224 function disableDeviceBackButtonHandler(): void;
225 /**
226 * @description Enable device back button event handler
227 */
228 function enableDeviceBackButtonHandler(): void;
229 /**
230 * @description Enable status bar fill feature on iOS7 and above
231 */
232 function enableAutoStatusBarFill(): void;
233 /**
234 * @description Disable status bar fill feature on iOS7 and above
235 */
236 function disableAutoStatusBarFill(): void;
237 /**
238 * @description Disable all animations. Could be handy for testing and older devices.
239 */
240 function disableAnimations(): void;
241 /**
242 * @description Enable animations (default).
243 */
244 function enableAnimations(): void;
245 /**
246 * @description Refresh styling for the given platform.
247 */
248 function forcePlatformStyling(platform: string): void;
249 /**
250 * @description Create a popover instance from a template.
251 * @return Promise object that resolves to the popover component object.
252 */
253 function createPopover(page: string, options?: onsOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
254 /**
255 * @description Create a dialog instance from a template.
256 * @return Promise object that resolves to the dialog component object.
257 */
258 function createDialog(page: string, options?: onsOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
259 /**
260 * @description Create a alert dialog instance from a template.
261 * @return Promise object that resolves to the alert dialog component object.
262 */
263 function createAlertDialog(page: string, options?: onsOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
264 /**
265 * @description If no page is defined for the `ons-loading-placeholder` attribute it will wait for this method being called before loading the page.
266 */
267 function resolveLoadingPlaceholder(page: string): void;
268 /**
269 * @description Utility methods to create different kinds of alert dialogs. There are three methods available: alert, confirm and prompt
270 */
271 var notification: onsNotification;
272 /**
273 * @description Utility methods for orientation detection
274 */
275 var orientation: onsOrientation;
276 /**
277 * @description Utility methods to detect current platform
278 */
279 var platform: onsPlatform;
281 /**
282 * @description Default page loader that load page template
283 */
284 var defaultPageLoader: PageLoader;
286 /**
287 * @description PageLoader class constructor
288 */
289 class PageLoader {
290 internalLoader: Function;
291 load(options: {page: any, parent: Element, params?: Object}, done: Function): void;
292 }
296 * @description Should be used as root component of each page. The content inside page component is scrollable
297 */
298interface OnsPageElement {
299 /**
300 * @description Function to be executed when scrolling to the bottom of the page. The function receives a done callback as an argument that must be called when it's finished.
301 */
302 onInfiniteScroll: Function;
303 /**
304 * @description Back-button handler.
305 */
306 backButtonHandler: any;
307 /**
308 * @description User's custom data passed to `pushPage()`-like methods.
309 */
310 data: any;
313interface CarouselOptions{
314 callback?: Function;
315 animation?: String;
316 animationOptions?: Object;
319 * @description Carousel component
320 */
321interface OnsCarouselElement {
322 /**
323 * @description Specify the index of the `<ons-carousel-item>` to show.
324 * @return Resolves to the carousel element.
325 */
326 setActiveIndex(index: number, options?: CarouselOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
327 /**
328 * @description Returns the index of the currently visible `<ons-carousel-item>`.
329 * @return The current carousel item index.
330 */
331 getActiveIndex(): void;
332 /**
333 * @description Show next ons-carousel item
334 * @return Resolves to the carousel element
335 */
336 next(options?: CarouselOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
337 /**
338 * @description Show previous ons-carousel item
339 * @return Resolves to the carousel element
340 */
341 prev(options?: CarouselOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
342 /**
343 * @description Update the layout of the carousel. Used when adding ons-carousel-items dynamically or to automatically adjust the size.
344 */
345 refresh(): void;
346 /**
347 * @description Show first ons-carousel item
348 * @Resolves to the carousel element
349 */
350 first(): Promise<HTMLElement>;
351 /**
352 * @description Show last ons-carousel item
353 * @return Resolves to the carousel element
354 */
355 last(): Promise<HTMLElement>;
356 /**
357 * @description The number of carousel items.
358 **/
359 itemCount: number;
360 /**
361 * @description The current auto scroll ratio.
362 **/
363 autoScrollRatio: number;
364 /**
365 * @description true if the carousel is swipeable.
366 **/
367 swipeable: boolean;
368 /**
369 * @description true if auto scroll is enabled.
370 **/
371 autoScroll: boolean;
372 /**
373 * @description Whether the carousel is disabled or not.
374 **/
375 disabled: boolean;
376 /**
377 * @description Whether the carousel is overscrollable or not.
378 **/
379 overscrollable: boolean;
380 /**
381 * @description Whether the carousel is centered or not.
382 **/
383 centered: boolean;
387 * @description Component that adds "pull-to-refresh" to an <ons-page> element
388 */
389 //later should be updated
390interface OnsPullHookElement {
391 /**
392 * @description The height of the pull hook in pixels. The default value is `64px`.
393 */
394 height: string;
395 /**
396 * @param {Number} thresholdHeight Desired threshold height
397 * @description The thresholdHeight of the pull hook in pixels. The default value is `96px`.
398 */
399 thresholdHeight: string;
400 /**
401 * @description The current number of pixels the pull hook has moved.
402 */
403 state: string;
404 /**
405 * @description The current number of pixels the pull hook has moved.
406 */
407 pullDistance: number;
408 /**
409 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the element is disabled or not.
410 */
411 disabled: boolean;
412 /**
413 * @description Define the function that will be called in the `"action"` state.
414 */
415 onAction?: Function;
420interface dialogOptions {
421 animation?: string;
422 callback?: Function;
427 * @modifier android Display an Android style alert dialog
428 * @description Alert dialog that is displayed on top of the current screen
429 */
430interface OnsAlertDialogElement {
431 /**
432 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
433 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "fade", "slide" and "none"
434 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function to execute after the dialog has been revealed
435 * @description Show the alert dialog
436 */
437 show(options?: dialogOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
438 /**
439 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
440 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "fade", "slide" and "none"
441 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function to execute after the dialog has been hidden
442 * @description Hide the alert dialog
443 */
444 hide(options?: dialogOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
445 /**
446 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the dialog is disabled or not.
447 */
448 disabled: boolean;
449 /**
450 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the dialog is cancelable or not. When the dialog is cancelable it can be closed by tapping the background or by pressing the back button on Android devices.
451 */
452 cancelable: boolean;
456 * @description Dialog that is displayed on top of current screen
457 */
458interface OnsDialogElement {
459 /**
460 * @return {Object} Device back button handler
461 * @description Retrieve the back button handler for overriding the default behavior
462 */
463 onDeviceBackButton(): any;
464 /**
465 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
466 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
467 * @param {Function} [options.callback] This function is called after the dialog has been revealed
468 * @description Show the dialog
469 */
470 show(options?: dialogOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
471 /**
472 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
473 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
474 * @param {Function} [options.callback] This functions is called after the dialog has been hidden
475 * @description Hide the dialog
476 */
477 hide(options?: dialogOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
478 /**
479 * @description Destroy the dialog and remove it from the DOM tree
480 */
481 destroy(): void;
482 /**
483 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the dialog is disabled or not.
484 */
485 disabled: boolean;
486 /**
487 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the dialog is cancelable or not. When the dialog is cancelable it can be closed by tapping the background or by pressing the back button on Android devices.
488 */
489 cancelable: boolean;
493 * @description Switch component
494 */
495interface OnsSwitchElement {
496 /**
497 * @description If true the switch will be set to on.
498 */
499 checked: boolean;
500 /**
501 * @description Whether the element is disabled or not.
502 */
503 disabled: boolean;
504 /**
505 * @description The underlying checkbox element.
506 */
507 checkbox: HTMLElement;
511interface ModalOptions {
512 /**
513 * @description Animation name. Available animations are `"none"` and `"fade"`.
514 */
515 animation?: string;
516 /**
517 * @description Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
518 */
519 animationOptions?: string;
523 * @description
524 * Modal component that masks current screen
525 * Underlying components are not subject to any events while the modal component is shown
526 */
527interface OnsModalElement{
528 /**
529 * @return Device back button handler
530 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are `"none"` and `"fade"`.
531 * @param {String} [options.animationOptions] Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
532 * @description Toggle modal visibility
533 */
534 toggle(options?: ModalOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
535 /**
536 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
537 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are `"none"` and `"fade"`.
538 * @param {String} [options.animationOptions] Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
539 * @description Show modal
540 */
541 show(options?: ModalOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
542 /**
543 * @return Resolves to the hidden element
544 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are `"none"` and `"fade"`.
545 * @param {String} [options.animationOptions] Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
546 * @description Hide modal
547 */
548 hide(options?: ModalOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
549 /**
550 * @description Back-button handler.
551 */
552 onDeviceBackButton: any;
553 /**
554 * @description Whether the dialog is visible or not.
555 */
556 visible: boolean;
559interface navigatorOptions {
560 /**
561 * @description Animation name. Available animations are `"slide"`, `"lift"`, `"fade"` and `"none"`. These are platform based animations. For fixed animations, add `"-ios"` or `"-md"` suffix to the animation name. E.g. `"lift-ios"`, `"lift-md"`. Defaults values are `"slide-ios"` and `"fade-md"`.
562 */
563 animation?: string;
564 /**
565 * @description Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
566 */
567 animationOptions?: string;
568 /**
569 * @description If this parameter is `true`, the previous page will be refreshed (destroyed and created again) before `popPage()` action.
570 */
571 refresh?: boolean;
572 /**
573 * @description Function that is called when the transition has ended.
574 */
575 callback?: Function;
578interface PushPageOptions {
579 page?: any;
580 options?: {
581 page: any,
582 pageHTML: any,
583 animation: any,
584 animationOptions: any,
585 callback: any,
586 data: any
587 }
590interface ReplacePageOptions {
591 page?: any;
592 options?: {
593 animation: any,
594 animationOptions: any,
595 callback: any,
596 data: any
597 }
601 * @description A component that provides page stack management and navigation. This component does not have a visible content
602 */
603interface OnsNavigatorElement {
604 /**
605 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
606 * @param {Function} [options.onTransitionEnd] Function that is called when the transition has ended
607 * @description Pops the current page from the page stack. The previous page will be displayed
608 */
609 popPage(options?: navigatorOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
610 /**
611 * @param {*} page Page URL. Can be either a HTML document or a <code>&lt;ons-template&gt;</code>
612 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
613 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "simpleslide", "lift", "fade" and "none"
614 * @param {Function} [options.onTransitionEnd] Function that is called when the transition has ended
615 * @return Promise which resolves to the pushed page.
616 * @description Pushes the specified pageUrl into the page stack.
617 */
618 pushPage(page: any, options?: PushPageOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
619 /**
620 * @return Promise which resolves to the inserted page
621 * @description Replaces the current page with the specified one. Extends pushPage parameters.
622 */
623 replacePage(page: any, options?: ReplacePageOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
624 /**
625 * @param {Number} index The index where it should be inserted
626 * @param {*} page Page URL. Can be either a HTML document or a <code>&lt;ons-template&gt;</code>
627 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
628 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "simpleslide", "lift", "fade" and "none"
629 * @description Insert the specified page into the page stack with specified index
630 */
631 insertPage(index: number, page: any, options?: navigatorOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
632 /**
633 * @param {*} page Page URL. Can be either a HTML document or an <code>&lt;ons-template&gt;</code>
634 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
635 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "simpleslide", "lift", "fade" and "none"
636 * @param {Function} [options.onTransitionEnd] Function that is called when the transition has ended
637 * @description Clears page stack and adds the specified pageUrl to the page stack
638 */
639 resetToPage(page: any, options?: navigatorOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
640 /**
641 * @param {any} item
642 * @param {Object} [options]
643 * @description Page URL or index of an existing page in navigator's stack.
644 */
645 bringPageTop(item: any, options?: Object): Promise<HTMLElement>;
647 /**
648 * @return {HTMLElement}
649 * @description Current top page element. Use this method to access options passed by `pushPage()`-like methods.
650 */
651 topPage: HTMLElement; //attribute length in future?
652 /**
653 * @description Navigator's page stack.
654 */
655 pages: any;
656 /**
657 * @description Default options object. Attributes have priority over this property.
658 */
659 options: navigatorOptions;
663interface tabbarOptions {
664 /**
665 * @description If true the page will not be changed.
666 */
667 keepPage?: boolean;
668 /**
669 * @description Animation name. Available animations are `"fade"`, `"slide"` and `"none"`.
670 */
671 animation?: string;
672 /**
673 * @description Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
674 */
675 animationOptions?: string;
676 /**
677 *
678 */
679 callback?: Function;
683 * @description A component to display a tab bar on the bottom of a page. Used with ons-tab to manage pages using tabs
684 */
685interface OnsTabbarElement {
686 /**
687 * @param {*} url Page URL. Can be either an HTML document or an <code>&lt;ons-template&gt;</code>
688 * @return Resolves to the new page element.
689 * @description Displays a new page without changing the active index
690 */
691 loadPage(page: any, options?: tabbarOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
692 /**
693 * @param {Number} index Tab index
694 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
695 * @param {Boolean} [options.keepPage] If true the page will not be changed
696 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are `"fade"`, `"slide"` and `"none"`.
697 * @return Resolves to the new page element.
698 * @description Show specified tab page. Animations and other options can be specified by the second parameter
699 */
700 setActiveTab(index: number, options?: tabbarOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
701 /**
702 * @description Used to hide or show the tab bar.
703 */
704 setTabbarVisibility(visible: boolean): void;
705 /**
706 * @return {Number} The index of the currently active tab
707 * @description Returns tab index on current active tab. If active tab is not found, returns -1
708 */
709 getActiveTabIndex(): number;
712interface popoverOptions {
713 animation?: string;
717 * @modifier android Display an Android style popover
718 * @description A component that displays a popover next to an element
719 */
720interface OnsPopoverElement {
721 /**
722 * @param {String|Event|HTMLElement} target Target element. Can be either a CSS selector, an event object or a DOM element
723 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
724 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "fade" and "none"
725 * @return Resolves to the displayed element
726 * @description Open the popover and point it at a target. The target can be either an event, a css selector or a DOM element
727 */
728 show(target: any, options?: popoverOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
729 /**
730 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
731 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "fade" and "none"
732 * @return Resolves to the hidden element
733 * @description Close the popover
734 */
735 hide(options?: popoverOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
736 /**
737 * @description Whether the dialog is visible or not.
738 */
739 visible: boolean;
740 /**
741 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the popover is cancelable or not. When the popover is cancelable it can be closed by tapping the background or by pressing the back button on Android devices.
742 */
743 cancelable: boolean;
744 /**
745 * @description Retrieve the back- button handler.
746 */
747 onDeviceBackButton: any;
750interface SplitterSideOptions {
751 /**
752 * @description This function will be called after the menu has been opened.
753 * @return {Function}
754 */
755 callback?: Function;
758interface OnsSplitterSideElement {
759 /**
760 * @description Page element loaded in the splitter side.
761 */
762 page: string;
763 /**
764 * @description Current mode. Possible values are "split", "collapse", "closed", "open" or "changing".
765 */
766 mode: string;
767 /**
768 * @description Returns whether the popover is visible or not.
769 * @return {Boolean} This value is `true` when the menu is open.
770 */
771 isOpen: boolean;
772 /**
773 * @description Open menu in collapse mode.
774 * @return Resolves to the splitter side element or false if not in collapse mode
775 */
776 open(options?: SplitterSideOptions): Promise<HTMLElement | boolean>;
777 /**
778 * @description Close menu in collapse mode.
779 * @param {Object} [option]
780 * @return Resolves to the splitter side element or false if not in collapse mode
781 */
782 close(options?: SplitterSideOptions): Promise<HTMLElement | boolean>;
783 /**
784 * @description Opens if it's closed. Closes if it's open.
785 * @param {Object} [options]
786 * @return Resolves to the splitter side element or false if not in collapse mode
787 */
788 toggle(options?: SplitterSideOptions): Promise<HTMLElement | boolean>;
789 /**
790 * @description Show the page specified in pageUrl in the right section
791 * @param {*} page Page URL. Can be either an HTML document or an <ons-template>.
792 * @param {Object} [option]
793 * @return Resolves to the new page element
794 */
795 load(page: any, options?: SplitterSideOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
798interface LazyRepeatOptions {
799 /**
800 * @description This function should return a `HTMLElement`. To help rendering the element, the current index and a template is supplied as arguments. The template is the initial content of the `<ons-lazy-repeat>` element.
801 */
802 createItemContent?: HTMLElement;
803 /**
804 * @description Should return the number of items in the list.
805 */
806 countItems?: number;
807 /**
808 * @description Should return the height of an item. The index is provided as an argument. This is important when rendering lists where the items have different height. The function is optional and if it isn't present the height of the first item will be automatically calculated and used for all other items.
809 */
810 calculateItemHeight?: number;
811 /**
812 * @description This function is used called when an item is removed from the DOM. The index and DOM element is provided as arguments. The function is optional but may be important in order to avoid memory leaks.
813 */
814 destroyItem?: string;
815 /**
816 * @description Function which recieves an index and the scope for the item. Can be used to configure values in the item scope.
817 */
818 configureItemScope?: number;
821interface OnsLazyRepeatElement {
822 /**
823 * @description Refresh the list. Use this method when the data has changed.
824 */
825 refresh(): void;
826 /**
827 * @Specify a delegate object to load and unload item elements.
828 */
829 delegate: LazyRepeatOptions;
833interface OnsButtonElement {
834 /**
835 * @description A boolean value that specifies if the button is disabled or not.
836 */
837 disabled: boolean;
840interface OnsFabElement {
841 /**
842 * @description Show the floating action button.
843 */
844 show(): void;
845 /**
846 * @description Hide the floating action button.
847 */
848 hide(): void;
849 /**
850 * @description Toggle the visibility of the button.
851 */
852 toggle(): void;
853 /**
854 * @description A boolean value that specifies if the button is disabled or not.
855 */
856 disabled: boolean;
857 /**
858 * @description Weher the dialog is visible or not.
859 */
860 visible: boolean;
863interface OnsInputElement {
864 /**
865 * @description The current value of the input.
866 */
867 value: string;
868 /**
869 * @description This boolean specifies whether the input is checked or not. Only works for `radio` and `checkbox` type inputs.
870 */
871 checked: boolean;
872 /**
873 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the input is disabled or not.
874 */
875 disabled: boolean;
878interface OnsRangeElement {
879 /**
880 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the input is disabled or not.
881 */
882 disabled: boolean;
883 /**
884 * @description The current value of the input.
885 */
886 value: string;
889interface OnsRippleElement {
890 /**
891 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the input is disabled or not.
892 */
893 disabled: boolean;
896interface SplitterContentOptions {
897 /**
898 * @description This function will be called after the menu has been opened.
899 * @return {Function}
900 */
901 callback?: Function;
904interface OnsSplitterContentElement {
905 /**
906 * @description Page element loaded in the splitter content.
907 */
908 page: string;
910 /**
911 * @description Show the page specified in pageUrl in the right section. Returns: Resolves to the new page element
912 * @param {*} page
913 * @param {Object} [options]
914 * @return {Promise}
915 */
916 load(page: any, options?: SplitterContentOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
919interface OnsSplitterElement {
920 /**
921 * @description Left `<ons-splitter-side>` element.
922 */
923 left: HTMLElement;
924 /**
925 * @description Right `<ons-splitter-side>` element.
926 */
927 right: HTMLElement;
928 /**
929 * @description The `<ons-splitter-content>` element.
930 */
931 content: HTMLElement;
932 /**
933 * @description Retrieve the back button handler.
934 */
935 onDeviceBackButton: Function;
938interface BackButtonOptions {
939 /**
940 * @description Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "lift", "fade" and "none". These are platform based animations. For fixed animations, add "-ios" or "-md" suffix to the animation name. E.g. "lift-ios", "lift-md". Defaults values are "slide-ios" and "fade-md".
941 */
942 animation?: string;
943 /**
944 * @description Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
945 */
946 animationOptions?: string;
947 /**
948 * @description Function that is called when the transition has ended.
949 */
950 callback?: Function;
951 /**
952 * @description The previous page will be refreshed (destroyed and created again) before popPage action.
953 */
954 refresh?: boolean;
957interface OnsBackButtonElement {
958 /**
959 * @Options Options object.
960 */
961 options?: BackButtonOptions;
964interface OnsProgressBarElement {
965 /**
966 * @description Current progress. Should be a value between 0 and 100.
967 */
968 value: number;
969 /**
970 * @description Current secondary progress. Should be a value between 0 and 100.
971 */
972 secondaryValue: number;
973 /**
974 * @description If this property is `true`, an infinite looping animation will be shown.
975 */
976 indeterminate: boolean;
979interface OnsProgressCircularElement {
980 /**
981 * @description Current progress. Should be a value between 0 and 100.
982 */
983 value: number;
984 /**
985 * @description Current secondary progress. Should be a value between 0 and 100.
986 */
987 secondaryValue: number;
988 /**
989 * @description If this property is `true`, an infinite looping animation will be shown.
990 */
991 indeterminate: boolean;
994interface PageLoader {
995 load(page: any, parent: Element, done: Function): void;
996 internalLoader: Function;
999interface OnsSpeedDialElement {
1000 /**
1001 * @description Show the speed dial.
1002 */
1003 show(): void;
1004 /**
1005 * @description Hide the speed dial.
1006 */
1007 hide(): void;
1008 /**
1009 * @description Show the speed dial items.
1010 */
1011 showItems(): void;
1012 /**
1013 * @description Hide the speed dial items.
1014 */
1015 hideItems(): void;
1016 /**
1017 * @description Toggle visibility.
1018 */
1019 toggle(): void;
1020 /**
1021 * @description Toggle item visibility.
1022 */
1023 toggleItems(): void;
1024 /**
1025 * @description Whether the element is disabled or not.
1026 */
1027 disabled: boolean;
1028 /**
1029 * @description Whether the element is inline or not.
1030 */
1031 inline: boolean;
1032 /**
1033 * @description Whether the element is visible or not.
1034 */
1035 visible: boolean;