49.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for Onsen UI 2
2// Project: https://onsen.io/
3// Definitions by: Fran Dios <https://github.com/frandiox/>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
6/*~ If this module is a UMD module that exposes a global variable 'ons' when
7 *~ loaded outside a module loader environment, declare that global here.
8 *~ Otherwise, delete this declaration.
9 */
10export as namespace ons;
12/*~ This declaration specifies that the namespace
13 *~ is the exported object from the file
14 */
15export = ons;
18 * @description A global object that's used in Onsen UI. This object can be reached from the AngularJS scope
19 */
20declare namespace ons {
22 /**
23 * @return {Boolean} Will be true if Onsen UI is initialized
24 * @description Returns true if Onsen UI is initialized
25 */
26 function isReady(): boolean;
27 /**
28 * @return {Boolean} Will be true if the app is running in Cordova
29 * @description Returns true if running inside Cordova
30 */
31 function isWebView(): boolean;
32 /**
33 * @description Method used to wait for app initialization. The callback will not be executed until Onsen UI has been completely initialized
34 * @param {Function} callback Function that executes after Onsen UI has been initialized
35 */
36 function ready(callback: Function): void;
37 /**
38 * @param {Function} listener Function that executes when device back button is pressed
39 * @description Set default handler for device back button
40 */
41 function setDefaultDeviceBackButtonListener(listener: (eventObject: any) => any): void;
42 /**
43 * @description Disable device back button event handler
44 */
45 function disableDeviceBackButtonHandler(): void;
46 /**
47 * @description Enable device back button event handler
48 */
49 function enableDeviceBackButtonHandler(): void;
50 /**
51 * @description Enable status bar fill feature on iOS7 and above (except for iPhone X)
52 */
53 function enableAutoStatusBarFill(): void;
54 /**
55 * @description Disable status bar fill feature on iOS7 and above (except for iPhone X)
56 */
57 function disableAutoStatusBarFill(): void;
58 /**
59 * @description Creates a static element similar to iOS status bar. Only useful for browser testing
60 */
61 function mockStatusBar(): void;
62 /**
63 * @description Disable all animations. Could be handy for testing and older devices.
64 */
65 function disableAnimations(): void;
66 /**
67 * @description Enable animations (default).
68 */
69 function enableAnimations(): void;
70 /**
71 * @description Disable automatic styling.
72 */
73 function disableAutoStyling(): void;
74 /**
75 * @description Enable automatic styling based on OS (default).
76 */
77 function enableAutoStyling(): void;
78 /**
79 * @description Disable adding `fa-` prefix automatically to `ons-icon` classes. Useful when including custom icon packs.
80 */
81 function disableIconAutoPrefix(): void;
82 /**
83 * @description Refresh styling for the given platform. Only useful for demos. Use `ons.platform.select(...)` for development and production.
84 */
85 function forcePlatformStyling(platform: string): void;
86 /**
87 * @description Access the last created page from the current `script` scope. Only works inside `<script></script>` tags that are direct children of `ons-page` element. Use this to add lifecycle hooks to a page.
88 * @return Returns the corresponding page element.
89 */
90 function getScriptPage(): HTMLElement | null;
91 /**
92 * @description Separated files need to be requested on demand and this can slightly delay pushing new pages. This method requests and caches templates for later use.
93 * @return Promise that resolves when all the templates are cached.
94 */
95 function preload(...args: any[]): Promise<DocumentFragment[]>;
96 /**
97 * @description Create a new element from a template. Both inline HTML and external files are supported although the return value differs.
98 * @return If the provided template was an inline HTML string, it returns the new element. Otherwise, it returns a promise that resolves to the new element.
99 */
100 function createElement(...args: any[]): HTMLElement | Promise<HTMLElement>;
101 /**
102 * @description Create a popover instance from a template.
103 * @return Promise object that resolves to the popover component object.
104 */
105 function createPopover(page: string, options?: OnsOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
106 /**
107 * @description Create a dialog instance from a template.
108 * @return Promise object that resolves to the dialog component object.
109 */
110 function createDialog(page: string, options?: OnsOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
111 /**
112 * @description Create a alert dialog instance from a template.
113 * @return Promise object that resolves to the alert dialog component object.
114 */
115 function createAlertDialog(page: string, options?: OnsOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
116 /**
117 * @description Shows an instant Action Sheet and lets the user choose an action.
118 * @return Will resolve when the action sheet is closed. The resolve value is either the index of the tapped button or -1 when canceled.
119 */
120 function openActionSheet(...args: any[]): Promise<number>;
121 /**
122 * @description If no page is defined for the `ons-loading-placeholder` attribute it will wait for this method being called before loading the page.
123 */
124 function resolveLoadingPlaceholder(page: string): void;
125 /**
126 * @description Utility methods to create different kinds of alert dialogs. There are three methods available: alert, confirm and prompt
127 */
128 namespace notification {
129 /**
130 * @param {Object} options Parameter object
131 * @param {String} [options.message] Alert message
132 * @param {String} [options.messageHTML] Alert message in HTML
133 * @param {String} [options.buttonLabel] Label for confirmation button. Default is "OK"
134 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
135 * @param {String} [options.title] Dialog title. Default is "Alert"
136 * @param {String} [options.modifier] Modifier for the dialog
137 * @param {String} [options.id] The `<ons-alert-dialog>` element's ID.
138 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function that executes after dialog has been closed
139 * @description
140 * Display an alert dialog to show the user a message
141 * The content of the message can be either simple text or HTML
142 * Must specify either message or messageHTML
143 */
144 function alert(message: string | AlertOptions, options?: AlertOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
145 /**
146 * @param {Object} options Parameter object
147 * @param {String} [options.message] Confirmation question
148 * @param {String} [options.messageHTML] Dialog content in HTML
149 * @param {Array} [options.buttonLabels] Labels for the buttons. Default is ["Cancel", "OK"]
150 * @param {Number} [options.primaryButtonIndex] Index of primary button. Default is 1
151 * @param {Boolean} [options.cancelable] Whether the dialog is cancelable or not. Default is false
152 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
153 * @param {String} [options.title] Dialog title. Default is "Confirm"
154 * @param {String} [options.modifier] Modifier for the dialog
155 * @param {String} [options.id] The `<ons-alert-dialog>` element's ID.
156 * @param {Function} [options.callback]
157 * Function that executes after the dialog has been closed
158 * Argument for the function is the index of the button that was pressed or -1 if the dialog was canceled
159 * @description
160 * Display a dialog to ask the user for confirmation
161 * The default button labels are "Cancel" and "OK" but they can be customized
162 * Must specify either message or messageHTML
163 */
164 function confirm(message: string | AlertOptions, options?: AlertOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
165 /**
166 * @param {Object} options Parameter object
167 * @param {String} [options.message] Prompt question
168 * @param {String} [options.messageHTML] Dialog content in HTML
169 * @param {String} [options.buttonLabel] Label for confirmation button. Default is "OK"
170 * @param {Number} [options.primaryButtonIndex] Index of primary button. Default is 1
171 * @param {Boolean} [options.cancelable] Whether the dialog is cancelable or not. Default is false
172 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
173 * @param {String} [options.title] Dialog title. Default is "Alert"
174 * @param {String} [options.modifier] Modifier for the dialog
175 * @param {String} [options.id] The `<ons-alert-dialog>` element's ID.
176 * @param {Function} [options.callback]
177 * Function that executes after the dialog has been closed
178 * Argument for the function is the value of the input field or null if the dialog was canceled
179 * @description
180 * Display a dialog with a prompt to ask the user a question
181 * Must specify either message or messageHTML
182 */
183 function prompt(message: string | AlertOptions, options?: AlertOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
184 function toast(...args: any[]): any;
185 }
186 /**
187 * @description Utility methods for orientation detection
188 */
189 namespace orientation {
190 /**
191 * @description Add an event listener.
192 */
193 function on(eventName: string, listener: Function): void;
194 /**
195 * @description Add an event listener that's only triggered once.
196 */
197 function once(eventName: string, listener: Function): void;
198 /**
199 * @description Remove an event listener. If the listener is not specified all listeners for the event type will be removed.
200 */
201 function off(eventName: string, listener?: Function): void;
202 /**
203 * @return {Boolean} Will be true if the current orientation is portrait mode
204 * @description Returns whether the current screen orientation is portrait or not
205 */
206 function isPortrait(): boolean;
207 /**
208 * @return {Boolean} Will be true if the current orientation is landscape mode
209 * @description Returns whether the current screen orientation is landscape or not
210 */
211 function isLandscape(): boolean;
212 }
213 /**
214 * @description Utility methods to detect current platform
215 */
216 namespace platform {
217 /**
218 * @param {string} platform Name of the platform. Possible values are: "opera", "firefox", "safari", "chrome", "ie", "android", "blackberry", "ios" or "wp".
219 * @description Sets the platform used to render the elements. Useful for testing.
220 */
221 function select(platform: string): void;
222 /**
223 * @description Returns whether app is running in Cordova
224 * @return {Boolean}
225 */
226 function isWebView(): boolean;
228 /**
229 * @description Returns whether the OS is iOS
230 * @return {Boolean}
231 */
232 function isIOS(): boolean;
234 /**
235 * @description Returns whether the OS is Android
236 * @return {Boolean}
237 */
238 function isAndroid(): boolean;
240 function isAndroidPhone(): boolean;
242 function isAndroidTablet(): boolean;
244 /**
245 * @description Returns whether app is running in iOS Safari.
246 * @return {Boolean}
247 */
248 function isIOSSafari(): boolean;
250 /**
251 * @description Returns whether app is running in WKWebView.
252 * @return {Boolean}
253 */
254 function isWKWebView(): boolean;
256 /**
257 * @description Returns whether the device is iPhone
258 * @return {Boolean}
259 */
260 function isIPhone(): boolean;
262 /**
263 * @description Returns whether the device is iPhone X
264 * @return {Boolean}
265 */
266 function isIPhoneX(): boolean;
268 /**
269 * @description Returns whether the device is iPad
270 * @return {Boolean}
271 */
272 function isIPad(): boolean;
274 /**
275 * @description Returns whether the device is BlackBerry
276 * @return {Boolean}
277 */
278 function isBlackBerry(): boolean;
280 /**
281 * @description Returns whether the browser is Opera
282 * @return {Boolean}
283 */
284 function isOpera(): boolean;
286 /**
287 * @description Returns whether the browser is Firefox
288 * @return {Boolean}
289 */
290 function isFirefox(): boolean;
292 /**
293 * @description Returns whether the browser is Safari
294 * @return {Boolean}
295 */
296 function isSafari(): boolean;
298 /**
299 * @description Returns whether the browser is Chrome
300 * @return {Boolean}
301 */
302 function isChrome(): boolean;
304 /**
305 * @description Returns whether the browser is Internet Explorer
306 * @return {Boolean}
307 */
308 function isIE(): boolean;
310 /**
311 * @description Returns whether the iOS version is 7 or above
312 * @return {Boolean}
313 */
314 function isIOS7above(): boolean;
316 /**
317 * @description Returns whether the OS is iPadOS
318 * @return {Boolean}
319 */
320 function isIPadOS(): boolean;
322 /**
323 *
324 */
325 function isEdge(): boolean;
327 /**
328 * @description Returns whether device is Windows phone
329 * @return {Boolean}
330 */
331 function isWP(): boolean;
332 }
333 /**
334 * @description Utility methods for modifier attributes
335 */
336 namespace modifier {
337 /**
338 * @description Add the specified modifiers to the element if they are not already included.
339 * @param {HTMLElemenet} element Target element.
340 * @param {String} modifier Name of the modifier.
341 */
342 function add(element: HTMLElement, ...modifier: string[]): void;
343 /**
344 * @description Remove the specified modifiers from the element if they are included.
345 * @param {HTMLElemenet} element Target element.
346 * @param {String} modifier Name of the modifier.
347 */
348 function remove(element: HTMLElement, ...modifier: string[]): void;
349 /**
350 * @description Check whether the specified modifier is included in the element.
351 * @param {HTMLElemenet} element Target element.
352 * @param {String} modifier Name of the modifier.
353 * @return {Boolean} 'true' when the specified modifier is found in the element's 'modifier' attribute. 'false' otherwise.
354 */
355 function contains(element: HTMLElement, modifier: string): boolean;
356 /**
357 * @description Toggle the specified modifier.
358 * @param {HTMLElemenet} element Target element.
359 * @param {String} modifier Name of the modifier.
360 * @param {Boolean} force If it evaluates to true, add specified modifier value, and if it evaluates to false, remove it.
361 */
362 function toggle(element: HTMLElement, modifier: string, force?: boolean): void;
363 }
365 /**
366 * @description Default page loader that load page template
367 */
368 var defaultPageLoader: PageLoader;
370 /**
371 * @description PageLoader class constructor
372 */
373 class PageLoader {
374 constructor(...args: any[]);
375 internalLoader: Function;
376 load(options: {page: any, parent: Element, params?: Object}, done: Function): void;
377 }
379 var GestureDetector: any;
381 interface OnsActionSheetElement extends HTMLElement {
382 show(...args: any[]): any;
383 hide(...args: any[]): any;
384 onDeviceBackButton: any;
385 visible: any;
386 disabled: any;
387 cancelable: any;
388 animationOptions?: object;
389 maskColor?: string;
390 }
392 interface OnsSelectElement extends HTMLElement {
393 length: any;
394 options: any;
395 selectedIndex: any;
396 value: any;
397 }
399 interface OnsSegmentElement extends HTMLElement {
400 /**
401 * @param {Number} index Button index
402 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object passed to the tabbar, if any.
403 * @return Resolves to the selected index or to the new page element if there is a connected tabbar.
404 * @description Make button with the specified index active. If there is a connected tabbar it shows the corresponding tab page. In this case animations and other options can be specified by the second parameter.
405 */
406 setActiveButton(index: number, options?: TabbarOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
407 /**
408 * @return {Number} The index of the currently active button
409 * @description Returns button index of current active button. If active button is not found, returns -1
410 */
411 getActiveButtonIndex(): number;
412 /**
413 * @description Whether the element is disabled or not.
414 */
415 disabled: boolean;
416 activeIndex: number;
417 }
419 interface OnsToastElement extends HTMLElement {
420 show(...args: any[]): any;
421 toggle(...args: any[]): any;
422 hide(...args: any[]): any;
423 onDeviceBackButton: any;
424 visible: any;
425 animationOptions: object;
426 }
428 interface OnsToolbarElement extends HTMLElement {
429 /**
430 * @description Show or hide the toolbar element
431 */
432 setVisibility(visible: boolean): void;
434 /**
435 * @description Show the toolbar element
436 */
437 show(): void;
439 /**
440 * @description Hide the toolbar element
441 */
442 hide(): void;
444 visible: boolean;
446 /**
447 * @description Static toolbars are not animated by `ons-navigator` when pushing or popping pages. This can be useful to improve performance in some situations.
448 */
449 static: boolean;
450 }
452 interface OnsToolbarButtonElement extends HTMLElement {
453 disabled: any;
454 }
456 /**
457 * @description Should be used as root component of each page. The content inside page component is scrollable
458 */
459 interface OnsPageElement extends HTMLElement {
460 /**
461 * @description Function to be executed when scrolling to the bottom of the page. The function receives a done callback as an argument that must be called when it's finished.
462 */
463 onInfiniteScroll: Function;
464 /**
465 * @description Back-button handler.
466 */
467 backButtonHandler: any;
468 onDeviceBackButton: any;
469 /**
470 * @description User's custom data passed to `pushPage()`-like methods.
471 */
472 data: any;
473 }
475 /**
476 * @description Carousel component
477 */
478 interface OnsCarouselElement extends HTMLElement {
479 /**
480 * @description Specify the index of the `<ons-carousel-item>` to show.
481 * @return Resolves to the carousel element.
482 */
483 setActiveIndex(index: number, options?: CarouselOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
484 /**
485 * @description Returns the index of the currently visible `<ons-carousel-item>`.
486 * @return The current carousel item index.
487 */
488 getActiveIndex(): void;
489 /**
490 * @description Show next ons-carousel item
491 * @return Resolves to the carousel element
492 */
493 next(options?: CarouselOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
494 /**
495 * @description Show previous ons-carousel item
496 * @return Resolves to the carousel element
497 */
498 prev(options?: CarouselOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
499 /**
500 * @description Update the layout of the carousel. Used when adding ons-carousel-items dynamically or to automatically adjust the size.
501 */
502 refresh(): void;
503 /**
504 * @description Show first ons-carousel item
505 * @Resolves to the carousel element
506 */
507 first(): Promise<HTMLElement>;
508 /**
509 * @description Show last ons-carousel item
510 * @return Resolves to the carousel element
511 */
512 last(): Promise<HTMLElement>;
513 /**
514 * @description The number of carousel items.
515 **/
516 itemCount: number;
517 /**
518 * @description The current auto scroll ratio.
519 **/
520 autoScrollRatio: number;
521 /**
522 * @description true if the carousel is swipeable.
523 **/
524 swipeable: boolean;
525 /**
526 * @param {Number} index Decimal index of the current swipe.
527 * @param {Object} animationOptions Object containing duration and timing.
528 * @description Hook called whenever the user slides the carousel.
529 **/
530 onSwipe?: Function;
531 /**
532 * @description true if auto scroll is enabled.
533 **/
534 autoScroll: boolean;
535 /**
536 * @description Whether the carousel is disabled or not.
537 **/
538 disabled: boolean;
539 /**
540 * @description Whether the carousel is overscrollable or not.
541 **/
542 overscrollable: boolean;
543 /**
544 * @description Whether the carousel is centered or not.
545 **/
546 centered: boolean;
547 animationOptions: object;
548 activeIndex: number;
549 /**
550 * @description If this property is set the carousel will cover the whole screen.
551 **/
552 fullscreen: boolean;
553 /**
554 * @description When this property is set the carousel will automatically refresh when the number of child nodes change.
555 **/
556 autoRefresh: boolean;
557 }
559 /**
560 * @description Component that adds "pull-to-refresh" to an <ons-page> element
561 */
562 //later should be updated
563 interface OnsPullHookElement extends HTMLElement {
564 /**
565 * @description The height of the pull hook in pixels. The default value is `64px`.
566 */
567 height: string;
568 /**
569 * @param {Number} thresholdHeight Desired threshold height
570 * @description The thresholdHeight of the pull hook in pixels. The default value is `96px`.
571 */
572 thresholdHeight: string;
573 /**
574 * @description The current number of pixels the pull hook has moved.
575 */
576 state: string;
577 /**
578 * @description The current number of pixels the pull hook has moved.
579 */
580 pullDistance: number;
581 /**
582 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the element is disabled or not.
583 */
584 disabled: boolean;
585 /**
586 * @description If this property is set the content of the page will not move when pulling.
587 */
588 fixedContent: boolean;
589 /**
590 * @param {Number} ratio Pulled ratio (scroll / height).
591 * @param {Object} animationOptions Object containing duration and timing.
592 * @description Hook called whenever the user pulls the element.
593 **/
594 onPull?: Function;
595 /**
596 * @description Define the function that will be called in the `"action"` state.
597 */
598 onAction?: Function;
599 }
601 /**
602 * @modifier android Display an Android style alert dialog
603 * @description Alert dialog that is displayed on top of the current screen
604 */
605 interface OnsAlertDialogElement extends HTMLElement {
606 /**
607 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
608 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "fade", "slide" and "none"
609 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function to execute after the dialog has been revealed
610 * @description Show the alert dialog
611 */
612 show(options?: DialogOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
613 /**
614 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
615 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "fade", "slide" and "none"
616 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function to execute after the dialog has been hidden
617 * @description Hide the alert dialog
618 */
619 hide(options?: DialogOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
620 /**
621 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the dialog is disabled or not.
622 */
623 disabled: boolean;
624 /**
625 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the dialog is cancelable or not. When the dialog is cancelable it can be closed by tapping the background or by pressing the back button on Android devices.
626 */
627 cancelable: boolean;
628 visible: any;
629 onDeviceBackButton: any;
630 animationOptions?: object;
631 maskColor?: string;
632 }
634 /**
635 * @description Dialog that is displayed on top of current screen
636 */
637 interface OnsDialogElement extends HTMLElement {
638 /**
639 * @return {Object} Device back button handler
640 * @description Retrieve the back button handler for overriding the default behavior
641 */
642 onDeviceBackButton(): any;
643 /**
644 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
645 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
646 * @param {Function} [options.callback] This function is called after the dialog has been revealed
647 * @description Show the dialog
648 */
649 show(options?: DialogOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
650 /**
651 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
652 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "none", "fade" and "slide"
653 * @param {Function} [options.callback] This functions is called after the dialog has been hidden
654 * @description Hide the dialog
655 */
656 hide(options?: DialogOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
657 /**
658 * @description Destroy the dialog and remove it from the DOM tree
659 */
660 destroy(): void;
661 visible: any;
662 /**
663 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the dialog is disabled or not.
664 */
665 disabled: boolean;
666 /**
667 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the dialog is cancelable or not. When the dialog is cancelable it can be closed by tapping the background or by pressing the back button on Android devices.
668 */
669 cancelable: boolean;
670 animationOptions?: object;
671 maskColor?: string;
672 }
674 /**
675 * @description Switch component
676 */
677 interface OnsSwitchElement extends HTMLElement {
678 /**
679 * @description If true the switch will be set to on.
680 */
681 checked: boolean;
682 /**
683 * @description Whether the element is disabled or not.
684 */
685 disabled: boolean;
686 /**
687 * @description The underlying checkbox element.
688 */
689 checkbox: HTMLElement;
690 value: any;
691 }
693 /**
694 * @description
695 * Modal component that masks current screen
696 * Underlying components are not subject to any events while the modal component is shown
697 */
698 interface OnsModalElement extends HTMLElement {
699 /**
700 * @return Device back button handler
701 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are `"none"` and `"fade"`.
702 * @param {String} [options.animationOptions] Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
703 * @description Toggle modal visibility
704 */
705 toggle(options?: ModalOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
706 /**
707 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
708 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are `"none"` and `"fade"`.
709 * @param {String} [options.animationOptions] Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
710 * @description Show modal
711 */
712 show(options?: ModalOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
713 /**
714 * @return Resolves to the hidden element
715 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are `"none"` and `"fade"`.
716 * @param {String} [options.animationOptions] Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
717 * @description Hide modal
718 */
719 hide(options?: ModalOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
720 /**
721 * @description Back-button handler.
722 */
723 onDeviceBackButton: any;
724 /**
725 * @description Whether the dialog is visible or not.
726 */
727 visible: boolean;
728 animationOptions?: object;
729 }
731 /**
732 * @description A component that provides page stack management and navigation. This component does not have a visible content
733 */
734 interface OnsNavigatorElement extends HTMLElement {
735 /**
736 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
737 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function that is called when the transition has ended
738 * @description Pops the current page from the page stack. The previous page will be displayed
739 */
740 popPage(options?: NavigatorOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
741 /**
742 * @param {*} page Page URL. Can be either a HTML document or a <code>&lt;template&gt;</code>
743 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
744 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "simpleslide", "lift", "fade" and "none"
745 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function that is called when the transition has ended
746 * @return Promise which resolves to the pushed page.
747 * @description Pushes the specified pageUrl into the page stack.
748 */
749 pushPage(page: any, options?: PushPageOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
750 /**
751 * @return Promise which resolves to the inserted page
752 * @description Replaces the current page with the specified one. Extends pushPage parameters.
753 */
754 replacePage(page: any, options?: PushPageOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
755 /**
756 * @param {Number} index The index where it should be inserted
757 * @param {*} page Page URL. Can be either a HTML document or a <code>&lt;template&gt;</code>
758 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
759 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "simpleslide", "lift", "fade" and "none"
760 * @description Insert the specified page into the page stack with specified index
761 */
762 insertPage(index: number, page: any, options?: NavigatorOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
763 removePage(...args: any[]): any;
764 /**
765 * @param {*} page Page URL. Can be either a HTML document or an <code>&lt;template&gt;</code>
766 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
767 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "simpleslide", "lift", "fade" and "none"
768 * @param {Function} [options.callback] Function that is called when the transition has ended
769 * @description Clears page stack and adds the specified pageUrl to the page stack
770 */
771 resetToPage(page: any, options?: NavigatorOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
772 /**
773 * @param {any} item
774 * @param {Object} [options]
775 * @description Page URL or index of an existing page in navigator's stack.
776 */
777 bringPageTop(item: any, options?: Object): Promise<HTMLElement>;
779 pageLoader: any;
780 page: any;
781 onDeviceBackButton: any;
782 /**
783 * @return {HTMLElement}
784 * @description Current top page element. Use this method to access options passed by `pushPage()`-like methods.
785 */
786 topPage: HTMLElement; //attribute length in future?
787 /**
788 * @description Navigator's page stack.
789 */
790 pages: any;
791 /**
792 * @description Default options object. Attributes have priority over this property.
793 */
794 options: NavigatorOptions;
795 /**
796 * @param {Number} index Decimal ratio of the current swipe.
797 * @param {Object} animationOptions Object containing duration and timing.
798 * @description Hook called whenever the user slides the navigator.
799 **/
800 onSwipe?: Function;
801 /**
802 * @description Specify the animation's duration, timing and delay with an object literal. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 1, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
803 **/
804 animationOptions: object;
805 }
807 /**
808 * @description A component to display a tab bar on the bottom of a page. Used with ons-tab to manage pages using tabs
809 */
810 interface OnsTabbarElement extends HTMLElement {
811 /**
812 * @param {*} url Page URL. Can be either an HTML document or an <code>&lt;template&gt;</code>
813 * @return Resolves to the new page element.
814 * @description Displays a new page without changing the active index
815 */
816 loadPage(page: any, options?: TabbarOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
817 /**
818 * @param {Number} index Tab index
819 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
820 * @param {Boolean} [options.keepPage] If true the page will not be changed
821 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are `"fade"`, `"slide"` and `"none"`.
822 * @return Resolves to the new page element.
823 * @description Show specified tab page. Animations and other options can be specified by the second parameter
824 */
825 setActiveTab(index: number, options?: TabbarOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
826 /**
827 * @description Used to hide or show the tab bar.
828 */
829 setTabbarVisibility(visible: boolean): void;
830 /**
831 * @return {Number} The index of the currently active tab
832 * @description Returns tab index on current active tab. If active tab is not found, returns -1
833 */
834 getActiveTabIndex(): number;
835 visible: any;
836 /**
837 * @description true if the tabbar is swipeable.
838 **/
839 swipeable: boolean;
840 /**
841 * @description If this property is set the tabs show a dynamic bottom border. Only works for iOS flat design since the border is always visible in Material Design.
842 **/
843 tabBorder: boolean;
844 /**
845 * @param {Number} index Decimal index of the current swipe.
846 * @param {Object} animationOptions Object containing duration and timing.
847 * @description Hook called whenever the user slides the tabbar.
848 **/
849 onSwipe?: Function;
850 hideTabs: boolean;
851 activeIndex: number;
852 /**
853 * @description Specify the animation's duration, timing and delay with an object literal. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 1, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
854 **/
855 animationOptions: object;
856 }
858 /**
859 * @modifier android Display an Android style popover
860 * @description A component that displays a popover next to an element
861 */
862 interface OnsPopoverElement extends HTMLElement {
863 /**
864 * @param {String|Event|HTMLElement} target Target element. Can be either a CSS selector, an event object or a DOM element
865 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
866 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "fade" and "none"
867 * @return Resolves to the displayed element
868 * @description Open the popover and point it at a target. The target can be either an event, a css selector or a DOM element
869 */
870 show(target: any, options?: PopoverOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
871 /**
872 * @param {Object} [options] Parameter object
873 * @param {String} [options.animation] Animation name. Available animations are "fade" and "none"
874 * @return Resolves to the hidden element
875 * @description Close the popover
876 */
877 hide(options?: PopoverOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
878 /**
879 * @description Whether the dialog is visible or not.
880 */
881 visible: boolean;
882 /**
883 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the popover is cancelable or not. When the popover is cancelable it can be closed by tapping the background or by pressing the back button on Android devices.
884 */
885 cancelable: boolean;
886 /**
887 * @description If set the popover will cover the target on the screen.
888 */
889 coverTarget: boolean;
890 /**
891 * @description Specifies the ID of the default element for the popover.
892 */
893 target: string;
894 /**
895 * @description Retrieve the back- button handler.
896 */
897 onDeviceBackButton: any;
898 animationOptions?: object;
899 maskColor?: string;
900 }
902 interface OnsSplitterSideElement extends HTMLElement {
903 /**
904 * @description Page element loaded in the splitter side.
905 */
906 page: string;
907 pageLoader: any;
908 /**
909 * @description Current mode. Possible values are "split", "collapse", "closed", "open" or "changing".
910 */
911 mode: string;
912 /**
913 * @description Returns whether the popover is visible or not.
914 * @return {Boolean} This value is `true` when the menu is open.
915 */
916 isOpen: boolean;
917 /**
918 * @description Open menu in collapse mode.
919 * @return Resolves to the splitter side element or false if not in collapse mode
920 */
921 open(options?: SplitterSideOptions): Promise<HTMLElement | boolean>;
922 /**
923 * @description Close menu in collapse mode.
924 * @param {Object} [option]
925 * @return Resolves to the splitter side element or false if not in collapse mode
926 */
927 close(options?: SplitterSideOptions): Promise<HTMLElement | boolean>;
928 /**
929 * @description Opens if it's closed. Closes if it's open.
930 * @param {Object} [options]
931 * @return Resolves to the splitter side element or false if not in collapse mode
932 */
933 toggle(options?: SplitterSideOptions): Promise<HTMLElement | boolean>;
934 /**
935 * @description Show the page specified in pageUrl in the right section
936 * @param {*} page Page URL. Can be either an HTML document or an <template>.
937 * @param {Object} [option]
938 * @return Resolves to the new page element
939 */
940 load(page: any, options?: SplitterSideOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
941 /**
942 * @param {Number} index Decimal ratio of the current swipe.
943 * @param {Object} animationOptions Object containing duration and timing.
944 * @description Hook called whenever the user slides the splitter.
945 **/
946 onSwipe?: Function;
947 /**
948 * @description true if the splitter side element is swipeable.
949 **/
950 swipeable: boolean;
951 /**
952 * @description Specify the animation's duration, timing and delay with an object literal. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 1, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
953 **/
954 animationOptions: object;
955 }
957 interface OnsLazyRepeatElement extends HTMLElement {
958 /**
959 * @description Refresh the list. Use this method when the data has changed.
960 */
961 refresh(): void;
962 /**
963 * @Specify a delegate object to load and unload item elements.
964 */
965 delegate: LazyRepeatOptions;
966 }
968 interface OnsButtonElement extends HTMLElement {
969 /**
970 * @description A boolean value that specifies if the button is disabled or not.
971 */
972 disabled: boolean;
974 /**
975 * @description A boolean value that specifies if the button has a ripple effect or not.
976 */
977 ripple: boolean;
978 }
980 interface OnsAlertDialogButtonElement extends HTMLElement {
981 /**
982 * @description A boolean value that specifies if the button is disabled or not.
983 */
984 disabled: boolean;
985 }
987 interface OnsFabElement extends HTMLElement {
988 /**
989 * @description Show the floating action button.
990 */
991 show(): void;
992 /**
993 * @description Hide the floating action button.
994 */
995 hide(): void;
996 /**
997 * @description Toggle the visibility of the button.
998 */
999 toggle(): void;
1000 /**
1001 * @description A boolean value that specifies if the button is disabled or not.
1002 */
1003 disabled: boolean;
1004 /**
1005 * @description Whether the dialog is visible or not.
1006 */
1007 visible: boolean;
1008 /**
1009 * @description If this property is defined, the button will have a ripple effect when tapped.
1010 */
1011 ripple: boolean;
1012 }
1014 interface OnsInputElement extends HTMLElement {
1015 /**
1016 * @description The current value of the input.
1017 */
1018 value: string;
1019 /**
1020 * @description This boolean specifies whether the input is checked or not. Only works for `radio` and `checkbox` type inputs.
1021 */
1022 checked: boolean;
1023 /**
1024 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the input is disabled or not.
1025 */
1026 disabled: boolean;
1027 /**
1028 * @description If this property is present, the placeholder will be animated in Material Design.
1029 */
1030 float: boolean;
1031 }
1033 interface OnsSearchInputElement extends HTMLElement {
1034 /**
1035 * @description The current value of the search input.
1036 */
1037 value: string;
1038 /**
1039 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the search input is disabled or not.
1040 */
1041 disabled: boolean;
1042 }
1044 interface OnsCheckboxElement extends HTMLElement {
1045 /**
1046 * @description The value of the checkbox.
1047 */
1048 value: string;
1049 /**
1050 * @description This boolean specifies whether the checkbox is checked or not.
1051 */
1052 checked: boolean;
1053 /**
1054 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the checkbox is disabled or not.
1055 */
1056 disabled: boolean;
1057 }
1059 interface OnsRadioElement extends HTMLElement {
1060 /**
1061 * @description The value of the radio button.
1062 */
1063 value: string;
1064 /**
1065 * @description This boolean specifies whether the radio button is selected or not.
1066 */
1067 checked: boolean;
1068 /**
1069 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the radio button is disabled or not.
1070 */
1071 disabled: boolean;
1072 }
1074 interface OnsRangeElement extends HTMLElement {
1075 /**
1076 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the input is disabled or not.
1077 */
1078 disabled: boolean;
1079 /**
1080 * @description The current value of the input.
1081 */
1082 value: string;
1083 }
1085 interface OnsRippleElement extends HTMLElement {
1086 /**
1087 * @description A boolean value that specifies whether the input is disabled or not.
1088 */
1089 disabled: boolean;
1090 /**
1091 * @description If this property is present, change the position of wave effect to center of the target element.
1092 */
1093 center: boolean;
1094 }
1096 interface OnsSplitterContentElement extends HTMLElement {
1097 /**
1098 * @description Page element loaded in the splitter content.
1099 */
1100 page: string;
1102 pageLoader: any;
1104 /**
1105 * @description Show the page specified in pageUrl in the right section. Returns: Resolves to the new page element
1106 * @param {*} page
1107 * @param {Object} [options]
1108 * @return {Promise}
1109 */
1110 load(page: any, options?: SplitterContentOptions): Promise<HTMLElement>;
1111 }
1113 interface OnsSplitterElement extends HTMLElement {
1114 /**
1115 * @description Left `<ons-splitter-side>` element.
1116 */
1117 left: HTMLElement;
1118 /**
1119 * @description Right `<ons-splitter-side>` element.
1120 */
1121 right: HTMLElement;
1122 side: any;
1123 /**
1124 * @description The `<ons-splitter-content>` element.
1125 */
1126 content: HTMLElement;
1127 /**
1128 * @description Retrieve the back button handler.
1129 */
1130 onDeviceBackButton: Function;
1131 }
1133 interface OnsBackButtonElement extends HTMLElement {
1134 /**
1135 * @Options Options object.
1136 */
1137 options?: BackButtonOptions;
1138 onClick: any;
1139 }
1141 interface OnsProgressBarElement extends HTMLElement {
1142 /**
1143 * @description Current progress. Should be a value between 0 and 100.
1144 */
1145 value: number;
1146 /**
1147 * @description Current secondary progress. Should be a value between 0 and 100.
1148 */
1149 secondaryValue: number;
1150 /**
1151 * @description If this property is `true`, an infinite looping animation will be shown.
1152 */
1153 indeterminate: boolean;
1154 }
1156 interface OnsProgressCircularElement extends HTMLElement {
1157 /**
1158 * @description Current progress. Should be a value between 0 and 100.
1159 */
1160 value: number;
1161 /**
1162 * @description Current secondary progress. Should be a value between 0 and 100.
1163 */
1164 secondaryValue: number;
1165 /**
1166 * @description If this property is `true`, an infinite looping animation will be shown.
1167 */
1168 indeterminate: boolean;
1169 }
1171 interface OnsIconElement extends HTMLElement {
1172 /**
1173 * @description When used in a list, you want the icons to have the same width so that they align vertically by defining this attribute.
1174 */
1175 fixedWidth(): boolean;
1176 /**
1177 * @description Specify whether the icon should be spinning.
1178 */
1179 spin(): boolean;
1180 }
1182 interface OnsSpeedDialElement extends HTMLElement {
1183 /**
1184 * @description Show the speed dial.
1185 */
1186 show(): void;
1187 /**
1188 * @description Hide the speed dial.
1189 */
1190 hide(): void;
1191 /**
1192 * @description Show the speed dial items.
1193 */
1194 showItems(): void;
1195 /**
1196 * @description Hide the speed dial items.
1197 */
1198 hideItems(): void;
1199 isOpen(): any;
1200 /**
1201 * @description Toggle visibility.
1202 */
1203 toggle(): void;
1204 /**
1205 * @description Toggle item visibility.
1206 */
1207 toggleItems(): void;
1208 /**
1209 * @description Whether the element is disabled or not.
1210 */
1211 disabled: boolean;
1212 /**
1213 * @description Whether the element is inline or not.
1214 */
1215 inline: boolean;
1216 /**
1217 * @description Whether the element is visible or not.
1218 */
1219 visible: boolean;
1220 /**
1221 * @description Whether the speed items are visible or not.
1222 */
1223 open: boolean;
1224 /**
1225 * @description If this property is defined, the button will have a ripple effect when tapped.
1226 */
1227 ripple: boolean;
1228 }
1230 interface OnsSpeedDialItemElement extends HTMLElement {
1231 /**
1232 * @description If this property is defined, the button will have a ripple effect when tapped.
1233 */
1234 ripple: boolean;
1235 }
1237 interface OnsListItemElement extends HTMLElement {
1238 /**
1239 * @description Show the expandable content if element is expandable
1240 */
1241 showExpansion(): void;
1242 /**
1243 * @description Hide the expandable content if element is expandable
1244 */
1245 hideExpansion(): void;
1246 /**
1247 * @description Clear backgroundColor changed on tap or click. This method is helpful when `keep-tap-background-color` is `true`.
1248 */
1249 clearTapBackgroundColor(): void;
1250 /**
1251 * @description For expandable list items, specifies whether the expandable content is expanded or not.
1252 **/
1253 expanded: boolean;
1254 /**
1255 * @description Whether the list item is expandable or not.
1256 **/
1257 expandable: boolean;
1258 /**
1259 * @description Makes the element react to taps.
1260 **/
1261 tappable: boolean;
1262 /**
1263 * @description Prevent vertical scrolling when the user drags horizontally.
1264 **/
1265 lockOnDrag: boolean;
1266 /**
1267 * @description Prevent from clearing the background color on `"touchmove"`, `"touchcancel"`, `"touchend"`, `"touchleave"`, `"mouseup"`, and `"mouseout"`. For this to work, the attribute "tappable" needs to be set.
1268 */
1269 keepTapBackgroundColor: boolean;
1270 /**
1271 * @description The animation used when showing and hiding the expandable content. Can be either `"default"` or `"none"`.
1272 **/
1273 animation: string;
1274 /**
1275 * @description Changes the background color when tapped. For this to work, the attribute "tappable" needs to be set. The default color is "#d9d9d9". It will display as a ripple effect on Android.
1276 **/
1277 tapBackgroundColor: string;
1278 }
1283interface OnsOptions {
1284 parentScope?: Object;
1287interface AlertOptions {
1288 message?: string;
1289 messageHTML?: string;
1290 buttonLabel?: string;
1291 buttonLabels?: string[];
1292 primaryButtonIndex?: number;
1293 cancelable?: boolean;
1294 animation?: string;
1295 title?: string;
1296 modifier?: string;
1297 callback?: any;
1298 id?: string;
1301interface CarouselOptions{
1302 callback?: Function;
1303 animation?: String;
1304 animationOptions?: Object;
1307interface DialogOptions {
1308 animation?: string;
1309 callback?: Function;
1312interface ModalOptions {
1313 /**
1314 * @description Animation name. Available animations are `"none"` and `"fade"`.
1315 */
1316 animation?: string;
1317 /**
1318 * @description Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
1319 */
1320 animationOptions?: string;
1323interface NavigatorOptions {
1324 /**
1325 * @description Animation name. Available animations are `"slide"`, `"lift"`, `"fade"` and `"none"`. These are platform based animations. For fixed animations, add `"-ios"` or `"-md"` suffix to the animation name. E.g. `"lift-ios"`, `"lift-md"`. Defaults values are `"slide-ios"` and `"fade-md"`.
1326 */
1327 animation?: string;
1328 /**
1329 * @description Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
1330 */
1331 animationOptions?: string;
1332 /**
1333 * @description Function that is called when the transition has ended.
1334 */
1335 callback?: Function;
1338interface PushPageOptions {
1339 page?: any,
1340 pageHTML?: string,
1341 animation?: string,
1342 animationOptions?: Object,
1343 callback?: Function,
1344 data?: Object
1347interface TabbarOptions {
1348 /**
1349 * @description If true the page will not be changed.
1350 */
1351 keepPage?: boolean;
1352 /**
1353 * @description Animation name. Available animations are `"fade"`, `"slide"` and `"none"`.
1354 */
1355 animation?: string;
1356 /**
1357 * @description Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
1358 */
1359 animationOptions?: string;
1360 /**
1361 *
1362 */
1363 callback?: Function;
1366interface PopoverOptions {
1367 animation?: string;
1370interface SplitterSideOptions {
1371 /**
1372 * @description This function will be called after the menu has been opened.
1373 * @return {Function}
1374 */
1375 callback?: Function;
1378interface LazyRepeatOptions {
1379 /**
1380 * @description This function should return a `HTMLElement`. To help rendering the element, the current index and a template is supplied as arguments. The template is the initial content of the `<ons-lazy-repeat>` element.
1381 */
1382 createItemContent?: HTMLElement;
1383 /**
1384 * @description Should return the number of items in the list.
1385 */
1386 countItems?: number;
1387 /**
1388 * @description Should return the height of an item. The index is provided as an argument. This is important when rendering lists where the items have different height. The function is optional and if it isn't present the height of the first item will be automatically calculated and used for all other items.
1389 */
1390 calculateItemHeight?: number;
1391 /**
1392 * @description This function is used called when an item is removed from the DOM. The index and DOM element is provided as arguments. The function is optional but may be important in order to avoid memory leaks.
1393 */
1394 destroyItem?: string;
1395 /**
1396 * @description Function which recieves an index and the scope for the item. Can be used to configure values in the item scope.
1397 */
1398 configureItemScope?: number;
1401interface SplitterContentOptions {
1402 /**
1403 * @description This function will be called after the menu has been opened.
1404 * @return {Function}
1405 */
1406 callback?: Function;
1409interface BackButtonOptions {
1410 /**
1411 * @description Animation name. Available animations are "slide", "lift", "fade" and "none". These are platform based animations. For fixed animations, add "-ios" or "-md" suffix to the animation name. E.g. "lift-ios", "lift-md". Defaults values are "slide-ios" and "fade-md".
1412 */
1413 animation?: string;
1414 /**
1415 * @description Specify the animation's duration, delay and timing. E.g. `{duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}`.
1416 */
1417 animationOptions?: string;
1418 /**
1419 * @description Function that is called when the transition has ended.
1420 */
1421 callback?: Function;