2.62 kBHTMLView Raw
2layout: example.html
3title: Blend Modes
4shortdesc: Shows how to change the canvas compositing / blending mode in post- and precompose eventhandlers.
5docs: >
6 <p>This example shows how to change the canvas compositing / blending mode in
7 post- and precompose event handlers. The Canvas 2D API provides the property
8 <code>globalCompositeOperation</code> with which one can influence which
9 composition operation will be used when drawing on the canvas. The various
10 options are well described on the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/globalCompositeOperation">MDN
11 documentation page</a>.</p>
13 <p>In this example three circles on the corners of an equilateral triangle are
14 drawn with red, green or blue styles respectively. By setting the
15 <code>globalCompositeOperation</code> you can change how these colors turn out
16 when they are combined on the map.</p>
18 <p>You can select an operation in the select-field and you can also control
19 which layers will be affected by the chosen operation through the layer
20 checkboxes.</p>
21tags: "blendmode, blend-mode, blend mode, blendingmode, blending-mode, blending mode, composition, compositing, canvas, vector"
23<div id="map" class="map"></div>
24<form class="form-horizontal">
25 <label>
26 <select id="blend-mode" class="form-control">
27 <option value="source-over">source-over (default)</option>
28 <option>source-in</option>
29 <option>source-out</option>
30 <option>source-atop</option>
31 <option>destination-over</option>
32 <option>destination-in</option>
33 <option>destination-out</option>
34 <option>destination-atop</option>
35 <option>lighter</option>
36 <option>copy</option>
37 <option>xor</option>
38 <option>multiply</option>
39 <option>screen</option>
40 <option>overlay</option>
41 <option>darken</option>
42 <option>lighten</option>
43 <option>color-dodge</option>
44 <option>color-burn</option>
45 <option>hard-light</option>
46 <option>soft-light</option>
47 <option selected>difference</option>
48 <option>exclusion</option>
49 <option>hue</option>
50 <option>saturation</option>
51 <option>color</option>
52 <option>luminosity</option>
53 </select>
54 Canvas compositing / blending mode
55 </label>
56 <label>
57 <input type="checkbox" id="affect-red" checked>
58 Red circle affected
59 </label>
60 <label>
61 <input type="checkbox" id="affect-green" checked>
62 Green circle affected
63 </label>
64 <label>
65 <input type="checkbox" id="affect-blue" checked>
66 Blue circle affected
67 </label>