39.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Type definitions for OpenPGP.js http://openpgpjs.org/
3 *
4 * Contributors:
5 * - FlowCrypt a. s. <https://flowcrypt.com>
6 * - Guillaume Lacasa <https://blog.lacasa.fr>
7 * - Errietta Kostala <https://github.com/errietta>
8 */
10import type { WebStream as GenericWebStream, NodeStream as GenericNodeStream } from '@openpgp/web-stream-tools';
12/* ############## v5 KEY #################### */
13// The Key and PublicKey types can be used interchangably since TS cannot detect the difference, as they have the same class properties.
14// The declared readKey(s) return type is Key instead of a PublicKey since it seems more obvious that a Key can be cast to a PrivateKey.
15export function readKey(options: { armoredKey: string, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<Key>;
16export function readKey(options: { binaryKey: Uint8Array, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<Key>;
17export function readKeys(options: { armoredKeys: string, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<Key[]>;
18export function readKeys(options: { binaryKeys: Uint8Array, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<Key[]>;
19export function readPrivateKey(options: { armoredKey: string, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<PrivateKey>;
20export function readPrivateKey(options: { binaryKey: Uint8Array, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<PrivateKey>;
21export function readPrivateKeys(options: { armoredKeys: string, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<PrivateKey[]>;
22export function readPrivateKeys(options: { binaryKeys: Uint8Array, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<PrivateKey[]>;
23export function generateKey(options: GenerateKeyOptions & { format?: 'armored' }): Promise<SerializedKeyPair<string> & { revocationCertificate: string }>;
24export function generateKey(options: GenerateKeyOptions & { format: 'binary' }): Promise<SerializedKeyPair<Uint8Array> & { revocationCertificate: string }>;
25export function generateKey(options: GenerateKeyOptions & { format: 'object' }): Promise<KeyPair & { revocationCertificate: string }>;
26export function decryptKey(options: { privateKey: PrivateKey; passphrase?: MaybeArray<string>; config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<PrivateKey>;
27export function encryptKey(options: { privateKey: PrivateKey; passphrase?: MaybeArray<string>; config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<PrivateKey>;
28export function reformatKey(options: { privateKey: PrivateKey; userIDs?: MaybeArray<UserID>; passphrase?: string; keyExpirationTime?: number; date?: Date, format?: 'armored', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<SerializedKeyPair<string> & { revocationCertificate: string }>;
29export function reformatKey(options: { privateKey: PrivateKey; userIDs?: MaybeArray<UserID>; passphrase?: string; keyExpirationTime?: number; date?: Date, format: 'binary', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<SerializedKeyPair<Uint8Array> & { revocationCertificate: string }>;
30export function reformatKey(options: { privateKey: PrivateKey; userIDs?: MaybeArray<UserID>; passphrase?: string; keyExpirationTime?: number; date?: Date, format: 'object', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<KeyPair & { revocationCertificate: string }>;
31export function revokeKey(options: { key: PrivateKey, reasonForRevocation?: ReasonForRevocation, date?: Date, format?: 'armored', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<SerializedKeyPair<string>>;
32export function revokeKey(options: { key: PrivateKey, reasonForRevocation?: ReasonForRevocation, date?: Date, format: 'binary', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<SerializedKeyPair<Uint8Array>>;
33export function revokeKey(options: { key: PrivateKey, reasonForRevocation?: ReasonForRevocation, date?: Date, format: 'object', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<KeyPair>;
34export function revokeKey(options: { key: PrivateKey, revocationCertificate: string, date?: Date, format?: 'armored', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<SerializedKeyPair<string>>;
35export function revokeKey(options: { key: PrivateKey, revocationCertificate: string, date?: Date, format: 'binary', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<SerializedKeyPair<Uint8Array>>;
36export function revokeKey(options: { key: PrivateKey, revocationCertificate: string, date?: Date, format: 'object', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<KeyPair>;
37export function revokeKey(options: { key: PublicKey, revocationCertificate: string, date?: Date, format?: 'armored', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<{ publicKey: string, privateKey: null }>;
38export function revokeKey(options: { key: PublicKey, revocationCertificate: string, date?: Date, format: 'binary', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<{ publicKey: Uint8Array, privateKey: null }>;
39export function revokeKey(options: { key: PublicKey, revocationCertificate: string, date?: Date, format: 'object', config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<{ publicKey: PublicKey, privateKey: null }>;
41export abstract class Key {
42 public readonly keyPacket: PublicKeyPacket | SecretKeyPacket;
43 public subkeys: Subkey[]; // do not add/replace users directly
44 public users: User[]; // do not add/replace subkeys directly
45 public revocationSignatures: SignaturePacket[];
46 public write(): Uint8Array;
47 public armor(config?: Config): string;
48 public getExpirationTime(userID?: UserID, config?: Config): Promise<Date | typeof Infinity | null>;
49 public getKeyIDs(): KeyID[];
50 public getPrimaryUser(date?: Date, userID?: UserID, config?: Config): Promise<PrimaryUser>; // throws on error
51 public getUserIDs(): string[];
52 public isPrivate(): this is PrivateKey;
53 public toPublic(): PublicKey;
54 // NB: the order of the `update` declarations matters, since PublicKey includes PrivateKey
55 public update(sourceKey: PrivateKey, date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<PrivateKey>;
56 public update(sourceKey: PublicKey, date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<PublicKey>;
57 public signPrimaryUser(privateKeys: PrivateKey[], date?: Date, userID?: UserID, config?: Config): Promise<this>
58 public signAllUsers(privateKeys: PrivateKey[], date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<this>
59 public verifyPrimaryKey(date?: Date, userID?: UserID, config?: Config): Promise<void>; // throws on error
60 public verifyPrimaryUser(publicKeys: PublicKey[], date?: Date, userIDs?: UserID, config?: Config): Promise<{ keyID: KeyID, valid: boolean | null }[]>;
61 public verifyAllUsers(publicKeys?: PublicKey[], date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<{ userID: string, keyID: KeyID, valid: boolean | null }[]>;
62 public isRevoked(signature?: SignaturePacket, key?: AnyKeyPacket, date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<boolean>;
63 public getRevocationCertificate(date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<MaybeStream<string> | undefined>;
64 public getEncryptionKey(keyID?: KeyID, date?: Date | null, userID?: UserID, config?: Config): Promise<this | Subkey>;
65 public getSigningKey(keyID?: KeyID, date?: Date | null, userID?: UserID, config?: Config): Promise<this | Subkey>;
66 public getKeys(keyID?: KeyID): (this | Subkey)[];
67 public getSubkeys(keyID?: KeyID): Subkey[];
68 public getFingerprint(): string;
69 public getCreationTime(): Date;
70 public getAlgorithmInfo(): AlgorithmInfo;
71 public getKeyID(): KeyID;
72 public toPacketList(): PacketList<AllowedKeyPackets>;
75type AllowedKeyPackets = PublicKeyPacket | PublicSubkeyPacket | SecretKeyPacket | SecretSubkeyPacket | UserIDPacket | UserAttributePacket | SignaturePacket;
76export class PublicKey extends Key {
77 constructor(packetlist: PacketList<AnyPacket>);
80export class PrivateKey extends PublicKey {
81 constructor(packetlist: PacketList<AnyPacket>);
82 public revoke(reason?: ReasonForRevocation, date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<PrivateKey>;
83 public isDecrypted(): boolean;
84 public addSubkey(options: SubkeyOptions): Promise<PrivateKey>;
85 public getDecryptionKeys(keyID?: KeyID, date?: Date | null, userID?: UserID, config?: Config): Promise<PrivateKey | Subkey>
86 public update(sourceKey: PublicKey, date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<PrivateKey>;
89export class Subkey {
90 constructor(subkeyPacket: SecretSubkeyPacket | PublicSubkeyPacket, mainKey: PublicKey);
91 public readonly keyPacket: SecretSubkeyPacket | PublicSubkeyPacket;
92 public readonly mainKey: PublicKey;
93 public bindingSignatures: SignaturePacket[];
94 public revocationSignatures: SignaturePacket[];
95 public verify(date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<SignaturePacket>;
96 public isDecrypted(): boolean;
97 public getFingerprint(): string;
98 public getCreationTime(): Date;
99 public getAlgorithmInfo(): AlgorithmInfo;
100 public getKeyID(): KeyID;
101 public getExpirationTime(date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<Date | typeof Infinity | null>
102 public isRevoked(signature: SignaturePacket, key: AnyKeyPacket, date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<boolean>;
103 public update(subKey: Subkey, date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<void>
104 public revoke(primaryKey: SecretKeyPacket, reasonForRevocation?: ReasonForRevocation, date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<Subkey>;
107export interface User {
108 userID: UserIDPacket | null;
109 userAttribute: UserAttributePacket | null;
110 selfCertifications: SignaturePacket[];
111 otherCertifications: SignaturePacket[];
112 revocationSignatures: SignaturePacket[];
115export interface PrimaryUser {
116 index: number;
117 user: User;
118 selfCertification: SignaturePacket;
121type AlgorithmInfo = {
122 algorithm: enums.publicKeyNames;
123 bits?: number;
124 curve?: EllipticCurveName;
127/* ############## v5 SIG #################### */
129export function readSignature(options: { armoredSignature: string, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<Signature>;
130export function readSignature(options: { binarySignature: Uint8Array, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<Signature>;
132export class Signature {
133 public readonly packets: PacketList<SignaturePacket>;
134 constructor(packetlist: PacketList<SignaturePacket>);
135 public write(): MaybeStream<Uint8Array>;
136 public armor(config?: Config): string;
137 public getSigningKeyIDs(): Array<KeyID>;
140interface VerificationResult {
141 keyID: KeyID;
142 verified: Promise<true>; // throws on invalid signature
143 signature: Promise<Signature>;
146/* ############## v5 CLEARTEXT #################### */
148export function readCleartextMessage(options: { cleartextMessage: string, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<CleartextMessage>;
150export function createCleartextMessage(options: { text: string }): Promise<CleartextMessage>;
152/** Class that represents an OpenPGP cleartext signed message.
153 */
154export class CleartextMessage {
155 /** Returns ASCII armored text of cleartext signed message
156 */
157 armor(config?: Config): string;
159 /** Returns the key IDs of the keys that signed the cleartext message
160 */
161 getSigningKeyIDs(): KeyID[];
163 /** Get cleartext
164 */
165 getText(): string;
167 /** Sign the cleartext message
168 *
169 * @param privateKeys private keys with decrypted secret key data for signing
170 */
171 sign(privateKeys: PrivateKey[], signature?: Signature, signingKeyIDs?: KeyID[], date?: Date, userIDs?: UserID[], notations?: RawNotation[], config?: Config): void;
173 /** Verify signatures of cleartext signed message
174 * @param keys array of keys to verify signatures
175 */
176 verify(keys: PublicKey[], date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<VerificationResult[]>;
179/* ############## v5 MSG #################### */
180export function generateSessionKey(options: { encryptionKeys: MaybeArray<PublicKey>, date?: Date, encryptionUserIDs?: MaybeArray<UserID>, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<SessionKey>;
181export function encryptSessionKey(options: EncryptSessionKeyOptions & { format?: 'armored' }): Promise<string>;
182export function encryptSessionKey(options: EncryptSessionKeyOptions & { format: 'binary' }): Promise<Uint8Array>;
183export function encryptSessionKey(options: EncryptSessionKeyOptions & { format: 'object' }): Promise<Message<Data>>;
184export function decryptSessionKeys<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: { message: Message<T>, decryptionKeys?: MaybeArray<PrivateKey>, passwords?: MaybeArray<string>, date?: Date, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<SessionKey[]>;
186export function readMessage<T extends MaybeStream<string>>(options: { armoredMessage: T, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<Message<T>>;
187export function readMessage<T extends MaybeStream<Uint8Array>>(options: { binaryMessage: T, config?: PartialConfig }): Promise<Message<T>>;
189export function createMessage<T extends MaybeStream<string>>(options: { text: T, filename?: string, date?: Date, format?: enums.literalFormatNames }): Promise<Message<T>>;
190export function createMessage<T extends MaybeStream<Uint8Array>>(options: { binary: T, filename?: string, date?: Date, format?: enums.literalFormatNames }): Promise<Message<T>>;
192export function encrypt<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: EncryptOptions & { message: Message<T>, format?: 'armored' }): Promise<
193 T extends WebStream<infer X> ? WebStream<string> :
194 T extends NodeStream<infer X> ? NodeStream<string> :
195 string
197export function encrypt<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: EncryptOptions & { message: Message<T>, format: 'binary' }): Promise<
198 T extends WebStream<infer X> ? WebStream<Uint8Array> :
199 T extends NodeStream<infer X> ? NodeStream<Uint8Array> :
200 Uint8Array
202export function encrypt<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: EncryptOptions & { message: Message<T>, format: 'object' }): Promise<Message<T>>;
204export function sign<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: SignOptions & { message: Message<T>, format?: 'armored' }): Promise<
205 T extends WebStream<infer X> ? WebStream<string> :
206 T extends NodeStream<infer X> ? NodeStream<string> :
207 string
209export function sign<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: SignOptions & { message: Message<T>, format: 'binary' }): Promise<
210 T extends WebStream<infer X> ? WebStream<Uint8Array> :
211 T extends NodeStream<infer X> ? NodeStream<Uint8Array> :
212 Uint8Array
214export function sign<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: SignOptions & { message: Message<T>, format: 'object' }): Promise<Message<T>>;
215export function sign(options: SignOptions & { message: CleartextMessage, format?: 'armored' }): Promise<string>;
216export function sign(options: SignOptions & { message: CleartextMessage, format: 'object' }): Promise<CleartextMessage>;
218export function decrypt<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: DecryptOptions & { message: Message<T>, format: 'binary' }): Promise<DecryptMessageResult & {
219 data:
220 T extends WebStream<infer X> ? WebStream<Uint8Array> :
221 T extends NodeStream<infer X> ? NodeStream<Uint8Array> :
222 Uint8Array
224export function decrypt<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: DecryptOptions & { message: Message<T> }): Promise<DecryptMessageResult & {
225 data:
226 T extends WebStream<infer X> ? WebStream<string> :
227 T extends NodeStream<infer X> ? NodeStream<string> :
228 string
231export function verify(options: VerifyOptions & { message: CleartextMessage, format?: 'utf8' }): Promise<VerifyMessageResult<string>>;
232export function verify<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: VerifyOptions & { message: Message<T>, format: 'binary' }): Promise<VerifyMessageResult<
233 T extends WebStream<infer X> ? WebStream<Uint8Array> :
234 T extends NodeStream<infer X> ? NodeStream<Uint8Array> :
235 Uint8Array
237export function verify<T extends MaybeStream<Data>>(options: VerifyOptions & { message: Message<T> }): Promise<VerifyMessageResult<
238 T extends WebStream<infer X> ? WebStream<string> :
239 T extends NodeStream<infer X> ? NodeStream<string> :
240 string
243/** Class that represents an OpenPGP message. Can be an encrypted message, signed message, compressed message or literal message
244 */
245export class Message<T extends MaybeStream<Data>> {
247 public readonly packets: PacketList<AnyPacket>;
248 constructor(packetlist: PacketList<AnyPacket>);
250 /** Returns binary representation of message
251 */
252 public write(): MaybeStream<Uint8Array>;
254 /** Returns ASCII armored text of message
255 */
256 public armor(config?: Config): string;
258 /** Decrypt the message
259 @param decryptionKeys array of private keys with decrypted secret data
260 */
261 public decrypt(decryptionKeys?: PrivateKey[], passwords?: string[], sessionKeys?: SessionKey[], date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<Message<MaybeStream<Data>>>;
263 /** Encrypt the message
264 @param encryptionKeys array of public keys, used to encrypt the message
265 */
266 public encrypt(encryptionKeys?: PublicKey[], passwords?: string[], sessionKeys?: SessionKey[], wildcard?: boolean, encryptionKeyIDs?: KeyID[], date?: Date, userIDs?: UserID[], config?: Config): Promise<Message<MaybeStream<Data>>>;
268 /** Returns the key IDs of the keys to which the session key is encrypted
269 */
270 public getEncryptionKeyIDs(): KeyID[];
272 /** Get literal data that is the body of the message
273 */
274 public getLiteralData(): (T extends Stream<Data> ? WebStream<Uint8Array> : Uint8Array) | null;
276 /** Returns the key IDs of the keys that signed the message
277 */
278 public getSigningKeyIDs(): KeyID[];
280 /** Get literal data as text
281 */
282 public getText(): (T extends Stream<Data> ? WebStream<string> : string) | null;
284 public getFilename(): string | null;
286 /** Sign the message (the literal data packet of the message)
287 @param signingKeys private keys with decrypted secret key data for signing
288 */
289 public sign(signingKeys: PrivateKey[], signature?: Signature, signingKeyIDs?: KeyID[], date?: Date, userIDs?: UserID[], notations?: RawNotation[], config?: Config): Promise<Message<T>>;
291 /** Unwrap compressed message
292 */
293 public unwrapCompressed(): Message<T>;
295 /** Verify message signatures
296 @param verificationKeys array of public keys to verify signatures
297 */
298 public verify(verificationKeys: PublicKey[], date?: Date, config?: Config): Promise<VerificationResult[]>;
300 /**
301 * Append signature to unencrypted message object
302 * @param {String|Uint8Array} detachedSignature - The detached ASCII-armored or Uint8Array PGP signature
303 */
304 public appendSignature(detachedSignature: string | Uint8Array, config?: Config): Promise<void>;
308/* ############## v5 CONFIG #################### */
310interface Config {
311 preferredHashAlgorithm: enums.hash;
312 preferredSymmetricAlgorithm: enums.symmetric;
313 preferredCompressionAlgorithm: enums.compression;
314 showVersion: boolean;
315 showComment: boolean;
316 deflateLevel: number;
317 aeadProtect: boolean;
318 allowUnauthenticatedMessages: boolean;
319 allowUnauthenticatedStream: boolean;
320 checksumRequired: boolean;
321 minRSABits: number;
322 passwordCollisionCheck: boolean;
323 revocationsExpire: boolean;
324 ignoreUnsupportedPackets: boolean;
325 ignoreMalformedPackets: boolean;
326 versionString: string;
327 commentString: string;
328 allowInsecureDecryptionWithSigningKeys: boolean;
329 allowInsecureVerificationWithReformattedKeys: boolean;
330 constantTimePKCS1Decryption: boolean;
331 constantTimePKCS1DecryptionSupportedSymmetricAlgorithms: Set<enums.symmetric>;
332 v5Keys: boolean;
333 preferredAEADAlgorithm: enums.aead;
334 aeadChunkSizeByte: number;
335 s2kIterationCountByte: number;
336 minBytesForWebCrypto: number;
337 maxUserIDLength: number;
338 knownNotations: string[];
339 useIndutnyElliptic: boolean;
340 rejectHashAlgorithms: Set<enums.hash>;
341 rejectMessageHashAlgorithms: Set<enums.hash>;
342 rejectPublicKeyAlgorithms: Set<enums.publicKey>;
343 rejectCurves: Set<enums.curve>;
345export var config: Config;
347// PartialConfig has the same properties as Config, but declared as optional.
348// This interface is relevant for top-level functions, which accept a subset of configuration options
349interface PartialConfig extends Partial<Config> {}
351/* ############## v5 PACKET #################### */
353declare abstract class BasePacket {
354 static readonly tag: enums.packet;
355 public read(bytes: Uint8Array): void;
356 public write(): Uint8Array;
360 * The relationship between the KeyPacket classes is modeled by considering the following:
361 * - A Secret (Sub)Key Packet can always be used when a Public one is expected.
362 * - A Subkey Packet cannot always be used when a Primary Key Packet is expected (and vice versa).
363 */
364declare abstract class BasePublicKeyPacket extends BasePacket {
365 public algorithm: enums.publicKey;
366 public created: Date;
367 public version: number;
368 public getAlgorithmInfo(): AlgorithmInfo;
369 public getFingerprint(): string;
370 public getFingerprintBytes(): Uint8Array | null;
371 public hasSameFingerprintAs(other: BasePublicKeyPacket): boolean;
372 public getCreationTime(): Date;
373 public getKeyID(): KeyID;
374 public isDecrypted(): boolean;
375 public publicParams: object;
376 // `isSubkey` is a dummy method to ensure that Subkey packets are not accepted as Key one, and vice versa.
377 // The key class hierarchy is already modelled to cover this, but the concrete key packet classes
378 // have compatible structure and TS can't detect the difference.
379 protected isSubkey(): boolean;
382export class PublicKeyPacket extends BasePublicKeyPacket {
383 static readonly tag: enums.packet.publicKey;
384 protected isSubkey(): false;
387export class PublicSubkeyPacket extends BasePublicKeyPacket {
388 static readonly tag: enums.packet.publicSubkey;
389 protected isSubkey(): true;
392declare abstract class BaseSecretKeyPacket extends BasePublicKeyPacket {
393 public privateParams: object | null;
394 public encrypt(passphrase: string, config?: Config): Promise<void>; // throws on error
395 public decrypt(passphrase: string): Promise<void>; // throws on error
396 public validate(): Promise<void>; // throws on error
397 public isDummy(): boolean;
398 public isMissingSecretKeyMaterial(): boolean;
399 public makeDummy(config?: Config): void;
402export class SecretKeyPacket extends BaseSecretKeyPacket {
403 static readonly tag: enums.packet.secretKey;
404 protected isSubkey(): false;
407export class SecretSubkeyPacket extends BaseSecretKeyPacket {
408 static readonly tag: enums.packet.secretSubkey;
409 protected isSubkey(): true;
412export class CompressedDataPacket extends BasePacket {
413 static readonly tag: enums.packet.compressedData;
414 private compress(): void;
415 private decompress(config?: Config): void;
418export class SymEncryptedIntegrityProtectedDataPacket extends BasePacket {
419 static readonly tag: enums.packet.symEncryptedIntegrityProtectedData;
422export class AEADEncryptedDataPacket extends BasePacket {
423 static readonly tag: enums.packet.aeadEncryptedData;
424 private decrypt(sessionKeyAlgorithm: enums.symmetric, sessionKey: Uint8Array, config?: Config): void;
425 private encrypt(sessionKeyAlgorithm: enums.symmetric, sessionKey: Uint8Array, config?: Config): void;
426 private crypt(fn: Function, sessionKey: Uint8Array, data: MaybeStream<Uint8Array>): MaybeStream<Uint8Array>
429export class PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKeyPacket extends BasePacket {
430 static readonly tag: enums.packet.publicKeyEncryptedSessionKey;
431 private decrypt(keyPacket: SecretKeyPacket): void; // throws on error
432 private encrypt(keyPacket: PublicKeyPacket): void; // throws on error
435export class SymEncryptedSessionKeyPacket extends BasePacket {
436 static readonly tag: enums.packet.symEncryptedSessionKey;
437 private decrypt(passphrase: string): Promise<void>;
438 private encrypt(passphrase: string, config?: Config): Promise<void>;
441export class LiteralDataPacket extends BasePacket {
442 static readonly tag: enums.packet.literalData;
443 private getText(clone?: boolean): MaybeStream<string>;
444 private getBytes(clone?: boolean): MaybeStream<Uint8Array>;
445 private setText(text: MaybeStream<string>, format?: enums.literal);
446 private setBytes(bytes: MaybeStream<Uint8Array>, format: enums.literal);
447 private setFilename(filename: string);
448 private getFilename(): string;
449 private writeHeader(): Uint8Array;
452export class SymmetricallyEncryptedDataPacket extends BasePacket {
453 static readonly tag: enums.packet.symmetricallyEncryptedData;
454 private decrypt(sessionKeyAlgorithm: enums.symmetric, sessionKey: Uint8Array, config?: Config): void;
455 private encrypt(sessionKeyAlgorithm: enums.symmetric, sessionKey: Uint8Array, config?: Config): void;
458export class MarkerPacket extends BasePacket {
459 static readonly tag: enums.packet.marker;
462export class UserAttributePacket extends BasePacket {
463 static readonly tag: enums.packet.userAttribute;
464 private equals(packet: UserAttributePacket): boolean;
467export class OnePassSignaturePacket extends BasePacket {
468 static readonly tag: enums.packet.onePassSignature;
469 public correspondingSig?: Promise<SignaturePacket>;
470 private verify: SignaturePacket['verify'];
473export class UserIDPacket extends BasePacket {
474 static readonly tag: enums.packet.userID;
475 public readonly name: string;
476 public readonly comment: string;
477 public readonly email: string;
478 public readonly userID: string;
479 static fromObject(userID: UserID): UserIDPacket;
482export class SignaturePacket extends BasePacket {
483 static readonly tag: enums.packet.signature;
484 public version: number;
485 public signatureType: enums.signature | null;
486 public hashAlgorithm: enums.hash | null;
487 public publicKeyAlgorithm: enums.publicKey | null;
488 public signatureData: null | Uint8Array;
489 public unhashedSubpackets: null | Uint8Array;
490 public signedHashValue: null | Uint8Array;
491 public created: Date | null;
492 public signatureExpirationTime: null | number;
493 public signatureNeverExpires: boolean;
494 public exportable: null | boolean;
495 public trustLevel: null | number;
496 public trustAmount: null | number;
497 public regularExpression: null | number;
498 public revocable: null | boolean;
499 public keyExpirationTime: null | number;
500 public keyNeverExpires: null | boolean;
501 public preferredSymmetricAlgorithms: enums.symmetric[] | null;
502 public revocationKeyClass: null | number;
503 public revocationKeyAlgorithm: null | enums.publicKey;
504 public revocationKeyFingerprint: null | Uint8Array;
505 public issuerKeyID: KeyID;
506 public notation: null | { [name: string]: string };
507 public preferredHashAlgorithms: enums.hash[] | null;
508 public preferredCompressionAlgorithms: enums.compression[] | null;
509 public keyServerPreferences: null | number[];
510 public preferredKeyServer: null | string;
511 public isPrimaryUserID: null | boolean;
512 public policyURI: null | string;
513 public keyFlags: Uint8Array | null;
514 public signersUserID: null | string;
515 public reasonForRevocationFlag: null | enums.reasonForRevocation;
516 public reasonForRevocationString: null | string;
517 public features: Uint8Array | null;
518 public signatureTargetPublicKeyAlgorithm: enums.publicKey | null;
519 public signatureTargetHashAlgorithm: enums.hash | null;
520 public signatureTargetHash: null | string;
521 public embeddedSignature: null | SignaturePacket;
522 public issuerKeyVersion: null | number;
523 public issuerFingerprint: null | Uint8Array;
524 public preferredAEADAlgorithms: enums.aead[] | null;
525 public revoked: null | boolean;
526 public rawNotations: RawNotation[];
527 public sign(key: AnySecretKeyPacket, data: Uint8Array, date?: Date, detached?: boolean): Promise<void>;
528 public verify(key: AnyKeyPacket, signatureType: enums.signature, data: Uint8Array | object, date?: Date, detached?: boolean, config?: Config): Promise<void>; // throws on error
529 public isExpired(date?: Date): boolean;
530 public getExpirationTime(): Date | typeof Infinity;
533export interface RawNotation {
534 name: string;
535 value: Uint8Array;
536 humanReadable: boolean;
537 critical: boolean;
540export class TrustPacket extends BasePacket {
541 static readonly tag: enums.packet.trust;
544export class UnparseablePacket {
545 tag: enums.packet;
546 write: () => Uint8Array;
549export type AnyPacket = BasePacket | UnparseablePacket;
550export type AnySecretKeyPacket = SecretKeyPacket | SecretSubkeyPacket;
551export type AnyKeyPacket = BasePublicKeyPacket;
553type AllowedPackets = Map<enums.packet, object>; // mapping to Packet classes (i.e. typeof LiteralDataPacket etc.)
554export class PacketList<T extends AnyPacket> extends Array<T> {
555 static fromBinary(bytes: MaybeStream<Uint8Array>, allowedPackets: AllowedPackets, config?: Config): PacketList<AnyPacket>; // the packet types depend on`allowedPackets`
556 public read(bytes: MaybeStream<Uint8Array>, allowedPackets: AllowedPackets, config?: Config): void;
557 public write(): Uint8Array;
558 public filterByTag(...args: enums.packet[]): PacketList<T>;
559 public indexOfTag(...tags: enums.packet[]): number[];
560 public findPacket(tag: enums.packet): T | undefined;
563/* ############## v5 STREAM #################### */
565type Data = Uint8Array | string;
566export interface WebStream<T extends Data> extends GenericWebStream<T> {}
567export interface NodeStream<T extends Data> extends GenericNodeStream<T> {}
568export type Stream<T extends Data> = WebStream<T> | NodeStream<T>;
569export type MaybeStream<T extends Data> = T | Stream<T>;
571/* ############## v5 GENERAL #################### */
572type MaybeArray<T> = T | Array<T>;
574export interface UserID { name?: string; email?: string; comment?: string; }
575export interface SessionKey {
576 data: Uint8Array;
577 algorithm: enums.symmetricNames;
578 aeadAlgorithm?: enums.aeadNames;
581export interface ReasonForRevocation { flag?: enums.reasonForRevocation, string?: string }
583interface EncryptOptions {
584 /** message to be encrypted as created by createMessage */
585 message: Message<MaybeStream<Data>>;
586 /** (optional) array of keys or single key, used to encrypt the message */
587 encryptionKeys?: MaybeArray<PublicKey>;
588 /** (optional) private keys for signing. If omitted message will not be signed */
589 signingKeys?: MaybeArray<PrivateKey>;
590 /** (optional) array of passwords or a single password to encrypt the message */
591 passwords?: MaybeArray<string>;
592 /** (optional) session key */
593 sessionKey?: SessionKey;
594 /** if the return values should be ascii armored or the message/signature objects */
595 format?: 'armored' | 'binary' | 'object';
596 /** (optional) if the signature should be detached (if true, signature will be added to returned object) */
597 signature?: Signature;
598 /** (optional) encrypt as of a certain date */
599 date?: Date;
600 /** (optional) use a key ID of 0 instead of the public key IDs */
601 wildcard?: boolean;
602 /** (optional) Array of key IDs to use for signing. Each `signingKeyIDs[i]` corresponds to `signingKeys[i]` */
603 signingKeyIDs?: MaybeArray<KeyID>;
604 /** (optional) Array of key IDs to use for encryption. Each `encryptionKeyIDs[i]` corresponds to `encryptionKeys[i]`*/
605 encryptionKeyIDs?: MaybeArray<KeyID>;
606 /** (optional) Array of user IDs to sign with, e.g. { name:'Steve Sender', email:'steve@openpgp.org' } */
607 signingUserIDs?: MaybeArray<UserID>;
608 /** (optional) array of user IDs to encrypt for, e.g. { name:'Robert Receiver', email:'robert@openpgp.org' } */
609 encryptionUserIDs?: MaybeArray<UserID>;
610 /** (optional) array of notations to add to the signatures, e.g. { name: 'test@example.org', value: new TextEncoder().encode('test'), humanReadable: true, critical: false } */
611 signatureNotations?: MaybeArray<RawNotation>;
612 config?: PartialConfig;
615interface DecryptOptions {
616 /** the message object with the encrypted data */
617 message: Message<MaybeStream<Data>>;
618 /** (optional) private keys with decrypted secret key data or session key */
619 decryptionKeys?: MaybeArray<PrivateKey>;
620 /** (optional) passwords to decrypt the message */
621 passwords?: MaybeArray<string>;
622 /** (optional) session keys in the form: { data:Uint8Array, algorithm:String } */
623 sessionKeys?: MaybeArray<SessionKey>;
624 /** (optional) array of public keys or single key, to verify signatures */
625 verificationKeys?: MaybeArray<PublicKey>;
626 /** (optional) whether data decryption should fail if the message is not signed with the provided publicKeys */
627 expectSigned?: boolean;
628 /** (optional) whether to return data as a string(Stream) or Uint8Array(Stream). If 'utf8' (the default), also normalize newlines. */
629 format?: 'utf8' | 'binary';
630 /** (optional) detached signature for verification */
631 signature?: Signature;
632 /** (optional) use the given date for verification instead of the current time */
633 date?: Date;
634 config?: PartialConfig;
637interface SignOptions {
638 message: CleartextMessage | Message<MaybeStream<Data>>;
639 signingKeys: MaybeArray<PrivateKey>;
640 format?: 'armored' | 'binary' | 'object';
641 detached?: boolean;
642 signingKeyIDs?: MaybeArray<KeyID>;
643 date?: Date;
644 signingUserIDs?: MaybeArray<UserID>;
645 signatureNotations?: MaybeArray<RawNotation>;
646 config?: PartialConfig;
649interface VerifyOptions {
650 /** (cleartext) message object with signatures */
651 message: CleartextMessage | Message<MaybeStream<Data>>;
652 /** array of publicKeys or single key, to verify signatures */
653 verificationKeys: MaybeArray<PublicKey>;
654 /** (optional) whether verification should throw if the message is not signed with the provided publicKeys */
655 expectSigned?: boolean;
656 /** (optional) whether to return data as a string(Stream) or Uint8Array(Stream). If 'utf8' (the default), also normalize newlines. */
657 format?: 'utf8' | 'binary';
658 /** (optional) detached signature for verification */
659 signature?: Signature;
660 /** (optional) use the given date for verification instead of the current time */
661 date?: Date | null;
662 config?: PartialConfig;
665interface EncryptSessionKeyOptions extends SessionKey {
666 encryptionKeys?: MaybeArray<PublicKey>,
667 passwords?: MaybeArray<string>,
668 format?: 'armored' | 'binary' | 'object',
669 date?: Date,
670 wildcard?: boolean,
671 encryptionKeyIDs?: MaybeArray<KeyID>,
672 encryptionUserIDs?: MaybeArray<UserID>,
673 config?: PartialConfig
676interface SerializedKeyPair<T extends string|Uint8Array> {
677 privateKey: T;
678 publicKey: T;
680interface KeyPair {
681 privateKey: PrivateKey;
682 publicKey: PublicKey;
685export type EllipticCurveName = 'ed25519' | 'curve25519' | 'p256' | 'p384' | 'p521' | 'secp256k1' | 'brainpoolP256r1' | 'brainpoolP384r1' | 'brainpoolP512r1';
687interface GenerateKeyOptions {
688 userIDs: MaybeArray<UserID>;
689 passphrase?: string;
690 type?: 'ecc' | 'rsa';
691 curve?: EllipticCurveName;
692 rsaBits?: number;
693 keyExpirationTime?: number;
694 date?: Date;
695 subkeys?: SubkeyOptions[];
696 format?: 'armored' | 'object' | 'binary';
697 config?: PartialConfig;
699export type KeyOptions = GenerateKeyOptions;
701interface SubkeyOptions {
702 type?: 'ecc' | 'rsa';
703 curve?: EllipticCurveName;
704 rsaBits?: number;
705 keyExpirationTime?: number;
706 date?: Date;
707 sign?: boolean;
708 config?: PartialConfig;
711declare class KeyID {
712 bytes: string;
713 equals(keyID: KeyID, matchWildcard?: boolean): boolean;
714 toHex(): string;
715 static fromID(hex: string): KeyID;
718interface DecryptMessageResult {
719 data: MaybeStream<Data>;
720 signatures: VerificationResult[];
721 filename: string;
724interface VerifyMessageResult<T extends MaybeStream<Data> = MaybeStream<Data>> {
725 data: T;
726 signatures: VerificationResult[];
731 * Armor an OpenPGP binary packet block
732 */
733export function armor(messagetype: enums.armor, body: object, partindex?: number, parttotal?: number, customComment?: string, config?: Config): string;
736 * DeArmor an OpenPGP armored message; verify the checksum and return the encoded bytes
737 */
738export function unarmor(input: string, config?: Config): Promise<{ text: string, data: Stream<Uint8Array>, type: enums.armor }>;
740/* ############## v5 ENUMS #################### */
742export namespace enums {
743 function read(type: typeof armor, e: armor): armorNames;
744 function read(type: typeof compression, e: compression): compressionNames;
745 function read(type: typeof hash, e: hash): hashNames;
746 function read(type: typeof packet, e: packet): packetNames;
747 function read(type: typeof publicKey, e: publicKey): publicKeyNames;
748 function read(type: typeof symmetric, e: symmetric): symmetricNames;
749 function read(type: typeof keyStatus, e: keyStatus): keyStatusNames;
750 function read(type: typeof keyFlags, e: keyFlags): keyFlagsNames;
752 export type armorNames = 'multipartSection' | 'multipartLast' | 'signed' | 'message' | 'publicKey' | 'privateKey';
753 enum armor {
754 multipartSection = 0,
755 multipartLast = 1,
756 signed = 2,
757 message = 3,
758 publicKey = 4,
759 privateKey = 5,
760 signature = 6,
761 }
763 enum reasonForRevocation {
764 noReason = 0, // No reason specified (key revocations or cert revocations)
765 keySuperseded = 1, // Key is superseded (key revocations)
766 keyCompromised = 2, // Key material has been compromised (key revocations)
767 keyRetired = 3, // Key is retired and no longer used (key revocations)
768 userIDInvalid = 32, // User ID information is no longer valid (cert revocations)
769 }
771 export type compressionNames = 'uncompressed' | 'zip' | 'zlib' | 'bzip2';
772 enum compression {
773 uncompressed = 0,
774 zip = 1,
775 zlib = 2,
776 bzip2 = 3,
777 }
779 export type hashNames = 'md5' | 'sha1' | 'ripemd' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512' | 'sha224';
780 enum hash {
781 md5 = 1,
782 sha1 = 2,
783 ripemd = 3,
784 sha256 = 8,
785 sha384 = 9,
786 sha512 = 10,
787 sha224 = 11,
788 }
790 export type packetNames = 'publicKeyEncryptedSessionKey' | 'signature' | 'symEncryptedSessionKey' | 'onePassSignature' | 'secretKey' | 'publicKey'
791 | 'secretSubkey' | 'compressed' | 'symmetricallyEncrypted' | 'marker' | 'literal' | 'trust' | 'userID' | 'publicSubkey' | 'userAttribute'
792 | 'symEncryptedIntegrityProtected' | 'modificationDetectionCode' | 'AEADEncryptedDataPacket';
793 enum packet {
794 publicKeyEncryptedSessionKey = 1,
795 signature = 2,
796 symEncryptedSessionKey = 3,
797 onePassSignature = 4,
798 secretKey = 5,
799 publicKey = 6,
800 secretSubkey = 7,
801 compressedData = 8,
802 symmetricallyEncryptedData = 9,
803 marker = 10,
804 literalData = 11,
805 trust = 12,
806 userID = 13,
807 publicSubkey = 14,
808 userAttribute = 17,
809 symEncryptedIntegrityProtectedData = 18,
810 modificationDetectionCode = 19,
811 aeadEncryptedData = 20,
812 }
814 export type publicKeyNames = 'rsaEncryptSign' | 'rsaEncrypt' | 'rsaSign' | 'elgamal' | 'dsa' | 'ecdh' | 'ecdsa' | 'eddsa' | 'aedh' | 'aedsa';
815 enum publicKey {
816 rsaEncryptSign = 1,
817 rsaEncrypt = 2,
818 rsaSign = 3,
819 elgamal = 16,
820 dsa = 17,
821 ecdh = 18,
822 ecdsa = 19,
823 /** @deprecated use `eddsaLegacy` instead */
824 eddsa = 22,
825 eddsaLegacy = 22,
826 aedh = 23,
827 aedsa = 24,
828 }
830 enum curve {
831 p256 = 'p256',
832 p384 = 'p384',
833 p521 = 'p521',
834 /** @deprecated use `ed25519Legacy` instead */
835 ed25519 = 'ed25519',
836 ed25519Legacy = 'ed25519',
837 /** @deprecated use `curve25519Legacy` instead */
838 curve25519 = 'curve25519',
839 curve25519Legacy = 'curve25519',
840 secp256k1 = 'secp256k1',
841 brainpoolP256r1 = 'brainpoolP256r1',
842 brainpoolP384r1 = 'brainpoolP384r1',
843 brainpoolP512r1 = 'brainpoolP512r1'
844 }
846 export type symmetricNames = 'plaintext' | 'idea' | 'tripledes' | 'cast5' | 'blowfish' | 'aes128' | 'aes192' | 'aes256' | 'twofish';
847 enum symmetric {
848 plaintext = 0,
849 idea = 1,
850 tripledes = 2,
851 cast5 = 3,
852 blowfish = 4,
853 aes128 = 7,
854 aes192 = 8,
855 aes256 = 9,
856 twofish = 10,
857 }
859 export type keyStatusNames = 'invalid' | 'expired' | 'revoked' | 'valid' | 'noSelfCert';
860 enum keyStatus {
861 invalid = 0,
862 expired = 1,
863 revoked = 2,
864 valid = 3,
865 noSelfCert = 4,
866 }
868 export type keyFlagsNames = 'certifyKeys' | 'signData' | 'encryptCommunication' | 'encryptStorage' | 'splitPrivateKey' | 'authentication'
869 | 'sharedPrivateKey';
870 enum keyFlags {
871 certifyKeys = 1,
872 signData = 2,
873 encryptCommunication = 4,
874 encryptStorage = 8,
875 splitPrivateKey = 16,
876 authentication = 32,
877 sharedPrivateKey = 128,
878 }
880 enum signature {
881 binary = 0,
882 text = 1,
883 standalone = 2,
884 certGeneric = 16,
885 certPersona = 17,
886 certCasual = 18,
887 certPositive = 19,
888 certRevocation = 48,
889 subkeyBinding = 24,
890 keyBinding = 25,
891 key = 31,
892 keyRevocation = 32,
893 subkeyRevocation = 40,
894 timestamp = 64,
895 thirdParty = 80
896 }
898 export type aeadNames = 'eax' | 'ocb' | 'gcm';
899 enum aead {
900 eax = 1,
901 ocb = 2,
902 experimentalGCM = 100 // Private algorithm
903 }
905 export type literalFormatNames = 'utf8' | 'binary' | 'text' | 'mime'
906 enum literal {
907 binary = 98,
908 text = 116,
909 utf8 = 117,
910 mime = 109
911 }