11.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/* global jasmine, describe, expect, it */
3jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 50000
5var openpublish = require('../src/index')
6var blockcast = require('blockcast')
7var File = require('file-api').File
8var fs = require('fs')
10var txHexToJSON = require('bitcoin-tx-hex-to-json')
12var env = require('node-env-file')
13env('./.env', { raise: false })
17var commonBlockchain = require('blockcypher-unofficial')({
19 network: 'testnet'
22var testCommonWallet = require('test-common-wallet')
24var aliceWallet = testCommonWallet({
25 seed: 'test',
26 network: 'testnet',
27 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
30var bobWallet = testCommonWallet({
31 seed: 'test1',
32 network: 'testnet',
33 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
36var inMemoryCommonBlockchain = require('mem-common-blockchain')()
38var inMemoryAliceWallet = testCommonWallet({
39 seed: 'test',
40 network: 'testnet',
41 commonBlockchain: inMemoryCommonBlockchain
44var createRandomString = function (length) {
45 var characters = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
46 var output = ''
47 for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
48 var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)
49 output += characters.substring(r, r + 1)
50 }
51 return output
54var createRandomFile = function (options, callback) {
55 var fileName = options.fileName
56 var string = options.string
57 var path = './test/' + fileName
58 fs.writeFile(path, string, function (err) {
59 if (err) { } // TODO
60 callback(path)
61 })
64var sha1 = 'dc724af18fbdd4e59189f5fe768a5f8311527050'
66describe('open-publish', function () {
67 var fileBuffer = new Buffer('testing')
68 var fileName = 'test.txt'
69 var fileType = 'text/plain'
70 var fileTitle = 'A text file for testing'
71 var fileKeywords = 'test, text, txt'
72 var fileBtih = '335400c43179bb1ad0085289e4e60c0574e6252e'
73 var fileSha1 = 'dc724af18fbdd4e59189f5fe768a5f8311527050'
74 var fileIpfs = 'QmcJf1w9bVpquGdzCp86pX4K21Zcn7bJBUtrBP1cr2NFuR'
76 it('should get the number of transaction payloads', function (done) {
77 var file = new File({
78 name: fileName,
79 type: fileType,
80 buffer: fileBuffer
81 })
82 openpublish.getPayloadsLength({
83 file: file,
84 title: fileTitle,
85 keywords: fileKeywords,
86 commonWallet: aliceWallet,
87 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
88 }, function (err, payloadsLength) {
89 if (err) { } // TODO
90 expect(payloadsLength).toBe(3)
91 done()
92 })
93 })
95 it('Alice should publish a small text file', function (done) {
96 var file = new File({
97 name: fileName,
98 type: fileType,
99 buffer: fileBuffer
100 })
101 openpublish.register({
102 file: file,
103 title: fileTitle,
104 keywords: fileKeywords,
105 commonWallet: aliceWallet,
106 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
107 }, function (err, receipt) {
108 if (err) { } // TODO
109 console.log(receipt)
110 var data = receipt.data
111 expect(data.op).toBe('r')
112 expect(data.btih).toBe(fileBtih)
113 expect(data.sha1).toBe(fileSha1)
114 expect(data.ipfs).toBe(fileIpfs)
115 expect(data.name).toBe(fileName)
116 expect(data.size).toBe(fileBuffer.length)
117 expect(data.type).toBe(fileType)
118 expect(data.title).toBe(fileTitle)
119 expect(data.uri).not.toBeDefined()
120 expect(data.keywords).toBe(fileKeywords)
121 var blockcastTx = receipt.blockcastTx
122 expect(blockcastTx.txid).toBeDefined()
123 expect(blockcastTx.transactionTotal).toBe(3)
124 done()
125 })
126 })
128 it('Alice should register then transfer some ownership to Bob', function (done) {
129 var randomBufferSize = 48
130 var randomFileName = 'randomFile.txt'
131 var randomString = createRandomString(randomBufferSize)
132 var assetValue = 50000000
133 var bitcoinValue = 12345
134 var bobWalletSignPrimaryTxHex = function (txHex, callback) {
135 var tx = txHexToJSON(txHex)
136 expect(tx.vin.length).toBe(2)
137 expect(tx.vout.length).toBe(4)
138 expect(tx.vout[0].value).toBe(bitcoinValue)
139 expect(tx.vout[2].value).toBe(0)
140 expect(tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey.type).toBe('pubkeyhash')
141 expect(tx.vout[1].scriptPubKey.type).toBe('pubkeyhash')
142 expect(tx.vout[2].scriptPubKey.type).toBe('nulldata')
143 expect(tx.vout[3].scriptPubKey.type).toBe('pubkeyhash')
144 bobWallet.signRawTransaction({txHex: txHex, input: 0}, callback)
145 }
146 createRandomFile({string: randomString, fileName: randomFileName}, function (path) {
147 var randomFile = new File(path)
148 randomFile.size = randomBufferSize
149 var ttl = 365
150 openpublish.register({
151 file: randomFile,
152 commonWallet: aliceWallet,
153 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
154 }, function (err, receipt) {
155 if (err) { } // TODO
156 console.log(receipt)
157 var registerData = receipt.data
158 var sha1 = registerData.sha1
159 openpublish.transfer({
160 assetValue: assetValue,
161 bitcoinValue: bitcoinValue,
162 ttl: ttl,
163 sha1: sha1,
164 assetWallet: aliceWallet,
165 bitcoinWallet: bobWallet,
166 bitcoinWalletSignPrimaryTxHex: bobWalletSignPrimaryTxHex,
167 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
168 }, function (err, receipt) {
169 if (err) { } // TODO
170 console.log(receipt)
171 var transferData = receipt.data
172 expect(transferData.op).toBe('t')
173 expect(transferData.sha1).toBe(sha1)
174 expect(transferData.value).toBe(assetValue)
175 expect(transferData.ttl).toBe(ttl)
176 expect(receipt.blockcastTx.txid).toBeDefined()
177 done()
178 })
179 })
180 })
181 })
183 it('should find an open publish register transaction', function (done) {
184 openpublish.scanSingle({
185 txid: '1a1a36bed1de5a46ae1c85c2a4efe53201b7cd650911576aba331279275b0e25',
186 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
187 }, function (err, data) {
188 if (err) { } // TODO
189 expect(data.op).toBe('r')
190 expect(data.addr).toBe('msLoJikUfxbc2U5UhRSjc2svusBSqMdqxZ')
191 expect(data.btih).toBe(fileBtih)
192 expect(data.sha1).toBe(fileSha1)
193 expect(data.name).toBe(fileName)
194 expect(data.size).toBe(fileBuffer.length)
195 expect(data.type).toBe(fileType)
196 expect(data.title).toBe(fileTitle)
197 expect(data.uri).not.toBeDefined()
198 expect(data.keywords).toBe(fileKeywords)
199 done()
200 })
201 })
203 it('should process an open publish register transaction', function (done) {
204 blockcast.scanSingle({
205 txid: '1a1a36bed1de5a46ae1c85c2a4efe53201b7cd650911576aba331279275b0e25',
206 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
207 }, function (err, rawData, addresses, primaryTx) {
208 if (err) { } // TODO
209 var data = openpublish.processRegistration(JSON.parse(rawData), primaryTx)
210 expect(data.op).toBe('r')
211 expect(data.addr).toBe('msLoJikUfxbc2U5UhRSjc2svusBSqMdqxZ')
212 expect(data.btih).toBe(fileBtih)
213 expect(data.sha1).toBe(fileSha1)
214 expect(data.name).toBe(fileName)
215 expect(data.size).toBe(fileBuffer.length)
216 expect(data.type).toBe(fileType)
217 expect(data.title).toBe(fileTitle)
218 expect(data.uri).not.toBeDefined()
219 expect(data.keywords).toBe(fileKeywords)
220 done()
221 })
222 })
224 it('should find an open publish transfer transaction', function (done) {
225 var txid = '8f495d095ab55839675af686b98dc5b437ad3d8789546c9c5521feabbe104d70'
226 openpublish.scanSingle({
227 txid: txid,
228 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
229 }, function (err, data) {
230 if (err) { } // TODO
231 expect(data.assetValue).toBe(50000000)
232 expect(data.assetAddress).toBe('msLoJikUfxbc2U5UhRSjc2svusBSqMdqxZ')
233 expect(data.bitcoinValue).toBe(12345)
234 expect(data.bitcoinAddress).toBe('mwaj74EideMcpe4cjieuPFpqacmpjtKSk1')
235 expect(data.sha1).toBe('78d4fdf50ab5c2528b9a1b69baac7fe9819f0670')
236 expect(data.ttl).toBe(365)
237 done()
238 })
239 })
241 it('should process an open publish transfer transaction', function (done) {
242 var txid = '8f495d095ab55839675af686b98dc5b437ad3d8789546c9c5521feabbe104d70'
243 blockcast.scanSingle({
244 txid: txid,
245 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
246 }, function (err, rawData, addresses, primaryTx) {
247 if (err) { } // TODO
248 var data = openpublish.processTransfer(JSON.parse(rawData), primaryTx)
249 expect(data.assetValue).toBe(50000000)
250 expect(data.assetAddress).toBe('msLoJikUfxbc2U5UhRSjc2svusBSqMdqxZ')
251 expect(data.bitcoinValue).toBe(12345)
252 expect(data.bitcoinAddress).toBe('mwaj74EideMcpe4cjieuPFpqacmpjtKSk1')
253 expect(data.sha1).toBe('78d4fdf50ab5c2528b9a1b69baac7fe9819f0670')
254 expect(data.ttl).toBe(365)
255 done()
256 })
257 })
259 it('should publish and then find an open publish transaction (inMemoryCommonBlockchain)', function (done) {
260 var file = new File({
261 name: fileName,
262 type: fileType,
263 buffer: fileBuffer
264 })
265 openpublish.register({
266 file: file,
267 title: fileTitle,
268 keywords: fileKeywords,
269 name: fileName,
270 sha1: fileSha1,
271 btih: fileBtih,
272 size: fileBuffer.legnth,
273 type: fileType,
274 commonWallet: inMemoryAliceWallet,
275 commonBlockchain: inMemoryCommonBlockchain
276 }, function (err, receipt) {
277 if (err) { } // TODO
278 var blockcastTx = receipt.blockcastTx
279 var txid = blockcastTx.txid
280 openpublish.scanSingle({
281 txid: txid,
282 commonBlockchain: inMemoryCommonBlockchain
283 }, function (err, data) {
284 if (err) { } // TODO
285 expect(data.op).toBe('r')
286 expect(data.addr).toBe('msLoJikUfxbc2U5UhRSjc2svusBSqMdqxZ')
287 expect(data.btih).toBe(fileBtih)
288 expect(data.sha1).toBe(fileSha1)
289 expect(data.name).toBe(fileName)
290 expect(data.size).toBe(fileBuffer.length)
291 expect(data.type).toBe(fileType)
292 expect(data.title).toBe(fileTitle)
293 expect(data.uri).not.toBeDefined()
294 expect(data.keywords).toBe(fileKeywords)
295 done()
296 })
297 })
298 })
300 it('Alice should tip an openpublish document', function (done) {
301 var amount = 20000
302 var destination = 'mqMsBiNtGJdwdhKr12TqyRNE7RTvEeAkaR'
303 openpublish.tip({
304 destination: destination,
305 sha1: sha1,
306 amount: amount,
307 commonWallet: aliceWallet,
308 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
309 }, function (err, tipTx) {
310 if (err) { } // TODO
311 console.log(tipTx)
312 expect(tipTx.tipDestinationAddress).toBe(destination)
313 expect(tipTx.openpublishSha1).toBe(sha1)
314 expect(tipTx.tipAmount).toBe(amount)
315 expect(tipTx.txid).toBeDefined()
316 expect(tipTx.propagateResponse).toBe('success')
317 done()
318 })
319 })
321 it('Bob should tip an openpublish document', function (done) {
322 var amount = 20000
323 var destination = 'mqMsBiNtGJdwdhKr12TqyRNE7RTvEeAkaR'
324 openpublish.tip({
325 destination: destination,
326 sha1: sha1,
327 amount: amount,
328 commonWallet: bobWallet,
329 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
330 }, function (err, tipTx) {
331 if (err) { } // TODO
332 console.log(tipTx)
333 expect(tipTx.tipDestinationAddress).toBe(destination)
334 expect(tipTx.openpublishSha1).toBe(sha1)
335 expect(tipTx.tipAmount).toBe(amount)
336 expect(tipTx.txid).toBeDefined()
337 expect(tipTx.propagateResponse).toBe('success')
338 done()
339 })
340 })
342 it('should scan an opentip', function (done) {
343 var txid = 'b32192c9d2d75a8a28dd4034ea61eacb0dfe4f226acb502cfe108df20fbddebc'
344 openpublish.scanSingle({
345 txid: txid,
346 commonBlockchain: commonBlockchain
347 }, function (err, tip) {
348 if (err) { } // TODO
349 expect(tip.openpublishSha1).toBe(sha1)
350 expect(tip.tipAmount).toBe(20000)
351 expect(tip.tipDestinationAddresses[0]).toBe('mqMsBiNtGJdwdhKr12TqyRNE7RTvEeAkaR')
352 done()
353 })
354 })