28.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Copyright (c) 2016, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
5// This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License
6// (UPL) 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl and Apache License
7// 2.0 as shown at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. You may choose
8// either license.
10// If you elect to accept the software under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
11// the following applies:
13// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
14// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15// You may obtain a copy of the License at
17// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
19// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
21// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23// limitations under the License.
27'use strict';
29const Connection = require('./connection.js');
30const EventEmitter = require('events');
31const constants = require('./constants.js');
32const errors = require('./errors.js');
33const settings = require('./settings.js');
34const nodbUtil = require('./util.js');
35const impl = require('./impl');
36const PoolStatistics = require('./poolStatistics.js');
39class Pool extends EventEmitter {
41 constructor() {
42 super();
43 this._impl = new impl.PoolImpl();
44 this._queueMax = 0;
45 this._queueTimeout = 0;
46 this._enableStatistics = false;
47 this._timeOfReset = this._createdDate = Date.now();
48 this._sessionCallback = undefined;
49 this._connRequestQueue = [];
50 this._connectionClass = settings.connectionClass;
51 }
53 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 // _checkPoolOpen()
55 //
56 // Check if the pool is open (not draining/reconfiguring/closed) and throw an
57 // appropriate exception if not.
58 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 _checkPoolOpen(ignoreReconfiguring) {
60 if (this.status === constants.POOL_STATUS_DRAINING) {
61 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_POOL_CLOSING);
62 } else if (this.status === constants.POOL_STATUS_CLOSED) {
63 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_POOL_CLOSED);
64 } else if (!ignoreReconfiguring) {
65 if (this.status === constants.POOL_STATUS_RECONFIGURING) {
66 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_POOL_RECONFIGURING);
67 }
68 }
69 }
71 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 // _checkRequestQueue()
73 //
74 // When a connection is returned to the pool, this method is called (via an
75 // event handler) to determine when requests for connections should be
76 // resumed and cancels any timeout that may have been associated with the
77 // request. This method is also called from reconfigure() so that waiting
78 // connection requests can be processed. Note the use of a local variable for
79 // the number of connections out. This is because the connection requests will
80 // not resume until after the loop is finished, and therefore the number of
81 // connections the pool thinks is out will not be incremented.
82 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 _checkRequestQueue() {
84 let connectionsOut = this._connectionsOut;
85 while (this._connRequestQueue.length > 0 && connectionsOut < this.poolMax) {
86 connectionsOut += 1;
87 const payload = this._connRequestQueue.shift();
88 if (this._enableStatistics) {
89 this._totalRequestsDequeued += 1;
90 this._updateWaitStatistics(payload);
91 }
92 if (payload.timeoutHandle) {
93 clearTimeout(payload.timeoutHandle);
94 }
95 // inform the waiter that processing can continue
96 payload.resolve();
97 }
98 }
100 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 // _enableStats (DEPRECATED)
102 //
103 // Property for whether statistics are enabled on the pool.
104 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 get _enableStats() {
106 return this._enableStatistics;
107 }
109 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 // _resetStatistics()
111 // To initialize the counters/timers
112 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 _resetStatistics() {
114 this._timeOfReset = Date.now();
115 this._totalConnectionRequests = 0;
116 this._totalRequestsEnqueued = 0;
117 this._totalRequestsDequeued = 0;
118 this._totalFailedRequests = 0;
119 this._totalRequestsRejected = 0;
120 this._totalRequestTimeouts = 0;
121 this._maximumQueueLength = this._connRequestQueue.length;
122 this._totalTimeInQueue = 0;
123 this._minTimeInQueue = 0;
124 this._maxTimeInQueue = 0;
125 }
127 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 // _setup()
129 //
130 // Sets up the pool instance with additional attributes used for logging
131 // statistics and managing the connection queue.
132 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 _setup(options, poolAlias) {
134 this._queueTimeout = options.queueTimeout;
135 this._queueMax = options.queueMax;
136 this._enableStatistics = options.enableStatistics;
137 this._edition = options.edition;
138 this._eventsFlag = options.events;
139 this._externalAuth = options.externalAuth;
140 this._homogeneous = options.homogeneous;
141 this._user = options.user;
142 this._connectString = options.connectString;
143 this._status = constants.POOL_STATUS_OPEN;
144 this._connectionsOut = 0;
145 this._poolAlias = poolAlias;
147 // register event handler for when request queue should be checked
148 this.on('_checkRequestQueue', this._checkRequestQueue);
150 this._resetStatistics();
152 }
154 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 // _updateWaitStatistics()
156 //
157 // Update pool wait statistics after a connect request has spent some time in
158 // the queue.
159 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 _updateWaitStatistics(payload) {
161 const waitTime = Date.now() - payload.enqueuedTime;
162 this._totalTimeInQueue += waitTime;
163 if (this._minTimeInQueue === 0) {
164 this._minTimeInQueue = waitTime;
165 } else {
166 this._minTimeInQueue = Math.min(this._minTimeInQueue, waitTime);
167 }
168 this._maxTimeInQueue = Math.max(this._maxTimeInQueue, waitTime);
169 }
171 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 // _verifyGetConnectionOptions()
173 //
174 // Verify the getConnection() options are acceptable. Performs any
175 // transformations that are needed before returning the options to the
176 // caller.
177 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 _verifyGetConnectionOptions(options) {
180 // define normalized options (value returned to caller)
181 const outOptions = {};
183 // only one of "user" and "username" may be specified (and must be strings)
184 if (options.user !== undefined) {
185 errors.assertParamPropValue(typeof options.user === 'string', 1, "user");
186 outOptions.user = options.user;
187 }
188 if (options.username !== undefined) {
189 errors.assert(outOptions.user === undefined, errors.ERR_DBL_USER);
190 errors.assertParamPropValue(typeof options.username === 'string', 1,
191 "username");
192 outOptions.user = options.username;
193 }
195 if (this.externalAuth &&
196 outOptions.user && (outOptions.user[0] !== '['
197 || outOptions.user.slice(-1) !== ']')) {
198 // username is not enclosed in [].
199 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_WRONG_USER_FORMAT_EXTAUTH_PROXY);
200 }
202 // password must be a string
203 if (options.password !== undefined) {
204 errors.assertParamPropValue(typeof options.password === 'string', 1,
205 "password");
206 if (this.externalAuth) {
207 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_WRONG_CRED_FOR_EXTAUTH);
208 }
209 outOptions.password = options.password;
210 }
212 // tag must be a string
213 if (options.tag !== undefined) {
214 errors.assertParamPropValue(typeof options.tag === 'string', 1, "tag");
215 outOptions.tag = options.tag;
216 }
218 // matchAnyTag must be a boolean
219 if (options.matchAnyTag !== undefined) {
220 errors.assertParamPropValue(typeof options.matchAnyTag === 'boolean', 1,
221 "matchAnyTag");
222 outOptions.matchAnyTag = options.matchAnyTag;
223 }
225 // shardingKey must be an array of values
226 if (options.shardingKey !== undefined) {
227 const value = options.shardingKey;
228 errors.assertParamPropValue(nodbUtil.isShardingKey(value), 1,
229 "shardingKey");
230 outOptions.shardingKey = options.shardingKey;
231 }
233 // superShardingKey must be an array of values
234 if (options.superShardingKey !== undefined) {
235 const value = options.superShardingKey;
236 errors.assertParamPropValue(nodbUtil.isShardingKey(value), 1,
237 "superShardingKey");
238 outOptions.superShardingKey = options.superShardingKey;
239 }
241 return outOptions;
242 }
244 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 // close()
246 //
247 // Close the pool, optionally allowing for a period of time to pass for
248 // connections to "drain" from the pool.
249 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 async close(a1) {
251 let drainTime = 0;
252 let forceClose = false;
254 // check arguments
255 errors.assertArgCount(arguments, 0, 1);
256 if (arguments.length == 1) {
258 // drain time must be a valid number; timeouts larger than a 32-bit signed
259 // integer are not supported
260 errors.assertParamValue(typeof a1 === 'number', 1);
261 if (a1 < 0 || isNaN(a1) || a1 > 2 ** 31) {
262 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, 1);
263 }
265 // no need to worry about drain time if no connections are out!
266 forceClose = true;
267 if (this._connectionsOut > 0) {
268 drainTime = a1 * 1000;
269 }
271 }
273 // if the pool is draining/reconfiguring/closed, throw an appropriate error
274 this._checkPoolOpen(false);
276 // wait for the pool to become empty or for the drain timeout to expire
277 // (whichever comes first)
278 if (drainTime > 0) {
279 this._status = constants.POOL_STATUS_DRAINING;
280 await new Promise(resolve => {
281 const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
282 this.removeAllListeners('_allCheckedIn');
283 resolve();
284 }, drainTime);
285 this.once('_allCheckedIn', () => {
286 clearTimeout(timeout);
287 resolve();
288 });
289 });
290 }
292 // if any connections are still out and the pool is not being force closed,
293 // throw an exception
294 if (!forceClose && this._connectionsOut > 0) {
295 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_POOL_HAS_BUSY_CONNECTIONS);
296 }
298 // close the pool
299 await this._impl.close();
300 this._status = constants.POOL_STATUS_CLOSED;
301 this.emit('_afterPoolClose');
303 }
305 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 // connectionsInUse
307 //
308 // Property for the number of connections in use by the pool.
309 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 get connectionsInUse() {
311 return this._impl.getConnectionsInUse();
312 }
314 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 // connectionsOpen
316 //
317 // Property for the number of connections opened by the pool.
318 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 get connectionsOpen() {
320 return this._impl.getConnectionsOpen();
321 }
323 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
324 // connectString
325 //
326 // Property for the connect string used to create the pool.
327 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
328 get connectString() {
329 return this._connectString;
330 }
332 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 // thin()
334 //
335 // return true, if driver mode is thin while creating pool
336 // return false, if driver mode is thick while creating pool
337 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
338 get thin() {
339 return settings.thin;
340 }
342 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 // edition
344 //
345 // Property for the edition used to create the pool.
346 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
347 get edition() {
348 return this._edition;
349 }
351 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 // enableStatistics
353 //
354 // Property for whether statistics are enabled on the pool.
355 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
356 get enableStatistics() {
357 return this._enableStatistics;
358 }
360 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
361 // events
362 //
363 // Property for the events flag value used to create the pool.
364 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 get events() {
366 return this._eventsFlag;
367 }
369 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
370 // externalAuth
371 //
372 // Property for the externalAuth flag value used to create the pool.
373 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
374 get externalAuth() {
375 return this._externalAuth;
376 }
378 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
379 // getConnection()
380 //
381 // Gets a connection from the pool and returns it to the caller. If there are
382 // fewer connections out than the poolMax setting, then the request will
383 // return immediately; otherwise, the request will be queued for up to
384 // queueTimeout milliseconds.
385 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
386 async getConnection(a1) {
387 let poolMax;
388 let options = {};
390 // check arguments
391 errors.assertArgCount(arguments, 0, 1);
392 if (arguments.length == 1) {
393 errors.assertParamValue(nodbUtil.isObject(a1), 1);
394 options = this._verifyGetConnectionOptions(a1);
395 }
397 // get connection class value from pool
398 options.connectionClass = this._connectionClass;
400 // if pool is draining/closed, throw an appropriate error
401 this._checkPoolOpen(true);
403 // manage stats, if applicable
404 if (this._enableStatistics) {
405 this._totalConnectionRequests += 1;
406 }
408 // getting the poolMax setting on the pool may fail if the pool is no
409 // longer valid
410 try {
411 poolMax = this.poolMax;
412 } catch (err) {
413 if (this._enableStatistics) {
414 this._totalFailedRequests += 1;
415 }
416 throw err;
417 }
419 if (this._connectionsOut >= poolMax ||
420 this.status === constants.POOL_STATUS_RECONFIGURING) {
422 // when the queue is huge, throw error early without waiting for queue
423 // timeout
424 if (this._connRequestQueue.length >= this._queueMax &&
425 this._queueMax >= 0) {
426 if (this._enableStatistics) {
427 this._totalRequestsRejected += 1;
428 }
429 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_QUEUE_MAX_EXCEEDED, this._queueMax);
430 }
432 // if too many connections are out, wait until room is made available or
433 // the queue timeout expires
434 await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
436 // set up a payload which will be added to the queue for processing
437 const payload = { resolve: resolve, reject: reject };
439 // if using a queue timeout, establish the timeout so that when it
440 // expires the payload will be removed from the queue and an exception
441 // thrown
442 if (this._queueTimeout !== 0) {
443 payload.timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => {
444 const ix = this._connRequestQueue.indexOf(payload);
445 if (ix >= 0) {
446 this._connRequestQueue.splice(ix, 1);
447 }
448 if (this._enableStatistics) {
449 this._totalRequestTimeouts += 1;
450 this._updateWaitStatistics(payload);
451 }
452 try {
453 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_CONN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
454 this._queueTimeout);
455 } catch (err) {
456 reject(err);
457 }
458 }, this._queueTimeout);
459 }
461 // add payload to the queue
462 this._connRequestQueue.push(payload);
463 if (this._enableStatistics) {
464 payload.enqueuedTime = Date.now();
465 this._totalRequestsEnqueued += 1;
466 this._maximumQueueLength = Math.max(this._maximumQueueLength,
467 this._connRequestQueue.length);
468 }
470 });
472 // check if pool is draining/closed after delay has
473 // completed and throw an appropriate error
474 this._checkPoolOpen(true);
476 }
478 // room is available in the queue, so proceed to acquire a connection from
479 // the pool; adjust the connections out immediately in order to ensure that
480 // another attempt doesn't proceed while this one is underway
481 this._connectionsOut += 1;
482 try {
484 // acquire connection from the pool
485 const conn = new Connection();
486 conn._impl = await this._impl.getConnection(options);
487 conn._pool = this;
489 // invoke tag fixup callback method if one has been specified and the
490 // actual tag on the connection doesn't match the one requested, or the
491 // connection is freshly created; if the callback fails, close the
492 // connection and remove it from the pool
493 const requestedTag = options.tag || "";
494 if (typeof this.sessionCallback === 'function' &&
495 (conn._impl._newSession || conn.tag != requestedTag)) {
496 try {
497 await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
498 this.sessionCallback(conn, requestedTag, function(err) {
499 if (err) {
500 reject(err);
501 } else {
502 resolve();
503 }
504 });
505 });
506 } catch (err) {
507 await conn.close({ drop: true });
508 throw err;
509 }
510 }
512 // when connection is closed, check to see if another request should be
513 // processed and update any stats, as needed
514 conn.on('_afterConnClose', () => {
515 this._connectionsOut -= 1;
516 this.emit('_checkRequestQueue');
517 if (this._connectionsOut == 0) {
518 this.emit('_allCheckedIn');
519 }
520 });
522 return (conn);
524 } catch (err) {
525 this._connectionsOut -= 1;
526 if (this._enableStatistics) {
527 this._totalFailedRequests += 1;
528 }
529 this.emit('_checkRequestQueue');
530 throw err;
531 }
533 }
535 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
536 // getStatistics()
537 //
538 // Method to obtain a JSON object with all statistical metrics and pool
539 // properties
540 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
541 getStatistics() {
542 this._checkPoolOpen(false);
544 if (this._enableStatistics !== true) {
545 return null;
546 }
547 return new PoolStatistics(this);
548 }
550 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
551 // homogeneous
552 //
553 // Property for the homogeneous flag value used to create the pool.
554 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
555 get homogeneous() {
556 return this._homogeneous;
557 }
559 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
560 // logStatistics()
561 //
562 // Method to print statistical related information and pool related
563 // information when enableStatistics is set to true.
564 //
565 // NOTE: This function replaces the DEPRECATED _logStats() function.
566 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
567 logStatistics() {
568 const stats = this.getStatistics();
569 if (stats === null) {
570 errors.throwErr(errors.ERR_POOL_STATISTICS_DISABLED);
571 }
572 stats.logStatistics();
573 }
575 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
576 // poolAlias
577 //
578 // Property for the alias assigned to the pool.
579 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
580 get poolAlias() {
581 return this._poolAlias;
582 }
584 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
585 // poolIncrement
586 //
587 // Property for the number of connections to create each time the pool needs
588 // to grow.
589 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
590 get poolIncrement() {
591 return this._impl.getPoolIncrement();
592 }
594 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
595 // poolMax
596 //
597 // Property for the maximum number of connections allowed in the pool.
598 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 get poolMax() {
600 return this._impl.getPoolMax();
601 }
603 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
604 // poolMaxPerShard
605 //
606 // Property for the maximum number of connections allowed in the pool for
607 // each shard.
608 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
609 get poolMaxPerShard() {
610 return this._impl.getPoolMaxPerShard();
611 }
613 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
614 // poolMin
615 //
616 // Property for the minimum number of connections allowed in the pool.
617 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
618 get poolMin() {
619 return this._impl.getPoolMin();
620 }
622 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
623 // poolPingInterval
624 //
625 // Property for the ping interval to use for the pool.
626 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
627 get poolPingInterval() {
628 return this._impl.getPoolPingInterval();
629 }
631 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
632 // poolPingTimeout
633 //
634 // Property for the ping timeout associated with the pool.
635 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
636 get poolPingTimeout() {
637 return this._impl.getPoolPingTimeout();
638 }
640 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
641 // poolTimeout
642 //
643 // Property for the timeout associated with the pool.
644 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 get poolTimeout() {
646 return this._impl.getPoolTimeout();
647 }
649 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
650 // queueMax
651 //
652 // Property for the maximum number of pending pool connections that can be
653 // queued.
654 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
655 get queueMax() {
656 return this._queueMax;
657 }
659 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
660 // queueTimeout
661 //
662 // Property for the milliseconds a connection request can spend in the queue
663 // before an exception is thrown.
664 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
665 get queueTimeout() {
666 return this._queueTimeout;
667 }
669 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
670 // reconfigure()
671 //
672 // Reconfigure the pool, change the value for given pool-properties.
673 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
674 async reconfigure(options) {
676 // check arguments
677 errors.assertArgCount(arguments, 1, 1);
678 errors.assertParamValue(nodbUtil.isObject(options));
679 errors.assertParamPropUnsignedInt(options, 1, "queueMax");
680 errors.assertParamPropUnsignedInt(options, 1, "queueTimeout");
681 errors.assertParamPropBool(options, 1, "enableStatistics");
682 errors.assertParamPropBool(options, 1, "resetStatistics");
683 errors.assertParamPropUnsignedInt(options, 1, "poolMin");
684 errors.assertParamPropUnsignedInt(options, 1, "poolMax");
685 errors.assertParamPropUnsignedInt(options, 1, "poolMaxPerShard");
686 errors.assertParamPropUnsignedInt(options, 1, "poolIncrement");
687 errors.assertParamPropInt(options, 1, "poolPingInterval");
688 errors.assertParamPropUnsignedInt(options, 1, "poolTimeout");
689 errors.assertParamPropUnsignedInt(options, 1, "stmtCacheSize");
690 errors.assertParamPropBool(options, 1, "sodaMetaDataCache");
692 // reconfiguration can happen only when status is OPEN
693 this._checkPoolOpen(false);
695 this._status = constants.POOL_STATUS_RECONFIGURING;
696 try {
697 // poolMin/poolMax/poolIncrement/poolPingInterval/poolTimeout/
698 // poolMaxPerShard/stmtCacheSize/sodaMetaDataCache parameters
699 await this._impl.reconfigure(options);
701 // pool JS parameters: queueMax, queueTimeout, enableStatistics,
702 // resetStatistics
704 // reset the statistics-metrics only if 'resetStatistics' is true or
705 // 'enableStatistics' is being set to true
706 if (options.resetStatistics == true ||
707 (options.enableStatistics == true &&
708 this._enableStatistics == false)) {
709 this._resetStatistics();
710 }
712 if (options.queueMax !== undefined) {
713 this._queueMax = options.queueMax;
714 }
716 if (options.queueTimeout !== undefined) {
717 this._queueTimeout = options.queueTimeout;
718 }
720 if (options.enableStatistics !== undefined) {
721 this._enableStatistics = options.enableStatistics;
722 }
723 } finally {
724 this._status = constants.POOL_STATUS_OPEN;
725 }
726 this.emit('_checkRequestQueue');
727 }
729 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
730 // sessionCallback
731 //
732 // Property for the session callback associated with the pool.
733 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
734 get sessionCallback() {
735 return this._sessionCallback;
736 }
738 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
739 // setAccessToken()
740 //
741 // Set parameters for token based authentication.
742 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
743 async setAccessToken(options) {
744 errors.assertArgCount(arguments, 1, 1);
745 errors.assertParamValue(nodbUtil.isObject(options), 1);
746 errors.assertParamPropString(options, 1, "token");
747 errors.assertParamPropString(options, 1, "privateKey");
748 await this._impl.setAccessToken(options);
749 }
751 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
752 // sodaMetaDataCache
753 //
754 // Property for whether the SODA metadata cache is enabled or not.
755 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
756 get sodaMetaDataCache() {
757 return this._impl.getSodaMetaDataCache();
758 }
760 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
761 // status
762 //
763 // Property for the pool's status.
764 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
765 get status() {
766 return this._status;
767 }
769 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
770 // stmtCacheSize
771 //
772 // Property for the size of the statement cache to use when creating
773 // connections in the pool.
774 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
775 get stmtCacheSize() {
776 return this._impl.getStmtCacheSize();
777 }
779 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
780 // user
781 //
782 // Property for the user used to create the pool.
783 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
784 get user() {
785 return this._user;
786 }
790Pool.prototype.close = nodbUtil.callbackify(Pool.prototype.close);
791Pool.prototype.getConnection = nodbUtil.callbackify(Pool.prototype.getConnection);
792Pool.prototype.reconfigure = nodbUtil.callbackify(Pool.prototype.reconfigure);
793Pool.prototype.setAccessToken = nodbUtil.callbackify(Pool.prototype.setAccessToken);
795// DEPRECATED aliases
796Pool.prototype.terminate = Pool.prototype.close;
797Pool.prototype._logStats = Pool.prototype.logStatistics;
799module.exports = Pool;