1 | import { type BasePredicate } from './predicates/base-predicate.js';
2 | import { type Modifiers } from './modifiers.js';
3 | import { type Predicates } from './predicates.js';
4 |
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7 | export type Main = <T>(value: T, label: string | Function, predicate: BasePredicate<T>, idLabel?: boolean) => void;
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22 | export type Infer<P> = P extends BasePredicate<infer T> ? T : never;
23 | export type Ow = {
24 | |
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30 | <T>(value: unknown, predicate: BasePredicate<T>): asserts value is T;
31 | |
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38 | <T>(value: unknown, label: string, predicate: BasePredicate<T>): asserts value is T;
39 | |
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45 | isValid: <T>(value: unknown, predicate: BasePredicate<T>) => value is T;
46 | |
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51 | create: (<T>(predicate: BasePredicate<T>) => ReusableValidator<T>) & (<T>(label: string, predicate: BasePredicate<T>) => ReusableValidator<T>);
52 | } & Modifiers & Predicates;
53 | /**
54 | A reusable validator.
55 | */
56 | export type ReusableValidator<T> = {
57 | /**
58 | Test if the value matches the predicate. Throws an `ArgumentError` if the test fails.
59 |
60 | @param value - Value to test.
61 | @param label - Override the label which should be used in error messages.
62 | */
63 | (value: unknown | T, label?: string): void;
64 | };
65 | /**
66 | Turn a `ReusableValidator` into one with a type assertion.
67 |
68 | @example
69 | ```
70 | const checkUsername = ow.create(ow.string.minLength(3));
71 | const checkUsername_: AssertingValidator<typeof checkUsername> = checkUsername;
72 | ```
73 |
74 | @example
75 | ```
76 | const predicate = ow.string.minLength(3);
77 | const checkUsername: AssertingValidator<typeof predicate> = ow.create(predicate);
78 | ```
79 | */
80 | export type AssertingValidator<T> = T extends ReusableValidator<infer R> ? (value: unknown, label?: string) => asserts value is R : T extends BasePredicate<infer R> ? (value: unknown, label?: string) => asserts value is R : never;
81 | declare const _ow: Ow;
82 | export default _ow;
83 | export * from './predicates.js';
84 | export { ArgumentError } from './argument-error.js';
85 | export { Predicate } from './predicates/predicate.js';
86 | export type { BasePredicate } from './predicates/base-predicate.js';