1 | import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
2 | import { hasProperty } from 'dot-prop';
3 | import { deepEqual } from 'fast-equals';
4 | import hasItems from '../utils/has-items.js';
5 | import ofType from '../utils/of-type.js';
6 | import ofTypeDeep from '../utils/of-type-deep.js';
7 | import { partial, exact, } from '../utils/match-shape.js';
8 | import { Predicate } from './predicate.js';
9 | export class ObjectPredicate extends Predicate {
10 | /**
11 | @hidden
12 | */
13 | constructor(options) {
14 | super('object', options);
15 | }
16 | /**
17 | Test if an Object is a plain object.
18 | */
19 | get plain() {
20 | return this.addValidator({
21 | message: (_, label) => `Expected ${label} to be a plain object`,
22 | validator: object => is.plainObject(object),
23 | });
24 | }
25 | /**
26 | Test an object to be empty.
27 | */
28 | get empty() {
29 | return this.addValidator({
30 | message: (object, label) => `Expected ${label} to be empty, got \`${JSON.stringify(object)}\``,
31 | validator: object => Object.keys(object).length === 0,
32 | });
33 | }
34 | /**
35 | Test an object to be not empty.
36 | */
37 | get nonEmpty() {
38 | return this.addValidator({
39 | message: (_, label) => `Expected ${label} to not be empty`,
40 | validator: object => Object.keys(object).length > 0,
41 | });
42 | }
43 | /**
44 | Test all the values in the object to match the provided predicate.
45 |
46 | @param predicate - The predicate that should be applied against every value in the object.
47 | */
48 | valuesOfType(predicate) {
49 | return this.addValidator({
50 | message: (_, label, error) => `(${label}) ${error}`,
51 | validator: object => ofType(Object.values(object), 'values', predicate),
52 | });
53 | }
54 | /**
55 | Test all the values in the object deeply to match the provided predicate.
56 |
57 | @param predicate - The predicate that should be applied against every value in the object.
58 | */
59 | deepValuesOfType(predicate) {
60 | return this.addValidator({
61 | message: (_, label, error) => `(${label}) ${error}`,
62 | validator: object => ofTypeDeep(object, predicate),
63 | });
64 | }
65 | /**
66 | Test an object to be deeply equal to the provided object.
67 |
68 | @param expected - Expected object to match.
69 | */
70 | deepEqual(expected) {
71 | return this.addValidator({
72 | message: (object, label) => `Expected ${label} to be deeply equal to \`${JSON.stringify(expected)}\`, got \`${JSON.stringify(object)}\``,
73 | validator: object => deepEqual(object, expected),
74 | });
75 | }
76 | /**
77 | Test an object to be of a specific instance type.
78 |
79 | @param instance - The expected instance type of the object.
80 | */
81 | instanceOf(instance) {
82 | return this.addValidator({
83 | message(object, label) {
84 | let { name } = object?.constructor ?? {};
85 | if (!name || name === 'Object') {
86 | name = JSON.stringify(object);
87 | }
88 | return `Expected ${label} \`${name}\` to be of type \`${instance.name}\``;
89 | },
90 | validator: object => object instanceof instance,
91 | });
92 | }
93 | /**
94 | Test an object to include all the provided keys. You can use [dot-notation](https://github.com/sindresorhus/dot-prop) in a key to access nested properties.
95 |
96 | @param keys - The keys that should be present in the object.
97 | */
98 | hasKeys(...keys) {
99 | return this.addValidator({
100 | message: (_, label, missingKeys) => `Expected ${label} to have keys \`${JSON.stringify(missingKeys)}\``,
101 | validator: object => hasItems({
102 | has: item => hasProperty(object, item),
103 | }, keys),
104 | });
105 | }
106 | /**
107 | Test an object to include any of the provided keys. You can use [dot-notation](https://github.com/sindresorhus/dot-prop) in a key to access nested properties.
108 |
109 | @param keys - The keys that could be a key in the object.
110 | */
111 | hasAnyKeys(...keys) {
112 | return this.addValidator({
113 | message: (_, label) => `Expected ${label} to have any key of \`${JSON.stringify(keys)}\``,
114 | validator: object => keys.some(key => hasProperty(object, key)),
115 | });
116 | }
117 | /**
118 | Test an object to match the `shape` partially. This means that it ignores unexpected properties. The shape comparison is deep.
119 |
120 | The shape is an object which describes how the tested object should look like. The keys are the same as the source object and the values are predicates.
121 |
122 | @param shape - Shape to test the object against.
123 |
124 | @example
125 | ```
126 | import ow from 'ow';
127 |
128 | const object = {
129 | unicorn: '🦄',
130 | rainbow: '🌈'
131 | };
132 |
133 | ow(object, ow.object.partialShape({
134 | unicorn: ow.string
135 | }));
136 | ```
137 | */
138 | partialShape(shape) {
139 | return this.addValidator({
140 | // TODO: Improve this when message handling becomes smarter
141 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
142 | message: (_, label, message) => `${message.replace('Expected', 'Expected property')} in ${label}`,
143 | validator: object => partial(object, shape),
144 | });
145 | }
146 | /**
147 | Test an object to match the `shape` exactly. This means that will fail if it comes across unexpected properties. The shape comparison is deep.
148 |
149 | The shape is an object which describes how the tested object should look like. The keys are the same as the source object and the values are predicates.
150 |
151 | @param shape - Shape to test the object against.
152 |
153 | @example
154 | ```
155 | import ow from 'ow';
156 |
157 | ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.exactShape({
158 | unicorn: ow.string
159 | }));
160 | ```
161 | */
162 | exactShape(shape) {
163 | // TODO [typescript@>=6] If higher-kinded types are supported natively by typescript, refactor `addValidator` to use them to avoid the usage of `any`. Otherwise, bump or remove this TODO.
164 | return this.addValidator({
165 | // TODO: Improve this when message handling becomes smarter
166 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
167 | message: (_, label, message) => `${message.replace('Expected', 'Expected property')} in ${label}`,
168 | validator: object => exact(object, shape),
169 | });
170 | }
171 | }