1 | <p align="center">
2 | <img src="media/logo.png" width="300">
3 | <br>
4 | <br>
5 | </p>
6 |
7 | [](https://codecov.io/gh/sindresorhus/ow)
8 | [](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=ow)
9 | [](https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=ow)
10 |
11 | > Function argument validation for humans
12 |
13 | For schema validation, I recommend [`zod`](https://github.com/colinhacks/zod).
14 |
15 | ## Highlights
16 |
17 | - Expressive chainable API
18 | - Lots of built-in validations
19 | - Supports custom validations
20 | - Automatic label inference in Node.js
21 | - Written in TypeScript
22 |
23 | ## Install
24 |
25 | ```sh
26 | npm install ow
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ## Usage
30 |
31 | ```ts
32 | import ow from 'ow';
33 |
34 | const unicorn = input => {
35 | ow(input, ow.string.minLength(5));
36 |
37 | // …
38 | };
39 |
40 | unicorn(3);
41 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected `input` to be of type `string` but received type `number`
42 |
43 | unicorn('yo');
44 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected string `input` to have a minimum length of `5`, got `yo`
45 | ```
46 |
47 | We can also match the shape of an object.
48 |
49 | ```ts
50 | import ow from 'ow';
51 |
52 | const unicorn = {
53 | rainbow: '🌈',
54 | stars: {
55 | value: '🌟'
56 | }
57 | };
58 |
59 | ow(unicorn, ow.object.exactShape({
60 | rainbow: ow.string,
61 | stars: {
62 | value: ow.number
63 | }
64 | }));
65 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected property `stars.value` to be of type `number` but received type `string` in object `unicorn`
66 | ```
67 |
68 | ***Note:*** If you intend on using `ow` for development purposes only, use `import ow from 'ow/dev-only'` instead of the usual `import ow from 'ow'`, and run the bundler with `NODE_ENV` set to `production` (e.g. `$ NODE_ENV="production" parcel build index.js`). This will make `ow` automatically export a shim when running in production, which should result in a significantly lower bundle size.
69 |
70 | ## API
71 |
72 | [Complete API documentation](https://sindresorhus.com/ow/)
73 |
74 | Ow includes TypeScript type guards, so using it will narrow the type of previously-unknown values.
75 |
76 | ```ts
77 | function (input: unknown) {
78 | input.slice(0, 3) // Error, Property 'slice' does not exist on type 'unknown'
79 |
80 | ow(input, ow.string)
81 |
82 | input.slice(0, 3) // OK
83 | }
84 | ```
85 |
86 | ### ow(value, predicate)
87 |
88 | Test if `value` matches the provided `predicate`. Throws an `ArgumentError` if the test fails.
89 |
90 | ### ow(value, label, predicate)
91 |
92 | Test if `value` matches the provided `predicate`. Throws an `ArgumentError` with the specified `label` if the test fails.
93 |
94 | The `label` is automatically inferred in Node.js but you can override it by passing in a value for `label`. The automatic label inference doesn't work in the browser.
95 |
96 | ### ow.isValid(value, predicate)
97 |
98 | Returns `true` if the value matches the predicate, otherwise returns `false`.
99 |
100 | ### ow.create(predicate)
101 |
102 | Create a reusable validator.
103 |
104 | ```ts
105 | const checkPassword = ow.create(ow.string.minLength(6));
106 |
107 | const password = 'foo';
108 |
109 | checkPassword(password);
110 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected string `password` to have a minimum length of `6`, got `foo`
111 | ```
112 |
113 | ### ow.create(label, predicate)
114 |
115 | Create a reusable validator with a specific `label`.
116 |
117 | ```ts
118 | const checkPassword = ow.create('password', ow.string.minLength(6));
119 |
120 | checkPassword('foo');
121 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected string `password` to have a minimum length of `6`, got `foo`
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ### ow.any(...predicate[])
125 |
126 | Returns a predicate that verifies if the value matches at least one of the given predicates.
127 |
128 | ```ts
129 | ow('foo', ow.any(ow.string.maxLength(3), ow.number));
130 | ```
131 |
132 | ### ow.optional.{type}
133 |
134 | Makes the predicate optional. An optional predicate means that it doesn't fail if the value is `undefined`.
135 |
136 | ```ts
137 | ow(1, ow.optional.number);
138 |
139 | ow(undefined, ow.optional.number);
140 | ```
141 |
142 | ### ow.{type}
143 |
144 | All the below types return a predicate. Every predicate has some extra operators that you can use to test the value even more fine-grained.
145 |
146 | [Predicate docs.](https://sindresorhus.com/ow/types/Predicates.html)
147 |
148 | #### Primitives
149 |
150 | - `undefined`
151 | - `null`
152 | - `string`
153 | - `number`
154 | - `boolean`
155 | - `symbol`
156 |
157 | #### Built-in types
158 |
159 | - `array`
160 | - `function`
161 | - `buffer`
162 | - `object`
163 | - `regExp`
164 | - `date`
165 | - `error`
166 | - `promise`
167 | - `map`
168 | - `set`
169 | - `weakMap`
170 | - `weakSet`
171 |
172 | #### Typed arrays
173 |
174 | - `int8Array`
175 | - `uint8Array`
176 | - `uint8ClampedArray`
177 | - `int16Array`
178 | - `uint16Array`
179 | - `int32Array`
180 | - `uint32Array`
181 | - `float32Array`
182 | - `float64Array`
183 |
184 | #### Structured data
185 |
186 | - `arrayBuffer`
187 | - `dataView`
188 | - `sharedArrayBuffer`
189 |
190 | #### Miscellaneous
191 |
192 | - `nan`
193 | - `nullOrUndefined`
194 | - `iterable`
195 | - `typedArray`
196 |
197 | ### Predicates
198 |
199 | The following predicates are available on every type.
200 |
201 | #### not
202 |
203 | Inverts the following predicate.
204 |
205 | ```ts
206 | ow(1, ow.number.not.infinite);
207 |
208 | ow('', ow.string.not.empty);
209 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected string to not be empty, got ``
210 | ```
211 |
212 | #### is(fn)
213 |
214 | Use a custom validation function. Return `true` if the value matches the validation, return `false` if it doesn't.
215 |
216 | ```ts
217 | ow(1, ow.number.is(x => x < 10));
218 |
219 | ow(1, ow.number.is(x => x > 10));
220 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected `1` to pass custom validation function
221 | ```
222 |
223 | Instead of returning `false`, you can also return a custom error message which results in a failure.
224 |
225 | ```ts
226 | const greaterThan = (max: number, x: number) => {
227 | return x > max || `Expected \`${x}\` to be greater than \`${max}\``;
228 | };
229 |
230 | ow(5, ow.number.is(x => greaterThan(10, x)));
231 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected `5` to be greater than `10`
232 | ```
233 |
234 | #### validate(fn)
235 |
236 | Use a custom validation object. The difference with `is` is that the function should return a validation object, which allows more flexibility.
237 |
238 | ```ts
239 | ow(1, ow.number.validate(value => ({
240 | validator: value > 10,
241 | message: `Expected value to be greater than 10, got ${value}`
242 | })));
243 | //=> ArgumentError: (number) Expected value to be greater than 10, got 1
244 | ```
245 |
246 | You can also pass in a function as `message` value which accepts the label as argument.
247 |
248 | ```ts
249 | ow(1, 'input', ow.number.validate(value => ({
250 | validator: value > 10,
251 | message: label => `Expected ${label} to be greater than 10, got ${value}`
252 | })));
253 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected number `input` to be greater than 10, got 1
254 | ```
255 |
256 | #### message(string | fn)
257 |
258 | Provide a custom message:
259 |
260 | ```ts
261 | ow('🌈', 'unicorn', ow.string.equals('🦄').message('Expected unicorn, got rainbow'));
262 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected unicorn, got rainbow
263 | ```
264 |
265 | You can also pass in a function which receives the value as the first parameter and the label as the second parameter and is expected to return the message.
266 |
267 | ```ts
268 | ow('🌈', ow.string.minLength(5).message((value, label) => `Expected ${label}, to have a minimum length of 5, got \`${value}\``));
269 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected string, to be have a minimum length of 5, got `🌈`
270 | ```
271 |
272 | It's also possible to add a separate message per validation:
273 |
274 | ```ts
275 | ow(
276 | '1234',
277 | ow.string
278 | .minLength(5).message((value, label) => `Expected ${label}, to be have a minimum length of 5, got \`${value}\``)
279 | .url.message('This is no url')
280 | );
281 | //=> ArgumentError: Expected string, to be have a minimum length of 5, got `1234`
282 |
283 | ow(
284 | '12345',
285 | ow.string
286 | .minLength(5).message((value, label) => `Expected ${label}, to be have a minimum length of 5, got \`${value}\``)
287 | .url.message('This is no url')
288 | );
289 | //=> ArgumentError: This is no url
290 | ```
291 |
292 | This can be useful for creating your own reusable validators which can be extracted to a separate npm package.
293 |
294 | ### TypeScript
295 |
296 | **Requires TypeScript 4.7 or later.**
297 |
298 | Ow includes a type utility that lets you to extract a TypeScript type from the given predicate.
299 |
300 | ```ts
301 | import ow, {Infer} from 'ow';
302 |
303 | const userPredicate = ow.object.exactShape({
304 | name: ow.string
305 | });
306 |
307 | type User = Infer<typeof userPredicate>;
308 | ```
309 |
310 | ## Related
311 |
312 | - [@sindresorhus/is](https://github.com/sindresorhus/is) - Type check values
313 | - [ngx-ow](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/ngx-ow) - Angular form validation on steroids