1 | import mimicFn from 'mimic-fn';
2 | const cacheStore = new WeakMap();
3 | /**
4 | [Memoize](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization) functions - An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input.
5 |
6 | @param fn - Function to be memoized.
7 |
8 | @example
9 | ```
10 | import {setTimeout as delay} from 'node:timer/promises';
11 | import pMemoize from 'p-memoize';
12 | import got from 'got';
13 |
14 | const memoizedGot = pMemoize(got);
15 |
16 | await memoizedGot('https://sindresorhus.com');
17 |
18 | // This call is cached
19 | await memoizedGot('https://sindresorhus.com');
20 |
21 | await delay(2000);
22 |
23 | // This call is not cached as the cache has expired
24 | await memoizedGot('https://sindresorhus.com');
25 | ```
26 | */
27 | export default function pMemoize(fn, { cacheKey = ([firstArgument]) => firstArgument, cache = new Map(), } = {}) {
28 | // Promise objects can't be serialized so we keep track of them internally and only provide their resolved values to `cache`
29 | // `Promise<AsyncReturnType<FunctionToMemoize>>` is used instead of `ReturnType<FunctionToMemoize>` because promise properties are not kept
30 | const promiseCache = new Map();
31 | const memoized = function (...arguments_) {
32 | const key = cacheKey(arguments_);
33 | if (promiseCache.has(key)) {
34 | return promiseCache.get(key);
35 | }
36 | const promise = (async () => {
37 | try {
38 | if (cache && await cache.has(key)) {
39 | return (await cache.get(key));
40 | }
41 | const promise = fn.apply(this, arguments_);
42 | const result = await promise;
43 | try {
44 | return result;
45 | }
46 | finally {
47 | if (cache) {
48 | await cache.set(key, result);
49 | }
50 | }
51 | }
52 | finally {
53 | promiseCache.delete(key);
54 | }
55 | })();
56 | promiseCache.set(key, promise);
57 | return promise;
58 | };
59 | mimicFn(memoized, fn, {
60 | ignoreNonConfigurable: true,
61 | });
62 | cacheStore.set(memoized, cache);
63 | return memoized;
64 | }
65 | /**
66 | - Only class methods and getters/setters can be memoized, not regular functions (they aren't part of the proposal);
67 | - Only [TypeScript’s decorators](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/decorators.html#parameter-decorators) are supported, not [Babel’s](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-proposal-decorators), which use a different version of the proposal;
68 | - Being an experimental feature, they need to be enabled with `--experimentalDecorators`; follow TypeScript’s docs.
69 |
70 | @returns A [decorator](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorators) to memoize class methods or static class methods.
71 |
72 | @example
73 | ```
74 | import {pMemoizeDecorator} from 'p-memoize';
75 |
76 | class Example {
77 | index = 0
78 |
79 | @pMemoizeDecorator()
80 | async counter() {
81 | return ++this.index;
82 | }
83 | }
84 |
85 | class ExampleWithOptions {
86 | index = 0
87 |
88 | @pMemoizeDecorator()
89 | async counter() {
90 | return ++this.index;
91 | }
92 | }
93 | ```
94 | */
95 | export function pMemoizeDecorator(options = {}) {
96 | const instanceMap = new WeakMap();
97 | return (target, propertyKey, descriptor) => {
98 | const input = target[propertyKey]; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
99 | if (typeof input !== 'function') {
100 | throw new TypeError('The decorated value must be a function');
101 | }
102 | delete descriptor.value;
103 | delete descriptor.writable;
104 | descriptor.get = function () {
105 | if (!instanceMap.has(this)) {
106 | const value = pMemoize(input, options);
107 | instanceMap.set(this, value);
108 | return value;
109 | }
110 | return instanceMap.get(this);
111 | };
112 | };
113 | }
114 | /**
115 | Clear all cached data of a memoized function.
116 |
117 | @param fn - Memoized function.
118 | */
119 | export function pMemoizeClear(fn) {
120 | if (!cacheStore.has(fn)) {
121 | throw new TypeError('Can\'t clear a function that was not memoized!');
122 | }
123 | const cache = cacheStore.get(fn);
124 | if (!cache) {
125 | throw new TypeError('Can\'t clear a function that doesn\'t use a cache!');
126 | }
127 | if (typeof cache.clear !== 'function') {
128 | throw new TypeError('The cache Map can\'t be cleared!');
129 | }
130 | cache.clear();
131 | }