1 | import { ValidationError, SanitizationResultValidIp, Validation } from "./sanitize.js";
2 | import { NO_HOSTNAME } from "./from-url.js";
3 | export declare const RESERVED_TOP_LEVEL_DOMAINS: string[];
4 | export type Label = string;
5 | export declare enum ParseResultType {
6 | /**
7 | * This parse result is returned in case the given hostname does not adhere to [RFC 1034](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1034).
8 | */
9 | Invalid = "INVALID",
10 | /**
11 | * This parse result is returned if the given hostname was an IPv4 or IPv6.
12 | */
13 | Ip = "IP",
14 | /**
15 | * This parse result is returned when the given hostname
16 | * - is the root domain (the empty string `""`)
17 | * - belongs to the top-level domain `localhost`, `local`, `example`, `invalid` or `test`
18 | */
19 | Reserved = "RESERVED",
20 | /**
21 | * This parse result is returned when the given hostname is valid and does not belong to a reserved top-level domain, but is not listed in the public suffix list.
22 | */
23 | NotListed = "NOT_LISTED",
24 | /**
25 | * This parse result is returned when the given hostname belongs to a top-level domain that is listed in the public suffix list.
26 | */
27 | Listed = "LISTED"
28 | }
29 | type ParseResultCommon<Type extends ParseResultType> = {
30 | /**
31 | * The type of the parse result. Use switch or if to distinguish between different results.
32 | */
33 | type: Type;
34 | /**
35 | * The original hostname that was passed to parseDomain().
36 | */
37 | hostname: Type extends ParseResultType.Invalid ? string | typeof NO_HOSTNAME : string;
38 | };
39 | export type ParseResultInvalid = ParseResultCommon<ParseResultType.Invalid> & {
40 | /**
41 | * An array of validation errors.
42 | */
43 | errors: Array<ValidationError>;
44 | };
45 | type ParseResultCommonValidDomain = {
46 | /**
47 | * An array of labels that were separated by a dot character in the given hostname.
48 | */
49 | labels: Array<Label>;
50 | };
51 | export type ParseResultIp = ParseResultCommon<ParseResultType.Ip> & Pick<SanitizationResultValidIp, "ipVersion">;
52 | export type ParseResultReserved = ParseResultCommon<ParseResultType.Reserved> & ParseResultCommonValidDomain;
53 | export type ParseResultNotListed = ParseResultCommon<ParseResultType.NotListed> & ParseResultCommonValidDomain;
54 | type ParseResultListedDomains = {
55 | /**
56 | * An array of labels that belong to the subdomain. Can be empty if there was no subdomain in the given hostname.
57 | */
58 | subDomains: Array<Label>;
59 | /**
60 | * The first label that belongs to the user-controlled section of the hostname. Can be undefined if just a top-level domain was passed to parseDomain().
61 | */
62 | domain: Label | undefined;
63 | /**
64 | * An array of labels that are controlled by the domain registrar.
65 | */
66 | topLevelDomains: Array<Label>;
67 | };
68 | export type ParseResultListed = ParseResultCommon<ParseResultType.Listed> & ParseResultCommonValidDomain & ParseResultListedDomains & {
69 | /**
70 | * The parse result according to ICANN only without private top-level domains.
71 | */
72 | icann: ParseResultListedDomains;
73 | };
74 | export type ParseResult = ParseResultInvalid | ParseResultIp | ParseResultReserved | ParseResultNotListed | ParseResultListed;
75 | export type ParseDomainOptions = {
76 | /**
77 | * If no validation is specified, Validation.Strict will be used.
78 | **/
79 | validation?: Validation;
80 | };
81 | /**
82 | * Splits the given hostname in topLevelDomains, a domain and subDomains.
83 | */
84 | export declare const parseDomain: (hostname: string | typeof NO_HOSTNAME, options?: ParseDomainOptions) => ParseResult;
85 | export {};