1.57 kBMarkdownView Raw
1## Changes
3* v0.2.5
4 * [#21](https://github.com/vesse/passport-ldapauth/issues/21) - Handle `constraintViolationError` as a login failure instead of an error.
5* v0.2.4
6 * Inherit from [passport-strategy](https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport-strategy) like `passport-local` and others do.
7* v0.2.3
8 * Documentation using the same keys as ldapjs (bindDn and bindCredentials)
9* v0.2.2
10 * Allow configuring flash messages when calling `passport.authenticate()`
11 * Return HTTP 400 when username or password is missing
12* v0.2.1
13 * Passport as peerDependency, prevents version incompatibility
14* v0.2.0
15 * [#8](https://github.com/vesse/passport-ldapauth/issues/8) - Possibility to provide a callback function instead of options object to constructor (contributed by Linagora)
16 * Update Passport dependency to 0.2.0
17 * Get rid of `var self = this;`
18* v0.1.1
19 * Documentation changes due to renaming git repository of `ldapauth-fork`
20* v0.1.0
21 * Use [ldapauth-fork](https://github.com/vesse/node-ldapauth-fork) instead of
22 [ldapauth](https://github.com/trentm/node-ldapauth)
23 * ldapjs upgraded to 0.6.3
24 * New options including `tlsOptions`
25 * Refactored tests
26* v0.0.6 (14 July 2013)
27 * Fixes [#1](https://github.com/vesse/passport-ldapauth/issues/1)
28 * Updated devDependencies
29* v0.0.5 (16 April 2013)
30 * Create LDAP client on every request to prevent socket being closed due
31 to inactivity.
32* v0.0.4 (14 April 2013)
33 * Fixed passport-ldapauth version range.
34* v0.0.3 (14 April 2013)
35 * Initial release.