4.71 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the
3 * Javascript code in this page
4 *
5 * Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation
6 *
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 *
11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 *
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 * limitations under the License.
18 *
19 * @licend The above is the entire license notice for the
20 * Javascript code in this page
21 */
22'use strict';
24var _glyphlist = require('../../core/glyphlist');
26var _unicode = require('../../core/unicode');
28describe('unicode', function () {
29 describe('mapSpecialUnicodeValues', function () {
30 it('should not re-map normal Unicode values', function () {
31 expect((0, _unicode.mapSpecialUnicodeValues)(0x0041)).toEqual(0x0041);
32 expect((0, _unicode.mapSpecialUnicodeValues)(0xFB01)).toEqual(0xFB01);
33 });
34 it('should re-map special Unicode values', function () {
35 expect((0, _unicode.mapSpecialUnicodeValues)(0xF8E9)).toEqual(0x00A9);
36 expect((0, _unicode.mapSpecialUnicodeValues)(0xFFFF)).toEqual(0);
37 });
38 });
39 describe('getUnicodeForGlyph', function () {
40 var standardMap, dingbatsMap;
41 beforeAll(function (done) {
42 standardMap = (0, _glyphlist.getGlyphsUnicode)();
43 dingbatsMap = (0, _glyphlist.getDingbatsGlyphsUnicode)();
44 done();
45 });
46 afterAll(function () {
47 standardMap = dingbatsMap = null;
48 });
49 it('should get Unicode values for valid glyph names', function () {
50 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeForGlyph)('A', standardMap)).toEqual(0x0041);
51 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeForGlyph)('a1', dingbatsMap)).toEqual(0x2701);
52 });
53 it('should recover Unicode values from uniXXXX/uXXXX{XX} glyph names', function () {
54 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeForGlyph)('uni0041', standardMap)).toEqual(0x0041);
55 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeForGlyph)('u0041', standardMap)).toEqual(0x0041);
56 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeForGlyph)('uni2701', dingbatsMap)).toEqual(0x2701);
57 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeForGlyph)('u2701', dingbatsMap)).toEqual(0x2701);
58 });
59 it('should not get Unicode values for invalid glyph names', function () {
60 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeForGlyph)('Qwerty', standardMap)).toEqual(-1);
61 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeForGlyph)('Qwerty', dingbatsMap)).toEqual(-1);
62 });
63 });
64 describe('getUnicodeRangeFor', function () {
65 it('should get correct Unicode range', function () {
66 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeRangeFor)(0x0041)).toEqual(0);
67 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeRangeFor)(0xFB01)).toEqual(62);
68 });
69 it('should not get a Unicode range', function () {
70 expect((0, _unicode.getUnicodeRangeFor)(0x05FF)).toEqual(-1);
71 });
72 });
73 describe('getNormalizedUnicodes', function () {
74 var NormalizedUnicodes;
75 beforeAll(function (done) {
76 NormalizedUnicodes = (0, _unicode.getNormalizedUnicodes)();
77 done();
78 });
79 afterAll(function () {
80 NormalizedUnicodes = null;
81 });
82 it('should get normalized Unicode values for ligatures', function () {
83 expect(NormalizedUnicodes['\uFB01']).toEqual('fi');
84 expect(NormalizedUnicodes['\u0675']).toEqual('\u0627\u0674');
85 });
86 it('should not normalize standard characters', function () {
87 expect(NormalizedUnicodes['A']).toEqual(undefined);
88 });
89 });
90 describe('reverseIfRtl', function () {
91 var NormalizedUnicodes;
92 function getGlyphUnicode(char) {
93 if (NormalizedUnicodes[char] !== undefined) {
94 return NormalizedUnicodes[char];
95 }
96 return char;
97 }
98 beforeAll(function (done) {
99 NormalizedUnicodes = (0, _unicode.getNormalizedUnicodes)();
100 done();
101 });
102 afterAll(function () {
103 NormalizedUnicodes = null;
104 });
105 it('should not reverse LTR characters', function () {
106 var A = getGlyphUnicode('A');
107 expect((0, _unicode.reverseIfRtl)(A)).toEqual('A');
108 var fi = getGlyphUnicode('\uFB01');
109 expect((0, _unicode.reverseIfRtl)(fi)).toEqual('fi');
110 });
111 it('should reverse RTL characters', function () {
112 var heAlef = getGlyphUnicode('\u05D0');
113 expect((0, _unicode.reverseIfRtl)(heAlef)).toEqual('\u05D0');
114 var arAlef = getGlyphUnicode('\u0675');
115 expect((0, _unicode.reverseIfRtl)(arAlef)).toEqual('\u0674\u0627');
116 });
117 });
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