1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 | (function() {
8 | var PDFDocument, PDFObject, PDFPage, PDFReference, fs, stream,
9 | extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
10 | hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
11 |
12 | stream = require('stream');
13 |
14 | fs = require('fs');
15 |
16 | PDFObject = require('./object');
17 |
18 | PDFReference = require('./reference');
19 |
20 | PDFPage = require('./page');
21 |
22 | PDFDocument = (function(superClass) {
23 | var mixin;
24 |
25 | extend(PDFDocument, superClass);
26 |
27 | function PDFDocument(options1) {
28 | var key, ref1, ref2, val;
29 | this.options = options1 != null ? options1 : {};
30 | PDFDocument.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
31 | this.version = 1.7;
32 | this.compress = (ref1 = this.options.compress) != null ? ref1 : true;
33 | this._pageBuffer = [];
34 | this._pageBufferStart = 0;
35 | this._offsets = [];
36 | this._waiting = 0;
37 | this._ended = false;
38 | this._offset = 0;
39 | this._root = this.ref({
40 | Type: 'Catalog',
41 | Pages: this.ref({
42 | Type: 'Pages',
43 | Count: 0,
44 | Kids: []
45 | })
46 | });
47 | this.page = null;
48 | this.initColor();
49 | this.initVector();
50 | this.initFonts();
51 | this.initText();
52 | this.initImages();
53 | this.initOutline();
54 | this.info = {
55 | Producer: 'PDFKit',
56 | Creator: 'PDFKit',
57 | CreationDate: new Date()
58 | };
59 | if (this.options.info) {
60 | ref2 = this.options.info;
61 | for (key in ref2) {
62 | val = ref2[key];
63 | this.info[key] = val;
64 | }
65 | }
66 | this._write("%PDF-" + this.version);
67 | this._write("%\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF");
68 | if (this.options.autoFirstPage !== false) {
69 | this.addPage();
70 | }
71 | }
72 |
73 | mixin = function(methods) {
74 | var method, name, results;
75 | results = [];
76 | for (name in methods) {
77 | method = methods[name];
78 | results.push(PDFDocument.prototype[name] = method);
79 | }
80 | return results;
81 | };
82 |
83 | mixin(require('./mixins/color'));
84 |
85 | mixin(require('./mixins/vector'));
86 |
87 | mixin(require('./mixins/fonts'));
88 |
89 | mixin(require('./mixins/text'));
90 |
91 | mixin(require('./mixins/images'));
92 |
93 | mixin(require('./mixins/annotations'));
94 |
95 | mixin(require('./mixins/outline'));
96 |
97 | mixin(require('./mixins/metadata'));
98 |
99 | PDFDocument.prototype.addPage = function(options) {
100 | var pages;
101 | if (options == null) {
102 | options = this.options;
103 | }
104 | if (!this.options.bufferPages) {
105 | this.flushPages();
106 | }
107 | this.page = new PDFPage(this, options);
108 | this._pageBuffer.push(this.page);
109 | pages = this._root.data.Pages.data;
110 | pages.Kids.push(this.page.dictionary);
111 | pages.Count++;
112 | this.x = this.page.margins.left;
113 | this.y = this.page.margins.top;
114 | this._ctm = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
115 | this.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, this.page.height);
116 | this.emit('pageAdded');
117 | return this;
118 | };
119 |
120 | PDFDocument.prototype.bufferedPageRange = function() {
121 | return {
122 | start: this._pageBufferStart,
123 | count: this._pageBuffer.length
124 | };
125 | };
126 |
127 | PDFDocument.prototype.switchToPage = function(n) {
128 | var page;
129 | if (!(page = this._pageBuffer[n - this._pageBufferStart])) {
130 | throw new Error("switchToPage(" + n + ") out of bounds, current buffer covers pages " + this._pageBufferStart + " to " + (this._pageBufferStart + this._pageBuffer.length - 1));
131 | }
132 | return this.page = page;
133 | };
134 |
135 | PDFDocument.prototype.flushPages = function() {
136 | var i, len, page, pages;
137 | pages = this._pageBuffer;
138 | this._pageBuffer = [];
139 | this._pageBufferStart += pages.length;
140 | for (i = 0, len = pages.length; i < len; i++) {
141 | page = pages[i];
142 | page.end();
143 | }
144 | };
145 |
146 | PDFDocument.prototype.ref = function(data) {
147 | var ref;
148 | ref = new PDFReference(this, this._offsets.length + 1, data);
149 | this._offsets.push(null);
150 | this._waiting++;
151 | return ref;
152 | };
153 |
154 | PDFDocument.prototype._read = function() {};
155 |
156 | PDFDocument.prototype._write = function(data) {
157 | if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) {
158 | data = new Buffer(data + '\n', 'binary');
159 | }
160 | this.push(data);
161 | return this._offset += data.length;
162 | };
163 |
164 | PDFDocument.prototype.addContent = function(data) {
165 | this.page.write(data);
166 | return this;
167 | };
168 |
169 | PDFDocument.prototype._refEnd = function(ref) {
170 | this._offsets[ref.id - 1] = ref.offset;
171 | if (--this._waiting === 0 && this._ended) {
172 | this._finalize();
173 | return this._ended = false;
174 | }
175 | };
176 |
177 | PDFDocument.prototype.write = function(filename, fn) {
178 | var err;
179 | err = new Error('PDFDocument#write is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of PDFKit. Please pipe the document into a Node stream.');
180 | console.warn(err.stack);
181 | this.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filename));
182 | this.end();
183 | return this.once('end', fn);
184 | };
185 |
186 | PDFDocument.prototype.output = function(fn) {
187 | throw new Error('PDFDocument#output is deprecated, and has been removed from PDFKit. Please pipe the document into a Node stream.');
188 | };
189 |
190 | PDFDocument.prototype.end = function() {
191 | var font, key, name, ref1, ref2, val;
192 | this.flushPages();
193 | this._info = this.ref();
194 | ref1 = this.info;
195 | for (key in ref1) {
196 | val = ref1[key];
197 | if (typeof val === 'string') {
198 | val = new String(val);
199 | }
200 | this._info.data[key] = val;
201 | }
202 | this._info.end();
203 | ref2 = this._fontFamilies;
204 | for (name in ref2) {
205 | font = ref2[name];
206 | font.finalize();
207 | }
208 | this.endOutline();
209 | this._root.end();
210 | this._root.data.Pages.end();
211 | if (this._waiting === 0) {
212 | return this._finalize();
213 | } else {
214 | return this._ended = true;
215 | }
216 | };
217 |
218 | PDFDocument.prototype._finalize = function(fn) {
219 | var i, len, offset, ref1, xRefOffset;
220 | xRefOffset = this._offset;
221 | this._write("xref");
222 | this._write("0 " + (this._offsets.length + 1));
223 | this._write("0000000000 65535 f ");
224 | ref1 = this._offsets;
225 | for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) {
226 | offset = ref1[i];
227 | offset = ('0000000000' + offset).slice(-10);
228 | this._write(offset + ' 00000 n ');
229 | }
230 | this._write('trailer');
231 | this._write(PDFObject.convert({
232 | Size: this._offsets.length + 1,
233 | Root: this._root,
234 | Info: this._info
235 | }));
236 | this._write('startxref');
237 | this._write("" + xRefOffset);
238 | this._write('%%EOF');
239 | return this.push(null);
240 | };
241 |
242 | PDFDocument.prototype.toString = function() {
243 | return "[object PDFDocument]";
244 | };
245 |
246 | return PDFDocument;
247 |
248 | })(stream.Readable);
249 |
250 | module.exports = PDFDocument;
251 |
252 | }).call(this);