1 | (function() {
2 | var EmbeddedFont, PDFFont, StandardFont, fontkit;
3 |
4 | fontkit = require('fontkit');
5 |
6 | PDFFont = (function() {
7 | PDFFont.open = function(document, src, family, id) {
8 | var font;
9 | if (typeof src === 'string') {
10 | if (StandardFont.isStandardFont(src)) {
11 | return new StandardFont(document, src, id);
12 | }
13 | font = fontkit.openSync(src, family);
14 | } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(src)) {
15 | font = fontkit.create(src, family);
16 | } else if (src instanceof Uint8Array) {
17 | font = fontkit.create(new Buffer(src), family);
18 | } else if (src instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
19 | font = fontkit.create(new Buffer(new Uint8Array(src)), family);
20 | }
21 | if (font == null) {
22 | throw new Error('Not a supported font format or standard PDF font.');
23 | }
24 | return new EmbeddedFont(document, font, id);
25 | };
26 |
27 | function PDFFont() {
28 | throw new Error('Cannot construct a PDFFont directly.');
29 | }
30 |
31 | PDFFont.prototype.encode = function(text) {
32 | throw new Error('Must be implemented by subclasses');
33 | };
34 |
35 | PDFFont.prototype.widthOfString = function(text) {
36 | throw new Error('Must be implemented by subclasses');
37 | };
38 |
39 | PDFFont.prototype.ref = function() {
40 | return this.dictionary != null ? this.dictionary : this.dictionary = this.document.ref();
41 | };
42 |
43 | PDFFont.prototype.finalize = function() {
44 | if (this.embedded || (this.dictionary == null)) {
45 | return;
46 | }
47 | this.embed();
48 | return this.embedded = true;
49 | };
50 |
51 | PDFFont.prototype.embed = function() {
52 | throw new Error('Must be implemented by subclasses');
53 | };
54 |
55 | PDFFont.prototype.lineHeight = function(size, includeGap) {
56 | var gap;
57 | if (includeGap == null) {
58 | includeGap = false;
59 | }
60 | gap = includeGap ? this.lineGap : 0;
61 | return (this.ascender + gap - this.descender) / 1000 * size;
62 | };
63 |
64 | return PDFFont;
65 |
66 | })();
67 |
68 | module.exports = PDFFont;
69 |
70 | StandardFont = require('./font/standard');
71 |
72 | EmbeddedFont = require('./font/embedded');
73 |
74 | }).call(this);