6.46 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3 * manuscript
4 * http://github.com/typesettin/manuscript
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 2014 Yaw Joseph Etse. All rights reserved.
7 */
9var path = require('path');
11module.exports = function (grunt) {
12 grunt.initConfig({
13 jsbeautifier: {
14 files: ['<%= jshint.all %>'],
15 options: {
16 config: '.jsbeautify'
17 }
18 },
19 simplemocha: {
20 options: {
21 globals: ['should', 'navigator'],
22 timeout: 3000,
23 ignoreLeaks: false,
24 ui: 'bdd',
25 reporter: 'spec'
26 },
27 all: {
28 src: 'test/**/*.js'
29 }
30 },
31 jshint: {
32 options: {
33 jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
34 },
35 all: [
36 'Gruntfile.js',
37 'index.js',
38 'app/**/*.js',
39 '!app/doc/**/*.js',
40 'test/**/*.js',
41 'package.json',
42 'config/**/*.js',
43 'content/extensions/node_modules/**/index.js',
44 'content/extensions/node_modules/**/contoller/**/*.js',
45 'content/extensions/node_modules/**/resources/*.js',
46 '!content/extensions/node_modules/**/node_modules/**/*.js'
47 ]
48 },
49 jsdoc: {
50 dist: {
51 src: ['app/lib/*.js', 'test/*.js'],
52 options: {
53 destination: 'app/doc/html',
54 configure: 'app/config/jsdoc.json'
55 }
56 }
57 },
58 browserify: {
59 dist: {
60 files: [{
61 expand: true,
62 cwd: 'content/extensions/node_modules',
63 src: ['**/resources/js/*_src.js'],
64 dest: 'content/extensions/node_modules',
65 rename: function (dest, src) {
66 var finallocation = path.join(dest, src);
67 finallocation = finallocation.replace('_src', '_build');
68 finallocation = finallocation.replace('resources', 'public');
69 finallocation = path.resolve(finallocation);
70 return finallocation;
71 }
72 }],
73 options: {}
74 }
75 },
76 uglify: {
77 options: {
78 sourceMap: true,
79 compress: {
80 drop_console: false
81 }
82 },
83 all: {
84 files: [{
85 expand: true,
86 cwd: 'content/extensions/node_modules',
87 src: ['**/public/js/*_build.js'],
88 dest: 'content/extensions/node_modules',
89 rename: function (dest, src) {
90 var finallocation = path.join(dest, src);
91 finallocation = finallocation.replace('_build', '.min');
92 finallocation = path.resolve(finallocation);
93 return finallocation;
94 }
95 }]
96 }
97 },
98 less: {
99 development: {
100 options: {
101 sourceMap: true,
102 yuicompress: true,
103 compress: true
104 },
105 files: {
106 'public/styles/default/periodic.css': ['public/styles/default/periodic.less']
107 }
108 }
109 },
110 copy: {
111 main: {
112 files: [{
113 expand: true,
114 cwd: 'content/extensions/node_modules',
115 src: ['**/public/**/*.*', '!**/node_modules/**/*.*'],
116 // src: ['**/public/**/*.*', '!**/public/**/*_build.js', '!**/node_modules/**/*.*'],
117 dest: 'public/extensions/',
118 rename: function (dest, src) {
119 var finallocation = path.join(dest, src.replace('public', ''));
120 // finallocation = finallocation;
121 finallocation = path.resolve(finallocation);
122 // console.log("dest", dest, "src", src, "finallocation", finallocation);
123 return finallocation;
124 }
125 }]
126 }
127 },
129 /*
130 cssmin: {
131 combine: {
132 files: {
133 'public/styles/manuscript.min.css': ['public/styles/manuscript.css']
134 }
135 }
136 },
137 imagemin: { // Task
138 dynamic: { // Another target
139 options: { // Target options
140 optimizationLevel: 7
141 },
142 files: [{
143 expand: true, // Enable dynamic expansion
144 cwd: 'src/', // Src matches are relative to this path
145 src: ['**\/*.{png,jpg,gif}'], // Actual patterns to match
146 dest: 'dist/' // Destination path prefix
147 }]
148 }
149 },
150 copy: {
151 vendor_fonts: {
152 files: [
153 // includes files within path
154 {
155 expand: true,
156 cwd: 'app/vendor/',
157 src: ['**\/*'],
158 dest: 'dist/vendor/'
159 }, {
160 expand: true,
161 cwd: 'app/fonts/',
162 src: ['**\/*'],
163 dest: 'dist/fonts/'
164 }
165 ]
166 },
167 spec: {
168 expand: true,
169 cwd: 'app/scripts',
170 nonull: true,
171 src: ['**\/*.js', '!bundle.js'],
172 dest: 'test/unit/',
173 filter: function (filepath) { //look in test/unit to see if spec already exists. Return TRUE to make new file (files does not exist)
174 var dest = path.join(
175 grunt.config('copy.spec.dest'),
176 path.basename(filepath, '.js') + '_spec.js'
177 );
178 var doesFileExist = grunt.file.exists(dest);
179 return !(doesFileExist);
180 },
181 rename: function (dest, src) {
182 var src_spec = path.basename(src, '.js') + "_spec.js"
183 return dest + src_spec;
184 },
185 options: {
186 process: function (content, srcpath) { //between copy
187 console.log("STARTING Replace", " ", srcpath);
188 var varName = path.basename(srcpath, '.js');
189 var require = "var " + varName + " = " + "require('" + '../../' + srcpath + "');";
190 return require;
191 }
192 }
193 }
194 },
195 plato: {
196 lint: {
197 options: {
198 jshint: grunt.file.readJSON('.jshintrc'),
199 dir: "reports",
200 title: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json').name,
201 complexity: {
202 minmi: true,
203 forin: true,
204 logicalor: false
205 }
206 },
207 files: {
208 'reports': ['app/scripts/**\/*.js']
209 }
210 },
211 },
212 mocha_istanbul: {
213 coverage: {
214 src: 'test/unit',
215 options: {
216 check: {
217 lines: 75,
218 statements: 75,
219 branches: 75,
220 functions: 75
221 },
222 mask: '*.js',
223 instrument: ['test'],
224 coverageFolder: "reports/coverage",
225 reporter: "html-cov",
226 ui: 'bdd',
227 root: 'app/scripts/',
228 print: 'summary',
229 excludes: ['node_modules', 'dist']
230 }
231 }
232 },
233 casperjs: {
234 options: {
235 async: {
236 parrallel: true
237 }
238 },
239 files: {
240 src: ['test/intergration/**\/*.js']
241 }
242 },
243 */
244 watch: {
245 options: {
246 interrupt: true
247 },
248 css: {
249 files: ['public/stylesheets/**/*.less'],
250 tasks: ['newer:less']
251 },
252 js: {
253 files: ['<%= jshint.all %>', 'content/extensions/node_modules/**/resources/**/*.js'],
254 tasks: ['newer:simplemocha:all', 'newer:jshint:all', 'newer:jsbeautifier', 'newer:browserify', 'newer:uglify:all', 'newer:copy:main']
255 }
256 }
257 });
259 // Loading dependencies
260 for (var key in grunt.file.readJSON('package.json').devDependencies) {
261 if (key.indexOf('grunt') === 0 && key !== 'grunt') {
262 grunt.loadNpmTasks(key);
263 }
264 }
266 grunt.registerTask('default', ['lint', 'browserify', 'doc', 'cssmin', 'uglify', 'test', 'less']);