2.29 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const expect = require('expect.js')
4const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
5const describe = require('mocha').describe
6const it = require('mocha').it
7const Pool = require('../')
9describe('events', function () {
10 it('emits connect before callback', function (done) {
11 const pool = new Pool()
12 let emittedClient = false
13 pool.on('connect', function (client) {
14 emittedClient = client
15 })
17 pool.connect(function (err, client, release) {
18 if (err) return done(err)
19 release()
20 pool.end()
21 expect(client).to.be(emittedClient)
22 done()
23 })
24 })
26 it('emits "connect" only with a successful connection', function () {
27 const pool = new Pool({
28 // This client will always fail to connect
29 Client: mockClient({
30 connect: function (cb) {
31 process.nextTick(() => {
32 cb(new Error('bad news'))
33 })
34 }
35 })
36 })
37 pool.on('connect', function () {
38 throw new Error('should never get here')
39 })
40 return pool.connect().catch(e => expect(e.message).to.equal('bad news'))
41 })
43 it('emits acquire every time a client is acquired', function (done) {
44 const pool = new Pool()
45 let acquireCount = 0
46 pool.on('acquire', function (client) {
47 expect(client).to.be.ok()
48 acquireCount++
49 })
50 for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
51 pool.connect(function (err, client, release) {
52 if (err) return done(err)
53 release()
54 })
55 pool.query('SELECT now()')
56 }
57 setTimeout(function () {
58 expect(acquireCount).to.be(20)
59 pool.end(done)
60 }, 100)
61 })
63 it('emits error and client if an idle client in the pool hits an error', function (done) {
64 const pool = new Pool()
65 pool.connect(function (err, client) {
66 expect(err).to.equal(undefined)
67 client.release()
68 setImmediate(function () {
69 client.emit('error', new Error('problem'))
70 })
71 pool.once('error', function (err, errClient) {
72 expect(err.message).to.equal('problem')
73 expect(errClient).to.equal(client)
74 done()
75 })
76 })
77 })
80function mockClient (methods) {
81 return function () {
82 const client = new EventEmitter()
83 Object.assign(client, methods)
84 return client
85 }