1 | phantomjs-prebuilt
2 | ==================
3 |
4 | An NPM installer for [PhantomJS](http://phantomjs.org/), headless webkit with JS API.
5 |
6 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Medium/phantomjs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Medium/phantomjs)
7 |
8 | Building and Installing
9 | -----------------------
10 |
11 | ```shell
12 | npm install phantomjs-prebuilt
13 | ```
14 |
15 | Or grab the source and
16 |
17 | ```shell
18 | node ./install.js
19 | ```
20 |
21 | What this installer is really doing is just grabbing a particular "blessed" (by
22 | this module) version of Phantom. As new versions of Phantom are released
23 | and vetted, this module will be updated accordingly.
24 |
25 | Running
26 | -------
27 |
28 | ```shell
29 | bin/phantomjs [phantom arguments]
30 | ```
31 |
32 | And npm will install a link to the binary in `node_modules/.bin` as
33 | it is wont to do.
34 |
35 | Running via node
36 | ----------------
37 |
38 | The package exports a `path` string that contains the path to the
39 | phantomjs binary/executable.
40 |
41 | Below is an example of using this package via node.
42 |
43 | ```javascript
44 | var path = require('path')
45 | var childProcess = require('child_process')
46 | var phantomjs = require('phantomjs-prebuilt')
47 | var binPath = phantomjs.path
48 |
49 | var childArgs = [
50 | path.join(__dirname, 'phantomjs-script.js'),
51 | 'some other argument (passed to phantomjs script)'
52 | ]
53 |
54 | childProcess.execFile(binPath, childArgs, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
55 | // handle results
56 | })
57 |
58 | ```
59 |
60 | Or `exec()` method is also provided for convenience:
61 |
62 | ```javascript
63 | var phantomjs = require('phantomjs-prebuilt')
64 | var program = phantomjs.exec('phantomjs-script.js', 'arg1', 'arg2')
65 | program.stdout.pipe(process.stdout)
66 | program.stderr.pipe(process.stderr)
67 | program.on('exit', code => {
68 | // do something on end
69 | })
70 | ```
71 |
72 | Note: [childProcess.spawn()](https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_child_process_spawn_command_args_options) is called inside `exec()`.
73 |
74 | Running with WebDriver
75 | ----------------------
76 |
77 | `run()` method detects when PhantomJS gets ready. It's handy to use with WebDriver (Selenium).
78 |
79 | ```javascript
80 | var phantomjs = require('phantomjs-prebuilt')
81 | var webdriverio = require('webdriverio')
82 | var wdOpts = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'phantomjs' } }
83 |
84 | phantomjs.run('--webdriver=4444').then(program => {
85 | webdriverio.remote(wdOpts).init()
86 | .url('https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/')
87 | .getTitle().then(title => {
88 | console.log(title) // 'Mozilla Developer Network'
89 | program.kill() // quits PhantomJS
90 | })
91 | })
92 | ```
93 |
94 | Versioning
95 | ----------
96 |
97 | The major and minor number tracks the version of PhantomJS that will be
98 | installed. The patch number is incremented when there is either an installer
99 | update or a patch build of the phantom binary.
100 |
101 | Pre-2.0, this package was published to NPM as [phantomjs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/phantomjs).
102 | We changed the name to [phantomjs-prebuilt](https://www.npmjs.com/package/phantomjs-prebuilt) at
103 | the request of PhantomJS team.
104 |
105 | Continuous Integration
106 | ----------------------
107 |
108 | Please **do not** download PhantomJS for every CI job because it can quickly
109 | overload our CDNs. Instead take advantage of CI caching.
110 |
111 | In [Travis-CI](https://travis-ci.org/) add the following to your `.travis.yml`
112 | to [enable caching](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/caching/) & avoid repeated
113 | downloads of PhantomJS.
114 |
115 | #### .travis.yml
116 | ```yml
117 | cache:
118 | directories:
119 | - travis_phantomjs
120 |
121 | before_install:
122 | # Upgrade PhantomJS to v2.1.1.
123 | - "export PHANTOMJS_VERSION=2.1.1"
124 | - "export PATH=$PWD/travis_phantomjs/phantomjs-$PHANTOMJS_VERSION-linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH"
125 | - "if [ $(phantomjs --version) != $PHANTOMJS_VERSION ]; then rm -rf $PWD/travis_phantomjs; mkdir -p $PWD/travis_phantomjs; fi"
126 | - "if [ $(phantomjs --version) != $PHANTOMJS_VERSION ]; then wget https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs/releases/download/v$PHANTOMJS_VERSION/phantomjs-$PHANTOMJS_VERSION-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -O $PWD/travis_phantomjs/phantomjs-$PHANTOMJS_VERSION-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2; fi"
127 | - "if [ $(phantomjs --version) != $PHANTOMJS_VERSION ]; then tar -xvf $PWD/travis_phantomjs/phantomjs-$PHANTOMJS_VERSION-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C $PWD/travis_phantomjs; fi"
128 | - "phantomjs --version"
129 | ```
130 |
131 | Deciding Where To Get PhantomJS
132 | -------------------------------
133 |
134 | By default, this package will download phantomjs from our [releases](https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs/releases/).
135 | This should work fine for most people.
136 |
137 | ##### Downloading from a custom URL
138 |
139 | If github is down, or the Great Firewall is blocking github, you may need to use
140 | a different download mirror. To set a mirror, set npm config property `phantomjs_cdnurl`.
141 |
142 | Alternatives include `https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads` (the official download site)
143 | and `http://cnpmjs.org/downloads`.
144 |
145 | ```Shell
146 | npm install phantomjs-prebuilt --phantomjs_cdnurl=https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads
147 | ```
148 |
149 | Or add property into your `.npmrc` file (https://www.npmjs.org/doc/files/npmrc.html)
150 |
151 | ```
152 | phantomjs_cdnurl=https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads
153 | ```
154 |
155 | Another option is to use PATH variable `PHANTOMJS_CDNURL`.
156 | ```shell
157 | PHANTOMJS_CDNURL=https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads npm install phantomjs
158 | ```
159 |
160 | ##### Using PhantomJS from disk
161 |
162 | If you plan to install phantomjs many times on a single machine, you can
163 | install the `phantomjs` binary on PATH. The installer will automatically detect
164 | and use that for non-global installs.
165 |
166 | Cross-Platform Repositories
167 | ---------------------------
168 |
169 | PhantomJS needs to be compiled separately for each platform. This installer
170 | finds a prebuilt binary for your operating system, and downloads it.
171 |
172 | If you check your dependencies into git, and work on a cross-platform
173 | team, then you need to tell NPM to rebuild any platform-specific dependencies. Run
174 |
175 | ```shell
176 | npm rebuild
177 | ```
178 |
179 | as part of your build process. This problem is not specific to PhantomJS, and this
180 | solution will work for any NodeJS package with native or platform-specific code.
181 |
182 | If you know in advance that you want to install PhantomJS for a specific architecture,
183 | you can set the environment variables: `PHANTOMJS_PLATFORM`
184 | (to set target platform) and `PHANTOMJS_ARCH` (to set target
185 | arch), where `platform` and `arch` are valid values for
186 | [process.platform and process.arch](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html).
187 |
188 | A Note on PhantomJS
189 | -------------------
190 |
191 | PhantomJS is not a library for NodeJS. It's a separate environment and code
192 | written for node is unlikely to be compatible. In particular PhantomJS does
193 | not expose a Common JS package loader.
194 |
195 | This is an _NPM wrapper_ and can be used to conveniently make Phantom available.
196 | It is not a Node JS wrapper.
197 |
198 | I have had reasonable experiences writing standalone Phantom scripts which I
199 | then drive from within a node program by spawning phantom in a child process.
200 |
201 | Read the PhantomJS FAQ for more details: http://phantomjs.org/faq.html
202 |
203 | ### Linux Note
204 |
205 | An extra note on Linux usage, from the PhantomJS download page:
206 |
207 | > There is no requirement to install Qt, WebKit, or any other libraries. It
208 | > however still relies on Fontconfig (the package fontconfig or libfontconfig,
209 | > depending on the distribution).
210 |
211 | Troubleshooting
212 | ---------------
213 |
214 | ##### Installation fails with `spawn ENOENT`
215 |
216 | This is NPM's way of telling you that it was not able to start a process. It usually means:
217 |
218 | - `node` is not on your PATH, or otherwise not correctly installed.
219 | - `tar` is not on your PATH. This package expects `tar` on your PATH on Linux-based platforms.
220 | - `bzip2` is not on your PATH.
221 |
222 | Check your specific error message for more information.
223 |
224 | ##### Installation fails with `Error: EPERM` or `operation not permitted` or `permission denied`
225 |
226 | This error means that NPM was not able to install phantomjs to the file system. There are three
227 | major reasons why this could happen:
228 |
229 | - You don't have write access to the installation directory.
230 | - The permissions in the NPM cache got messed up, and you need to run `npm cache clean` to fix them.
231 | - You have over-zealous anti-virus software installed, and it's blocking file system writes.
232 |
233 | ##### Installation fails with `Error: read ECONNRESET` or `Error: connect ETIMEDOUT`
234 |
235 | This error means that something went wrong with your internet connection, and the installer
236 | was not able to download the PhantomJS binary for your platform. Please try again.
237 |
238 | ##### I tried again, but I get `ECONNRESET` or `ETIMEDOUT` consistently.
239 |
240 | Do you live in China, or a country with an authoritarian government? We've seen problems where
241 | the GFW or local ISP blocks github, preventing the installer from downloading the binary.
242 |
243 | Try visiting [the download page](https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads) manually.
244 | If that page is blocked, you can try using a different CDN with the `PHANTOMJS_CDNURL`
245 | env variable described above.
246 |
247 | ##### I am behind a corporate proxy that uses self-signed SSL certificates to intercept encrypted traffic.
248 |
249 | You can tell NPM and the PhantomJS installer to skip validation of ssl keys with NPM's
250 | [strict-ssl](https://www.npmjs.org/doc/misc/npm-config.html#strict-ssl) setting:
251 |
252 | ```
253 | npm set strict-ssl false
254 | ```
255 |
256 | WARNING: Turning off `strict-ssl` leaves you vulnerable to attackers reading
257 | your encrypted traffic, so run this at your own risk!
258 |
259 | ##### I tried everything, but my network is b0rked. What do I do?
260 |
261 | If you install PhantomJS manually, and put it on PATH, the installer will try to
262 | use the manually-installed binaries.
263 |
264 | ##### I'm on Debian or Ubuntu, and the installer failed because it couldn't find `node`
265 |
266 | Some Linux distros tried to rename `node` to `nodejs` due to a package
267 | conflict. This is a non-portable change, and we do not try to support this. The
268 | [official documentation](https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager#ubuntu-mint-elementary-os)
269 | recommends that you run `apt-get install nodejs-legacy` to symlink `node` to `nodejs`
270 | on those platforms, or many NodeJS programs won't work properly.
271 |
272 | ##### I'm using an unsupported version of Linux or an ARM processor. I get errors about "Unexpected platform or architecture". What do I do?
273 |
274 | We only have binaries available for common OS / processor configurations. Sorry.
275 |
276 | You may be able to get a PhantomJS binary from your operating system's package
277 | manager. Or you can build your own from source. If you put that binary on PATH,
278 | this installer will use it (see "Deciding Where to Get PhantomJS" above).
279 |
280 |
281 | Contributing
282 | ------------
283 |
284 | Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Submit them at
285 | [the project on GitHub](https://github.com/Medium/phantomjs/). If you haven't contributed to an
286 | [Medium](http://github.com/Medium/) project before please head over to the
287 | [Open Source Project](https://github.com/Medium/open-source#note-to-external-contributors) and fill
288 | out an OCLA (it should be pretty painless).
289 |
290 | Bug reports that include steps-to-reproduce (including code) are the
291 | best. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests.
292 |
293 | Author
294 | ------
295 |
296 | [Dan Pupius](https://github.com/dpup)
297 | ([personal website](http://pupius.co.uk)) and
298 | [Nick Santos](https://github.com/nicks), supported by
299 | [A Medium Corporation](http://medium.com/).
300 |
301 | License
302 | -------
303 |
304 | Copyright 2012 [A Medium Corporation](http://medium.com/).
305 |
306 | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
307 | See the top-level file `LICENSE.txt` and
308 | (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).