1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 | var childProcess = require('child_process')
7 | var fs = require('fs')
8 | var path = require('path')
9 | var webdriverio = require('webdriverio')
10 | var phantomjs = require('../lib/phantomjs')
11 | var util = require('../lib/util')
12 |
13 | exports.testDownload = function (test) {
14 | test.expect(1)
15 | test.ok(fs.existsSync(phantomjs.path), 'Binary file should have been downloaded')
16 | test.done()
17 | }
18 |
19 |
20 | exports.testPhantomExecutesTestScript = function (test) {
21 | test.expect(1)
22 |
23 | var childArgs = [
24 | path.join(__dirname, 'loadspeed.js'),
25 | 'http://www.google.com/'
26 | ]
27 |
28 | childProcess.execFile(phantomjs.path, childArgs, function (err, stdout) {
29 | var value = (stdout.indexOf('msec') !== -1)
30 | test.ok(value, 'Test script should have executed and returned run time')
31 | test.done()
32 | })
33 | }
34 |
35 |
36 | exports.testPhantomExitCode = function (test) {
37 | test.expect(1)
38 | childProcess.execFile(phantomjs.path, [path.join(__dirname, 'exit.js')], function (err) {
39 | test.equals(err.code, 123, 'Exit code should be returned from phantom script')
40 | test.done()
41 | })
42 | }
43 |
44 |
45 | exports.testBinFile = function (test) {
46 | test.expect(1)
47 |
48 | var binPath = process.platform === 'win32' ?
49 | path.join(__dirname, '..', 'lib', 'phantom', 'phantomjs.exe') :
50 | path.join(__dirname, '..', 'bin', 'phantomjs')
51 |
52 | childProcess.execFile(binPath, ['--version'], function (err, stdout) {
53 | test.equal(phantomjs.version, stdout.trim(), 'Version should be match')
54 | test.done()
55 | })
56 | }
57 |
58 |
59 | exports.testCleanPath = function (test) {
60 | test.expect(5)
61 | test.equal('/Users/dan/bin', phantomjs.cleanPath('/Users/dan/bin:./bin'))
62 | test.equal('/Users/dan/bin:/usr/bin', phantomjs.cleanPath('/Users/dan/bin:./bin:/usr/bin'))
63 | test.equal('/usr/bin', phantomjs.cleanPath('./bin:/usr/bin'))
64 | test.equal('', phantomjs.cleanPath('./bin'))
65 | test.equal('/Work/bin:/usr/bin', phantomjs.cleanPath('/Work/bin:/Work/phantomjs/node_modules/.bin:/usr/bin'))
66 | test.done()
67 | }
68 |
69 | exports.testBogusReinstallLocation = function (test) {
70 | util.findValidPhantomJsBinary('./blargh')
71 | .then(function (binaryLocation) {
72 | test.ok(!binaryLocation, 'Expected link to fail')
73 | test.done()
74 | })
75 | }
76 |
77 | exports.testSuccessfulReinstallLocation = function (test) {
78 | util.findValidPhantomJsBinary(path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/location'))
79 | .then(function (binaryLocation) {
80 | test.ok(binaryLocation, 'Expected link to succeed')
81 | test.done()
82 | })
83 | }
84 |
85 | exports.testBogusVerifyChecksum = function (test) {
86 | util.verifyChecksum(path.resolve(__dirname, './exit.js'), 'blargh')
87 | .then(function (success) {
88 | test.ok(!success, 'Expected checksum to fail')
89 | test.done()
90 | })
91 | }
92 |
93 | exports.testSuccessfulVerifyChecksum = function (test) {
94 | util.verifyChecksum(path.resolve(__dirname, './exit.js'),
95 | '217b7bccebefe5f5e267162060660b03de577867b6123ecfd3b26b5c6af2e92b')
96 | .then(function (success) {
97 | test.ok(success, 'Expected checksum to succeed')
98 | test.done()
99 | })
100 | }
101 |
102 | exports.testPhantomExec = function (test) {
103 | test.expect(1)
104 | var p = phantomjs.exec(path.join(__dirname, 'exit.js'))
105 | p.on('exit', function (code) {
106 | test.equals(code, 123, 'Exit code should be returned from phantom script')
107 | test.done()
108 | })
109 | }
110 |
111 | exports.testPhantomRun = function (test) {
112 | test.expect(1)
113 | var wdOpts = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'phantomjs' } }
114 | phantomjs.run('--webdriver=4444').then(function (p) {
115 | webdriverio.remote(wdOpts).init()
116 | .url('https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/')
117 | .getTitle().then(function (title) {
118 | test.equals(title, 'Mozilla Developer Network', 'Page title')
119 | })
120 | .then(function () {
121 | p.kill()
122 | test.done()
123 | })
124 | })
125 | }
126 |
127 | exports.testPhantomRunError = function (test) {
128 | test.expect(1)
129 | phantomjs.run('--bogus').then(function () {
130 | test.ok(false, 'Expected not to start')
131 | test.done()
132 | }, function (err) {
133 | test.equal('Error: Unknown option: bogus\n', err.message)
134 | test.done()
135 | })
136 | }