1 | <div align="center">
2 | <a href="https://github.com/webpack/webpack">
3 | <img width="200" height="200" src="https://webpack.js.org/assets/icon-square-big.svg">
4 | </a>
5 | </div>
6 |
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12 | # pilet-webpack-plugin
13 |
14 | The `pilet-webpack-plugin` helps you to build pilets using Webpack.
15 |
16 | ## Getting Started
17 |
18 | To begin, you'll need to install `pilet-webpack-plugin`:
19 |
20 | ```console
21 | $ npm install pilet-webpack-plugin --save-dev
22 | ```
23 |
24 | Then add the plugin to your `webpack` config. For example:
25 |
26 | **webpack.config.js**
27 |
28 | ```js
29 | const { PiletWebpackPlugin } = require('pilet-webpack-plugin');
30 | const piletPkg = require('./package.json');
31 |
32 | module.exports = {
33 | plugins: [new PiletWebpackPlugin(piletPkg)],
34 | };
35 | ```
36 |
37 | And run `webpack` via your preferred method.
38 |
39 | ## Options
40 |
41 | ### `variables`
42 |
43 | Allows supplying additional variables to be used as definitions. Similar to the `definePlugin`.
44 |
45 | Example:
46 |
47 | ```js
48 | const { PiletWebpackPlugin } = require('pilet-webpack-plugin');
49 | const piletPkg = require('./package.json');
50 |
51 | module.exports = {
52 | plugins: [
53 | new PiletWebpackPlugin(piletPkg, {
54 | variables: {
55 | PIRAL_CLI_VERSION: require('piral-cli/package.json').version,
56 | },
57 | }),
58 | ],
59 | };
60 | ```
61 |
62 | ## Contributing
63 |
64 | Contributions in any form are appreciated and much welcome!
65 |
66 | Just make sure to post an issue or reach out to me on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/piral-io/community) before starting actual work on anything. It really helps to avoid problems.
67 |
68 | ## License
69 |
70 | This plugin is released using the MIT license.
71 |
72 | [npm]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/pilet-webpack-plugin.svg
73 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.com/package/pilet-webpack-plugin
74 | [node]: https://img.shields.io/node/v/pilet-webpack-plugin.svg
75 | [node-url]: https://nodejs.org
76 | [chat]: https://img.shields.io/badge/gitter-piral.io%2Fcommunity-brightgreen.svg
77 | [chat-url]: https://gitter.im/piral-io/community
78 | [size]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=pilet-webpack-plugin
79 | [size-url]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=pilet-webpack-plugin